Top 18 Games Similar to Metal Solid

"METAL SLUG ATTACK" joins the battle with numerous improvements!
SW Battlefront Companion 1.0.6
Enhance your Star Wars™ Battlefront™ experience with theofficialCompanion app.
World Conqueror 3-WW2 Strategy 1.8.0
Experiencing great world war 2 turn base strategy game.
War of Glory:Blitz 0.3.3
Fight today in the War of Glory:Blitz andseizethe many lands that are corrupt of cruel, and pure eviltyrannicalleadership. Save the people and save humanity fromHitlerism!Fight for freedom, liberty, and justice for all!Now that the people have chosen you as Commanding Officer in theWarof Glory: Blitz, It is your duty to fulfill the needs of thepeopleand humanity! Your basic duties as Commanding Officer in theWar ofGlory: Blitz are to repair a weakened base in a foreignland,assemble a dominant Army, and unite the toughest Alliance toeverstand in human history! All the while fighting the cruel andevilleaders trying to take over the world!War of Glory: Blitz is a real time, strategic warfare game, thatisfree to play and offers incredible features that let you relivethethreat of Tyranny and Hitlerism in the Era of World War 2.REPAIR A WEAKENED BASE in a foreign land, and constructanimpenetrable defense that will halt any army from threatening​youand taking what's yours!ASSEMBLE AN ARMY with such strength and intelligence that allyourenemies will fear you!UNITE AN ALLIANCE with your family and friends and become knownasthe Policemen and World Leaders in the War of Glory: Blitz!RELIVE HISTORY and go through the many missions and operationsthatsaved the people and humanity from living in TyrannyandHitlerism!CHALLENGE YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS, AND ENEMIES, with theonlinescrimmage mode that allows you to engage armies intodirectbattle!ACCUMULATE RESOURCES that you need for your Base and Armyfromcompleting Missions, Operations, and Scrimmages!UPGRADE, RESEARCH, AND UNLOCK buildings and technology thatwillmake your enemies look like they pulled out their army fromWorldWar 1!COMPETE IN THE PLAYER VERSUS PLAYER LEAGUE and stay ahead ofthecompetition! All the while establishing your Name and Allianceinthe War of Glory: Blitz!DOMINATE THE GLOBE however you choose! Are you going to be theherothat controls the many Cities and Towns with freedom, liberty,andjustice for all? Will you take control of the cities and townswithevil intentions? The choice is yours!War of Glory: Blitz is still being developed! If you haveanyfeedback we'd love to hearFor questions and support, please contact the ITITA team atthefollowing:Facebook [email protected]
European War 4 : Napoleon 1.4.42
Reliving glory of Napoleon times and create your own empire.
火鳳燎原大戰台灣三國版 2.144
