Top 11 Games Similar to 小奧扎金花

奇酷赢三张(扎金花、诈金花) 3.0.2
赢三张又称扎金花或诈金花,是公认的最好玩的纸牌游戏,节奏明快,新鲜刺激,考验玩家的智慧和胆量。奇酷赢三张在传统赢三张游戏的基础上进行了大量创新,忠实于经典玩法,操作体验更适合手机用户。尤其是与移动社区的结合,使玩家不仅可以玩到新鲜刺激的游戏,更可以结识世界各地的朋友。奇酷赢三张是奇酷游乐园(原奇酷游戏大厅)众多精品游戏之一,奇酷游乐园(原奇酷游戏大厅)是国内人气最旺的移动游戏SNS社区,以游戏为纽带,以社区为核心,内置30余款精品游戏,以及玩家社区、PK台、争霸赛等功能。目前奇酷游戏大厅中有30余款游戏,包括奇酷三国(三国网游)、奇酷斗地主、快乐农场(开心农场),快乐大房东、植物大战僵尸、音乐梦工厂(音乐游戏)、奇酷萌宠(宠物游戏)等。所有游戏都有单独的排行榜和讨论区,玩家之间可以互相加好友发消息。排行榜上你攻我守,争当第一;讨论区里板砖乱飞,聊天交友。如果您想了解奇酷游乐园(原奇酷游戏大厅)更多详情,或给我们反馈,可以通过以下方式联系我们:官方网站:http://www.qeekoo.com官方博客:http://blog.qeekoo.comAlso known as theGoldentie or win three Golden fraud, is recognized as the mostfunsolitaire game, fast-paced, fresh and exciting, test playerswisdomand courage.Cool odd win three in the traditional win three games on a lotofinnovation, faithful to the classic gameplay, operatingexperienceis more suitable for mobile phone users. Especially withthecombination of mobile community, so that players can not onlyplaywith the new and exciting game, but you can meet people fromallover the world.Cool to win three odd odd one cool amusement park (Qi Yuancoolgame lobby) many fine games, the odd cool amusement park (QiYuancool game lobby) is the most popular mobile games SNS communitytoplay as a link, Community-core, built-in balance of 30 finegame,and the player community, PK units, Competition, andotherfunctions.There are 30 odd balance games cool games hall now, includingtheodd cool three (three games), the odd cool Landlords, HappyFarm(Happy Farm), happy big landlord, Zombies, music DreamWorks(musicgame), odd Cool Meng pet (pet game) and so on. All gameshaveseparate leaderboards and discussion area, you can addfriendsmessage each other gamers. You attack me and keep on thelist, befirst; discussion area where tiles flying, chat withfriends.If you want to know the odd cool amusement park (Qi Yuancoolgame lobby) For more information, or to give us feedback, youcancontact us through the following ways:Official Website: http: //www.qeekoo.comOfficial blog: http: //
诈金花挑战赛Online-最火爆的扎金花游戏 1.0
Bryan H
史上最火爆的诈金花挑战赛全新来袭,不同于传统的炸金花游戏,诈金花挑战赛推出真实刺激的比赛机制,万人在线互动,让您与来自五湖四海的诈金花爱好者比赛竞技,各路高手一争高下,向诈金花界的第一宝座发起挑战!享受一掷千金的快感,体验诈与被诈的刺激,挑战智慧与运气的极限!还可以赢取各种奖励哦!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------游戏特色:@简单有趣:全新比赛机制的诈金花,简单有趣、上手快、娱乐性强。@永久免费:免费下载诈金花挑战赛即可享受优质稳定的游戏体验。@比赛竞技:诈金花挑战赛在玩法上加入热门的比赛机制,推出3人、6人、12人实时比赛,参赛赢金币,让您成为赛场上的“金花之王”。@多重奖励:登陆诈金花挑战赛金币天天送,完成任务有惊喜金币大礼包相赠,完成诈金花比赛更可获得高额金币。@真实交友:诈金花挑战赛加入真实的社交元素,让您可以在打牌之余与帅哥靓女一起互动聊天,您还可以给您的好友赠送道具资产喔。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------如果您喜欢诈金花挑战赛这款游戏,欢迎您加入我们的官方玩家群,与诸位金花界高手切磋对决;如果您对诈金花挑战赛有任何的意见建议,都可以与我们的官方客服QQ进行在线交流沟通。官方客服QQ: 2823493062官方玩家QQ群:312959129--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------华丽丽的分割线之后,请不要忘了给我们好评喔。