Top 17 Apps Similar to MeteoApp - Previsioni Meteo

the Weather+
WEATHER for Android. Without ADS.Weather forecast for all the world, satellite, wind & sea,surf,webcams, real time weather, widgets, geolocation.NOTES:- widgets aren't available if you install or move this app toSDcard;- on multiuser devices, it works only with the default user;- to remove a city from Favorites, long press on it andchoose"Remove" from popup menu;- if you have problems, try first to uninstall and reinstall,thencontact us by mail, thanks.
YoWindow Weather - Unlimited
Accurate, beautiful weather with landscapes depicting weather,sky,season.
Weather Station 6.9.7
Fully Functional Weather Station * Supports both large screen HDandphone displays * records data displays history graphs *Pressure *Current conditions widget * Forecast weather widget *Rainfall *Humidity * Solar Radiation (if supported by station) *Wind Speedand direction * Dark mode * Metric and American StandardUnits *Inside temperature sensor support (Arduino, Netatmo &batterysensor, Bluetooth zigbee2mqtt and clientraw) * AndroidSensor(pressure, temperature, humidity and light) * Automaticlocationupdate by Wifi or GPS * Sunrise and Sunset * Widgets x4,Lockscreen* Talking Clock and Weather announcement * Serviceproviderssupported: Ambient Weather, Davis, NOAA, Weather Online,OpenWeather Map, Yahoo Weather, BOM Australia, Norway Weather,Netatmo,Arduino (HTTP JSON), Mesowest and ClientRaw, PWS(subscriptiononly). * Arduino based inside temperature, pressurehumidity sensorIf you're having difficultly with the App workingplease try AndroidSettings > Application Manager > WeatherStation > Cleardata This clears all the configuration andhopefully will restorethe App to a working state. You might alsoneed to remove the widgetfrom the home screen and add it again. Ifyou'd like to try theBeta, press the "Become a tester" buttonat an update will be available via Google Play.Questions,comments, or bug reports? Feedback is welcome, just [email protected] or use the in App request supportform.Permissions: gps - automatic location configuration wifi-communication to weather service storage - import / exportuserpreferences
Weather 14 days Pro
Meteo Network
VERSION WITHOUT ADS!!Weather 14 days is the official app of . Withthelatest weather information for USA and the rest of theworld.Featuring detailed 14 day forecasts, maps, satellites andradar.Compatible with any Android smartphone or tablet. The appfeaturesa modern layout based around Google’s Material Designmaking itvery quick and easy to use.CUSTOMIZATION- Customize the app with your favorite locations like NewYork,Washington, San Francisco, Los Angeles ...or foreign citiessuch asBarcelona, Paris, London... We have over 250,000 locationsallaround the world for you to choose from.- Use WIFI or GPS to find forecasts relevant to yourcurrentlocation.- Customize your smartphone with our widgets, display temperatureorrainfall information in your notification bar and selectyourpreferred units such as Celsius, Fahrenheit or Kelvin.- Download the app for free and access the latest highqualityforecasts. Use the app to integrate with Google Now andreceiveGoogle Now cards featuring our weather data.FORECAST-Check the daily forecast screen to see current weatherconditionsalong with the main forecast information for the next 14days.Browse between your favorite locations with a simple swipe ofyourfinger and remember...the background colour of the appchangesdepending on temperature conditions.- Select a day to view detailed hourly weather informationincludingtemperature, rainfall, humidity, pressure, wind speed anddirectionas well as sunrise and sunset times and even the phase ofthemoon.- Don’t forget to try turning your smartphone sideways for thebestview of our informative weather graphics.MAPS, RADARS AND SATELLITES- Check our animated forecast maps detailing temperature,rainfall,cloudiness and pressure for USA along with the rest oftheworld.- Watch animated Radar maps detailing recent and currentrainfallwith information provided by the Met Office. These mapsfeaturestandard pinch/zoom capability allowing you to zoom in andoutsmoothly.- View the latest weather satellite images provided by NOAAWIDGETS- Once you’ve installed Weather 14 days why not customizeyourMobile Desktop with our great looking widgets. Get thecurrentconditions updated hourly along with the forecast for thefollowingdays.- Choose between three widget sizes: 4x1, 4x2 and 2x2(ClockWidget).SHARE- Share weather information with your friends and familyanytimeusing social networks sites like WhatsApp, FacebookandTwitter.AVAILABILITY- App available for USA, France, Spain, United Kingdom,Portugal,Deutschland, Netherlands, Canada, Mexico, Italy, Brazil,Australia,New Zealand, Russia and many more.- Available languages include English, Spanish, French,Dutch,Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Hindi, Romanian, Turkishetc…
Weather & Clock Widget Plus
A fully fledged real-time weather and future forecast withelegantwidgets.