火鳳燎原大戰-(台灣版)港澳台殿堂級漫畫《火鳳燎原》由「東立出版社」正式授權,三國即時策略卡牌遊戲最新力作《火鳳燎原大戰》!東立出版社獨家授權改編而成的《火鳳燎原大戰》,原創漫畫獨特的人物角色水鏡八奇、刺客殘兵等都會在遊戲中出現,作者《陳某》更是親自操刀為遊戲中約略百位以上的漫畫人物重新繪畫上色,不僅如此,漫畫中如城下一聚、公子獻頭等經典章節及角色對白都會在遊戲中原汁重現,讓玩家能夠在遊玩《火鳳燎原大戰》的過程中,體驗到《火鳳燎原》的獨特魅力。遊戲特色●百種卡牌搭配變幻莫測  《火鳳燎原大戰》將漫畫中的人物都製作成卡牌,玩家可以自由蒐集卡牌來組成出戰陣型。每張卡牌都擁有不同的武將主動技及兵種,主動技在戰鬥時都有決定勝負關鍵的能力,玩家可以透過編列陣型的方式來安排自己的出戰隊型,不同的兵種安排,也有陰陽相剋的連結關係,超過百種的卡牌搭配,如何克敵制勝,將考驗著玩家謀略布局的能力。●「全手動」即時策略卡牌對戰  《火鳳燎原大戰》跳脫了跟以往不同的三國類型遊戲,將以「全手動」即時策略卡牌對戰的方式來呈現對戰的真實感,玩家可以親手操縱所編排的卡片陣型,透過走位、兵種對抗等方式去攻擊敵軍來擊破敵城獲得勝利,而較特別的是在戰鬥中各卡牌技能到施放條件就可發動主動技來扭轉戰局。正所謂兵法陣中變,如何拿下戰局,就看玩家們用兵戰略的功力。例行性維護時間:每周三10點開始(詳細時間請見官網或FB粉絲團)官方網站:專頁:客服專頁:討論區:聯絡客服:
Xenobot. Battle robots. 0.145b
Mobidom Games
Xenobot Online is a strategy game about combat robots controlledbya player from a space station.The gigantic spaceship Prometheus, which was sent from Earthtocolonize Kepler, the nearest inhabitable planet, wasdestroyedwhile leaving orbit by unknown beings. Some of thecolonistsmanaged to survive. You are in charge of a military spacestationorbiting a hostile planet.You have access to divisions capable of researching,producing,and creating combat machines called Xenobots, and yourmission isto use them to find out who destroyed the Prometheus andwhathappened to the other colonists. You will be assisted by NIRA,thestation's on-board AI, which was created by the military forthePrometheus project.Key features:- Assemble a team of unique robots from thousands ofvariouscomponents in the constructor- Undertake a wide variety of missions on a hostileplanet,including story missions, resource collection, scouting,andcooperative gameplay- Research upgrades, new robot mods, and weapons- Create robot parts and weapons from blueprints- Assemble the toughest robot and battle other players inthearena- Robot autopilot - give a team of robots an objective, andtheywill complete it on their own
火鳳燎原大戰港澳三國版 2.144
已厭倦無腦式自動戰鬥了嗎?《火鳳燎原大戰》讓你體驗真正的三國大戰!手控式即時戰略操控,包圍、強攻、死守等戰術由你親自掌握!就怕你手殘控制不住!Facebook粉絲專頁:官方網址:玩家客服平台:客戶服務熱線:(852)2866-9090服務時間: 逢星期一至六10:00 – 18:30(星期日、公眾假期除外)======遊戲特色======●一手掌握《火鳳燎原》經典戰役《火鳳燎原大戰》忠於《火鳳燎原》故事發展,更完美收錄當中各項重大的戰役!「刺殺許臨殘兵起」、「虎牢攻防戰呂布」等精彩橋段,你均能一一體驗!●多點觸控軍隊 指揮精兵攻城做霸主對戰的真正魅力,並不是在戰前指示部隊便能成事。《火鳳燎原大戰》採用多點觸控軍隊系統,玩家在戰鬥時需要根據戰場的即時戰況,對各部隊作出相應指揮調動。從此「水鏡八奇」的思考領域,將由你親自踏進!●收集全套卡牌武將 鬥智鬥力即時戰略《火鳳燎原大戰》中所有的武將卡片,均由《火鳳燎原》作者「陳某」親自手繪,曹操、孫策、劉備、諸葛亮、燎原火、呂布等過百款成名武將,均由你親自訓練以及指揮!●超過150款戰鬥技能 戰術配出無限可能「兵法陣中變,奇謀局外生!」《火鳳燎原大戰》中的三國武將,均各自擁有各式各樣的武將技以及主帥技。袁方的「風后八陣圖」、賈詡的「黑暗兵法」、燎原火的「常山劍法」等將會在遊戲中完美再現!●多款兵種互相剋制 育成武將組織最強陣容在三國亂戰中,「兵」可謂行軍中的基本。而《火鳳燎原大戰》設有5大兵種,包括槍兵、騎兵、弓兵,以及特殊兵種刀兵與攻城兵,槍騎弓各有技能且互相剋制。如何編制一隊強力的奇兵,打出一場漂亮的勝仗,將會是對玩家的一大考驗!●手動殺敵重點出擊 自動模式機動性高《火鳳燎原大戰》除了有即時的手動控制,更設有自動模式的作戰系統,方便玩家在沒有空閒親自指揮的時候,也可令你的軍隊能夠在火鳳三國的時代中打拚!玩家只要在戰前替部隊下達各種指令,部隊便會自動進行戰鬥!●手機爆發三國大戰 玩家對戰決雌雄《火鳳燎原大戰》設有競技場系統,並會定期舉辦各項比賽以及排名戰,派發各種豐富獎勵!一場由手機爆發的三國大戰經已一觸即發,誰能在連場三國激戰中,以智謀取勝、以武力稱雄,脫穎而出從而稱霸中原?
