Top 22 Apps Similar to muzika

музофон 0.1
zauza apps
музофон - это сайт которыйзнакоммногим.музофон для бесплатного скачивания музыки.музофонскачатьбесплатно и вы будите наслождаться тоннами музыкикогдаугодно игде угодно. музофон для скачивания музыки - этолучшийвыборпользователя, проверенный временем. музофон бесплатно -даэтодействительно так, все легально и бесплатно.muzofonреальнопомогает в любой ситуации. muzofon скачивать музыкуслалолегко какраз два три!muzofon скачать ? muzofon app на андройд быстро ибесплатно.muzofonскачать музыку и радоваться жизни!muzofon - is a sitethatisfamiliar to many. muzofon for free music downloads.muzofonfreedownload and you'll naslozhdatsya tons of musicwheneverandwherever you want. muzofon for downloading music - it'sthebestchoice of the user, time-tested. muzofon free - yes it istrue,alllegal and free. muzofon really helps in anysituation.muzofondownload music slalom easy as one two three!muzofon download? muzofon app on androyd fast andfree.muzofondownload music and enjoy life!
Love Songs and Romantic Music 4.0.0
Love and romantic songs in the app Love Songs and Romantic Music.
Музыка ВК: Слушать и Скачать 3.0.1
Наше приложение Музыка ВК позволит вамнапрямуювоспроизводить свои аудиозаписи (или найти любые по вашемувкусу) вконтакте и скачать их в мп3! Приятный дизайн и удобныйфункционалдадут вам возможность по-настоящему насладиться вашейлюбимоймузыкой вк! Итак, вот все функции:- Красивый дизайн- Удобный и понятный поиск песен из вк- Воспроизведение из вконтакте своих аудиозаписей- Возможность скачать трэки в мп3 (сначала сохраните, апотомзайдите в папку /VKplayer)- Сохраненная музыка воспроизводится напрямую из приложенияВНИМАНИЕ!Музыка ВК - это не официальное приложение и мы не имеемникакогоотношения к VK. Приложение авторизуется через официальноеAPI, чтоделает невозможным взлом вашей страницы!Our app VC musicwillallow you to directly play their record (or find any ofyourchoice) in contact and download them in mp3! Nice design andeasyfunctionality enable you to truly enjoy your favorite music VC!So,here are all the features:- Beautiful design- Easy and intuitive search for songs from the VC- Playback of your recordings VKontakte- Ability to download tracks in MP3 (first save and then go tothefolder / VKplayer)- Stored music reproduced directly from the appATTENTION!VK Music - this is not an official application and we do nothaveany relation to VK. The application is authorized by theofficialAPI, making it impossible to hack your page!
70s 80s 90s Music - Radio Hits 3.0.1
Enjoy all the 70s 80s 90s music hits. The best free songscollectionof all time
Top Ringtones 2020 Summer Hits
Have the most popular summer hits of 2020 as your ringtones!
Libratone 7.0.7
The Libratone Application Is A Utility Tool For TheLibratoneProducts.
Музыка из ВКонтакте 1.0.8
Самый удобный и лаконичныйбесплатныймузыкальный плеер для ВКонтакте. Он позволяет слушатьсвоиаудиозаписи в VK.Созданный с любовью ценителями минимализма и функциональности,онпредставляет собой симбиоз интуитивно понятного интерфейсаибогатого функционала.Основные возможности:► Слушай музыку без ИнтернетаСохраняйте любимые треки и слушайте независимо от подключениякИнтернету► Синхронизируй плейлистУстановите удобное для вас время и плеер сам сохранитнеобходимоеколичество ваших треков► Пользуйся динамическим плейлистомНажмите на трек в любом списке и этот список автоматическистанеттекущим плейлистом► Удобный интерфейсСовременный, простой и удобный интерфейс в котором нетничеголишнегоВНИМАНИЕ!Чтобы не нарушались чьи-либо авторские права, скачать музыкуможнотолько во внутрь приложения.The most convenientandconcise free music player for VKontakte. It allows you to listentoyour record in VK.Created with love lovers of minimalism and functionality, it isasymbiosis of the intuitive interface and rich functionality.Key features:► Listen music without InternetKeep your favorite tracks and listen to regardless ofInternetconnection► Sync the playlistSet a convenient time for you and the player himself will retaintherequired number of your tracks► Use your dynamic playlistClick on any track in the list, and this list willautomaticallybecome the current playlist► User-friendly InterfaceModern, simple and intuitive interface in which there isnothingsuperfluousATTENTION!Not to violate anyone's copyright, you can download musiconlyinside the application.
