Top 22 Games Similar to 落櫻散華抄(香港版)

落櫻散華抄 1.1.5
【戀愛校園生活】手機 Online Game!(繁體中文版)結合【戀愛約會】【打工經營】【卡牌戰鬥】!體驗不可思議的校園冒險AVG!● 全3D畫面.純愛冒險AVG● 結合戀愛育成.打工經營● 學習升級.體驗校園生活● 卡牌戰鬥.封印魔界妖物● 超過500張華麗卡牌等你收集● 自由配搭你的戰鬥卡組合!櫻華學園;充滿著貴族氣息和現代化設施的一所高級學校,你因為父母工作的關係而轉學至此,進而認識了各式各樣充滿個性的女主角們。然而,沒想到身為一介學生的你,竟然因為一場意外發現了現代社會竟潛藏著無數的妖怪,進而捲入與妖怪的戰爭之內。是要認真的成為好學生呢?還是賺一堆錢成為億萬長者?抑或是和女角們共譜一段戀曲?或許,你將成為世界的救世主也不一定。究竟,你會走上哪一條道路?現在,你的選擇將會決定一切…….◎◎◎遊戲特色◎◎◎本遊戲備有數百種各式各樣的美麗卡片,讓玩家可以自由選擇搭配自己的出戰內容!人物風格採用日式風格,絕對讓你看的目不轉睛!在戀愛模式中,女角們皆採用最高級的3D技術製作,再搭配栩栩如生的動作與表情,讓你一看了就愛上她們!◎日式輕小說般的主線探索內容製作群用心撰寫的劇情,內容之多宛如一本輕小說。遊戲劇情的演出皆採用AVG模式,透過不時出現選項還可以讓你體驗各種不同的分歧劇情!保證讓你徹底融入本遊戲的世界觀!現在就快點來體驗這款日式卡片冒險遊戲吧!◎3D+2D的最佳示範。我們採用UNITY3D引擎技術製作,讓3D和2D做了最完美的結合!舒服的2D介面和卡片,再搭配可愛的3D角色們和美麗的3D建築物!保證讓你愛不釋手!◎卡片系統!讓你自由搭配!角色卡、裝備卡、寶具卡、道具卡、應援卡。透過各式各樣的卡片組合,讓你越變越強大!本遊戲提供了多樣化的卡片組合,就算是同一張卡片也還會有技能上的不同呢, 快來配置你的卡片,打敗妖怪來守護你最心愛的女主角吧!◎輕鬆的讀書打工系統!別忘了,和女角約會前可是需要提升自己的學力呢!成功約到女角了,可是約會還要花錢呢!唉呀,但是我沒有多少時間玩遊戲耶!?該怎麼辦呢?沒關係!本遊戲有最方便的讀書打工系統,讓你利用閒暇的時間來快速消費能量值來提高自己的學力和賺取金錢!幫助你輕鬆獲得美人心!FB粉絲團:落櫻散華抄官網:客服中心:本軟體依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為:輔導十五歲級。遊戲情節涉及暴力、戀愛交友;部份內容需另行支付費用,請避免沉迷遊戲。
落櫻散華抄plus 1.1.5
【戀愛校園生活】手機 Online Game!(繁體中文版)結合【戀愛約會】【打工經營】【卡牌戰鬥】!體驗不可思議的校園冒險AVG!● 全3D畫面.純愛冒險AVG● 結合戀愛育成.打工經營● 學習升級.體驗校園生活● 卡牌戰鬥.封印魔界妖物● 超過500張華麗卡牌等你收集● 自由配搭你的戰鬥卡組合!櫻華學園;充滿著貴族氣息和現代化設施的一所高級學校,你因為父母工作的關係而轉學至此,進而認識了各式各樣充滿個性的女主角們。然而,沒想到身為一介學生的你,竟然因為一場意外發現了現代社會竟潛藏著無數的妖怪,進而捲入與妖怪的戰爭之內。是要認真的成為好學生呢?還是賺一堆錢成為億萬長者?抑或是和女角們共譜一段戀曲?或許,你將成為世界的救世主也不一定。究竟,你會走上哪一條道路?現在,你的選擇將會決定一切…….◎◎◎遊戲特色◎◎◎本遊戲備有數百種各式各樣的美麗卡片,讓玩家可以自由選擇搭配自己的出戰內容!人物風格採用日式風格,絕對讓你看的目不轉睛!在戀愛模式中,女角們皆採用最高級的3D技術製作,再搭配栩栩如生的動作與表情,讓你一看了就愛上她們!◎日式輕小說般的主線探索內容製作群用心撰寫的劇情,內容之多宛如一本輕小說。遊戲劇情的演出皆採用AVG模式,透過不時出現選項還可以讓你體驗各種不同的分歧劇情!保證讓你徹底融入本遊戲的世界觀!現在就快點來體驗這款日式卡片冒險遊戲吧!◎3D+2D的最佳示範。我們採用UNITY3D引擎技術製作,讓3D和2D做了最完美的結合!舒服的2D介面和卡片,再搭配可愛的3D角色們和美麗的3D建築物!保證讓你愛不釋手!◎卡片系統!讓你自由搭配!角色卡、裝備卡、寶具卡、道具卡、應援卡。透過各式各樣的卡片組合,讓你越變越強大!本遊戲提供了多樣化的卡片組合,就算是同一張卡片也還會有技能上的不同呢, 快來配置你的卡片,打敗妖怪來守護你最心愛的女主角吧!◎輕鬆的讀書打工系統!別忘了,和女角約會前可是需要提升自己的學力呢!成功約到女角了,可是約會還要花錢呢!唉呀,但是我沒有多少時間玩遊戲耶!?該怎麼辦呢?沒關係!本遊戲有最方便的讀書打工系統,讓你利用閒暇的時間來快速消費能量值來提高自己的學力和賺取金錢!幫助你輕鬆獲得美人心!FB粉絲團:落櫻散華抄plus官網:客服中心:本軟體依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為:輔導十五歲級。遊戲情節涉及暴力、戀愛交友;部份內容需另行支付費用,請避免沉迷遊戲。
仙境之戀2 1.10.02
◆◇蟬聯韓國Google Play、KAKAO、T-Store、N-Store排行榜◇◆經典戀愛ARPG續作,繁體中文版2015正式登台!《仙境之戀2》已於4/22全新改版「聖焰城聯盟」。此次改版開放等級70級上限,玩家們將可獲得到嶄新技能、及強力裝備,但相應而來的則是極具充滿挑戰性的高難度副本,及恐怖的終極BOSS,讓我們來組成聖焰城之聯盟,一同來對抗新世界帶來的震撼挑戰吧!【全新副本介紹】惡魔熔爐比蒙巨獸原為地獄的高階惡魔,在第一次惡魔入侵時被風雪之神封印了起來。如今風雪之神已經墮落,他重新喚醒了比蒙巨獸,囚禁在惡魔熔爐裡,每日用他的鮮血強化他的惡魔大軍。風雪王座風雪王座位於北方大論的最北面,坐落在世界上最大的冰川之上。這個堡壘裡面是一個巨大的冰隙,風雪之神就坐在這個冰隙中央的王座上,用他的野心和武力控制著整個北方大陸的惡魔軍團。聖劍地下城─蒙蒂斯魔窟邪欲之王蒙蒂斯也是塔倫手下的三大魔王之一,和卡爾瑪不同之處在於——他很少出現,以至於大部分人都不知道這位強大的魔王。蒙蒂斯雖然貪婪、好色、嗜血成性,但他卻十分懶惰,常常驅使自己的僕從為自己物色貌美的少女作為祭品。正如這位神秘的魔王一樣,他的僕從也是行蹤隱秘。蒙蒂斯是塔倫的耳目,大陸各地都有安插他的間諜,負責搜集聖焰軍團的作戰計畫。【仙境特色】◆ 全聲優語音、皇家級交響配樂◆ 好評紙娃娃系統,無限再升級◆ 甜蜜結婚系統,用愛捍衛仙境◆ 四種職業、雙向技能發展(也可雙修喔!)◆ 多樣小遊戲,練功超有趣◆ 跨服PK、組隊攻城,戰鬥超快感【仙境起源】埋藏在宇宙深處,豐饒而寧靜的秘境之地-萊昂魔法仙境,數千年來與精靈、矮人、樹人和人類在此和平相處,各族民用愛與純淨的心靈灌溉著這片大地,使其生生不息,不料一股如其來的負面能量入侵,打亂了原本的寧靜,邪惡之力就此崛起。眼看仙境正逐漸腐壞,騎士、遊俠、法師和神使紛紛挺身而出、奮起抵抗,無奈還是節節敗退,眾人退守至萊昂魔法仙境之聖焰城,在此重新集結,戰士們!一起用愛守護仙境吧!!