Catwar2vsElderSign 0.35
'Cat War2 VS Elder-sign'With over 10 million downloads worldwide, the populardefensegame series,Cat War, has finally launched its newbattle!!What the hell!? This time, you’re fighting against Cthulhu!!In collaboration with the popular online RPG Elder-Sign,thebattle between adorable cats and Cthulhu monsters is abouttobegin!!The kingdom of cats once defeated the dogs in the big wars.However,the peace didn’t last long.The powerful Cthulhu monsters came from another dimension!!Stop the invasion of the Elder Gods by rallying the soldiercatsand cat heroes around the world!!(Features)◆Adorable cats and mysterious Cthulhu monsters.Attractive characters dynamically move around!!◆Simple rules, easy to understand for beginners:1. Collect food by using fisherman units.2. Destroy the enemy’s castle by using solder units.Follow the above, and you’ll be ready to fight!!◆Strategies can be complex enough to satisfy theseries’fans.Protect your castle constantly, or rush into the enemy withheroes’superpowers. How to fight is up to you!!◆Don’t miss the bonus game, where treasures and fish will fallfromthe sky!!With simple controls, everybody can enjoy this game regardlessofage. This is the definitive defense game!!
真三國大戰-一番武將跨服大戰 5.9.0
Taiwan Limited! "True Three Wars" official visit in Taiwan! True3Daction version of "Three Kingdoms の war"!
Zombie Defense 1.01.01
Get rid of Zombies !!
口袋戰爭 gametower 1.05
【遊戲簡介】結合經營、塔防、戰略的多人對戰遊戲,在未來的世界裡大戰,DIY創造強大火力機甲,打造屬於個人的堡壘,抵禦多樣兵種搭配進攻,發揮個人戰略的才能,在弱肉強食的世界壯大,快呼朋引伴,一同建立強大的聯盟!登入遊戲,就有大量資源唷!夥伴們上吧!=========================================【遊戲特色】經營打造最強堡壘!--不間斷的經營,多次的洗鍊,打造個人完美佈陣。兵種搭配高深莫測!--善用兵種特性,半自動AI進攻。發揮個人戰略才能!強力機甲自由搭配!--各種機器裝甲,自由搭配,創造強大火力堅強防禦的機甲戰士!每日海量寶石發送!--每日任務輕鬆拿海量資源及鑽石,超時空補給天天免費抽,多樣驚人獎勵不容錯過。【聯繫我們】客服信箱:[email protected]粉絲團:穿越時空星際風格類COC型熱門遊戲,建立自已的城堡、超高資源獎勵,爭霸群雄共聚的未來世界,《口袋戰爭》最輕鬆休閒的戰爭遊戲!
Guns'n'Glory WW2 1.4.13
Enter the battle and lead your troops to glory!