Музыка ВК и Видео вконтакте 0.1
Скачав приложение «Музыка ВК иВидеовконтакте»вы сможете слушать музыку из своего плэйлиста илипростонайти черезпоиск любимую песню. Также вы сможетезагрузитьаудиозапись себе насмартфон, если она вам понравится.В нашем мобильном клиенте сети есть:- музыка моих друзей- рекомендованные аудиозаписи- музыка вк- музыка сообществ и музыкальных пабликов- видео вконтакте- возможность поделиться с друзьями, через ваш профильУстановите Музыка ВК и Видео вконтакте и слушать музыкуивашилюбимые песни станет намного проще!Внимание:Наше приложение - не официальное и оно не имеетникакогоотношенияк ВК. Приложение авторизует пользователейчерезофициальное API соцсети, в следствии этого взлом вашегопрофиляполностьюневозможен!Download theapp"MusicVideo and VK VKontakte" you can listen to music fromyourplaylist,or simply search through the search for yourfavoritesong. You canalso download the audio to your smartphone, ifyouenjoy it.In our mobile client network has:- Music my friends- Recommended record- Music VC- The music community and music Public- Video VKontakte- The opportunity to share with your friends via your profileInstall the VC and Music Video VKontakte and listen to musicandyourfavorite songs will be much easier!Attention:Our application - not an official, and it has nothing todowiththe VC. The application authorizes users through theofficialAPIsocial networks, as a consequence of this hackyourprofilecompletely impossible!
Uzbek Music - Uzbek taronalar
The latest showbiz news Uzbekistan as well as musical premiere
Музыка Вконтакте - vkMusic 1.0.3
Возможность слушать и скачивать своюмузыку,атакже музыку друзей (и их друзей) и сообществ(иихучастников).Также присутствует возможность прослушать изагрузитьрекомендованныедля вас аудиозаписи, основанные навашихмузыкальных предпочтениях +просмотреть список наиболеепопулярныхкомпозиций по различнымжанрам, а именно:-Рок-Поп-Рэп и Хип-Хоп-Лёгкая музыка-Танцевальная/Хаус-Инструментальная музыка-Метал-Альтернативный метал-Дабстеп-Джаз и Блюз-Драм-н-бейс-Транс-Народная музыка-Вокал/акустика-Рэгги-Классическая музыка-Инди-поп-Речевая музыка-Электро-поп/дискои прочее...Помимо вышеперечисленного, присутствуетвозможностьпоискамузыкальных композиций, отображение миниатюробложекальбомов,визуализация играющей музыки и показужесохранённыхаудиозаписей.The ability tolistenandto download his music and the music of friends (andtheirfriends)and communities (and their members).Also there is the opportunity to listen and todownloadtherecommended record for you, based on your musicalpreferences +toview a list of the most popular songs indifferentgenres,namely:-Rock-Pop-Rep And Hip-Hop-Light music-Tantsevalnaya / House-Instrumental musicmethane-Alternative metal-Dabstep-Dzhaz And Blues-Dram And bass-Trance-Folk music-Vokal / Acoustics-Reggi-Classical musicIndene-pop-Rechevaya music-Elektro Pop / discoAnd so on...In addition to the above, there is the ability to searchmusic,albumart thumbnails, visualization of playing music andshowingalreadysaved recordings.
downloading music on Android 0.1
The application for downloading musiconAndroiddevices - designed toquickly and easily find and download songs from the VCandnotonly that you liked.The app has a built-in music player that will allowyoutodownload for freemusic and listen to it offline without an internetconnection.Tostart listening to your favoritemusic, you simply download the application to your phoneortabletand you all are availableMusic in contact foreign and local performers. Now youcanlistento musiconline for free and download music for free andVKontakteenjoylisteningAnytime. Feature built-in music player is that you canimmediately after downloading a song cut anywhereinthecomposition and to put itself on the ringtone.Also there is the possibility of processing the audiotracksinany other format that exists.Of course there is also an equalizer for a moredemandinglistenerto adjustthe sound to your taste.