Meteo GRATIS “Chetempofa” 3.4
Con l’App Meteo CHETEMPOFA leprevisionisonoaffidabili. Potrete controllare che tempo fa e chefarà perunasettimana in ogni momento. Il meteo come non l'hai maivistoeraccontato prima.Funzioni:- Le più belle foto delle 20 città ItalianecapoluoghidiRegione.- Informazioni e previsioni meteo dettagliate che includono:. Temperature massime e minime. Grado di umidità. Icona meteo. Descrizione situazione meteo giornaliera. Nome città. Meteo presentato dalle nostre meteorine.Suggerimenti:- Trascina il dito in senso verticale pervisualizzareinformazionimeteo di tutta la settimana- Trascina il dito in senso orizzontale per visualizzarelelocalitàpreferite- Clik in alto a dx per selezionare lelocalitàitalianepreferite- Clik sul video per visualizzare il meteo raccontatoWith theAppCHETEMPOFAWeather forecasts are reliable. You can check theweatherand thatwill make for a week at all times. The weather asyou'venever seenbefore and told.Functions:- The most beautiful pictures of the 20 citiesItalianregionalcapitals.- Information and detailed weather forecasts that include:. Maximum and minimum temperatures. Degree of moisture. Weather icon. Description Daily weather situation. City Name. Weather presented by our meteorinas.Suggestions:- Drag your finger vertically to display weather informationforthewhole week- Drag your finger horizontally to view your favorite places- Clik on the top right to select your favorite Italianplaces- Clik on the video to view the weather told
Meteo in Diretta 1.9
Con l'applicazione di MeteoInDiretta hai sul tuo smarphonelewebcame le previsioni meteo per l'Italia, per le regioni epertutti icomuni. In particolare puoi consultaregratuitamente:Previsionimeteo per l'Italia, mappe pioggia, neve,temperatura,venti evisibilità Previsioni per tutte le regioni conrelativemappe meteoPrevisioni per tutti i comuni e località dirilievoWebcam Mappemeteo ad alta risoluzione ImmaginisatellitariSegnalazioni meteo intempo reale L'applicazione è ingrado dideterminare automaticamentela tua posizione.
