Top 12 Games Similar to Yogurting Pop - Puzzle Kawaii

Haunted Past - Reino Fantasmal 1.0.0
En Haunted Past la muerte no es elfinal.Descubre los misterios que han sido perfectamente guardadosdurante30 años, sigue las pistas y conviértete en el mejordetective.¡Ah pero nadie dijo que sería algo fácil! En este juegodebúsqueda deberás aprender a viajar entre diferentesplanosespirituales para poder recolectar lo necesario y así avanzaralsiguiente nivel ¿No tendrás miedo, verdad? Cada escenariosevolverá más interesante y podrás moverte en el mapa por si algoteha quedado inconcluso.En Haunted Past podrás elegir diferentes niveles dedificultad,empezando por los que quieren una historia rápida yfácil o si eresde los que ama romperse la cabeza pensando. Tambiénexiste unaopción de dificultad personalizada que te permitiráajustarla alnivel que creas óptimo para ti.A medida que avances en tu investigación, notarás quepodrásobtener pistas fundamentales para resolver los misterios queterodean.Recuerda que cualquier opción es viable y que hastalasdecisiones más alocadas pueden resultar efectivas a la horadesacar a la luz toda la verdad.• Adéntrate en esta historia de misterio y terror con más de130escenarios.• Lo que hagas en un plano, afecta al otro.• Resuelve un misterio con 30 años de antigüedad.• Visita diferentes reinos espirituales para sacar la verdad alaluz.• Personaliza la dificultad para pasar el juego de la maneramásóptima.Un juego creepy que te hará espeluznar, pero que no podrásdejarhasta no conocer todos sus secretos.Haunted Past death isnotthe end. Discover the mysteries that have been perfectly savedfor30 years, follows the tracks and become the best detective.Ah but nobody said it would be easy! Search in this game youwilllearn to travel between different spiritual planes tocollectnecessary and thus advance to the next level Do not beafraid,right? Each scenario will become more interesting and canmove themap you if something has been inconclusive.Haunted Past you can choose different difficulty levels,startingwith those who want a quick and easy history or if you aresomeonewho loves to rack their brains thinking. There is also acustomoption that lets you adjust difficulty level to createoptimal foryou.As you advance in your investigation, you will notice thatyoucan get fundamental clues to solve the mysteries thatsurroundyou.Remember that any option is viable and that even thewildestdecisions can be effective when it comes to exposing thewholetruth.• Immerse yourself in this story of mystery and terror withover130 scenarios.• What you do in a plane affects the other.• Solve a mystery 30 years old.• Visit different spiritual realms to bring the truthtolight.• Customize the difficulty to pass the game in the mostoptimalway.A creepy game that will have espeluznar, but you can notleaveuntil I know all its secrets.
Bubble Dug - Revienta burbujas 1.0.3
Llegó Bubble Dug un magnífico e increíblejuegopuzzle que pone a prueba tu velocidad de reacción para verquién esel más rápido ¡Vamos a salvar todos esos peces explotandolasburbujas que los atrapan! ¡Cuidado con el erizo de mar que teharáperder el combo! ¡Diviértete con este juego casual GRATIS y entuIDIOMA!~ Sé el más rápido de todos y queda primero en el ranking.~ Desafía a tus amigos.~ Alcanza increíbles puntajes con mejoras y potenciadores:Bomba,vida, imán y ciclón.Bomba: Explota varias burbujas al mismo tiempo.Vida: Incrementa el tiempo de juego.Imán: Absorbe las burbujas por unos segundos y en unciertoespacio.Ciclón: Luego de terminar la partida, crea un ciclón para generarelcaos.~ Personaliza la pista de juego y conoce a más peces, cada unoconpoderes diferentes: Dorado, Lapu-Lapu, Chanchita, etc~ Logra increíbles combos ¿Puedes realizar 200 sin tocar el erizodemar? ¡Te desafiamos!~ ¿Te hemos dicho que es adictivo? ¡Pues lo es!¡Diviértete con tus amigos! ¡No te olvides de mirar elrankingpara ver las mejores puntuaciones!Si estás buscando un juego sencillo, pero endemoniadamenteadictivo,Bubble Dug es lo tuyo! Se trata de un juego ideal tantopara niñoscomo para cualquiera que quiera poner a prueba suhabilidad,velocidad y capacidad de reacción. ¡No dejes que lospeces tesorprendan! Los traviesos se asomarán en donde menos loesperes, yen ocasiones requerirás más de un click para explotarlas burbujasque los atrapan.¿Ya eres fan de Xplay? Danos un Me gusta en Facebook osíguenosen para mantenerte al tantodelas últimas noticias: - Juegos móviles en tu idioma!Xplay es la primera plataforma de distribución de juegosmóvilesde Latinoamérica. Como gamers que somos probamosjuegospermanentemente, cientos de ellos, y solo seleccionamoslosmejores. Trabajamos directamente con sus desarrolladoresparalocalizarlos, adaptarlos a nuestra región e integrarlos anuestraplataforma para que la experiencia sea completa.Xplay es un nuevo emprendimiento de Axeso5, la plataforma dejuegosonline líder en Latinoamérica, hogar de una vibrantecomunidad demás de 12 millones de gamers.Bienvenido a Xplay!