亲,小编在这里谢过了!History of themostpopular new incoming Challenge fraud Jinhua, unliketraditionalfried Golden game, fraud Jinhua Challenge launched realexcitinggame mechanism, people online interaction, so that you andthefraud Jinhua lovers from all over the world athleticcompetition,and the brightest experts compete to challenge thefirst thronefraud Jinhua community! Enjoy the pleasure of spendingbillions ofdollars to experience fraud is fraud and stimulation,challenge thelimits of wisdom and luck! You can also win variousawardsOh!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Game Features:@ Simple fun: new game mechanisms fraud Jinhua, simple, fun,quick,entertaining.@ Permanent free: Free download fraud Jinhua Challenge canenjoyhigh-quality and stable gaming experience.@ Athletics game: Challenge fraud Jinhua join in the populargameplay mechanism, the introduction of three people, six people,12real-time games, the competition to win gold, so that youbecomethe "King of the Golden Flower" on the field.@ Multiple Awards: Golden Challenge coins landing hoax senteveryday to complete the task a surprise gold spree with gifts, butalsoobtain complete fraud Jinhua game high gold.@ True friends: fraud Jinhua Challenge adding real socialelements,so that you can interact with more than chat with handsomeboys& girls together playing cards, you can also give yourfriend agift props assets Oh.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you like fraud Jinhua Challenge game, you are welcome to joinourofficial group of players, and the Golden community expert ofyoulearn duel; If you have any opinions and suggestions of fraudJinhuaChallenge, can be with our official Customer Service QQonlinecommunication.Official Service QQ: 2823493062Official Players QQ group: 312 959 129--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------After the gorgeous dividing line, please do not forget to giveuspraise Oh. Pro, small thanked here!
开心诈金花 -- 赢三张 131
开心诈金花(诈金花、扎金花、赢三张)是一款人气火爆、玩法刺激的网络扑克游戏,无需注册、无需充值,安装后即可立即开始游戏。  ★★★游戏特色★★★  1. 和成千上万的真实玩家,在网络上合作对战,尽享游戏乐趣;  2. 支持私人房间,可以创建专属于自己的棋牌室,设定密码,与好友约战;3. 丰富的游戏功能,更有比赛可以参与,赢取话费和丰厚奖品;    4. 支持游客登录和正式账号注册,游戏完全免费下载和使用,每日登录自动获取奖励金币,破产即可获得救济金,助您在成为高手的路上走得更远。5. 有趣可爱的表情包: 各种俏皮表情包让你在打牌之外寻找更多的乐趣!  6. 精致的游戏体验: 画面精美,界面简洁,功能丰富, 动画流畅, 智能打牌辅助, 游戏感受更美好。  7. 超低的手机流量:支持各种网络接入方式,优先检测并接入wifi网络,同时优化网络连接,使手机流量更低,一局游戏流量抵不上访问1个WAP页面的流量。8. 一款游戏,一个账号,更多棋牌游戏可供选择和下载:斗地主、锄大地、癞子斗地主、四人斗地主、梭哈(港式五张)、德州扑克、黑杰克(21点)、升级 (拖拉机、80分)、中国象棋、双扣、麻将 (大众麻将)等,近期还有 国标麻将、四川麻将(成都血战)、二人麻将(雀神)、五子棋等游戏加入;每下载一款新游戏组件仅占用很小的内置空间(仅0.8M),运行时内存占用也很小,确保不影响手机性能; Happy Golden fraud(fraudJinhua, bar Jinhua, winning three) is a popular hot, playexcitingonline poker games, no registration, no need to recharge,you canstart the game immediately after installation.