【職業介紹】▼騎士 使用武器:大劍 統御系:擁有最高生命和防禦力 狂暴系:強力攻擊輸出,搭配暴擊戰無不勝▼遊俠 使用武器:拳套 守護系:近戰控場,強力BUFF輔助 刺殺系:近戰爆發,個人能力無比出眾▼法師 使用武器:鐮刀 元素系:遠程爆發,群體終結者 邪惡系:巫術詛咒將敵人折磨至死▼神使 使用武器:短杖 神恩系:團隊治癒補給中心 祕法系:偏重破壞,遠程控場【聯繫我們】玩家如有任何問題,我們將即時指派專人為您處理◆ 客服信箱:[email protected]◆ 服務時間:24小時全年無休更多遊戲資訊請參考官方訊息:◆ 官方網站:◆ 粉絲團:本遊戲依中華民國法律規範應列為輔導12歲級本遊戲情節涉及性、暴力及戀愛交友注意使用時間,避免沉迷於遊戲本遊戲部分內容或服務,需另行支付其他費用◆◇reelection Korea Google Play, KAKAO, T-Store, N-Store rankings◇◆Sequel to the classic love ARPG, Traditional Chinese version2015official debut!"Wonderland Love 2" 4/22 was a new revision "holy flameCityAlliance." The revised opening level 70 cap, players will gettonew skills, and powerful equipment, but it is highly relevantfromthe challenging difficult copy and ultimate terror BOSS, letuscompose St. Union City's flame together to confront challengesofthe new world brought shock it![Introduction] new copyDevil furnaceBeamon behemoth formerly high-order demons of hell, in thefirstsnow of the demon invasion by God to seal up.Today's snow has fallen god, he re-awakened Beamon monster,demonimprisoned in the furnace daily with his blood to strengthenhisdemon army.Snow ThroneLocated in the north of the northern snow Throne big theory,andsits on the world's largest glacier.Inside the fort is a huge crevasse, god of snow sat on the throneofthe crevasse center, with his ambition and military control oftheentire continent of North Legions.Sword Dungeons ─ Montis denFor the king of evil devil Tarun Montis is one of the three men,andthat the difference between Kalmar - he rarely appeared thatmostpeople do not know the power of the devil. Montis While greed,lust,bloodthirsty, but he was very lazy, often driven by theirownservants for looking beautiful girl as a sacrifice. As themysteryof the devil, he is also the whereabouts secret servants.Montis isTarantino's eyes and ears across the continent has placedhis spy,is responsible for collecting the holy flame Corps combatplan.Wonderland [Features]◆ Full seiyuu voice, the Royal grade symphonic soundtrack◆ praise Paper doll, unlimited upgrade◆ sweet marriage system, with love to defend wonderland◆ four occupations, two-way skills development (alsoalikeOh!)◆ variety of mini-games, practice super fun◆ inter-service PK, team siege, battle Chaokuaigan[Wonderland origin]Buried in the depths of the universe, rich and peaceful place Fam-Leon magical wonderland for thousands of years with theelves,dwarves, humans and trees in this peace, love and all ethnicgroupsin the civil pure heart this piece of land for irrigationsoendless, but, as it came an invasion of negative energy,disruptingthe original quiet, this rise of evil forces. SeeingWonderland isgradually decay, Knight, Ranger, Mage and God havecome forward toresist, but unfortunately still losing ground, thecrowd retreatedto Leon city holy flame magic wonderland in thisregroup, soldiers!Together with love, right guard Wonderland! ![Employment agency]▼ Knights use of weapons: swordGoverning system: with the highest life and defenseFury: strong offensive output, with crit invincible▼ Ranger use of weapons: FistGuardian Series: melee control field, the auxiliary forceBUFFAssassination: melee broke out, very outstandingpersonalabilities▼ Master the use of weapons: sickleElemental: Remote outbreak, groups TerminatorUnholy: voodoo curse the enemy tortured to death▼ God makes use of weapons: short stickDivine Department: Team cure supply centerArcane system: emphasis on destruction, remote control fieldContact usPlayers with any questions, we will immediately assign someonetohandle your◆ Customer Service: [email protected]◆ Service Hours: 24/7For more information, please refer to the officialgamemessage:◆ official website: http: //◆ fan group: http: // game should be classified in accordance with the legalnormsROC 12 years coaching levelThe game plot involving sex, violence and love datingNote the use of time, avoid indulging in gamesThis game is part of the content or services to be subjecttoadditional fees