Narodne Radio Stanice 2.3
Milivan Labs
Preuzmite najnoviju verziju aplikacije sa preko 150 stanica nalinkuispod:
музыка одноклассники 0.1
zauza apps
музыка одноклассники - этовозможностьслушатьна сайте любимые песни, добавлять их всобственныйплейлист,создавать альбомы, слушать радио, музыкудрузей,музыкальныеновинки. При желании, понравившуюся композициюможноскачать музыкаодноклассники.музыка однокл - это для вас! музыка ок - миллионы трековналюбойвыбор. Для начала необходимо установить бесплатноеприложениеокмузыкаодноклассники музыка это легкая навигация, быстрый поискискролинг,все для пользователя.музыка в одноклассниках лучший выборпользователя.Скачатьодноклассники музыка ? музыка ок это самысовременный плеерсовсеми нужными для пользователя функциями.Music classmates -istheability to listen to your favorite songs on the site, addthemtoyour own playlist, create albums, listen to theradio,music,friends, music news. If desired, you can downloadyourfavoritemusic track classmates.odnokl music - this is for you! music app - to millions ofsongsonany choice. To begin, you must install the free appMusicappclassmates music is easy navigation, quick search andscrolling,allfor the user.Music and classmates the best choice of the user.Downloadmusicclassmates? sama music app is a modern player withallthenecessary functions for the user.
mMusic - твоя музыка вк 1.0.2
mMusic - бесплатное приложение,созданодля того что бы вы всегда без проблем могли слушать искачатьмузыку в контакте в свой смартфон!Помимо того что Вы сможете скачать музыку вк, Вам всегдастанетдоступно:- поиск аудиозаписей- мои аудиозаписи- популярная музыка- выбор музыкальных стилей- создание и управление плейлистамиФункционал приложения будет дорабатываться, это лишьначало;)Пользователям:Разработанное нами приложение, соответствует всемсовременнымпротоколам безопасности, поэтому утечки Вашейконфиденциальнойинформации быть не может.Мы не запоминаем и не передаем Ваши пароли, имена, телефоны ипрочуюинформацию.Наше приложение не является вирусом или шпионским ПО - очемсвидетельствует проверка исходного кода в ЛабораторииКасперского идругих антивирусных программах (которую Вы можетепровести сами,если имеете сомнения).Правообладателям:Наша команда является приверженцами, ценит и уважает авторскоеправона любой контент, произведения науки, литературы иискусства,являющиеся результатом творческой деятельности,независимо отназначения и достоинства произведений, а также способаихвыражения.В силу того, что загрузка контента в сеть интернетпроисходитнезависимо от нас - мы не можем контролировать полностьюпотокинформации, к которому люди получают доступ благодарясвоимпоисковым запросам.Если Ваши права были нарушены Вы можете связаться с нами поадресу[email protected]имы незамедлительно отреагируем и устраним данное нарушение!mMusic - afreeapplication created for this purpose that you always caneasilylisten to and download music in contact in yoursmartphone!Besides that you will be able to download music VC, youalwayswill be available:- Audio search- my audios- popular music- The choice of musical styles- Create and manage playlistsFunctional applications will be further developed, it isonlythe beginning;)users:We have developed an application meets all current safetyprotocols,so your leak of confidential information can notbe.We do not remember and do not share your passwords, names,phonenumbers and other information.Our app is not a virus or spyware - as evidenced by the testsourcecode at Kaspersky Lab and other antivirus software (which youcanconduct yourself if you have doubts).Copyright holders:Our team is committed to, appreciates and respects the copyrightofany content, works of science, literature and art, which aretheresult of creative activity, irrespective of the purposeanddignity of the works, as well as their method ofexpression.Due to the fact that the content download in the Internet networkisindependent from us - we can not fully control the flowofinformation to which people have access through theirsearchqueries.If your rights have been violated, you can contact us at [email protected] will respond immediately and eliminate theviolation!