★ ★ ★ Game Features ★ ★ ★1 and thousands of real players in the network cooperationBattle,enjoy the game fun;(2) support for private rooms, you can create a post of theirownchess room, set a password, and friends Yuezhan;3 rich game features, more competition can participate andwinprizes calls;4 support and official visitors login account registration, thegameis completely free to download and use, daily logautomatically getrewarded gold, bankruptcy can get relief, helpyou become a masterof the road to go further.5 lovely expression package: various playful expressionpackageallows you to play cards outside looking for more fun!6 exquisite gaming experience: beautiful screen, the interfaceissimple, feature-rich, smooth animations, smart cardsassistance,better gaming experience.7 ultralow phone traffic: support a variety of networkaccess,detect and priority access to wifi network, whileoptimizingnetwork connection, the phone traffic less, a game notworth thetraffic flow of a WAP page.8 a game, one account, more chess games to choose from anddownload:Landlords, dig the earth, Laizi Landlords, fourLandlords, Stud(Hong Kong-style five), Texas Hold'em, Black Jack(21:00 ), upgrades(tractors, 80 points), Chinese Chess, Twill,Mahjong (publicMahjong), etc., as well as the recent GB Mahjong,Sichuan Mahjong(Chengdu bloody), two Mahjong (bird god),backgammon and other game;each download a new game with only asmall component of the built-inspace (0.8M only), run-time memoryfootprint is small, make sure thephone does not affectperformance;
Poker 3 1.0.1
《天天诈金花》是一款据此改变而来的多人在线游戏,玩家可以通过互联网一起玩。除了传统的5人制玩法外,更有猜猜乐、万人同乐等Hi到家的玩法。基本游戏规则:1.玩家人数在2-5个之间,使用一副去掉大小王的扑克牌,共52张牌。2.投入底金之后,从庄家开始按顺序发牌。3.玩家可以跟牌:用当前注金下注跟牌,加注:提高注金并且跟注,看牌:任何时候都可以看牌,看牌后自己的下注金翻倍,比牌:3轮跟注后可以选择一个玩家进行比牌,放弃:如果局的牌型不好不想继续跟注,直接放弃本轮对战。4.牌型介绍:【豹子】:(AAA最大,222最小)相同牌型的3张牌。【顺金】:也叫同花顺、金条(AKQ)最大,A23最小,花色相同的顺子。【金花】:也叫同花(AKJ最大,235最小)花色相同的3张牌。【顺子】:(AKQ最大,A23最小)相连的三张牌。【对子】:(AAK最大,223最小)2张相同的牌型。【单只】:(AKJ最大,235最小)任意不相同的牌型。5.规则比较:1) 豹子>顺金>金花>顺子>对子>单只。2) 牌点中,2最小,A最大。从大到小依次为A、K、Q、J、10、9、8、7、6、5、4、3、2。3) 顺金,顺子按照顺序比点。AKQ>KQJ>QJ10>A23,KA2不是顺子。4) 同种牌型,顺序比点,大小相同,开牌者输。更有更多刺激玩法等你解密。
土豪炸金花(美女版) 1.17.1231
《土豪炸金花》是一款趣味性极强的纸牌类游戏。玩家以手中的三张牌比输赢,游戏过程中需要考验玩家的胆略和智慧,被公认为最受欢迎的纸牌游戏之一。游戏画面风格具有浓郁的中国风,游戏整体采用浪漫紫,界面简洁、操作简单。游戏玩法大众化,让用户只要能打开该游戏即可感受到我们这款游戏在制作时的良苦用心。"TyrantGolden fried" is a highly interesting card game. Three cardsin thehands of the players than winning or losing, the gamerequiresplayers to test courage and wisdom, is recognized as one ofthemost popular card game. Game screen style with rich Chinesestyle,the game uses the whole romantic purple, simple interface,easy tooperate. Popular gameplay, allowing users to open the gameas longas we can feel the game when in the care andproductionintentions.
全民炸金花 1.0
炸金花是一种民间广泛流传的扑克游戏,其简单有趣,上手快,娱乐性强的特点,受到广大扑克爱好者的亲睐。游戏过程中需要考验玩家的胆略和智慧,真真假假,假假真真。只需要您将设备与互联网相连接,不论您是不了解基础知识的菜鸟,还是资深的高手,都能够轻松的加入适合的牌桌尽情的游戏。炸金花是被公认的最受欢迎的扑克游戏之一。Golden friedisawidespread popular poker game, its simple, fun,quick,entertainingfeatures, the majority of poker enthusiastspro-Lai.Course of thegame need to test the player's courage andwisdom,half-truths,false true. You only need a device connected totheInternet, donot understand the basics of whether you are anoviceorexperienced experts, can easily add the appropriate tablestoenjoygames.Golden fried is recognized as one of the mostpopularpokergames.