Infection 中文版 1.033
因大隕石而滅亡的近未來,放置系正統派RPG。描繪出黑暗而華麗的世界觀,沉穩而深度的故事情節刻劃出世界的盡頭。●故事突如其來的大隕石,使全世界一半的人口「魔人化」並讓世界走向毀滅。全世界的人們都感到絕望,並失去了所有的希望。然而,眼看著一位幻小的魔人又要誕生時,身為這位魔人的父親諾曼,為了要將年幼的女兒-莉莉從魔人化拯救出來,而到達了某個都市。●遊戲概要探索被魔人們破壞的世界,將收集到的素材,創造出各式各樣的裝備。這個遊戲的主旨「探索」,無須複雜的操作,使用各種技能享受真正的戰鬥。透過「合成」將探索得到的素材,組合製作出獨一無二的裝備。經由不斷地合成提升等級,合成等級愈高合成出的裝備能力也愈高。讓角色本身所擁有的階級變換技能與裝備技能配合,產生無限大的可能性。另外,探索所得到的素材,透過「研究」,就有機會獲得活動資金與珍貴的素材!--究竟,在這世界的盡頭所等待的是,「光明」還是「黑暗」?Perished due tolargemeteorite near future, the Department placed OrthodoxRPG.Depicts the dark and gorgeous view of the world, calm anddeepstoryline depicts the end of the world.● StorySudden large meteorite that half of the world's population,"thedevil personified" and let the world towards destruction.People around the world are feeling despair and lost all hope.However, when seeing a little magic magic man born again,As the devil's father Norman, for want young daughter - Lilyrescuedfrom the devil personified, and reach a certain city.● Game summaryExplore the world was destroyed magic people, the collectedmaterialto create a wide variety of equipment.Subject of this game, "explore", no complex operations,Use a variety of skills to enjoy the real battle.Through the "synthetic" will explore the material was combinedtocreate unique equipment.Continue to enhance the level synthesis via synthesis tosynthesizehigher level of equipment capability also higher.Let roles transform itself have class skills with skillsandequipment,Generating infinite possibilities.In addition, explore the material obtained throughthe"Research"Have the opportunity to obtain funding for activities andpreciousmaterial!-After all, at the end of this world are waiting for that,"Light" or "dark"?
Shikigami Girls 1.1.9
[Backstory]Heian period, is a dark unknown era. Humans and monsterscoexist.The demons not stay in the water, forest or mountains ,but withhuman race in the capital city , even under the same roof,waitingfor nights to come out . The human habitat is beingencroached on bydemons. In order to eliminate the contradictionsbetween heaven,earth, people and ghost, Onmyouji flourish, theyare using guadivination mysterious spells or manipulating theShikigamis to getrid of these evils.[Features]Unique Shikigamies- Collect 30+ Shikigamies of varying types, including bruteforcefighters, skilled ranged combatants and masters of spell.Easy controls and action-packed battle scenes!- Chain powerful combos with intuitive touch controls- Time your attacks to activate the "BREAK" system forextrapowerful combosImmersive experience- Real-time combat with captivating visual effects andextremelydeep strategic gameplay- Explore mysterious and magical lands to find and collectnewShikigamies in a captivating campaignVarious immersive multiplayer modes!- Challenge other players through the PvP mode in the ShrinePlay strategically to show your strength!- Assemble the most powerful party of Shikigamies to tackletheinfinite dungeon challengeMaster tactics- Create the perfectly balanced party to overcome the mostpowerfulfoes and legions- Unlock, upgrade, and master your Shikigami’s abilities toprotectyour allies, interrupt your opponents, or deal massivedamageAdditional information :It takes some resource files download about 100MB at thefirstlaunch.---------------------------------------------To make this game more better , I'm very eager to getyoursuggestions. Please contact me onfacebook: if you have anyquestionor advice. Enjoy the game!Thanks.
