Top 11 Apps Similar to DeadPixelChecker

Screen 911- all for the screen 6.5.5
Screen 911 is a screen test application designed for Androidtabletsand phones.
Pixelart builder for Minecraft 6.0
Build any picture on you Minecraft map automatically with this mod!
Dead Pixel Detector & Fixer 2.6.1
Detect and fix stuck or dead pixels. When you buy a newdevice,youwant to check for dead or stuck pixels. This appprovidesfullscreen colors to help you find dead or stuck pixels.DeadPixelsDetector & Fixer has also a tool that tries to fixthescreenby quickly changing screen colors.
Stuck Pixel Tool
Analyze & Fix Broken Pixels
Pixel Fixer
Have dead or stuck pixels on your smartphoneortablet?Keep this app until the dead pixel or stuck pixel has beenrepairedor unstuck. This app fixed the stuck pixels on my MotorolaGdisplay, though be warned it can take hours depending onthepixel.• Android Smartphone• Android Tablet• Android TV• Android WearIf this app doesn't work for you, contact the manufacturer ofyourdevice.It can fix ghosting problem too!Display: LED TFT LCD IPS SLCD SUPER AMOLED TRILUMNINOS OLEDMaybe the best android pixel fixer...If you have photosensitive epilepsy (PSE), you may wish toavoidgettingclose to these types of lights.
Bad Pixels 1.1
IPB Software
Broken Pixels (BadPixels) - simple programtotest the screen for the presence of so-called " dead pixels " .Beaten pixels , as well as defective pixels is called a defectofthe electronic device , the perceiver or reproducing the imageandhaving a pixel structure .This program allows you to identify two kinds of pixel defects-constantly and continuously burning pixels unlitpixels.Verification is performed by eight colors : black (black),red(red), green (green), blue (blue), cyan (cyan), magenta(magenta),yellow (yellow) and white (white) - color spaces RGB,CMYK andwhite.INSTRUCTIONS :1. Carefully wipe the screen of your phone or tablet with asoftcloth or tissue from dirt, dust , stains, grease andothercontaminants ;2 . Run the program ;3 . Consistently change the color by touching the screen device,orby pressing "space " (space) on the keyboard connected tothedevice ;4 . On each color is carefully follow the monochrome screen atallpoints. In normal operation, all the colors of all the pixelsofthe screen should be the same color . If the color of the pixelatsome different color , then this pixel accidents .For more information, refer to the standard ISO_13406- 2 .Official page of the program in social networks (RU):VK: pages IPB Software in social networks (RU):VK:
Dead Pixel Test 2.0
Easily find any stuck or defective pixels before yourdevicewarranty expires!
dotpict Easy to draw Pixelart 18.14.4
dotpict LLC
dotpict is 4M downloads pixelart drawing app. Specializedfunctionfor pixelart!
DeadPixel 1.0
Do you think your display has somefaultypixels?This simple app will help you find them.Select a color and find dead pixels on your display, tap onthescreen to change color.
Q-BLOCK 3Dドットお絵描きツール 2.1.1
Cygames, Inc.
3Dドット絵をつくろう!Webで人気の、あの「Q-BLOCK」がアプリで登場!Q-BLOCK(キューブロック)は、3Dドット絵を作成できるアプリです。◆だれでも簡単につくれる!3Dは難しそう…と思っていませんか? 初心者でも分かりやすい、シンプルな操作性。◆ボタン一つで作品を投稿!作品を投稿して、皆にシェアすることができます。 あなたの作品が人気作品として並ぶことも!?◆見るだけでも楽しい!他のユーザーが投稿した作品を見るだけでも楽しい! その作品をアレンジして、新しく自分の作品を作ることもできます。◆遊び方ひろがる!作品が手元に届く3Dプリント機能と、ゲーム制作に使える3Dデータ(VRML形式)書き出し機能が追加!いろんな方法でQ-BLOCKを楽しもう! 【機能一覧】 □つくる・拡大縮小も思いのまま。直感的な操作性を目指しました。・細かい作品も大丈夫。「レイヤー機能」を使って細部までこだわって作ることができます。・途中で保存ができる「下書き」機能搭載。□みんなの作品・「人気順」「新着順」「閲覧数順」でソートすることができます。・気に入った作品には「お気に入り」を付けてコレクションしましょう。・作者名をタッチで、その作者の作品一覧を見ることができます。・他のユーザーの作品を「改造」して、新たな作品をつくることもできます。□自分の作品 ・自分の作品の管理、削除ができます。・下書きで保存した作品を編集することも可能です。□お気に入り・「みんなの作品」でお気に入りにした作品をいつでも見返すことができます。 ・お気に入りの作品の管理、改造ができます。
Easy Pixel Art 2.2.0
Let's start Pixel Art !Easy Pixel Art is a simple app with lots of functionalities.■ Use your Pixel Arts as Sticker■ Support transparent pixels■ A True Color palette■ Layer option■ Available size: from 16 x 16 to 96 x 96■ Import camera pictures from your album■ Unlimited Pixel Arts savingsMinor functionalities.■ Showing / hinding grid■ Zoom■ Undo / Redo■ Duplicate saved Pixel ArtsLet's start Pixel Arts with Easy Pixel Arts !