Top 19 Apps Similar to Meterbox iMIT

Digitech DMM 1.0
Accessory Name: Digitech QM1576Digitech DMM is the professional software for Android devicewhichis for realtime & historical voltage, current, resistanceandcapacitance electric parameters measurement, forenhancementdigital multimeter user experience about visualization,data log& sharing, and data management. it needs to combinewithDigital Multimeter for proceeding tothemeasurement.(Model:Digitech QM1576)Features:1. Wirelessly remote measure voltage, current, resistanceandcapacitance electric parameters.2. The measured data from Digital Multimeter can transfer toAndroiddevice via bluetooth and visualize, store and log.3. User can note measuring results.4. The measuring data can be shared with othersbyMail/Facebook/Tweet.With Digitech DMM, user can complete the electrical measuringviaAndroid device, enhance measuring visualization, data log&sharing, management. It promotes the efficiency and qualityofelectric measurement.For more information about the Digitech DMM andDigitalMultimeter(Digitech QM1576), please visit our website:
Meterbox iMM 1.6
CEM Software
Voltage, current, resistance and capacitance electricparametersmeasurement
Universal TV Remote Control 5.8
Universal TV Remote Control for All TV- WIFI & IR Remotecontrolfor Smart TV
A/C Universal Remote Control 1.23
A/C Universal Remote Control - It works with IR blaster... readthedescription.
Помощник электрика 16
С помощью данного приложениявозможнорассчитать:-сопротивление проводника в зависимости от материала,длины,сечения, температуры;-сечение проводника;-потери напряжения для сети 380/220 В при равномернойнагрузкефаз;-заземляющее устройство;-электрическое отопление;-ток плавления проводов;-резистор для светодиода;-шунт для амперметра;-ток, напряжение и общее сопротивление в схемах с последовательнымипараллельным соединением сопротивлений;-параметры однофазного трансформатора малой мощности;-емкость конденсаторов для работы трехфазного асинхронногодвигателяв однофазном режиме;-вес провода, кабеля, определить размеры проводников,определитьпараметры кабельных барабанов;-мощность по импульсам счетчика электрической энергии;-произвести ориентировочный расчет охлаждающеймощностикондиционера;-блок питания с гасящим конденсатором;-количество светильников методом удельной мощности;-расшифровать цветовую маркировку резисторов с3,4,5,6полосами;-расшифровать маркировку SMD резисторов.Раздел справочные данные содержит:-правила по охране труда при эксплуатацииэлектроустановок;-правила технической эксплуатацииэлектроустановокпотребителей;-инструкция по применению и испытанию средств защиты, используемыхвэлектроустановках;-справочник по кабельно-проводниковой продукции;-основные формулы электротехники;-буквенные обозначение элементов электрических схем;-типы систем заземления;-примеры схем включения УЗО.-таблицы ПУЭ 7;-данные по расшифровке марок кабелей и проводов;-расшифровка маркировки пускателей;-расшифровка кодов IP;-диаметр медного провода для плавких вставок;With this applicationmaybe calculated:is the resistance of the conductor according to thematerial,length, cross section, temperature;the cross section of the conductor;-poteri voltage network 380/220 V at uniform phase load;-zazemlyayuschee device;-Electric heating;-current melting wires;-rezistor for LED;-shunt for ammeter;-current voltage and total impedance in circuits with serialandparallel connection of the resistances;Parameters of single-phase transformer low power;-capacity capacitor for three-phase induction motor insingle-phasemode;is the weight of the wire, cable, determine the size oftheconductors, to determine the parameters of cable drums;the cardinality of the momentum of electric energy meter;-proizvesti rough calculation of cooling power conditioner;-b supply quenching capacitor;is the number of luminaires by specific power;-rasshifrovat color coded resistors with 3,4,5,6 lanes;-rasshifrovat marking SMD resistors.Section contains reference data:-rule labor protection for electrical installations;-rule technical operation of electrical installations;-User use and testing of protective equipment used inelectricalinstallations;handbook on the cable and wire products;-Main electrical engineering formula;-bukvennye designation of electrical circuit elements;-types grounding systems;-Examples circuits switching the RCD.-Table PUE 7;-Data decryption brands of cables and wires;-rasshifrovka marking starters;-rasshifrovka IP codes;the diameter of the copper wires for fuse-links;
WiFi Password Hacker Prank 1.2
WiFi Password Hacker pretends that you canhackany WiFi network. It can pretend hacking into secured wifinetworkusing WEP, WPA2 or AES encryption and so on. It justpresents ananimations that you are hacking and nothing else. So itis notharmful to any of the network.Why it is awesome:Wifi Hacker Prank is the best way to prank your friendsbypretending that you are a genius in hacking and show off as ifyouhave hack password. Wifi Prank has very good UI and you appeartobe a very professional techie to your friends. Easy to foolandPrank your friends with this prank application.How to prank:You can use it to trick your friends that you can hack intotheirwifi network. Just run this tool in their house, the wifiscannerwill detect all the wifi connections no matter whether thesignalis good or not. And then select their wireless wifi. Arandompassword will be generated, but they will think that you havejusthacked their network! Watch the reaction on their scared faceandhave a lot of fun.Please remember that this app is made only for fun and itwillNOT do a real hacking. It is only a simulation, so allpasswordsare randomly generated and fake!