炸金花高手 1.1.2
He Debin
炸金花是在全国广泛流传的一种民间纸牌游戏,具有独特的比牌规则。玩家以手中的三张牌比输赢,游戏过程中是一种玩家间胆略和智慧的较量。游戏简单有趣, 上手快, 娱乐性强, 受到广大扑克爱好者的亲睐。只需要您将设备与互联网相连接,不论您是不了解基础知识的新手,还是资深的高手,都能够轻松的加入适合的牌桌尽情的游戏。游戏中美女帅哥成群,边玩牌边真人真言语音互动,乐趣无限!游戏特色:◆1. 骰宝游戏:喜欢猜大小?喜欢高赔率?来吧,美女手中的三颗骰子带你赚到飞!◆2. 手牌押宝:你可以闷牌押宝。边炸金花边体验猜牌的乐趣,看牌瞬间成土豪.◆3. 经营赌馆:你可以开设并经营自己的赌场,从每局胜利的玩家手中抽取提成,坐收红钱。◆4. 免费下载:免费下载即可体验游戏中,并且每天登录送金币,连续登录一天更比一天多。◆5. 低手机流量:支持各种网络接入方式,优先检测并接入WIFI网络。同时优化网络链接,使手机流量更低。◆6. 稳定流畅:全面优化确保游戏运行稳定,确保最流畅的游戏体验。◆7. 良好的用户体验:iOS版专为苹果粉丝量身制作,精美的界面,流畅的效果,不亚于PC的用户体验。◆8. 有趣的真人语音聊天:想和美女、帅哥做朋友么?游戏进行时实语音聊天,轻松为你传达浓情密意。◆9. 附近玩家功能:能看到离自己地理位置最近的在线玩家,轻松交友,其乐无穷。◆10. 免费金币:每天连续登陆送金币,供奉财神领金币。◆11. 邀请赠送:游戏中可邀请好友一起游戏,并赚送好友金币。◆12. 玩法经典,百玩不腻,一款在手,整日无忧。《炸金花高手》的游戏模仿实地玩牌的真实体验, 给人视角及操作方面舒适的感觉。【游戏可以由2-7人同时进行, 使用一副去掉大小王的扑克牌,共52张】牌型说明:豹子:三张点相同的牌,如888、AAA。顺金:花色相同的顺子,如黑桃789、红桃QKA。金花:花色相同,非顺子,如黑桃89J,方片AJ8。顺子:花色不同的顺子,如黑桃8红桃9方片10。对子:两张点相同的牌,如99J,AA8。散牌:三张牌不组成任何类型的牌。大小规则:1. 豹子>顺金>金花>顺子>对子>散牌。2. 牌点中,2为最小,A为最大。从大到小依次为:A、K、Q、J、10、9、8、7、6、5、4、3、2。3. 同种牌型,顺序比点,大小若相同,开牌者输。4. 逆时针开牌,相同牌,先开者输。发牌规则:由赢家开始发牌,每人三张,玩家初始牌均暗牌。确定庄家:首次随机抽选庄家,以后顺时针轮庄。名词解释:发牌:从庄家开始发牌,依顺序每人发完三张牌为止。底注:游戏开始前每位玩家都要先投入游戏币。顶注:每局个人最高可投注额的上限看牌:查看自己三张牌的花色和点数。明注:玩家看牌,看牌后下注是暗牌一倍。跟注:和上家加入同样多的注。加注:在上家投入的基础上增加投入注。放弃:玩家自动弃权,放弃投注后判输。红钱:你经营的牌场中有玩家拿到金花及以上牌型胜利时分享给你的喜金。放弃规则:游戏操作超时视为放弃处理,丧失已经下注的所有筹码。胜负判定:按照牌型大小比较,牌型大者获胜。各位玩家朋友:适度游戏才有利身心健康,切勿沉迷!如果我们的游戏能给您带来欢乐,那将是我们最大的荣耀!祝您快乐,祝您天天好心情!请把问题告诉我们,请把欢乐传递给您的朋友!有任何疑问请联系我们游戏官方QQ群:42335259024小时客服QQ:515565310
正妹詐金花-澳門風雲、德州撲克、梭哈 0.1.18
詐金花,被公認的最受歡迎的紙牌遊戲之一。遊戲過程中需要考驗玩家的膽略和智慧;德州撲克、梭哈撲克的三張玩法,更刺激賭性更強。更有正妹一同遊戲,禮物系統、排行競技。遊戲流程和規則投入底注:發牌之前大家先付出的遊戲底金。發牌:一副牌(52張無大小王),從莊家下家開始發牌,第一次開局的話,隨時選擇一位用戶為莊家,每人發三張牌,牌面向下,為暗牌。牌型說明【豹子】:(AAA最大、222最小)相同牌型的3張牌【同花順】:(AKQ最大、A23最小)花色一樣的順子。【金花】:(AKJ最大、235最小)花色相同的3張牌【順子】:(AKQ最大、A23最小)花色不一樣的3張牌。【對子】:(AAK最大、223最小)2張相同的牌型【單張】:(AKJ最大、A35最小)任意不相同的牌型【特殊】:花色不同的 235牌型大小規則1、特殊牌>豹子>同花順>金花>順子>對子>單張>特殊牌2、牌點中,2為最小,A為最大。從大到小依次為:A、K、Q、J、1、0、9、8、7、6、5、4、3、23、順金、順子按照順序比點。AKQ>KQJ>QJ10>A23 KA2不是順子4、同種牌型,順序比點,大小相同,開牌者輸5、特殊牌型在普通比較大小按單張牌型來算。當豹子存在時,特殊牌型>豹子6、達到最高比牌手數後,逆時針開始比牌。Golden fraud,isrecognizedas one of the most popular solitaire game. Course ofthegame need totest the player's courage and wisdom;Texas Hold'em, Stud Poker three gameplay, moreexcitinggamblingstronger. More working girl with games, giftssystems,rankingathletics.Game flow and rulesInto the bottom NOTE: Before you first pay a licensing gameattheend of gold.Licensing: a deck of cards (52 no king size), under thehousefromthe dealer to deal the cards, the first start, then feelfreetochoose a user Makers, each made three cards, cards facedown,darkcards . Brand Type Description[Leopard]: (AAA maximum, 222 minimum) the same type ofthreecardscards[Flush]: (AKQ maximum, A23 minimum) the same suit straight.[Golden]: (AKJ maximum, 235 minimum) of three cards ofthesamesuit[Junko]: (AKQ maximum, A23 minimum) color is not thesamethreecards.