_Bubble Dug reached a magnificent and amazing puzzle gamethattests your reaction speed to see who is the fastest going tosaveall those fish exploding bubbles that trap! Watch out forseaurchins that will make you lose the combo! Have fun with thisFREEcasual game and in your language!~ Be the fastest of all and is first in the ranking.~ Challenge your friends.~ Reach incredible scores with upgrades and power-ups: pump,lifemagnet and cyclone.Bomb: Explodes several bubbles simultaneously.Life: Increases playing time.Magnet: Absorb bubbles for a few seconds and some space.Cyclone: ​​After finishing the game, creating a cyclone tocreatechaos.~ Customize the rink and meet more fish, each withdifferentpowers: Dorado, Lapu-Lapu, Chanchita, etc.~ Achieve incredible combos can you make 200 without touchingthesea urchin? We challenge you!~ We have said that is addictive? Well it is!Have fun with your friends! Do not forget to look at therankingsfor the top scores!If you're looking for a simple game, but devilishly addictiveBubbleDug is your thing! It is ideal for children and for anyonewho wantsto test their skill, speed and responsiveness game. Donot let thefish surprise you! Naughty will peep in where you leastexpect it,and sometimes you will require more than one click topop thebubbles that trap.Dug Bubble reachedamagnificent and amazing puzzle game that tests your reactionspeedto see who is the fastest going to save all those fishexplodingbubbles that trap! Watch out for sea urchins that willmake youlose the combo! Have fun with this FREE casual game and inyourlanguage!~ Be the fastest of all and is first in the ranking.~ Challenge your friends.~ Reach incredible scores with upgrades and power-ups: pump,lifemagnet and cyclone.Bomb: Explodes several bubbles simultaneously.Life: Increases playing time.Magnet: Absorb bubbles for a few seconds and some space.Cyclone: ​​After finishing the game, creating a cyclone tocreatechaos.~ Customize the rink and meet more fish, each with differentpowers:Dorado, Lapu-Lapu, Chanchita, etc.~ Achieve incredible combos can you make 200 without touchingthesea urchin? We challenge you!~ We have said that is addictive? Well it is!Have fun with your friends! Do not forget to look at therankingsfor the top scores!If you're looking for a simple game, but devilishly addictiveBubbleDug is your thing! It is ideal for children and for anyonewho wantsto test their skill, speed and responsiveness game. Donot let thefish surprise you! Naughty will peep in where you leastexpect it,and sometimes you will require more than one click topop thebubbles that trap.Already a fan of Xplay? Give us a Like on Facebook or followuson to keep abreast ofthelatest news: - Mobile Games in your language!Xplay is the first distribution platform mobile games inLatinAmerica. As gamers we are constantly tested games, hundredsofthem, and only select the best. We work directly withtheirdevelopers to locate, adapt and integrate our region toourplatform to make the experience complete.Xplay is a new venture Axeso5, the leading online gaming platforminLatin America, home to a vibrant community of over 12milliongamers.Welcome to Xplay!_Dug Bubble Reached a magnificent and amazing puzzle gametestsyour reaction That speed to see who is the fastest going tosaveall those bubbles exploding That fish trap! Watch out forseaurchins That will make you lose the combo! Have Fun With ThisFREEcasual game and in your language!~ Be the fastest of all and is first in the ranking.~ Challenge your friends.With scores ~ Reach incredible upgrades and power-ups: pump,lifemagnet and cyclone.Bomb: Explodes Simultaneously several bubbles.Life: Increases playing time.Magnet: Absorb bubbles for a few seconds and some space.Cyclone: ​​After finishing the game, creating a cyclone tocreatechaos.~ Customize the rink and meet more fish, each withdifferentpowers: Dorado, Lapu-Lapu, Chanchita, etc.~ Achieve incredible combos can you make 200 without touchingthesea urchin? We challenge you!~ We Have Said That is addictive? Well it is!Have fun with your friends! Do not forget to look at therankingsfor the top scores!If you're looking for a single game, but devilishly addictiveBubbleDug is your thing! It is perfect for children and for anyoneWhowants to test Their skill, speed and responsiveness game. Donot letthe fish surprise you! Naughty will peep in Where You LeastExpectit, and Sometimes you will require more than one click topop thebubbles That trap.