地獄塔:レイダース 2.0.2
地獄塔:レイダースあなたを満足させる最高のヘルタワーTRPGゲーム,RPGゲーム地獄塔を破って最強の英雄になろう===========================================1.シンプルなコントロールを持つRPGゲーム! 、自動モードでRPGゲーム2.4メインタワー:悪魔練習の塔(100F)、モンスターのセントラルタワー(500F)、ハイ君主の地獄塔(1000F),魔王のタワー(3000F)3.リクルート様々な同僚は、あなた自身のチームを形成します!地獄塔-有料版:ゴールド習得2倍、経験値2倍、広告なし。==============================権限を拒否した場合は、本サービスを利用することができません。必ず必要な権限を許可する必要があります。「権限設定を次回から表示しない」を選択された場合は、直接権限を設定してください。設定方法環境設定>アプリケーションの管理> 地獄塔 >権限>保存領域/電話/アドレス帳を許可するように適用[機器の写真、メディア、ファイルへのアクセス]この権限は、外部メモリにゲームを保存するために必要な機能です。[アドレス帳のアクセス]グーグルプレイ機能(ログイン、業績及びリーダーボード)に使用されます。[ダイヤル及び管理]この権限は、機器のIDを、活性化された電話機器の可否番号などをアプリで確認することができます。本権限は、イベントの補償及び顧客応対に必要な端末情報の収集目的でのみ使用されます。Hell Tower: RaidersBest Herutawa TRPG game to satisfy you, RPG gameIt would be the strongest of the hero beating the hell tower===========================================1. RPG game with simple controls! , RPG games in theautomaticmode2.4 Main Tower: tower of devil practice (100F), the monster oftheCentral Tower (500F), hell tower of high monarch (1000F),demonking of tower (3000F)3. Recruit a variety of colleagues, to form your own team!Hell tower - the paid version: Gold learn twice, experiencevaluetwice, without ads.==============================If you reject the authority, it will not be able to usethisservice.There is a need to allow the always necessary permissions.If the "permission settings do not show from the next time," wastheselected, please set the authority directly.Setting methodApplication to allow the Preferences> Manageapplications>hell tower> authority> save area / phone /address book[Of equipment photos, media, access to the file]This privilege is a feature necessary in order to save the gameinthe external memory.[Address Book AccessGoogle Play function (login, performance and the leader board)willbe used to.Dial and ManagementThis authority, the ID of the equipment, you can see, suchaswhether or not the number of activated telephone equipment intheapp.This authority is used only with the purpose of collection oftheterminal information necessary to compensation andcustomerinteractions of events.
上吧!忍者 - 全中文版,2016最大改版盛大上線 1.6.0
2016最大改版,全新角色入陣、跨服PVP系統開放、語音聊天系統加入!新的忍界戰爭即將展開!韓國遊戲下載排行第一推薦!台港澳專屬版本,全中文化盛大上線!以忍者為主題打造的全新RPG動作卡牌遊戲,集合了超過300卡哇伊忍者參戰PVP、排名戰不夠看,我們更加入了爽度滿分的家族戰系統,來與好友奪取忍界第一的稱號!《上吧!忍者》將重新帶你進入幕府末年動亂的世界中,來體驗最痛快的忍與忍對決吧!◆◇◆◇◆◇◆遊戲特色◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆☆各方忍者參上:超過300名特色各異的忍者們,等著加入您的隊伍,一同血戰!☆戰鬥畫面:各忍者專屬華麗技能,霸氣施放,一鍵秒殺!☆獨創幻化神:各階級幻化神參戰!瞬間戰力翻倍,扭轉戰局。☆忍者時裝系統:除了造型,更能增強忍者屬性,打造專屬你的忍者,質感、戰力倍增!☆忍者家族系統:輕鬆成立個人家族,並可邀請各方高手加入,挑戰專屬BOSS!☆多種副本系統:封印之地、世界之樹、金礦爭奪,除了角色強度,更挑戰你的組隊技巧!☆全新PVP跨服戰系統:制霸全伺服器不再是夢想,來奪取第一稱號吧!☆語音聊天系統加入:聊天不用打字,一鍵語音聊天系統,交友更方便!◆◇◆◇◆◇◆遊戲背景介紹◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆幕府末年黑暗皇庭統治了忍者世界,並意識到忍者力量乃是推翻皇庭的最大隱患因此,皇庭開始進行各類的忍者暗殺活動...萬字谷作為忍者之鄉,為此集合了最強大的忍者兵團,誓要與皇庭抗戰到底!忍與忍之間的血戰,一觸即發!◆客服信箱:[email protected]◆服務時間:週一~週日10:00-22:00Maximum 2016 revision,newrole into the array, inter-service PVP open system, voicechatsystem was added!The new forbearance industry war is about to start!South Korea ranked first game downloads recommended! Taiwan,HongKong exclusive version, the whole culture grand on theline!Ninja theme to build a new action RPG card game, a collectionofmore than 300 kawaii ninja warPVP, ranking war enough to see, we added a cool family out ofthebattle system, the first to win the title tolerance circleswithyour friends!"let's go! Ninja "will take you back into the turmoil of thelateshogunate world, to experience the most happy forbearanceandtolerance showdown it!◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ Game Features ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆☆ parties to participate on the ninja: more than 300differentcharacteristics of ninjas, waiting to join your team,withbloody!☆ battle screen: each exclusive ninja skills gorgeous,domineeringcast, a key spike!☆ unique illusion of God: God all classes turned war! Instantcombatpower doubled, to reverse the situation.☆ Ninja fashion system: In addition to modeling, but alsoenhancethe properties of the ninja, you create exclusive ninja,texture,combat force multiplier!☆ Ninja Clan System: Easy started his own family, and mayinviteexperts to join the parties challenge the exclusiveBOSS!☆ multiple copy of the system: the seal, the world tree,goldcompetition, in addition to the role of strength, challengeyourteam skills and more!☆ new PVP inter-service warfare systems: Takeover whole server isnolonger a dream to win the first title of it!☆ voice chat system was added: Chat No typing, a key voicechatsystem, dating more convenient!◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ game Background ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ShogunateImperial Court ruled the dark ninja world, and realize the powerofthe ninja but to overthrow the imperial court of thegreatestrisksThus, the imperial court began to conduct variousninjaassassinations ...Words Valley as a ninja village, this collection of themostpowerful ninja corps, vowing the war with the imperial court intheend!Bloody forbearance and tolerance between explosive!◆ Customer Service: [email protected]◆ Hours: Monday to Sunday 10: 00-22: 00
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Survival Island 1&2
Craft tools, explore the field, and find a way out of thedesertisland!