[Sub]: (AAK maximum, 223 minimum) two cards of the same type[Single]: (AKJ maximum, A35 minimum) any card type isnotthesame[Special]: 235 different colors Card type size rulesA special license> Leopard> Flush>Golden>Junko>sub> Leaflets> Special cards2, point card, 2 is the minimum, A is the maximum.Decreasingorder:A, K, Q, J, 1,0,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,23, Shun Jin, straight in the order than the point.AKQ>KQJ>QJ10> A23 KA2 is not straight4, the same kind of card type, order than points, the samesize,openthe dealer lose5, special hands in general by comparing the size of asinglecardtype base. When leopards exist, a specialcardtype>Leopards6, the highest poker hand than the number ofcounter-clockwisetostart than the card.
奇酷贏三張(紮金花、詐金花)臺灣、香港版 3.0.2
贏三張又稱紮金花或詐金花,是公認的最好玩的紙牌遊戲,節奏明快,新鮮刺激,考驗玩家的智慧和膽量。奇酷贏三張在傳統贏三張遊戲的基礎上進行了大量創新,忠實於經典玩法,操作體驗更適合手機用戶。尤其是與移動社區的結合,使玩家不僅可以玩到新鮮刺激的遊戲,更可以結識世界各地的朋友。奇酷贏三張是奇酷遊樂園(原奇酷遊戲大廳)眾多精品遊戲之一,奇酷遊樂園(原奇酷遊戲大廳)是國內人氣最旺的移動遊戲SNS社區,以遊戲為紐帶,以社區為核心,內置30餘款精品遊戲,以及玩家社區、PK台、爭霸賽等功能。目前奇酷遊戲大廳中有30餘款遊戲,包括奇酷三國(三國網遊)、奇酷鬥地主、快樂農場(開心農場),快樂大房東、植物大戰僵屍、音樂夢工廠(音樂遊戲)、奇酷萌寵(寵物遊戲)等。所有遊戲都有單獨的排行榜和討論區,玩家之間可以互相加好友發消息。排行榜上你攻我守,爭當第一;討論區裡板磚亂飛,聊天交友。如果您想瞭解奇酷遊樂園(原奇酷遊戲大廳)更多詳情,或給我們回饋,可以通過以下方式聯繫我們:官方網站:http://www.qeekoo.com官方博客:http://blog.qeekoo.comAlso known astheGoldentie or win three Golden fraud, is recognized as themostfunsolitaire game, fast-paced, fresh and exciting, testplayerswisdomand courage.Cool odd win three in the traditional win three games on alotofinnovation, faithful to the classic gameplay,operatingexperienceis more suitable for mobile phone users.Especially withthecombination of mobile community, so that playerscan not onlyplaywith the new and exciting game, but you can meetpeople fromallover the world.Cool to win three odd odd one cool amusement park (QiYuancoolgame lobby) many fine games, the odd cool amusement park(QiYuancool game lobby) is the most popular mobile games SNScommunitytoplay as a link, Community-core, built-in balance of 30finegame,and the player community, PK units, Competition,andotherfunctions.There are 30 odd balance games cool games hall now,includingtheodd cool three (three games), the odd cool Landlords,HappyFarm(Happy Farm), happy big landlord, Zombies, musicDreamWorks(musicgame), Cool odd Meng Chong (pet game) and so on.All gameshaveseparate leaderboards and discussion area, you canaddfriendsmessage each other gamers. You attack me and keep onthelist, befirst; discussion area where tiles flying, chatwithfriends.If you want to know the odd cool amusement park (Qi Yuancoolgamelobby) For more information, or to give us feedback, youcancontactus through the following ways:Official Website: http: //www.qeekoo.comOfficial blog: http: //
赢三张 1.1
★赢三张简介炸金花(又称诈金花、扎金花、金花、砸金花、赢三张、翻三张或者抓鸡)是中国广泛流传的一种民间多人扑克牌游戏。以其豪华阵容、简单有趣,上手快,娱乐性强的特点,受到广大扑克爱好者的亲睐。只需要您将设备与互联网相连接,您即可与真人随时随地进行游戏,无论您是没有经验的新手,还是资深的炸金花玩家,您都可以找到适合您的牌桌来尽情的游戏。丰富多样的玩法让你乐在其中。★游戏特色1.100%不作弊:让玩家公平、公正、平等进行PK。2.精设计:大额筹码以镶钻方块和桌子包边等设计,呈现高端、大气、上档次;精致的画面、丰富的游戏性、流畅的体验,市面上最时尚清爽的设计诠释棋牌类游戏画面,让您赏心悦目。3.小创意:土豪金、洒洒水、扔肥皂、车牌系统、仇人系统、178系统、金币提示、等级经验、牌力分析器等功能;4.很刺激:火拼场全天开放2场次,每场次90分钟,拼牌点、拼胆识、拼智慧、拼策略;比的就是腰包,玩的就是刺激、心跳,你是否HOLD得住。5.独特玩法:娱乐厅百人炸金花同场竞技,翻倍high翻全场。★只要您下载体验这款用心和创意的作品,必定给您带来最疯狂的棋牌乐趣和最纯粹的棋牌享受。★温馨提醒:适度游戏,合理安排,享受生活。