武神關聖 5.6.8
梟雄亂世!奇兵詭陣!成就最終王者!下載量超過3720000的策略史詩大作【武神關聖】,真的非常有趣哦~更多精彩活動請見遊戲內公告和粉絲團消息。機會有限,先玩先得哦!===遊戲介紹===【武神關聖】齊集130多位歷史名將,超過1000種的陣法組合,搭配Q版清新畫風,完美呈現諸侯爭霸,亂世成王的瑰麗三國。經典的名將收集,多變的武將成長,更需參透各色名將的天賦技能,排兵佈陣,才能處處制敵,成就霸業哦。===專屬特色===★史詩戰役:經典的三國亂世格局,完美呈現,搭配最強名將組合,攻城拔寨★霸氣神將:三國猛將,任君召喚。集三軍士氣,華麗大招秒殺全屏★國家系統:召集群豪組建自己的國家,攻佔長安、襄陽。。。全服爭霸★武鬥會:跨服爭霸,爭做全服最頂點的武神★四象神域:青龍、白虎、朱雀、玄武,鎮守神奇寶石★BOSS遠征:超強的戰神刑天,華麗的技能釋放,唯有勇者才能擊殺~★每日活動:競速、神樹、暴打、過關斬將。。。精彩活動,每日驚喜~粉絲專頁:回報通道:[email protected]===注意事項=== ★武神關聖由「智娛互動科技有限公司」代理。★本軟體依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法,分類為輔導級15+。★本遊戲內容涉及暴力之情節。★本遊戲為免費使用,內另有提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。 ★請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷。
Stormfall: Rise of Balur 2.12.0
Immerse yourself in the dark world offantasyand myth! Stormfall: Rise of Balur™ delivers epic battles inone ofthe most challenging and popular MMO strategygamesavailable.The empire of Stormfall has fallen, and rival warlords jointhebattle across the continent as an ancient evil rises onceagain.You have been chosen to defend and protect the lands ofDarkshine,and lead your people and your army through these darktimes andinto the light.For the first time, this popular free strategy game has beenbroughtto mobile as a standalone, epic, multiplayer adventure,featuringgroundbreaking graphics and genre-defining gameplay.Attack enemies,forge alliances and gather resources as you defendyour castle fromconstant enemy attacks whilst simultaneouslybuilding and expandingyour empire. Carefully plan your strategyand join clans in order todefeat rival leagues in this ultimateMMORPG.NOTE: Please set up password protection for purchases inthesettings of your Google Play Store app. Also, under our TermsofService and Privacy Policy, you must be at least 13 years of agetoplay or download Stormfall: Rise of Balur™FEATURES✔ FREE TO PLAY✔ Available in the following languages: English, French,Spanish,Italian, German, Portuguese and Russian✔ Exceptional artwork, graphics and gameplay✔ Recruit giant armies, raid endless castles and defendyourempire✔ Exciting PVP battles – pit your armies against other playersfromaround the world, master strategy, diplomacy and join forceswithgreat League to defeat your rivals.✔ Popular MMORPG free to play with thousands of clans tojoin.✔ Forge diplomatic and strategic alliances with millions ofonlineplayers, from around the world, all in real time.✔ Raid, attack and defend in order to defeat your enemies inongoingbattles and wars.✔ Earn bonus rewards just for commanding your troops eachday.✔ Role playing game adventures and missions, deeplevelstrategyNOTE! Stormfall: Rise of Balur™ is a standalone mobile game andiscompletely independent from the web and socialStormfallservers.Please give us your feedback to help us make it even better!Support: Policy: of Use:
Battleground Arena Defense 1.2
The war has started, prepare your troopstodefend the base, the enemy is coming.Battleground Arena Defense is the game for epic battles to fighttheenemy invasion. Defend your territory withall the weapons you have and prepare a strategy to dominatethebattlefield.The characteristics of Battleground Arena Defense:. Draw the various towers on the battlefield and strike theenemyto destroy. two play modes, you can fight on all the battlefield or onapredetermined path. choose the best towers for war and Make them more powerful astheenemy becomes stronger. different levels of difficulty, you can check out the wavesofenemy attack.. Destroy the enemy's weapons to earn money and build themostpowerful towers.The war has begun, prepared in epic battles to conquer theenemyterritory!