古劍奇緣-誅仙(超人氣中文單機RPG免費激活版) 1.0
►華語第一單機RPG經典手游►回饋玩家全部劇情免費激活手機遊戲年度鉅獻,給你從未有過的仙俠世界!及時動畫過場古韻濃郁,獨特升級方式前所未有,爽快元嬰修煉讓你一步登仙!漫漫仙路只求長生,與如花美眷合體雙修。《古劍奇緣-誅仙》,帶你感受征服寰宇的快意,塑造眾生頂禮膜拜的神話!《古劍奇緣-誅仙》是手機角色扮演RPG遊戲的奇蹟,是創造了無數個第1的手機遊戲,應廣大玩家強烈要求,特推出安卓免費激活版本獻給大家!聲明:我們開發的所有遊戲均無廣告、無病毒、無任何干擾遊戲的彈窗!注意:本遊戲僅支持中文!本遊戲對絕大多數手機都支持,但對較為特殊分辨率的少數手機,部分按鍵不支持會顯示不全!對與三星GalaxyS4手機尚未支持!請見諒,您有問題可以留言或者郵件反饋給我們。遊戲免費下載,部分特殊道具可能需要使用GoogleWallet購買,有明確提示,請放心玩遊戲。以下是本遊戲的玩家體會:==============================來自於知名網站專業遊戲玩家的親身體會,原創作品請勿轉載。【遊戲心得】麻雖小但五臟俱全,這話也可以形容遊戲。遊戲的主線內容還算不錯,有頭有尾。在遊戲的過程中,玩家可以根據自己的選擇而挑選自己喜歡的女主角。過程方面,不管是主線任務還是支線任務,都是一氣呵成。遊戲劇情方麵包括:愛 恨 情 仇再加上仙緣的蒐集可提升元嬰,還有獲得的丹藥能用於女主角提一些屬性。我覺得玩遊戲的時候,錢是一個重點,另外就是一些經驗的獲得。因為打的時候,會獲得一些材料,然後這些材料不只可以鍛造。可以去找有緣人去兌換仙緣,也可藏劍門等門派兌換升級的經驗。再說說鍛造方面,鍛造的方面我簡略的說一下。例如以布帽做子,經過鍛造可變成飛雲帽需精魄壹,飛雲帽子鍛造秘銀冠則需要精魄貳。劍的話就以青銅劍作為例,也是需要精魄壹,可連續鍛造兩次,然後就變成了精魄貳鍛造兩次,以此類推。其實如果老是鍛造不行話,在下方會有提示,所以說鍛造好的武器和多打怪是密不可分的。遊戲畫風基本屬於像素風格,懷舊的人會比較喜歡,但清晰度還是完全可以接受的,不錯。總之,這是一款絕對值得廣大RPG玩家去玩的遊戲,就像經典的仙劍奇俠傳等老牌遊戲!用心體會遊戲的精髓,經典的東西永遠流行,你一定不會後悔!===============玩家QQ群:221446216客服郵件:[email protected]
Legend of Darkness 7.1
Half-auto RPG;Lots equipments.Instances and Abyss can bechallenged;
Software Box 11.0
Digital Satellite Receivers Software Free Downloads Center
三國演義志online-全球同服三國志經典策略遊戲 2.6.0
Take the Three Kingdoms era in the late Eastern Han Dynasty asthetheme strategy RPG mobile phone online game, the gamereproducesthe famous historical battles in the Romance of the ThreeKingdoms,all the stunned generals in the Three Kingdoms appear onthe stage,Wei, Shu and Wu are the three pillars of the power, asthe master,you choose which power to enter. Woolen cloth?
鎖鏈戰記 ChainChronicle 4.5.1
Mobimon Inc.
"Chain Wars" is created by SEGA, an RPG game that integratestowerdefense, action and adventure. The majestic story of thefetters ofmore than 1,000 characters, and a strong lineup of voiceactors,together to create an unprecedented game content!
Brave John 1.2.1
LINE Games
John the Coward wants to defeat the Demonic Legion in order tosavethe world.
乱世契约 1.1.03
◎这是一款最具特色的半实时制魔法扫描互动手游巨作!!◎这是一个与众不同充满颠覆的魔幻世界!!◎百名Q萌日系武将暴走来袭,助你制霸竞技场!!◎创新机制华丽奥义,多种玩法打造最强主人公,给你一次意想不到的惊奇历程!!“天下何须三分?乱世由我终结!”想看看威风凛凛的猛将吕布化身Q版小正太的模样?没见过绝世美女貂蝉的萌妹子造型?在《乱世契约》这些统统不是问题!立即下载五大理由:●经典历史萌将【经典再现】●●革新玩法互动【魔法扫描】●●绝美特效场景【最高质量】●●属性排兵布阵【策略争霸】●●试炼副本寻宝【丰富玩法】●【游戏特色】『超新鲜!前所未见的革新玩法』业界首创的颠覆性AR技术,实体魔法卡牌扫描,将实现“扫描真人、养成后宫”的二次元终极幻想,利用摄像头实现“跨屏真人社交互动”,堪称御宅杀手的革新玩法!『超华丽!神兵式神亮瞎你双眼』神兵觉醒的强大属性,式神发动后傲视群雄,百变机关暗藏杀机,随机大招各种一击制胜;天劫神兽,旷古之战!只有你想不到,没有你玩不到!『超爽快!实力培育的千变百搭』武将进阶,全新奥义,三足鼎立属性相生相克, 丰富阵容自由搭配,克敌制胜谁与争锋!没有不会杀敌的小兵,只有不会育成的主公,只要细心培养,刘备一样能打趴吕布!『超可爱!最萌日系画风和配音』重量级画师完美打造,为了1%的细节通宵达旦精心绘制,每个场景,每种特效,每个历史名将都以最高质量呈现!超萌疗愈系人物造型、震撼的战斗体验、绚丽的武将技能,豪华阵容的真人CV,让你享受一场史无前例的游戏体验!『超感动!豪华福利的巅峰巨作』新服红包免费领,每月签到送神将。次日登陆就送“夏侯惇”,七日登陆“赵云”带回家!如此福利,精品制作,绝对是业界良心大作!请注意,play game 是免费的!您可以免费下载和使用。您也可以在游戏中购买一些物品以提升游戏速度!==================================================================游戏支持:主公您遇到问题了吗?请通过如下方式获取支持:官方网站:官方Facebook:官方微信(WeChat):eyougamelsqy官方Email:[email protected]◎ This is amostuniquesemi-real time system scanning interactive magichandtourmasterpiece! !◎ This is a unique fantasy world full of subversion! !◎ one hundred Q Meng Japanese generals runaway hit, tohelpyouTakeover arena! !◎ gorgeous esoteric innovative mechanisms, a variety of playtobuildthe strongest hero, give you an unexpected surprise course!!"Why should one-third of the world? I am troubledbytheend!"Reggie Riboud would like to see majestic incarnation Q versionistoosmall looks like? I have not seen the real beauty DiaoChanMengsister modeling? In the "troubled times Compact" Thesewereall not aproblem!Download Five reasons:● classic history will [Meng] ● classic reproduction● innovative interactive play [magic] ● Scan● stunning special effects scenes [highest quality] ●● property policy formations [hegemony] ●● Trial copy of geocaching rich gameplay [●][Game Features]"Super Fresh! Innovative gameplay never seen before. "The industry's first AR disruptive technology, physicalMagiccardscanning, will achieve "real scan, to develop a harem,"thesecondelement ultimate fantasy, using the camera toachieve"multi-screenreal social interaction," called innovativegameplayotakukiller!"Super gorgeous! Magic formula God bright eyes blind you."Powerful magic properties awakening after the launch offormulaGodchasing amazing organ bloodshed, random large variety ofstrokesawinning hit; animal tragedy, gone with the war! Only youcannotthink, no you can not play!"Super refreshing! Strength cultivated wild-changing. "Advanced generals, the new esoteric, the three pillarsofpropertyallelopathy, rich lineup with freedom, rival