MeteoGiuliacci 1.0.4
Previsioni meteo precise e dettagliate,curatein persona dal Col. Giuliacci, che vi darà di persona ilsuoproverbiale "Buonasera" annunciandovi in video il tempoprevistoper le ore successive già all'aperturadell'applicazioneaccurate anddetailedweather forecasts, cured himself by Col. Giuliacci, thatwill giveyou in person his usual "Good evening" in videoannunciandovi thetime scheduled for the next few hours alreadyopening theapplication
Meteo Italia 1.1
Weather Italy
Meteo Italia 2.0.28
Mobile Soft
The Weather application provides the weather forecast in Italy
Meteo by Centro Meteo Italiano 3.0.10
Weather forecast up to 15 days, Weather on Travel, Date-Alertandmany functions
Météo Maroc 2017 1.0
Météo Maroc 2017, une applicationmétéosimpleet gratuite.L'application Météo Maroc 2017 fournie lesprévisionsmétéorologiques(Temps, vent , humidité, marrées ,activitésolunaire, éphéméride,alertes) des villes du Maroc pourles 7jours.Elle permet aussi un accès en temps réel aux temps qu'il faitàtoutmoment de la journée.Son interface simple, intuitive et ergonomique permet unaccèsfacileaux donnéesMétéo Maroc 2017 est une application météo gratuitevouspermettantde suivre le climat au Maroc et la météo de lavillemarocaine devotre choix (Météo Agadir, Météo Al Hoceima,MétéoBouarfa, MétéoCasablanca, Météo Dakhla, Météo Essaouira, MétéoFes,Météo Ifrane,Météo Laayoune, Météo Marrakech, Météo Meknes,MétéoOuarzazate,Météo Oujda, Météo Rabat, Météo Tanger,MétéoTetouan).Prévisions météo Maroc est une application android très légèrequineconsomme pas beaucoup de ressources de votre smartphone..Meteo Maroc vous fournit les fonctionnalités suivantes :- Les conditions d'humidité, de pression et de vent- ajouter et supprimer une nouvelle ville (menu haut àgauchedel'écran).- Prévisions météo de votre ville jusqu'à 7 jours- sauvegarder une liste de vos villes favorites afin desuivrelamétéo et leurs climats ultérieurement.- état actuel du climat de UK- L'heure locale- Durée de la journée- Affichage détaillée du bulletin Météo Maroc pourtouteslesvilles:(Météo Agadir, Météo Al Hoceima, Météo Bouarfa,MétéoCasablanca,Météo Dakhla, Météo Essaouira, Météo Fes, MétéoIfrane,MétéoLaayoune, Météo Marrakech, Météo Meknes, MétéoOuarzazate,MétéoOujda, Météo Rabat, Météo Tanger, Météo Tetouan,MétéoZag)- Durée et heure exacte de lever du soleil et decoucherdusoleilMétéo Maroc 2017 a besoin d'une connexion internet wifi, 3Gou4Gpour détecter votre position et vous fournirdesprévisionsmétéorologiques précises.Pour nous aider à améliorer votre application MétéoMaroc2017,laissez-nous svp vos commentaires et faites la connaitreàvotreentourage !Weather Morocco2017,asimple and free weather application.The application Weather Morocco in 2017 provided theweatherforecast(weather, wind, humidity, tides, solunaractivitycalendar, alerts)cities of Morocco for 7 days.It also allows real-time access to weather any time oftheday.Its simple interface, intuitive and ergonomic allows easyaccesstodataWeather Morocco 2017 is a free weather application that allowsyoutomonitor the climate in Morocco and the weather in theMoroccancityof your choice (Weather Agadir Weather Al HoceimaWeatherBouarfaWeather Casablanca Weather Dakhla Weather EssaouiraWeatherFesWeather Ifrane Weather Laayoune Weather Marrakech,MeknesWeather,Weather Ouarzazate Weather Oujda Weather RabatWeatherTangier,Tetouan Weather).Weather forecast Morocco is a very light androidapplicationwhichdoes not consume much of your smartphone resources..Meteo Morocco provides the following features:- The humidity, pressure and wind- Add and delete a new city (top menu on the leftofthescreen).- Weather forecast for your city up to 7 days- Save a list of your favorite cities to monitor theweatherandclimates later.- Current state of the UK climate- Local time- Time of day- Detailed View of Morocco Weather bulletin for all cities:(Weather Agadir Weather Al Hoceima WeatherBouarfaWeatherCasablanca Weather Dakhla Weather Essaouira WeatherFesWeatherIfrane Weather Laayoune Weather Marrakech WeatherMeknesWeatherOuarzazate Weather Oujda Weather Rabat WeatherTangierWeatherTetouan, Weather Zag)- Time and exact time of sunrise and sunsetWeather Morocco in 2017 needs a wireless internetconnection,3Gor 4G to detect your location and provide you withaccurateweatherforecasts.To help improve your application Weather Morocco2017,pleaseleave us your comments and let know the peoplearoundyou!