AIDA64 1.96
FinalWire Ltd
Hardware and software information utility for Android devices
[ROOT] Wifi key recovery Version 0.2
Recoveres your lost wifi key of a wifi network you havebeenconnected to.
Wifi Password [Root] 1.1.1
Rooting RequiredDo you need to connect to WiFi Networks but forgotyourPassword?Have you ever forgotten your WiFi Password which have been savedonyour phone?Just download this application and get your WiFi Password!WiFi Password 2016 will shows you the Password of WiFiNetworkswhich you have connected before.If your device is not Root and you really want to usethisapplication, you can Root your device following introduction onXDAforum ( ) before install and runthisapplication.We would love to hear from our users. If you have anyfeedback,suggestion that will help us become the best app. Pleaseemail forus at: [email protected]:- This application does not HACK or CRACK WiFi network!- Rooting your device may void its warranty! We do notencouragecustomers to Root their device.
Impianti a livelli 1.1
L’applicazione mobile “Impianti alivelli”sipone come punto di riferimento della normativasugliimpiantielettrici a livelli per tutti i privati chestannoacquistando unacasa nuova o rifacendo un impianto esistente.Uno strumento interattivo che avràfunzionedivulgativa,promozionale e di utilità pratica per scopriretuttosul proprioimpianto elettrico.***TEST***Scopri il tuo quoziente di energia!!!Compila il test, scopri qual'è il tuo livello energeticoecondividiil risultato con i tuoi amici via mail.***I LIVELLI***Leggi la descrizione e le caratteristiche tecniche dei livelliBASE-STANDARD - DOMOTICO.***VIDEO***Guarda le mirabolanti avventure di PJ ed il suo caneSPINAallaricerca di una casa che si adatti alle loro esigenze.***NEWS***Segui le ultime notizie dal mondo impianti a livelli erimanisempreaggiornato ricevendo le notifiche sul tuosmartphone.Themobileapplication"Plant levels" is a point of reference forlegislationonelectrical levels for all individuals who are buying anew homeorredoing an existing plant.An interactive tool that will be the popular,promotionalandpractical to know more about its electricalsystem.TEST *** ***Discover your energy quotient!Fill out the test to find out what your energy level andsharetheresult with your friends via email.LEVELS *** ***Read the description and specifications of levels BASE -STANDARD-AUTOMATION.*** VIDEO ***Watch the amazing adventures of PJ and his dog PLUG lookingforahome that fits their needs.NEWS *** ***Follow the latest news from the world of plants atdifferentlevelsand keep up to date by receiving notificationsonyoursmartphone.
Zmart Remote Pro 4.1.6
** IMPORTANT ** Read carefully beforeyoudownloadTo use the App, you need to have a "Zmart Remote Pro" devicethatcompatible for Android device. You cannot try or activate theAppwithout the "Zmart Remote Pro" device. You also need to turnoffany volume limit (any Volume Control app needs to bedisabled),sound enhancement, sound effects and set volume tomaximum to useZmart Remote Pro.Zmart Remote Pro turns your phone into a universal remote-INSTANTLY.Zmart Remote Pro is the worlds' smallest universalremote.Allowing you to control a combination of more than 200,000devices- TV, stereo, Blu-ray, DVD, DVR to name a few - it alsocovers 95%of the brands in the market.For those hard to find brands or device types, thebuilt-inLearn-In Command allows you to learn the functions of yourexistingremote. This makes it the most powerful, easiest-to-useuniversalremote control... everThe Zmart Remote Pro is compatible with most conventionalAndroidphones. Zmart Remote Pro is the easiest and simplestuniversalremote control (URC) that provides users with anytime,anywhere,control from their Android Smart Phone to most InfraRed(IR)-enableddevices and appliances, from televisions to lightingand hometheaters.Zmart Remote Pro is the only remote you will ever need!How To Use: (Instruction Video -• Plug the Zmart Remote Pro into the 3.5 mm headphone jack ofyourdevice• Download the Free App and Activate Your Zmart RemoteProonline• Select your Room, Devices and then Test; it is that easy!For extra convenience, Zmart Remote Pro can be shared onamaximum of FOUR devices. To purchase Zmart Remote, visit use the App, you need to have a "Zmart RemotePro"hardware..Tested : Samsung, LG, HTC, SonyUntested : Other brands - uncertain
IRKit Simple Remote 1.1.1
Nao Iizuka
IRKit is a Wi-Fi enabled Open Sourceinfraredremote controller device.Using IRKit, you can control your home electronics devices like:airconditioners, TVs, DVRs, lights using your phone."IRKit Simple Remote" is IRKit's official app.IRKit Simple Remote allows you to set up your IRKit, learnandsend remote signals.You can also add shortcuts on your home screen. Use shortcutstosend IR signals from other apps such as Tasker (withAutoShortcut)and AutomateIt.You can also send IR signals using 3G/LTE network from outsideyourhouse too.Buy IRKitat