todefeattheenemy!No enemy soldier will not only not bred lord, as longascarefulcultivation, play as Liu Bei Lu Bu lie!"Super cute! Most Meng Japanese style and voice. "Heavyweight artist to create the perfect order of 1% ofthedetailscarefully drawn through the night, every scene,everyeffect, everyhistorical famous are the highestqualitypresentation! Super Menghealing system character modeling,shockcombat experience,brilliant generals skills lineup realityCV,allows you to enjoy anunprecedented gaming experience!"Super impressed! Luxury benefits pinnacle masterpiece "Red collar new service free, monthly attendance will allay.Thenextday landing send "Jaap", seven landing "Zhao" totakehome!So welfare, quality production, the industry isdefinitelyconsciencemasterpiece!Please note, play game is free! You can download and use.You can also buy some of the items in the game to improvethespeedof the game!==================================================================The game supports:My lord you're having trouble? Support is availablethroughthefollowing ways:Official website: http: // Facebook: https: // micro letter (WeChat): eyougamelsqyOfficial Email: [email protected]
Logging Quest 2
Important note from thetranslator:First of all, sorry for the wait.Due to a lack of free time on my part since June, thetranslationwent nearly to a halt. While I still plan on releasing acompleteversion, I have no idea when it will be.In order to respond to popular demand, I made an agreement withthedeveloper : The current translation has been nearly completeforsome time and will now be released in its current state.For the parts still in japanese, the developer translatedthemhimself for the time being. It will obviously have errors hereandthere but it should at least provide the overall meaning inenglishfor those who don't want to miss anything.The missing parts are events in the adventure log for thequests(but goals and descriptions are done) and the descriptions inthemonster log (but names and abilities are done).All missing parts that were translated by the developer willbeshown between { }.In the meantime, please enjoy the current version of LoggingQuest2, report typos if you can (except for the sentences between {} ofcourse) and don't forget to spread the word!--------------------"The ultimate quest you don't actually have to do." -AndroidAuthorityThis game is an automatic adventure RPG (Idle RPG). It is thesequelto "Logging Quest".Assemble a party of up to 3 characters, change their equipmentintown, define their skills and send them in a dungeon. Theywillprogress automatically, you just have to sit back and watch astheygain experience and grow.Notes from the developer:- Please read "Getting Started" at first. You can play this game even if you did not play LoggingQuest1.- For Android 2.1/2.2 Users: Please refer to thispage. quick tips about how to play, check the "Help" section fromthe"Other" button. For detailed instructions about how to play,visitthe following link (also accessible from the"Other"->"Aboutthis app" section from the "Other" button): report errors, share your opinions or request a feature,pleaseuse the comments of the blog :【Story】In a time when monsters inhabited forests and lakes neartowns,humans, elves and dwarves coexisted peacefully. In this era,peopleoften grew up and died in the same town, never leaving itswalls.Only a few believed in their own talent and went on a journeyinsearch of wealth and fame.They made a living from exploring labyrinths and ruinsscatteredthroughout the land and often settled problems in nearbyvillagesat the same time.People living in the security of towns admired them sincetheyhelped reduce restlessness. They were called adventurers.This is the story of the youths from small villages acrossthecountry who decided to become adventurers…【Application permissions】"Network communications" to display advertisements andconfirmtime."Hardware control" to enable the notifications."Storage access" to enable data backup.【About this app】Application icon and game illustrations come from"TyouenKusanagi" the various materials used in this app, please visitthefollowing link : you to everyone who helped with theirwonderfulmaterials.【Special thanks】Everyone who comments on the blogEveryone from the Logging Quest Strategy-Chat thread oftheSmartphone board at 2ch.FurryRage for the english translation, please send a [email protected] if you have any remark aboutthetranslation.The idea of automatic adventure was found in the"Whipper"application. Thanks for this interesting game.