Meteo Italia - 15 Gioni 4.0
* Previsioni del Tempo Italia app dà15giorniprevisioni meteo per tutte le città d'Italia. Ci sonotuttelecittà come Roma, Milano, Napoli e Torino.* E 'il formato più pratico e meno di altre applicazionitempodiPlay Store di Google. La dimensione è inferiore a 1 MB.* Previsioni del Tempo Italia è un applicazione meteorara,acausa della capacità per il meteo e la temperatura con15giornidel periodo.* Team di sviluppatori sforzi per alte prestazioni sututtiitelefoni Android e compresse. Inoltre, ha vista sempliceediutilizzo per persone di tutte le età.* Per tutte le dimensioni dello schermo sonosupportati.Puòessere utilizzato in seguito 5 pollici, oltre a 5pollicitelefoniAndroid, 7 pollici-compresse, e10-pollici-compresse.* Tempo piacevole inizia con l'installazionePrevisionimeteoItalia per i dispositivi Android. Basta installarloepianificarela vostra prossima 15 giorni di vita. Diventerà ilpiùcomodo tempoapp per l'Italia con le vostreopinioni,suggerimenti,richieste.* immagini meteo poco con spiegazione del tempodannoutilizzosemplice e facile da capire in piccoli schermi. (Cisonodecine diimmagini per lo stato come soleggiato, nuvoloso,pioggia,ecc.)** 15 giorni previsioni meteo app per l'Italia, richiedediavereaccesso a Internet per l'utilizzo di datimeteorologicireali.** Potete inviare le vostre tutte le recensioni postateepensiericon il meglio della vostra applicazione meteo. Tuttiipareri sonoutilizzati per nuovi sviluppi e nuove versioni.** È possibile utilizzare il pulsante "Save the City"perilcollegamento della vostra città. Quando si salva la cittàchesidesidera vedere i risultati i suoi 15 giorni ditempo,applicazionevi mostrerà automaticamente il tempo 15 giorniper lacittà per isuccessivi utilizzi.** Citta 'piu' visitate in 15 giorni previsioni meteoItaliaapp;Roma meteo,Milano previsioni del tempo,Meteo Napoli,Meteo Torino app,Bari 15 giorni previsioni,Brescia 15 giorni previsioni,Palermo 15 giorni previsioni,Salerno 15 giorni previsioni meteo,Bergamo previsioni del tempo,Catania meteo per 15 giorni,Meteo Firenze app,Bologna previsioni app 15 giorni,Padova 15 giorni previsioni app ...* WeatherForecastItalyapp gives you 15 days weather forecast for all citiesinItaly.There are all the cities like Rome, Milan, Naples andTurin.* E 'format more practical and less time for otherapplicationsofGoogle Play Store. The size is less than 1MB.* Weather Forecast Italy is a weather application rare,becauseofthe ability for the weather and the temperature 15 daysoftheperiod.* Team of developers efforts for high performance onallAndroidphones and tablets. Moreover, it has simple view and useforpeopleof all ages.* For all screen sizes are supported. It can be usedinthefollowing 5 inches, in addition to 5-inch Androidphone,7-inchtablets, and 10-inch-tablets.* Nice time begins with the installation of ItalyForecastforAndroid devices. Just install it and plan your next 15daysoflife. Will become the most convenient weather app forItalywithyour opinions, suggestions, requests.* Weather images with little explanation of the damagetimeusingsimple and easy to understand in small screens. (Therearedozens ofimages for the state as sunny, cloudy, rain, etc.).** 15 days weather forecast app for Italy, require youtohaveInternet access to use real weather data.** You can send your thoughts and all reviews posted tothebestof your weather application. All opinions are usedfornewdevelopments and new releases.** You can use the button "Save the City" for theconnectionofyour city. When you save the city you want to see theresultsofhis 15 days, the application will automatically show youthetime15 days to the city for future use. City ** 'more' visit in 15 days weather forecast app Italy;Rome weather,Milan weather,Weather Naples,Turin Weather app,Bari 15 days weather,Brescia 15 days weather,Palermo 15 days weather,Salerno 15 days weather forecast,Bergamo weather,Catania forecast for 15 days,Florence Weather app,Bologna weather app 15 daysPadua 15 days weather app ...