WiFiShare 2.0.17
Wifi Share
WiFiShare, aplikasi yang sangat ringandanmampu memecahkan masalah internet kamu. Di versi terbaru, kamuakandapat menggunakan akses dan hotspot WiFi yangtersediadalam cakupan area WiFiShare. WiFiShare akan terusberusahamemperluas cakupan area yang bisa dinikmati nantinya.Fitur Unik WiFiShare:> Terhubung ke Wifi hotspot dimana saja> Akses ke jaringan “Gratis”> Smart Connect, hubungkan ke koneksi wifi dengan signalterkuatdi sekitarmu> Reward Point, dapatkan reward point dengan mudahsetiapharinya> Browser, menu untuk akses ke aplikasi favorit> Point Shop, tukarkan point dengan beragam hadiah> Ringan dan mudah digunakan> Beragam fitur menarik akan segera hadirWiFiShare adalah aplikasi yang sangat populer karenakemampuannyauntuk mengatasi masalah internet. Dengan WiFiShare,akses internettidak lagi lamban, dan dapat mudah terhubung [email protected] dan hotspot GRATIS. Dengan fitur SmartConnect,setiap pengguna bisa mendapatkan informasi wifi hotspotterbaikyang ada didekatnya dan terhubung secara otomatis.WiFiSharemengatasi masalah internet kamu, karena kamu bisa terusterhubungdengan internet kapan dan dimanapun kamu berada [email protected] dan juga WiFi hotspot disekitar kamu.Nikmati fitur unik dari WiFiShare dan ucapkan selamat tinggalpadainternet yang lambat.Kami ingin mendengar suara kamu :Setiap kritik dan saran, serta pertanyaan akan sangat membantukamiuntuk terus memberikan yang terbaik kepada penggunakami.Hubungikami kapan saja dengan cara pilihan berikut :• Facebook :• Twitter :• Instagram :• Email : [email protected], applicationisvery light and able to solve your internet problems. In thelatestversion, you will be able to access @ and WiFihotspots areavailable in the coverage area WiFiShare. WiFiSharewill continueto expand the coverage area that can be enjoyedlater.WiFiShare Unique Features:> Connect to a Wi-Fi hotspot anywhere> Access to the network @ "Free"> Smart Connect, connect to wifi connections with thestrongestsignal around you!> Reward Point, get reward points with ease everyday> Browser, menu access to your favorite applications> Point Shop, redeem points for various prizes> Lightweight and easy to use> A variety of exciting features coming soonWiFiShare is a very popular application because of its abilitytoresolve the internet problem. With WiFiShare, Internet access isnolonger slow, and can be easily connected to the network @ FREE. With Smart Connect feature, any usercanget information on the best existing wifi hotspot nearbyandconnect automatically. WiFiShare resolve the internetproblem,because you can continue to connect to the internetwhenever andwherever you are via the network @ and alsoWiFi hotspotsaround you. Enjoy the unique features of WiFiShare and say goodbye toslowInternet.We want to hear your voice:Every criticism and suggestions, and questions will help ustocontinue to deliver the best to our kami.Hubungi users at anytimeby way of the following options:• Facebook:• Twitter:• Instagram:• Email: [email protected]
Check Blood Pressure Prank 6.1
Blood Pressure Checker is a greatapplicationto prank you friends, this funny android applicationwill make youcheck your blood pressure in 3 easy steps, this bloodpressuremonitor gives you fake blood pressure readings so you canprank youfriends and your family.Scan your Hypertension with the best Fingerprint bloodpressureScanner in google apps store and enjoy free and easy way toprankanybody by telling them that they have a high blood pressureornormal blood pressure.This fake Health Application is like a blood pressure monitorthatyou can use with your friends, and they would think as it‘s arealblood pressure calculating, it can also Record your BP andshare iton facebook or whatsapp.HOW TO USE:Step 1: Put your thumb to scanner your blood pressureorhypertensionStep 2: Wait 3 seconds to calculate blood pressureStep 3: Your Fake blood pressure will be shown automaticallyaftercalculation.Your false blood tension will be shown in a “bloodpressurechart”FEATURES✔ A Joke application to scan hypertension by using the thumb✔ Easy to use and beautiful scaning blood pressure✔ user friendly any one can use it at any age✔ FREE fun prank✔ finger blood pressure Prank does works withoutinternetconnection
Metz Remote 2.8.9