SuDogKu - Sudoku de Perritos 1.0.5
SuDogKu ha llegado para desafiar tu mente ytusreflejos. Diviértete demostrando tu habilidad y jugando contraeltiempo resolviendo sudokus muy coloridos y desafiantes con laayudade unos perritos muy curiosos. No hay otro juego casual comoeste ¡Yen tu idioma!.No todo son números en ésta maravillosa aventura, enalgunoscasos deberás de guiarte por los colores o inclusive lasformas.Los canes tienen diferentes habilidades que facilitarán tujuego enlos diferentes puzzles.El tiempo… no es un accesorio… hará correr la adrenalina portusvenas.¿Ya estás entrenando tus dedos?◘ Desbloquea nuevos personajes◘ Utiliza todos los power ups◘ Si estás perdido… busca las pistas◘ Destaca tu puntaje en el tiempo bonus.◘ Compite con tus amigos por el número 1 del ranking◘ ¿Sigues leyendo? Corre a divertirte.Sudogku es una variedad del tradicional Sudoku, ¡pero muchomásdivertida! Guíate por los colores y las ilustraciones de laspiezaspara lograr la máxima puntuación en el menor tiempo posible.Losperritos irán en tu ayuda cuando sientas que no puedes resolverelpuzzle. Si de juegos mentales hablamos, Sudogkupodráproporcionarte muchos momentos de entretenimiento. Se tratatantode un juego de habilidad mental como de reflejos que apelará atumáxima capacidad de observación para que resuelvas elrompecabezasen el tiempo propuesto.El usuario dispone de múltiples opciones para configurar eljuegode la forma que más le agrade. Y no sólo eso, también podrácompetircon sus amigos y ayudarse mutuamente cuando el desafíoparezcainsuperable.Compra un hueso o un juguete para tu amigo mascota. Después detodo,es quién siempre estará ahí para ayudarte. También puedescomprartiempo cuando veas que los segundos corren y las piezas noestáncorrectamente acomodadas. Y si ves que no alcanza, comprapistas quete ayudarán a superar más y más niveles.El juego está lleno de power ups. Cuanto más difícil parezcaunnivel, las ayudas, tanto de tus amigos como de tus mascotas,seránmás que bienvenidas. Compite con tus amigos y descubre quiénes elmás ágil para acomodar las piezas y resolver losrompecabezas.¿Ya eres fan de Xplay?Danos un Me gusta en Facebook o síguenos en para mantenerte al tantodelas últimas noticias: - Juegos móviles en tu idioma!Xplay es la primera plataforma de distribución de juegosmóvilesde Latinoamérica. Como gamers que somos probamosjuegospermanentemente, cientos de ellos, y solo seleccionamoslosmejores. Trabajamos directamente con sus desarrolladoresparalocalizarlos, adaptarlos a nuestra región e integrarlos anuestraplataforma para que la experiencia sea completa.Xplay es un nuevo emprendimiento de Axeso5, la plataforma dejuegosonline líder en Latinoamérica, hogar de una vibrantecomunidad demás de 12 millones de gamers.¡Bienvenido a Xplay!______________________________________SuDogKu has come to challenge your mind and your reflexes.Havefun showing your skills and playing against the clock solvingverycolorful and challenging sudoku with the help of some verycuriousdogs. No other casual game like this in your ownlanguage!Not all numbers in this wonderful adventure, in some casesneedto guide you through the colors or even forms. The dogshavedifferent skills that will facilitate your game ondifferentpuzzles.Time ... is not an accessory ... will make the adrenalinerunthrough your veins.Already in training for your fingers?Unlock new characters ◘◘ Use all the power ups◘ If you're lost ... looking for clues◘ Highlight your time bonus score.Compete with your friends ◘ by the number 1 ranking◘ Are you still reading? Fun runs.Sudogku is a variety of traditional Sudoku, but much more fun!Goby the colors and parts illustrations for maximum score withintheshortest possible time.SuDogKu has cometochallenge your mind and your reflexes. Have fun showing yourskillsand playing against the clock solving very colorful andchallengingsudoku with the help of some very curious dogs. No othercasualgame like this in your own language !.Not all numbers in this wonderful adventure, in some casesneedto guide you through the colors or even forms. The dogshavedifferent skills that will facilitate your game ondifferentpuzzles.Time ... is not an accessory ... will make the adrenalinerunthrough your veins.Already in training for your fingers?Unlock new characters ◘◘ Use all the power ups◘ If you're lost ... looking for clues◘ Highlight your time bonus score.Compete with your friends ◘ by the number 1 ranking◘ Are you still reading? Fun runs.Sudogku is a variety of traditional Sudoku, but much more fun! Gobythe colors and parts illustrations for maximum score withintheshortest possible time. Puppies go to