七界傳說(免費激活版-超正點經典RPG) 1.0.2
Inotia3: Children of Carnia 1.4.5
Com2uS USA
★★2nd place for the 2011 Best App Ever Awards-RPG Game★Selected as Google Play’s Featured Game of August 2011!!Protect your loved ones in Carnia by joining theadventure!What would it take to change a warrior's destiny?The Big Adventure RPG! Inotia3: Children of Carnia!This game is free to play, but you can choose to pay realmoneyfor extra items.★★ Android OS 2.3 and up is required starting with v1.4.5.★★★ This game supports English, français, Deutsch, 한글, 中文and日本語. ★★★An inevitable fate lies before the children of Carnia.Thegreatest epic adventure RPG by far! The Chronicles of Inotia 3!Thenew legend is about to begin in the continent of Inotia."With the coming of age ritual ahead, Lucio and Ameli fromCarniavillage happen to be acquiring guntlets, and the adventurestirredup by these guntlets leads to a consequence that is a waybeyondtheir imaginations against monsters... Lucio and Amelirealize soonthat they have extraordinary destinies lain beforethem... Warriors'fates have been predestined for thousands ofyears already... Willthose who are born to be warriors be happyafter all?"★ Features ★1) Organized Party SystemA Party Battle System, where you get to combine 6 classestoconstruct your own party! You can control each characterseparatelyand enhance their skills and stats however you like.Through astory mode, you can not only obtain various characters,but alsohire mercenaries with items. Personalize each characterbyequipping a variety of clothing, weapons and defense weapons.2) Touching Story on an Enormous ScaleFar better and more enormous in scale than its predecessor,thestory line of Inotia III is constructed in such detail thatyouwon’t be able to take your eyes off the game. The narrativetakesyou from the present to the past and back again, with aplethora ofunique minor characters, 130+ maps, and 230 remarkablequests.3) Various updates are on the way soon!For questions or customer support, please contact ourCustomerSupport by visiting
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感動する基本無料のRPG『サードニクス』 2.0
コロシアムテスト稼働中本当にお待たせして申し訳ございませんでした。コロシアムのテストとして稼働させております。お試しただければ幸いです。■□ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー□■基本プレー無料!気軽に遊べる感動のRPG! サードニクス■□ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー□■感動するカジュアルRPG『サードニクス』は、無料でとことん遊べる本格派RPGです!【お願いです】ゲーム開始時にユーザー登録を頂くと、不測の事態でデータが消えた場合でもサーバー側にデータがあるので安心です。できるだけユーザー登録をして頂けますようにお願い申しげます。≪ストーリー≫『もうひとりの自分との闘い…』エドワードは、良くわからない夢を最近よく見るそれはもう一つの世界の夢。自分が聖騎士として活躍する世界の夢だ。そして、その夢から覚めるときまって気分が悪くなるのである。舞台の始まりは森の中の小さな村『ウエストウッド』。ここは、小さいながらも村人が自分たちで自警団を組織し、魔物から村を守っていた為、平和に人々は暮らす事ができた。そんな村も一昔前は原因不明の大火災で多くの人が無くなる等悲劇的な状況だったが、ようやく人々の心もいやされ始めていた。当時子どもだったエドワードやデリス、レナも成長し、自警団に志願するべく元傭兵のラルフの元訓練に明け暮れていた。そんなある日、エドワードがいつもの嫌な夢から目覚めた直後、普段平和な村に本来侵入できるはずがない魔物が現れ、エドワードとデリスが撃退する事になるのだが・・・魔法が科学となった世界を舞台に主人公エドワードが世界を救うための冒険に旅立つ!!最後の秘宝『サードニクス』を巡る人間と魔族の戦いを越えて、並行世界を巻き込んだ聖戦となる・・・≪システム≫●物語を楽しみながらパーティーを育てよう!本編となるストーリーモードは物語を楽しむストーリーパートと戦闘を楽しむ戦闘パートがあり、本格的なRPGが楽しめます。戦闘やアイテムの合成でキャラクターを育て、世界の平和を取り戻してください!●コロシアムでトップを目指せ!! (近日公開予定)ストーリーモードで育成したキャラクターたちで、パーティーを組んで、他のプレーヤーと対戦できるのがバトルモードです。勝敗に応じてもらえるスコアのランキングで競います。キャラクターを育て、強力な武器を集め、相手を蹴散らし勝利をつかめ!※開始時に登録するハンドルネームは、デフォルトのままでもゲームを始めることはできますが、後ほど変更しようとするとジェムが1つ必要になります。ランキングに参加される予定の方は最初にお好きなハンドルネームを設定されることをお勧めいたします。♪COSENの他のアプリ♪詳しい情報はこちらで【賈船公式サイト】【賈船Facebookページ】■カワイイクマをイジメて?遊ぶ?COMOCOMO(英語版)日本語版も準備中です。完全無料(本当にタダ)のカジュアルゲームアプリです。プリティーなクマちゃんと森で遊びましょう。まさに童謡の世界!暇つぶし用なのであしからず。ランキング機能やFacebook投稿機能で記録を競い合いましょう。■タイミングバトルRPG ディープディープダンジョンダンジョン探検RPG!洞窟に眠るモンスターたちとの戦い。宝箱を見つけてゴールドゲット!ガチャが無いので安心して思う存分遊んでください。無課金が大好きな方にお勧めです。武器の強化で攻撃力をアップし、自分の得意なタイミングバーの武器を見つけて戦いましょう。■激カワ!?基本無料のディフェンスゲーム まもって!エヴァ姫こんなカワイイお姫様見たことない!魔界のプリンセス・エヴァンジェリンと人間達をお仕置きしましょう。キャラクター育成だけじゃない!武器育成や裏ステージなど楽しさ無限大!■感動するRPGサードニクスタクティクス系の戦略シミュレーションRPG。美麗な画面と壮大なストーリーでプレイヤーを本格ファンタジーの世界に引き込みます。このクオリティが基本無料で楽しめる!ぜひお試しください。君は並行世界で繰り広げられる謎に満ちた事件を解決できるのか・・・超大作ファンタジーRPGの傑作「サードニクス」をお楽しみください。Coliseum test runningDid I am sorry to have kept you waiting really.We not operate as a test of the Coliseum.I'd appreciate it if Re only try.