Weather 1.8
Weather +: is an easy app to always be awareofthe weather and its evolution.- Application designed to be as simple and intuitiveaspossible.- The application is based on reliable data source andreal-timeupdates.- Weather + supports GPS location and retrieves the latestweatherconditions for your current area.- Weather + is one of the lightest weather apps available onGooglePlay!- Intuitive and friendly user interface.- Weather + is compatible with all existingscreenresolutions.- Best quality for Android devices.
Weather 1.0
Weather is one of the most importantappthatyou should have in your mobile , in travel , work, lifedaysyouwell like,City weather An easy-to-use weather app withbeautifuldesktopwell-designed application interface liveweatherforecastWeather modern design, more convenient for local weather radaryoutounderstand the local weather and weather forecasts. Byusingthisweather application, you can not only know today'sweather,but alsoto see the next 5 days weather forecast. Just likeputtinga weatherchannel in your pocket, you can see wherever radarappsFeatures:- Status notification: instantaneously displayscurrenttemperatureand conditions- Home screen: Changes based on your current location,And the time of day, so you get your current conditionsplustheweather information you need most.- 7-day forecast for the future wetter österreich- Easy to set up and slide between differentlocationswetterösterreich- Easy to use widget - Multiple weather locations -Celsius&Fahrenheit- Accuracy of sunrise and sunset- Display of humidity and wind speed, give youbettertraveltips- Display the visibility new weather apps- Display yesterday's temperature, can be used as areferencefortoday's temperature- Accuracy of sunrise and sunset- Show humidity and wind speed, give you better travel tips- Display yesterday's temperature and can be used as areferencefortoday's temperatureYou can also add weather widgets to your home screenandeasilycustomize widgets to show where you want to go, or dreamtogoanywhere on EarthGuide of the time for you. It does not matter is a weatherreportfortoday's weather, a weather forecastFor the weather tomorrow and 5 days later, a weather reportforthecurrent location, or weatherForecast for any other city in the world. It is not necessarytolookfor 'time today'' local time tomorrow' more.
Libero Meteo - Live weather 3.2
Libero Meteo is the weather appthatkeeps you updated about the weather forecast in realtimeand grants you to always have the weather at hand thanks toitscustom-made 5 widgets.▶ WEATHER FORECAST ALWAYS UP TO DATEDiscover the weather forecast with Libero Meteo for yourcurrentlocation and for all of your favorite places around theworld,accompanied by beautiful background images, organized in 6specialmain themes:• Landscapes• Cities• Puppies• Kids• Sports• Glamour▶ LIVE WEATHER FAST AND RELIABLEForeca©'s data feed is what brings to you analwaysprecise and complete weather forecast, justreliable,and represented with intuitive graph charts.Use Libero Meteo and constantly check out:• weather conditions (for the next hours and the nextdays)• temperatures (for the next hours and the next days)• sunrise and sunset• moon phases• rain, wind, humidity, UV index and pressure▶ WEATHER WIDGETSHave a glance at the weather forecast directly on the homescreenof your smartphone thanks to five custom-madewidgetsprovided by Libero Meteo. Widgets display informationabouttemperature, min and max, chance of rain, humidity and windsforyour favorite locations, for today and the next days, withapersonalized design.▶ METEO & WEARABLELibero Meteo comes as a compact Android Wearsmartwatchapp as well: with notifications on your watch, you’llnever miss anupdate!Forget about unforeseen weather events: just a glance at yourwatchand you’ll always have your finger on the weather’s pulse!Please visit Libero Meteo's official website for anyinformationabout the app:*Libero Meteo - Live weather: Watch the weather aroundtheclock!*
Météo Chamrousse 3.7.0
The application site, the benchmark fortheregion!