★游戏更新:1.增加皮肤系统,让你1秒变土豪,还有更多色彩让你更精彩;2.小玩法让大众场更有趣;3.KO榜,让您了解您KO过的对手跟KO您的对手;4.更新位置新算法,车牌系统,对手信息更准确;5.洒洒水,让平民更快致富;6.新增娱乐厅(百人炸金花),让玩法更high;7.推出178系统(一起发),让我们一起发;8.更多精彩,请更新体验!!!★游戏攻略* 每天登录送游戏币,连续登录最高送2.5万金币。* 在线时间越长,奖励越多,在线45分钟奖励1万金币。* 擅用各种任务奖励,免费金币多多。* 随身赛报名赛制赢取更多的金币。* 游戏通过洒洒水来救济破产和少量金币的玩家。★联系方式◆客服QQ:97782312或者97782313◆客服电话:0755-36632818或者4006-755-308◆邮箱:[email protected]★ IntroductiontowinthreeGolden fried (also known as the Golden fraud, barJinhua,Jinhua,Jinhua hit, winning three, turning three or catchthechicken) is awidespread Chinese folk multiplayer poker game.Itslineup, simple,fun, quick, entertaining features, the majorityofpokerenthusiasts pro-Lai. You only need a device connectedtotheInternet, you can play games with live anywhere, whether youareaninexperienced novice or experienced players Golden fried,youcanfind your tables to enjoy the game. Rich and diversegameplayletsyou enjoy it.★ Game Features1.100% do not cheat: Let the players a fair, just,equitableconductPK.2 fine design: large chip boxes and tables with diamondedging,suchas design, showing the high-end, the atmosphere,thegrade;exquisite picture, rich gameplay, smooth experience,themarket'smost fashionable designs refreshing interpretation ofchessgamescreen, allowing you to watch.3 small ideas: Tyrant gold, Sasa water, throwing soap,licenseplatesystem, the enemy system, 178 system, gold tips,levelofexperience, brand strength analyzer and otherfunctions;4 very exciting: Rush 2 games all day sessions, eachsession90minutes, the fight card points courage to fight, fightsmart,fightstrategy; ratio is pockets, play is exciting, heart,whetheryouHOLD maintained.5 Unique gameplay: Golden fried entertainment hallhundredpeopleplay together, doubling the high turn theaudience.★ As long as you download and experience the creative workofthisintention, certainly to bring you the most fun andcrazychesschess purest enjoyment.★ Reminder: Moderate game, reasonable arrangementstoenjoylife.★ Game Updates:1 increase skin system that allows you one secondbecomesTyrant,there are more colors make you more exciting;2 small field of play so that the public is more interesting;3.KO standings, had to let you know your opponent with KOKOyouropponent;4 new algorithm update location, license plate system,opponentsofinformation is more accurate;5 Sasa water, to allow civilians to get rich quickly;6 new entertainment hall (Hundred Golden fried), soplaymorehigh;7 launch 178 system (along with fat), let us together;8 More exciting, please update experience!!!★ Raiders game* Log in to send the game currency daily consecutive login uptosend25,000 coins.* Online The longer, the more rewards, online 45minutesreward10,000 coins.* Unauthorized use of a variety of tasks reward, a lotoffreegold.* Portable game system tournament entry to win more gold.* Game bankruptcy relief by Sasa water and a small amount ofgoldtoplayers.★ Contact◆ Customer Service QQ: 97782312 or 97782313◆ customer service phone 0755 -36,632,818 or 4006-755-308◆ E-mail: [email protected]