■ □ The - The - The - The - The - The - The - The - The - The -The- The - The - The - The - The - The - The - □ ■Basic play for free! RPG of Feel free to playimpressed!Sardonyx■ □ The - The - The - The - The - The - The - The - The - The -The- The - The - The - The - The - The - The - □ ■Casual RPG to impress "Sardonyx" is a thoroughly can playauthenticRPG for free![Is asking] When get a user registration at the start of thegame,it is safe because there is data on the server side, even ifthedata was lost in the eventuality. Can you as much as possibleuserregistration as Masu ask my name down.«Story»"The fight against his other one ..." Edward, well I do notknowlook good recently the dream it is another one of the worlddreamof. It is the world of the dream that I worked as a HolyKnight.And, is the Contractual Cash mood and wake up from thedreambecomes worse.Stage of beginning a small village in the woods "Westwood".Here,even villagers organized a vigilante themselves whilesmall,because you have kept the village from monsters, was peacepeoplecan live. Although such village a decade ago was equallytragicsituation that there is no a lot of people in the great fireofunknown cause, had finally begun to be healed also the heartsofpeople. At the time Edward and Delice was a child, Lenaalsogrowth, had nothing all day and night but Ralph of theoriginaltraining of the original mercenary in order to applyforvigilantes. One day, shortly after Edward woke up from usualnastydream, appeared demon is not supposed to be originally invadethepeaceful village usually, but he Edward and Delice is thatrepel...hero Edward the world magic has become a science in the stageisjourney to adventure for save the world! ! Beyond thebattlebetween humans and Asmodian over the last treasure"Sardonyx", itbecomes holy war that engulfed the parallel world...«System»● Grow a party while enjoying the story!Story mode that becomes the main part has combat part to enjoythecombat and story part to enjoy the story, I can enjoyafull-fledged RPG.Grow a character in the synthesis of combat and items, pleaseregainpeace of the world!● Coliseum in Aim the top! ! (Coming soon)In character who was grown in the story mode, formed a party, itisbattle mode can play against other players.You compete in the ranking of scores get to depending ontheoutcome.Grow your character, collect powerful weapon, Seize flyersvictorykick your opponent!※ handle name to be registered at the start, although you canstillstart the game even leave the default, Gem you will need onewhenlater you try to change. Those who will be participating intheranking we recommend that you set the first your favoritehandlename.Other apps ♪ of ♪ COSENMore information here[賈船 official site][賈船 Facebook page]■ a cute bear Te bullying? Play? COMOCOMO (English version) version is also in preparation. Full Casual game appfree(really free).Let's play in the Pretty bear-chan and forest. Just nursery rhymeofthe world!Rightly because it is for killing time. Let's compete the recordinthe ranking function and Facebook posting function.■ timing Battle RPG Deep Deep Dungeon exploration RPG! Fight against monsters who sleep in acave.Gold Get Find the treasure chest!Please play heartily with confidence because there is no Gacha.Isrecommended for those non-billing is love.And up the attack force in strengthening of weapons, let's fighttofind the weapons of their own good at timing bar.■ Geki river! ? To observe basic free defense game!Evaprincess never seen such a cute princess! Let's Punishment theMakaiPrincess Evangeline and human beings.Not just character development! Weapons development and backstagesuch fun endless!■ impressed to RPG Sardonyx strategy simulation RPG of. I will draw theplayerinto the world of full-scale fantasy with beautiful screenand epicstory. This quality can enjoy the basic free! Pleasetry.And whether ... you can solve the case full of mystery thatunfoldsin a parallel worldPlease enjoy the masterpiece of blockbuster fantasyRPG"Sardonyx".
螺旋境界線 Helix Horizon 1.7.0
《螺旋境界線》(HelixHorizon)是一款純正的日系RPG遊戲,細緻華美的遊戲畫面及強大的知名聲優群配音,為您帶來精彩的視聽饗宴,遊戲規則更獨創了新穎的RingOut戰鬥玩法,每場鬥智鬥勇的戰鬥都將為這次觸手可及的冒險增添絢麗的浪漫篇章。【豪華聲優陣容】釘宮理惠、內田彩、田村由加莉、戶松遙、上坂堇、代永翼、西田望見、青木琉璃子等三十餘位日本著名聲優傾情獻聲。【Ring Out】除了傳統的殊死搏鬥擊潰敵人之外,也可以通過嶄新的Ring Out系統優雅華麗的將敵人擊出場外獲得勝利!想體會一技逆轉的快感嗎?【公會狩魔】公會不僅是成員們日常交流的場所,更可在此團結起來對抗前所未有的巨型強敵。可支持四人同時聯機,實時操作的【狩魔】戰等你來挑戰!【更多玩法】只能眼巴巴看著一堆細緻角色自動推來揉去的戰鬥讓你覺得寂寞嗎?蘇拉邊境、頂尖之塔、鬥技場等系統帶給你放置,協作,互動的全新玩法!=====================================【全明星製作陣容】【Producer】吉川明靜,原日本SEGA製作人、曾擔任《鎖鏈戰記》產品總監、《櫻花大戰》系列中文版監製。【Story】鑽石咖啡鴉,知名作家、記者、翻譯,被譽為輕小說短篇之王。【Sound Director】Zeta,著名音樂才女,在作曲、演奏、配音方面均有著深厚的造詣,曾為《鯉》、《萬物生長》等優秀遊戲作曲。