your aid when you feelyoucan not solve the puzzle. If we talk about mind games, Sudogkuwillprovide many moments of entertainment. It is both a game ofskilland mental reflexes that will appeal to your maximumobservationfor you to solve the puzzle in the proposed time.The user has multiple options to configure the game the wayyoulike best. Not only that, you can also compete with yourfriendsand help each other when the challenge seemsinsurmountable.Buy a bone or a toy for your pet friend. After all, who willalwaysbe there to help. You can also buy time when you see thesecond runand parts are not properly accommodated. And if you seethat is notenough, buy tracks to help you overcome more and morelevels. The game is packed with power ups. The harder look like alevel,helps both your friends as pets are more than welcome.Compete withyour friends and see who is the most agile toaccommodate thepieces and solve puzzles.Already a fan of Xplay?Give us a Like on Facebook or follow us on to keep abreast ofthelatest news: - Mobile Games in your language!Xplay is the first distribution platform mobile games inLatinAmerica. As gamers we are constantly tested games, hundredsofthem, and only select the best. We work directly withtheirdevelopers to locate, adapt and integrate our region toourplatform to make the experience complete.Xplay is a new venture Axeso5, the leading online gaming platforminLatin America, home to a vibrant community of over 12milliongamers.Welcome to Xplay!______________________________________SuDogKu Has Come to challenge your mind and your reflexes.Havefun showing your skills and playing against the clock solvingverycolorful and challenging sudoku with the help of some verycuriousdogs. No other casual game like this in your ownlanguage!Not all numbers in This wonderful adventure, in some casesneedto guide you Through the colors or even forms. The dogs willHavedifferent skills That Facilitate your game ondifferentpuzzles.Time is not an accessory ... ... will make the adrenalinerunthrough your veins.Already in training for your fingers?Unlock new characters ◘◘ Use all the power ups◘ If you're lost ... looking for clues◘ Highlight your time bonus score.Compete with your friends ◘ by the number 1 ranking◘ Are you still reading? Fun runs.Sudogku is a variety of traditional Sudoku, but much more fun!Goby the colors and parts illustrations for maximum score Withintheshortest possible time.
Kawaii Mania 1.2.8
Rising Games
Fun for Everyone! Drag & drop supercutecharacters to make crazy combos! Help the little Kawaiis intheiradventure and unlock colourful worlds!Tired of matching candies, bubbles and diamonds? Play withtheadorable Kawaiis and enjoy a brand new gameplay style!WHY YOU’LL LOVE KAWAII MANIA:✔ FUN & CHALLENGING: 3 original game modes to test yourpuzzleskills and strategy✔ KAWAII GAME STYLE: Match moshi Kawaiis in colorful worlds.Theyare adorable!✔ POWER-UPS: blast giant bombs and make the ultimate combo!ENJOY MULTIPLE GAME MODES:☆ RESIST THE KAWAII INVASIONThe kawaii cannon has gone mad and blasts all over the grid!Matchlines of Kawaiis before the grid is full! Be prepared forintenseand short sessions, one of the best games forcommuters!☆ PLAN YOUR MOVESTake your time and make big combos of Kawaiis in variedshapedgrids. For puzzle games addicts and match3 strategyfans.☆ COLLECT THE JEWELSDrag the kawaii blocks around gems and diamonds to pop thepreciousjewels! Challenge your drag & drop speed and youraimingskills.We also recommend our game for fans of gem swap, jewel connectorslime crush!Expect regular updates with new match three levels, cutekawaiisand crazy puzzle worlds!This game was made using the awesome LibGDX framework.Please give a good rating if you enjoy Kawaii Mania!Feel free to let us know how we can improve the game: [email protected]
Kawaii 1.0.2
Kawaii linkup is a fantastic arcade game in which you connectpairsof two cute icons. Each icon is totally pretty, or as theJapanesecall them ‘kawaii’. How to Play: The objective of kawaiilinkup isfairly simple: you need to delete all the cute icons bymatchingthem. Touch the icon, try to find the same icon which youcan linkthem by straight line, link through up to 3 lines, then theitemwill disappear. Addictive and Challenging! Kawaii linkup ismade tobe super smooth and super easy, but not so easy that you getbored.Making a link between two totally cute and kawaii iconssoundseasy, but it’s not... The smoothness of the game will makeitsimple and fun to play whenever you feel the need to kill alittletime. Keep in mind this is very addictive so don’t spend anentirenight playing this kawaii matching game.
