Top 16 Apps Similar to Алиэкспресс - на русском

Скидки для Алиэкспресс 2.0.001
AliExpress - самый популярный интернетмагазинв России и СНГ. Миллиарды товаров от миллиона продавцов! Каксредитакого многообразия найти что-то интересное?AliExpert - Ваш личный помошник для поиска самыхинтересныхтоваров на AliExpress! Мы находим самые удивительные,необычные икачественные товары по низкой цене и предлагаем их Вам.Покупкаосуществляется напрямую через Алиэкспресс!Зачем переплачивать посредникам, когда Вы можете покупатьтоварынапрямую у производителей?Мы даем возможность огромного выбора подарков для дома,гаджетов,украшений и просто притных мелочей, которые сделают Вашужизньярче!Функционал:- Ежедневно обновляемый список товаров от AliExpert;- Возможность ставить лайки и делиться с друзьями товарами вВК,которые тебе понравились;- Получать скидочные купоны на покупку разных товаровсAliExpress;- Добавлять интересные товары в избранное;- Не знаете что подарить друзьям или родственникам на НовыйГод,День Рожедния или другой праздник?- AliExpert каждый день предлагает новые товары, которые неоставятВас равнодущными!- Весь товар с AliExpress на русском языке!- Хочешь получать крутые товары от AliExpert бесплатно и бытьвкурсе розыгрышей и конкурсов?- Вступай в нашу группу ВКонтакте ибудьв курсе всех акци и розыгрышей!AliExpress - themostpopular online shop in Russia and the CIS. Billions of goodsfromone million merchants! As among such a variety to findsomethinginteresting?AliExpert - your personal assistant to find the mostinterestingitems on AliExpress! We find the most amazing, unusualandhigh-quality products at low cost and offer them to you.Purchasingis done directly through Aliekspress!Why pay to intermediaries when you can buy products directlyfromthe manufacturer?We give the opportunity to a huge selection of gifts for thehome,gadgets, jewelry and pritno just little things that will makeyourlife brighter!Functional:- Daily updated list of products from AliExpert;- Ability to put the Huskies and share with your friends VCgoodsthat you like;- Get discount coupons for the purchase of various goodstoAliExpress;- Add interesting items to favorites;- Do not know what to give to friends or relatives on NewYear'sDay Rozhedniya or other holiday?- AliExpert every day offers new products that will not leaveyouravnoduschnymi!- All goods with AliExpress in Russian!- Want to get cool products from AliExpert free and be awareofdraws and competitions?- Join our group VKontakte and beawareof all the share prices and jokes!
Best China Prices 1.4.5
Before I get the list of stores, it’simportantto consider there are two types of stores:- E-retailers (B2C) – In this case, you buy directly fromtheretailer which collects payment, and handles shipping andsupport.Examples are DealExtreme and GeekBuying.- Seller Portals – The website then acts as a third partyfortransactions between two parties: a seller (individual orsmallbusiness) and a buyer. Examples is Aliexpress.If you purchase any item from an e-retailers, you’re likely tohavethe same level of support and overall experience next timeyoupurchase a product. But if you buy from Aliexpress forinstance,you may want to check the seller ratings and other buyers’feedbackbefore committing to a purchase. There tends to be a widerrange ofproducts and cheaper prices on sellers portals.There’s another type of sites using the dropshipping service ofsomee-retailers. They are just a website to allow people topurchase,but all product shipping and handling is done by theoriginale-retailer. I believe none of the sites listed belowaredropshipping websites.I’ll start by the ones that I regularly use by orderofpreference:Dealextreme – I do most of my purchases via,mostlybecause I’ve gotten used to it, the price are OK (most ofthetime), they accept Paypal, and I clearly understand theirvariouspolicies in terms of