您喜欢玩风靡全球的赢三张吗?只要您将您的手机与Internet连接,,您即可与真人随时随地进行游戏:)无论您是没有经验的新手,还是资深的赢三张玩家,您都可以找到适合您的牌桌来尽情的游戏。您需要的,仅仅是一点游戏技巧。现在就加入全球华人圈最好的博彩游戏---赢三张吧。游戏功能:★ 游戏完全免费★ 极底的手机流量占用,支持任意网络接入方式,优先检测并接入WIFI网络★ 稳定流畅的游戏体验,支持任意运营商网络,即使因为手机信号原因断线,也可以快速断线重连★ 与全世界的玩家游戏并交友★ 随时随地进行游戏★ 美观的游戏界面,让您操作极其方便★ 在游戏内快速购买筹码★ 真人语音聊天,更加愉悦只要您喜欢赢三张,您只需按下按钮免费下载按钮,即可与全世界玩家一起享受赢三张的乐趣。在牌桌上等您:)★游戏流程和规则投入底注:发牌之前大家先付出的筹码发牌:从庄家开始发牌,第一次开局的话,随机选择一个用户先发牌。每人发三张牌,牌面向下,为暗牌。游戏:庄家的顺时针的下一家先开始下注,其他玩家依次顺时针操作。轮到玩家操作时,玩家根据条件和判断形势可以进行加注、跟注、看牌、放弃、开牌等操作。开牌:当最后游戏者只剩下2个人时,则可以随时选择开牌。判断胜负:根据牌型比较规则来判断胜负。显示所有没有弃牌的玩家的牌型。如果可以投入筹码的玩家只剩下一个,则判此玩家为胜利玩家。★牌型豹子:三张点数相同的牌,如AAA,KKK顺金:花色一样的顺子,如黑桃JQK,梅花QKA金花:花色一样,但不是顺子,如红桃9JQ,黑桃8KA顺子:花色不一样的顺子,如方块7黑桃8红桃9对子:含有两张点数一样的牌,如778,JJK特殊:花色不同的 235单张:三张牌无法组成以上的任何牌型★牌型大小规则1.豹子>顺金>金花>顺子>对子>单张2.如果牌型一样,则比较点数。大小若相同,开牌者输。3.牌的点数大小为A最大,2最小A>K>Q>J>10>9>8>7>6>5>4>3>24.豹子、金花、对子、单张的比较,按照顺序比点的规则比较大小5.顺金、顺子按照顺序比点。 AKQ>A23>KQJ>QJ106.逆时针开牌,若牌相同,先开的玩家输7.特殊牌型在普通时比较大小按单张牌型来算。当豹子存在时,特殊牌型 > 豹子★特殊奖励获得特殊的牌型并成为赢家,可以得到相应的特殊奖励,特殊奖励从所有当局失败玩家处平均扣除给胜利玩家。若某失败玩家不够付出特殊奖励,则付出其所有剩余的游戏币。,豹子:获得特殊奖励 = 底注之和 *10顺金:获得特殊奖励 = 底注之和 *5★赢三张术语庄家:上一轮赢的玩家是下一轮的庄家,第一局或者赢家离开时,游戏随机选一个玩家为庄家底注:游戏开始前每位玩家都要先投入的初始注,根据游戏房间的不同而数值不同封顶:当某个玩家所剩的游戏币不够下次付出时,则封顶,系统自动开牌下注:每次下注的金额看牌:查看自己三张牌的花色和点数,看牌后的投注为明注明注:玩家看牌后,下注金额是暗牌(没看牌)时的2倍暗注:不看牌投入筹码跟注:投入和上家一样多的筹码数。自己是明牌就跟明,暗牌就跟暗弃牌:玩家放弃手中的牌与所下的所有筹码, 判输加注:在上家投入筹码的基础上再增加的筹码。比如上家投入100,选择加入100,则共投入200。可以选择加的具体筹码数值为3种,依场的设置不同而不同。开牌:当可以投注的玩家只剩下两个人时,可以随时选择开牌,选开牌的玩家要付出当前需要付出筹码的双倍数量,如果牌型大小相同,则先开牌的玩家判输。Email:[email protected] like to playragewinthree it? As long as you place your phone andInternetconnection,, You can play games with live anywhere :)Whether youare aninexperienced novice or experienced players to winthree, youyoucan find your table to enjoy the game. You need just alittlegameskills. Join the global Chinese circle the best gaming---winthree bars.Game features:★ game totally free★ very end of the phone traffic occupancy, supportinganynetworkaccess, priority access WIFI network to detect and★ stable and smooth gaming experience, support anycarriernetwork,even if the reason for disconnection because thephonesignal, youcan quickly reconnection★ player game with the world and make friends★ game anytime, anywhere★ beautiful game interface, allowing you extremelyeasytooperate★ Quick purchase chips in the game★ live voice chat, more enjoyableAs long as you like to win three, you just press thebuttonforfree download button, you can enjoy the fun of winningwiththreeplayers around the world.At the table waiting for you :)★ game processes and rulesPut end Note: Before you first pay a licensing chipsLicensing: Licensing start from the dealer, the firststart,thenrandomly select a user to licensing. Send three cardsperperson,under the brand face, dark cards.Game: In a clockwise bookmakers bet to start, followed bytheotherplayers clockwise operation. Turn the player operation,theplayeris determined according to the conditions and thesituationcanraise, call, read the cards, give up, open licensing,andotheroperations.Flop: When the last player left with two individuals, youcanalwayschoose to open cards.Determine the outcome: comparison based on card type ofrulestodetermine the outcome. Show all the players have notfoldedcardtype. If you can put the chips only one player, thepenalty forthevictory of the players this player.