DomiNations Asia
NEXON Company
Grow a flourishing civilization andjourneythrough all of human history as the leader of amightyNation!- BUILD a unique village of your own design.- LEAD loyal citizens from the dawn of antiquity to themodernera.- BATTLE cooperatively and competitively with players withplayersfrom across the world.- RAID competing Nations for all their good loot!FROM THE STONE AGE TO THE SPACE AGEIn DomiNations, lead a village of early hunters and gatherersontheir conquest through the ages from the dawn of civilizationtothe modern era. It’s up to you to design a small town and growitinto a thriving metropolis. Build historic Wonders of theWorld,including famous landmarks like the Pyramids of Egypt and theRomanColosseum. Tackle historic battle campaigns to collectimportantresources and upgrade your city as you advancethroughhistory!CHOOSE YOUR NATION AND LEAD AN ARMYTake charge of one of 8 fearsome Nations on its journeythroughtime. Choose from the Romans, British, Chinese, French,Germans,Japanese, Koreans and Greeks. Each Nation has a specialstrengthempowering you to build unique units who fight to advanceyourcity, like longbowmen, vandals, and the mighty samurai!DISCOVER NEW TECHNOLOGIESResearch new materials, invent advanced weaponry, and developtradeto grow a bustling economy. Through scientificdiscovery,strengthen your troops with better equipment, upgradeyourbuildings and town center with modern materials, and bolsteryourdefenses as you grow stronger. Legendary game designerBrianReynolds brings history to life in every era as keyadvancementsfrom each period in history will help you progress yourepiccivilization!FORM AN ALLIANCE AND WAGE WORLD WARPut your powerful Nation to the ultimate test in PvP combat andraidyour enemies’ cities for huge bunches of loot! Fight forcrucialresources, untold wealth, and total domination. Team upwith otherskilled rulers and forge an unstoppable Alliance.Unleash the fullforce of your armies to outwit and outlast youropponents in50-on-50 Alliance warfare to conquer the globe inWorld War. Triumphand take home the spoils of war!Privacy Policy: of Service:[DomiNations requires OS 4.0.4, CPU dual-core and RAM 2GB orhigherspecification for smooth play. Some devices under thespecificationof those might encounter some crash.][Google Permission Request]This game might request on those permissions listed in heretoaccess following features for stable gameplay experience.- Accessing photos, media, and files: Necessary fordownloadingadditional data and attaching in-game screenshot forCSThe access to these features will only be used for downloadandgameplay purposes.These are the necessary permissions that we need in order toprovideproper game installation/performance to our users. Pleasenote thatwe do NOT collect any personal information.If you have any questions, please contact us at ourCustomerSupport.Thank you.
Empires and Allies 1.104.1382488.production
Join your friends, form alliances, buildyourarmy and prepare for battle.Welcome to Empires & Allies, the criticallyacclaimedmodern-military strategy game that puts the weapons oftoday’sarmies at your fingertips, in a battle for control oftheglobe.FEATURES:-DEPLOY THE WEAPONS OF MODERN WAR from tactical nukes andhellfiremissiles to orbital strikes.-BUILD IN THE WAR FACTORY and craft all-new weapons plus epicioncannons, stealth generators, air-med dronehives, andmore....-BATTLE IN ALLIANCE WARS with up to 100 other players asyouralliance fights for control of the globe.-DESIGN YOUR PERFECT ARMY from the arsenals of today’smilitarieswith battle-hardened tanks, spider drones, helicopters,andmore.-DYNAMIC BATTLEFIELDS deliver increasingly difficult scenariosthatemulate the unpredictability of warfare.- SAVE THE WORLD from the GRA, an evil terrorist organization,anddefend your territories from other playersADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES:- Use of this application is governed by the Zynga Terms ofService.These Terms are available through the License Agreementfield below,and at For specific information about how Zynga collects andusespersonal or other data, please read our privacy policyat Zynga’s Privacy Policy isalsoavailable through the Privacy Policy field below.- This game does permit a user to connect to social networks,suchas Facebook, and as such players may come into contact withotherpeople when playing this game.- Terms of Service for Social Networks you connect to in thisgamemay also apply to you.- You will be given the opportunity to participate inspecialoffers, events, and programs from Zynga Inc. anditspartners.- Must be 13+ to play.