shipping, and returns. If you haveareasonable proof a product is defective, or not asdescribed,they’ll either provide a refund (as dx points), or payfor returnshipping (amount limited) and refund later.. I’ll explaina bitmore in other sections of the post.Aliexpress – It’s a seller portal with a large numberofsellers, and an amazing choice of products. If I can’t get whatIneed from, I’ll use Aliexpress where I’m pretty sure tofindanything. It would probably be my first choice, if theyacceptedPaypal. You have to be especially careful however with sometrickssellers are using to deceive prospective buyers. Moredetailsbelow.There are three others e-retailers, I’ve either usedinfrequently,and/or who have provided samples to cnx-software.comin the past orcurrently:Pandawill – This e-retailer is relatively popular andsellsgadgets, clothes, and (cheap) jewelry. I’ve purchased once,and Idid not have any issues with their service or product.GeekBuying – I receive most of my samples for reviewfromGeekBuying, and although I’ve never purchased from them, theyseemto be very popular, and trusted by the community. One reasoncouldbe because they try to release firmware for theirdevicesregularly, and they are involved in the community. Theymainly sellgadgets, but I’ve recently seen some (cheap) jewelrytoo.Taobao is the biggest consumer-to-consumer (C2C)e-commerceplatform based in China. You can get clothes,accessories, gadgetsand even computer hardware at very low (dirtcheap) prices.However, because the website is 100% in Chinese, thismay be abarrier to those who want to shop.Before you shop on a website, you’ll probably want to know if itistrustworthy. One way is to use Google to find out if peoplementionscams, bad customer services and so on. For every sitesyou’ll findsome negative reviews, as you can’t please anyone. Butdo not letthese scare, and try to find overall what people thinkabout thesites, products and service. Another, possibly faster, wayis checkthe sellers on Resellerratings and compare varioussites.Once you’re happy with the site, but you’re using a sellerportalyou’ll need to check the seller ratings on the site itself(e.g.Aliexpress). After each buyer receive a parcel, they’llnormallygive a mark between 1 and 5 stars depending on the shippingspeed,if the product matches the description and so on. If a sellera nofeedback, it does not mean they are bad, but you’re takingmorerisk than with a seller with 1,000 reviews and a 99%approvalrating.
Ofertas AliExpress 0.1
Ofertas Aliexpress es la App que reúnelasmejores ofertas de productos de AliExpress, el mercado chinoonlinepor excelencia.Desde la App podrás disfrutar de numerosas ventajas:- Rápido acceso al mejor catálogo de Aliexpress encastellano- Comprar de forma sencilla los productos que más te gusten- Disponer de todas las novedades del mundo AliExpress- Acceder a un catálogo de ofertas que serenuevaconstantementeOffers Aliexpress istheApp that brings together the best products AliExpress, theChinesemarket for online excellence.From the App you can enjoy many advantages:- Fast access to the best catalog of Aliexpress in Castilian- Buy simply products that you like- Have all the news in the world AliExpress- Access to a catalog of offerings that is constantlyrenewed
Alibuy products 4.5.2
Shop mobile
We created this app to reveal ourexperiencewith this products.Many people are skeptical about trying out any product andtheyhave every right to feel this way.We were so impressed by it, that we decided to write ourunbiasedreview on it, so that consumers (thats you) can realizewhether itsreally worth it or not. well gladly help you out.We recommend products based on feedbacks from customers whohavebought the product on the network and based on ourpersonalopinion.Like our facebook page to be updated all the time withourproducts.Enjoy.
AliPanda - AliExpress guide EN 1.3
Booka dev.