MetzRemote brings Metz-like ease of use toyoursmartphone/tablet.Compatibility: Function and ease of use work best with MetzTVgeneration Ch.613 and Ch.616 (Novum, Planea, Pureo, Clarea,MerioMedia Z, Solea, Solea pro, Topas, Primus 550).Earliernetwork-enabled models may vary in compatibility andfunctionality.For best possible usage we recommend to update yourTVsoftware.The app provides several functions:#Remote ControlWith the first the TV is operated. You can choosebetweencontrolling your TV set with remote control keys orswitching toany channel using the station list. In addition, theEPG data ofthe TV set is sent to the app and therefore the name ofthe currentbroadcast for each station is displayed. A text inputfunctionallows the usage of your convenient smartphone/tabletkeyboard tobe used with many text input fields in your MetzTV.#EPGIn the second tab you can use your MetzRemote as anelectronicprogram guide. EPG data from your TV can be saved forsimpleoverview, recording and reminding.#Internet timerThe third section leads you directly to the internet timerforplanning records even if you're not connected to your TV.#Station EditorThe fourth function allows you to manipulate your stationtable.Using the Station Editor you can easily modify your stationtablewith your smartphone and synchronize changes with the TVset.Besides moving, renaming and removingstations from your station table, you can also create and manageallfavorite lists by adding or removing stations.#Wake On LANWith the fifth function Wake On LAN you can start networkdevicesfrom standby. With this function you can also wake up everydevicesupporting the Wake On LAN standard, not only Metz TVsets.Useful hints:#Remote Control- The „OK“ button in the middle of the main screen replacesthecursor input of the physical remote control unit („up, down,right,left“). Performed swipes will be recognized along with ahapticfeedback.- In the main view the size of the buttons can be adjustedwithtwo-finger-zoom input.- Pressing the button on the bottom right leads to allbuttons,which are not available in the main view.#Station Editor- Synchronizing your modified station table with your TVsetoverrides its table. It is recommended to create a backup ofyourstation table, using the export functionality of the TV set,toprevent data loss.- Moving stations is triggered by long pressing a stationlistentry. You can not only move single stations, but multipleselectedstations.- Using the additional editing mode (triggered by selectingastation) you move, remove of rename stations.#EPG- Sync your app with the current available EPG events from TVbyclicking on 'sync' button/icon in navigation bar.- For recording or reminding choose on single event from theEPGoverview. Here you will find also additionalprograminformation.- Be sure to connect a storage device for the records.#Wake On LAN- Tapping a list entry send the wake up signal to thecorrespondingdevice.- Long pressing an entry allows to edit or remove it.- If your device does not respond to the sent wake up signalmakesure that your device is a) currently in standby, b) in therightwifi network or c) you entered the MAC address correctly.
Universal Remote Control 2.0.1
Universal Remote Control allowscontrolof individual network enabled devices from one singleapplication(ip remote control).Universal Remote Control, supports the following devices:- Panasonic- Sharp- Dreambox- Samsung- Onkyo- Integra- LG Electronics- Denon- Marantz- TinycontrolThe application is designed for adding additional devicesasrequested.Visit moreinformation.
Intelbras iSIC 5 - DESCONTINUADO 5.00.0
Intelbras S/A
O aplicativo Intelbras iSIC 5 possui tecnologia capazdevisualizaras imagens de seu estabelecimento remotamente emtemporeal. Possuiinterface gráfica amigável, de fácil aprendizageme emportuguês,com instalação rápida e simples. Possibilita ocontrolede câmerasPTZ e funções como zoom, íris e foco, com totalsegurançaeconfiabilidade. - Acesso simples e fácil através doseutelefonecelular utilizando uma rede 3G ou WIFI. - Visualizaçãodasimagensem tempo real através do celular. - Suporteparaautenticação. -Suporte para controle PTZ. - Captura de fotonavisualização dovídeo em tempo real. - Suporte para modo retratoepaisagem. -Reprodução de imagens gravadas. - Suporteparaconfiguração doencoder. - Suporte para notificações push. -Suportepara e-map. -Suporte para criação de favoritos. - Demo decâmera eDVRdisponível para ajudar você a iniciar oseumonitoramento.Compatibilidade: - Funciona através daconfiguraçãodo endereço IPou nome de domínio do seu dispositivo. -Certifiquese o seu DVRestá atualizado com a última versão defirmware atravésdo site daIntelbras. - Compatível com versões doAndroid até 7.0.Pode nãofuncionar em versões posteriores. Suporte:- Para qualquerdúvidaou problemas, por favor contate o nossosuporte técnicoatravés dotelefone (48) 2106-0006 ou atravé[email protected].