SDK Kawaii
Stew Eucen
This app is new variant of Sudoku. This variant is called"KawaiiSudoku". Kawaii Sudoku has some small blocks. Pleaseseescreenshots. It seems baby face of Standard Sudoku. It issoKawaii. The board of "SDK Kawii" is sized 6x6, and it has 9plots(=small blocks) sized 2x2. Digits cannot repeat on eachcolumn, row,and plot. In this application, we adopted a new inputmethod "ThumbOne" for a smart phone. When you are working with asmart phonewith one hand, you can enter the answer and pencil marksin justthumb of one hand. If you are interested in "Thumb One",please seethis movie. "SDK Kawaii" is apart of"Umekichi Project". Released on December 1st 2013. *1"Sudoku(SUDOKU)" is a registered trademark of NIKOLI Co., Ltd. inJapan.
Kawaii Match 1.1.3
Match cute items with many different game modes!
Escape Games Mystery Rooms 1.3
The challenging escape game - ‘MysteryRooms’.You find yourself trapped inside an ancient historicalmonument, inthe middle of the desert with no one who will come toget you outof there. You need to test your survival instinct andcarefullyframe a plan to get out. You will have to deal with alltheobstacles that come your way. Brace yourself for theendlesslyunfolding stages and with hours of game play! Continuouslevelupdates. An engaging game with unexpected twists. Can youescapeall rooms and beat this awesome adventure? Unrevealing secretroomsby obtain special items and beat each stage by unlocking thedoor.People who failed to get out of here were prisoned as a mummy.Asyou keep on playing, levels becomes hardest to escape. Useyourability to “think outside the box” by cracking riddles andsolvingthe puzzle. Explore the mysterious escape action insidethemonument. Discover hidden items located in rooms and uncoverclues.Of course you must identify the correct ways to use them tofind away out. Solve the tangled riddle to open the doors. It’s agreatcombination of action, excitement, thrill and fun. Are youready tostep into the journey through history? Good luck andenjoyplaying!!Solving puzzleA little assistance - There is an option of hintsandwalk-through for each level, that will help you solvethepuzzles.Features• Unique and innovative brain teasers.• Amazing and Challenging logics.• Addictive game play.• Great scenario.• Hours of game play.• Auto- save function• Constant updates.• Well developed.• Hints and Walk-through
100 Gates 1.32
100 Gates
Escape and advance to the next room of the castle by solvingthepuzzle!
Jewelry King 1.89
Move the Jewelry to match the same3piecesVarious Stages with different missions are waiting for you!16 National Language SupportSupport for Tablets.Homepage: :
Kawaii Onet 1.0.3
Do you still remember this classic Onet?KawaiiOnet is back on Android with super cute animals.The task is still simple: connect and match all pairs ofkawaiianimals. Try to remove all pairs in limit time or youwillfail.Hint is available to show random pairs. Use it toyouradvantage.Kawaii Onet is simple yet addicting pair solving puzzle game.Ifyou like connect / matching game, then your will love toplayKawaii Onet.We hope you enjoy this game. Help us by rating our game with alotof stars. If there are any problems please contact us [email protected]!Hihuc
Kawaii Pikachu Connect 1.0
Welcome to the newest, interestingandattractive matching game: Kawaii Pikachu ConnectKawaii Pikachu Connect is a different version of mostfamousPikachu.Your mission is to find out 2 pictures with the same styletoremove them. If you can remove all pictures from the board,youwill win the next level.You can chose with beautiful graphic themesThis Game is OFFLINE and FREE, there is no extract requirementtoplay game.If you like it please rate for us! Thank you very much.Hope that You can enjoy and have relaxing time withthisgame.