Welcome!You've made a right choice to visit our page becauseAliPandaitis:- news from the world Aliexpress;- interesting products from trusted stores;- information about promotions and discounts;- reviews from real customers;- tips on buying and goods;- parcel tracking system;- and, of course, many pandas :-)Join us: shopping and good mood to you!Sincerely, AliPandaAliExpress - wholesale and retail Chineseonlinestorehypermarket, which can be called the ChineseAmazon'om.AliExpressthis marketplace based Alibaba Group in 2010,the companyand iscurrently enabling Chinese retailers to sell theirproductsallover the world and millions of buyers around theworldexpressedtheir preference for this store because everythingisworking onthe scheme Escrow - the seller receives the moneyonlywhen thebuyer confirm receipt of the goods and theircompliancewith thedescription - this option works better thanthewell-knownPayPal.The site has its own payment system, so buying it is enoughtohavethe card Visa, registered on Paypal is entirely optional.Unlike other Chinese online store TinyDeal, whenbuyingseveralitems on Aliexpress, will come to you in a few parcels(ofcourse,if you did not order the goods of one kind), as youarebuying,often from several vendors. Great attention should bepaidto theseller's rating.Although the store is quite young in comparisonwithcompetitors,including DHgate, - Aliexpress quicklygainingpopularity amongbuyers. Unlike,Aliexpress.comitself does notthreaded products. Instead, he was"sellingservices". At firstglance, the site does not charge sellersorbuyers fees. But infact, the Commission has added to theproductprices set by sellers,and they are usually very small.Payment buyer goes first to the company account. Then,afterthebuyer confirms receipt of the goods, the platform freespaymenttothe seller. Under this payment protection procedure incaseofdisputes between the two sides, the trading platformwilldecidethe dispute based on the evidence presented bybothsides.If the buyer has not received the order, or the orderreceiveddonot match the description, or the item is damaged throughthefaultof sellers, Aliexpress will not transfer funds to thesellerand thebuyer return the money.A definite plus shop - an opportunity to view theAliExpresssite(Aliekspress) in Russian.On AliExpress, you can find a nearly 9.5 millionproductsfrommore than 4,000 different categories,includingthefollowing:Clothes and accessories,Cars and Motorcycles,Cell phones,Computers and SoftwareElectronics,Beauty and health,Lighting and Lighting,Suitcases,Bags and Briefcases,Security and safety, Shoes, Accessories,Toys & Hobbies, Clock,JewelryWedding Accessories.Advantages of your customer when ordering productsonAliExpress(Aliekspress) in Russian:1. High-quality goods at wholesale prices, even withthesmallestamounts of the order;2. The protection buyer payment;3. A wide range of products from China wholesale and retail;4. More than 79,000 producers;5. Free registration;6. Pay for purchases may be convenient for you: creditcard,banktransfer, using the QIWI-purse or Western Union;7. Online chat with sellers on any arising issues;8. Drawings, discounts, gift coupons;9. Quick search of goods;10. Express delivery with full tracking of postal items;The most famous Chinese online store AliExpress(Aliekspress)inRussian - is the operative purchase of all necessarygoods inonestore!
Ali Super Deals 1.3.0
This application is designedtoprovideconvenient access to Super Deals page on you can always find a lot of cheap and amazingthings.Note,that this is not official application ofAliExpress.
10 рублей - получай товары! 1.7.0
★ АкцииВы получите двойную сумму при первом пополнении счёта!Скольковнесете - столько же и получите!★ 【Бонусы】Получайте бонусы!Входите в игру каждый день и получайте деньги Нажми на объявление-и ты сможешь получить бонус каждый день. Приглашая друзейприпомощи инвайт-кодов, Вы также получаете денежные бонусы!«10 рублей» — оригинальное приложение, в котором требуется всего10рублей для покупки любых товаров! Мы выбираем самые лучшиетоварына таких ведущих торговых площадках, как AliExpress,EachBuyer,, Yandex и Связной. У нас есть все! В том числеiPhone, PS4,планшеты, ноутбуки, самая разнообразная электроника ибытоваятехника! После того, как товары распроданы, проводитсярозыгрыш — иВам не нужно ждать! Список победителей будет сразу жеопубликован.Правила нашего розыгрыша абсолютно прозрачны исправедливы.