★ card typeLeopard: Three cards of the same number of points, suchasAAA,KKKShun Gold: Junko same suit, such as spades JQK, plum QKAGolden: the same color, but it is not straight, such ashearts9JQ,spades 8KAStraight: straight different colors, such as spades block 789heartsPair: contains two points the same card, such as 778, JJKSpecial: 235 different colorsSingle: three cards can not form any of the above card type★ card type size rule1. Leopard> Shunjin> Golden>Junko>sub>leaflets2. If the same card type, the comparison points. If thesamesize,open the dealer loses.3. A card the size of the maximum number of points, 2MinimumA>K> Q> J> 10> 9> 8> 7> 6> 5>4>3>2The leopard, Golden, pairs, more leaflets in the order thanthepointsize of the rules.5. Shun Jin, straight in the order than the point.AKQ>A23>KQJ> QJ106. counterclockwise flop, if the same brand, the first toopentheplayer loses7. Special card type in common by comparing the size of asinglecardtype to count. When the leopard presence, specialcardtype>leopard★ special awardAchieve a particular card type and become a winner, you cangetthecorresponding special rewards, special rewards playersfromallauthorities fail to victory at the average deduction player.Ifaplayer fails to pay a special reward enough, then payallitsremaining medal. ,Leopard: antes get special bonus = sum * 10Shun Gold: get special bonus = bottom note of and * 5★ win three termsMakers: the last round to win the player is making thenextround,when the winner of the first game or leave the gamerandomlychooseone player to the dealerBottom Note: Before the game starts each player must firstputaninitial injection, depending on the game and the values​​ofthedifferent roomsCap: When a player is not enough money left in the game thenextpay,the cap, the system automatically flopBet: The amount of each betLook cards: view your three cards of color and pointscardsafterbetting Look for bright note2 times the player after watching cards, wager is dark card(notreadthe cards) when: Description NoteDark Note: does not read the cards into chipsCall: inputs and the family as much as the number of chips.Itisjust like winning numbers light and dark brand just darkFold: Players give up their hand and all the chipsaredown,sentenced to loseFilling: put the home on the basis of additional chips onchips.Forexample, the family invested 100 opt 100, a totalinvestment of200.You can choose to add a specific value for thethree kinds ofchips,setting varies depending on the field.Flop: When players can bet the only two people, you canalwayschooseto open cards, the election flop players have to paydoubletheamount needed to pay current chips, the same size if thecardtype,the first sentence flop players lose.Email: [email protected]