Приложение «10 рублей» – это последняя мода в миреонлайн-шопинга,самый простой и действенный метод полученияаутентичных товаров.Наслаждайтесь справедливой и открытой игрой. Мыжелаем вам удачи.Пусть сбудутся самые сокровенные мечты! Неудивляйтесь, в нашейигре всего за 10 рублей вы получите возможностьвыиграть самыеразнообразные гаджеты. «10 рублей» дарит новыевозможности!Скачайте приложение «10 рублей» и выигрывайте товары, окоторыхмечтали, всего за 10 рублей! Мы ждем ваших побед!✔ 【Принципы】1.Справедливый шопинг: все пользователи имеют равные шансынапобеду.2.Справедливый розыгрыш: в формуле расчёта счастливогобилетаиспользуется время покупки. Мы гарантируем случайный исправедливыйрезультат.3 Информационная открытость: Процесс розыгрыша абсолютнопрозрачен.Все данные обновляются онлайн в реальном времени, всепользователимогут в любое время проверить число участниковрозыгрыша и номерасчастливых номеров.4.Справедливый результат: Способы подсчёта является открытым,мыобеспечивает полную информационный безопасностьвсехопераций.✔ 【Правила розыгрыша】Зарегистрируйтесь по своему номеру телефона или успользуя аккаунтвсоциальных сетйх (Одноклассники, ВКонтакте или Facebook).Послеэтого вы сразу же можете принять участие в розыгрыше.1.Получите бонусы: за каждый внесенный рубль вы получите рубльвподарок!2.Играйте: выберите заинтересовавший вас товар, укажитечислобилетов и оплатите их. Вы уже в игре!3.Получите приз: Система проведет расчёт счастливого номеравсоответствии с правилами, и обладатель счастливого билетаполучитвыбранный товар.✔ 【Получение товара】«10 рублей» поддерживает две платежные системы - QIWI иWebMoney.Если вы стали победителем, зайдите в личный кабинет иукажите адресдоставки. «10 рублей» сразу же вышлет вам.✔ 【Наши товары】Огромный выбор: от iPhone,PS4, планшетов, ноутбуков, электроникиибытовой техники до предметов повседневного потребления.Вынепременно найдете то, что нужно именно вам!Гарантия качества: в приложении представлены лучшиепредложенийтаких популярных платформ, как Ali Express, Each Buyer,,Yandex и Svyaznoy.Постоянное обновление товаров: АссортиментпополняетсяежедневноВас ждут приятные сюрпризы!✔ 【Поделитесь с друзьями】Если вы опубликуете информацию о своем выигрыше вВКонтакте,Twitter, Facebook, Одноклассниках или отправите друзьям вWhatsApp,то получите еще больше бонусов!✔ 【О нас】Полную информацию о нашей системе читайте здесь:★ sharesYou will receive double the amount in the first account refill!Whatwill - as much and get! ★ 】 【BonusGet bonuses!Come to the game every day and get paid to click an ad - and youcanget a bonus every day. Inviting friends using the invite code,youalso get cash bonuses!"10 rubles" - the original application, which requires only10rubles for the purchase of any goods! We choose the bestproductsat such leading trading platforms like AliExpress,EachBuyer,, Yandex and Messenger. We have all! IncludingiPhone, PS4,tablets, laptops, the diversified electronics and homeappliances!Once sold goods, performed rally - and you do not needto wait! Thelist of winners will be published immediately. Therules of ourlottery is absolutely transparent and fair.Appendix "10 rubles" - is the latest fashion in the world ofonlineshopping, the most simple and effective method ofobtainingauthentic products. Enjoy the fair and open game. We wishyou goodluck. Let come true innermost dreams! Do not be surprisedin ourgame just 10 rubles you get a chance to win a variety ofgadgets."10 rubles" gives new possibilities!Download the app "10 rubles" and win the goods, which aredreamed,just 10 rubles! We look forward to your success! ✔ 】 【Principles1.Spravedlivy shopping: all users have equal chances to win.2.Spravedlivy drawing: in the formula for calculating a happytimeof purchase of the ticket is used. We guarantee a random andfairresult.3 Information transparency: the drawing process iscompletelytransparent. All data is updated online in real time, allusers canat any time check the number of participants in thelottery andnumbers lucky numbers.4.Spravedlivy result: Methods of counting is open, we willprovidefull information security of all transactions. ✔ 【】 lottery rulesSign up for your phone number or an account on the socialuspolzuyasetyh (Odnoklassniki, VKontakte or Facebook). After thatyou canimmediately take part in the raffle.1.Access Bonus: for each ruble contributed ruble you getagift!2.Igrayte: select the item you are interested in, select thenumberof tickets and pay for them. You are already in thegame!3.Poluchite prize: The system will calculate lucky numberinaccordance with the rules, and the owner happy ticket willreceivethe selected product.✔ Get the goods】 【"10 rubles" supports two payment systems - QIWI and WebMoney. Ifyouare the winner, go to the Members Area and enter thedeliveryaddress. "10 rubles" will immediately send to you. ✔ Our products】 【A huge selection of iPhone, PS4, tablets, laptops, electronicsandhousehold appliances to items of everyday consumption. Youwilldefinitely find the right thing for you!Quality assurance: in the annex presents the best offerssuchpopular platforms as Ali Express, Each Buyer,, YandexandSvyaznoy.Constantly updated products: Assortment replenished dailyYou are waiting for a pleasant surprise! ✔ Share with friends 【】If you publish information about their benefit inVKontakte,Twitter, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, or send to friends inWhatsApp,you'll get even more bonuses! ✔ 【About Us】For complete information about our system, please clickhere:
Best Coupons 1.1
Notification about new CouponsonAliExpress.comThis program shows new coupons with big profit, sometimes likeas99% off.+You can use visual notification or vibration fornotificationabout new sellers coupons+You can use filters by sellers, coupons value, feedback ratingandscore
AliBuy shop 2.3
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We recommend products based on feedbacksfromcustomers who have bought the product on the network and basedonour personal opinion.Visit Our Facebookpage: our facebook page to be updated all the time withourproducts.Enjoy
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Your price comparison for Chinese shops
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Online Shopping Apps on-the-go from millionofproducts from hundreds of websites from across differentcategorieswith the free Whatsay - Online Shopping Apps. It offersConvenient,fast and secure online shopping experience. Swipe fromthe leftside of the screen to choose your desired online shoppingapps.Online Shopping Apps for American ( USA ) Users.Shop on Amazon USA / Ebay USA / AliExpress / Netflix / Walmart/Target / Asos / BestBuy & Many More.Shopping UK for United Kingdom ( UK ) Users.Shop on Amazon UK / Ebay UK / Netflix / Next / River Island / Zara/Asos / B and Q / H and M & Many More.Online Shopping India for Indian ( HINDUSTAN ) Users.Shop on Amazon India / Ebay India / Flipkart / Snapdeal / Voonik/BookMyShow / Trivago & Many More.Online Shopping Australia ( AUSSIE ) Users.Shop on Amazon Australia / Ebay Australia / Target / Asos / Kogan/Etsy / The Iconic / AliExpress & Many More.PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONWhatsay - Online Shopping Apps is the gateway toShopconveniently on USA, UK, Indian & Australian online storesinone app. Our app allows you to browse and search for yourdesiredproducts and brands of your choice on multiple websites. Youdon'tneed to download and install their individual apps forOnlineShopping. You can shop from around the world in Whatsay -OnlineShopping Apps.Shop anywhere with ease and confidence from millions ofproductsfrom hundred of websites across a broad range ofcategoriesincluding Books / Movies & TV Shows / Computers&Accessories / Mobiles & Accessories / Consumer Electronics/Toys & Games / Baby Products / Personal Care Products /Watches/ Fashion / Jewelry / Home & Kitchen / Video Games /Music /Bags & Luggages / Shoes / Men's & Kid's Wear / PetSuppliesand many more.DISCLAIMER:• While using our app ( Whatsay - Online Shopping Apps )youagree that we the developer of this app should not beheldresponsible for any kind of fraud and loss that occurs to youfromany online shopping websites used in our app.• All products and services are offered by respectiveonlineshopping websites.• We do not manufacture, buy & sell any of the productsorservices offered in our Whatsay - Online Shopping.• This app is completely focused on simplifying onlineshoppingon-the-go for it's users.• All Content on all online shopping websites used in our appareowned by their respective websites owners.• Each online shopping websites has their separate termsandprivacy policies. Please read carefully.• If respective website owners notice anything that violatesyourterms and conditions. Please inform me through email. Wewillimmediately take action on your terms.• We use cookies to personalize content.• We use google analytics to improve our Whatsay -OnlineShopping Apps performance.
AliPanda - AliExpress guide RU 1.3
Booka dev.
Welcome!You've made a right choice to visit our page becauseAliPandaitis:- news from the world Aliexpress;- interesting products from trusted stores;- information about promotions and discounts;- reviews from real customers;- tips on buying and goods;- parcel tracking system;- and, of course, many pandas :-)Join us: shopping and good mood to you!Sincerely, AliPandaAliExpress - wholesale and retail Chineseonlinestorehypermarket, which can be called the ChineseAmazon'om.AliExpressthis marketplace based Alibaba Group in 2010,the companyand iscurrently enabling Chinese retailers to sell theirproductsallover the world and millions of buyers around theworldexpressedtheir preference for this store because everythingisworking onthe scheme Escrow - the seller receives the moneyonlywhen thebuyer confirm receipt of the goods and theircompliancewith thedescription - this option works better thanthewell-knownPayPal.The site has its own payment system, so buying it is enoughtohavethe card Visa, registered on Paypal is entirely optional.Unlike other Chinese online store TinyDeal, whenbuyingseveralitems on Aliexpress, will come to you in a few parcels(ofcourse,if you did not order the goods of one kind), as youarebuying,often from several vendors. Great attention should bepaidto theseller's rating.Although the store is quite young in comparisonwithcompetitors,including DHgate, - Aliexpress quicklygainingpopularity amongbuyers. Unlike,Aliexpress.comitself does notthreaded products. Instead, he was"sellingservices". At firstglance, the site does not charge sellersorbuyers fees. But infact, the Commission has added to theproductprices set by sellers,and they are usually very small.Payment buyer goes first to the company account. Then,afterthebuyer confirms receipt of the goods, the platform freespaymenttothe seller. Under this payment protection procedure incaseofdisputes between the two sides, the trading platformwilldecidethe dispute based on the evidence presented bybothsides.If the buyer has not received the order, or the orderreceiveddonot match the description, or the item is damaged throughthefaultof sellers, Aliexpress will not transfer funds to thesellerand thebuyer return the money.A definite plus shop - an opportunity to view theAliExpresssite(Aliekspress) in Russian.On AliExpress, you can find a nearly 9.5 millionproductsfrommore than 4,000 different categories,includingthefollowing:Clothes and accessories,Cars and Motorcycles,Cell phones,Computers and SoftwareElectronics,Beauty and health,Lighting and Lighting,Suitcases,Bags and Briefcases,Security and safety, Shoes, Accessories,Toys & Hobbies, Clock,JewelryWedding Accessories.Advantages of your customer when ordering productsonAliExpress(Aliekspress) in Russian:1. High-quality goods at wholesale prices, even withthesmallestamounts of the order;2. The protection buyer payment;3. A wide range of products from China wholesale and retail;4. More than 79,000 producers;5. Free registration;6. Pay for purchases may be convenient for you: creditcard,banktransfer, using the QIWI-purse or Western Union;7. Online chat with sellers on any arising issues;8. Drawings, discounts, gift coupons;9. Quick search of goods;10. Express delivery with full tracking of postal items;The most famous Chinese online store AliExpress(Aliekspress)inRussian - is the operative purchase of all necessarygoods inonestore!
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Best of Ali 2.0.0
The BestofAli app is anonlineshoppingmarketplace at your fingertips. Millions of peoplefrom allaroundthe world have found some of their favorite itemsthroughus.Perhaps some of your neighbors or friends have alreadyfalleninlove with shopping on BestofAli. Here’s why:Our customers have access to great products atincredibleprices.Buying directly from sellers in China means youcan buy thesameproducts you can get anywhere else, but for muchlower prices!Buyers on BestofAli is connected to Aliexpress and haveaccesstoa choice of 100+ million products. You can find justaboutanythingyou wish for among our large product selection. Youcanget anythingfrom clothing, shoes and accessories, to carparts,electronics andbaby care items. You can even find a rangeofdifferent customizableproducts too.Another reason to fall in love with BestofAli is that wegivefreeshipping on over 75% of our products!In addition, the BestofAli app offers great valuewithdailydeals, regular promotions and thousands ofcoupongiveaways.The BestofAli app comes packed with featuresandfunctionsdesigned to give you a safe and joyousshoppingexperience. Use ourapp to:★Shop by product category★Conveniently search for products with search filters★Read buyer reviews★Create Wish Lists★Share products with friends via email, Facebook orothersocialmedia★Make secure online payments★Track your packages★Receive instant updates on your order status★Manage your orders★Chat with sellers★Get Buyer Protection on all your purchasesThe BestofAli app is for people who loveconvenientshoppingwithout the extra cost. Find out what value we’vegot instore foryou!
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SuperDeal helps you discover and buy amazing things all here.