Зайцев Нет Музыка и Песни 0.1
Зайцев Нет Музыка и Песнисодержитсамыепопулярные мелодии.Зайцев нет скачать бесплатно ислушаймузыку усебя в Андроид.В этом сборнике вы найдете музыку и мелодии. ЗагрузитеЗайцевНетбесплатно музыку себе на телефон и слушайте оффлайн.OСОБЕННОСТИ:- Сохраните приложение на карту памяти, если онасуществует- Приложение бесплатно, и всегда будет бесплатным- Поделитесь приложением и картинками в FacebookиTwitter,отправляйте по Bluetooth и Gmail и т. д.СОВМЕСТИМОСТЬ:Приложение Зайцев Нет Музыка и Песни было протестированонаSonyXperia Z3+ Dual, Asus ZenFone 2 ZE551ML, LG G3 s D724,LenovoS90,Samsung I8190 Galaxy S III Mini, Samsung I9500 GalaxyS4(СамсунгГалакси С5, Самсунг Галакси С4), Sony Xperia ZL,GoogleNexus 5(Гугл Нексус 5), HTC One X.ЛИЦЕНЗИЯМузыка, использованная в приложении Зайцев Нет МузыкаиПесни,находятся под лицензией Creative Commons. Заслугиавторовотмеченывнутри приложения.Пожалуйста, оцените приложение, если понравилось! Спасибо!Zaitsev No musicandsongscontains the most popular melodii.Zaytsev no downloadandlisten tomusic in my Android.In this collection you will find music and melodies.DownloadZaitsevNo free music to your phone and listen offline.Features:- Save the application to the memory card, if it exists- The app is free and will always be free- Share app and pictures on Facebook and Twitter, sendviaBluetoothand Gmail, etc...COMPATIBILITY:Appendix Zaitsev No Music and Song has been tested ontheSonyXperia Z3 + Dual, Asus ZenFone 2 ZE551ML, LG G3 s D724,LenovoS90,Samsung I8190 Galaxy S III Mini, Samsung I9500 GalaxyS4(SamsungGalaxy S5, Samsung Galaxy C4), Sony Xperia ZL, GoogleNexus5(Google Nexus 5), HTC One X.LICENSEMusic used in the application Zaitsev No Music andsongsarelicensed under Creative Commons. The merits of the authorsnotedinthe application.Please rate the app if you like it! Thank you!
Mp3Convert for VK 9.1
Niko Team
Convert your Vk Music List(Saved List) toMp3files.Converted files will be in VkMp3 Folder.Developed ByNiyazIsmayilov.Designed By Sahil Huseynzade.Convert your Vk MusicList(Saved List) to Mp3 files.Converted files will be inVkMp3Folder.Developed By Niyaz Ismayilov.Designed BySahilHuseynzade.
Legacy Player
This app for setting up and controlling your speaker baseonLinkplay solutions.
Player for VK music 1.0
music players
Convenient service fordownloadingmusiconline.
Fitness Music Workout App 41.0
It`s workout time! Get ready for fitnesswithradio online for Android! Shape your body with liveradiobroadcasting exercise music! Say yes to Fitness MusicWorkoutApp!Need some music for workout? No problem, now you can have fitnessonthe go! Get closer to your dream body shape with internetradiofeaturing fitness music 24/7! Today is the day to startexercising,so if you need a motivational tool, workout radio willkeep youinspired.Fitness and workout are all about consistency, so the purposeofthis fitness app is a call to action every time you checkyourAndroid. With online radio you will have access to freemusiconline that will get you in the mood for aerobics,fitness,workout. You don`t need a personal trainer just follow therhythmof fitness dance workout!This fm radio offers workout music for all generations! Ifyousearch for fitness apps, look no further, this music radiowillhave you covered. Whatever the age, radio workout music isaperfect choice for getting into the mood for aerobics. Letyourbody work with fitness radio!Available features:- Listening to fm radio without headphones- Set a radio alarm- Set timer to play any net radio and sleep timer- The widget of the app will appear in the notification tocontrolonline radio even when the app is turned off- Use widget option to set your favorite web radio as a shortcutonyour home screen- Set favorites to create a list of favorite radio channels foraquick access- Choose ‘more’ button to research other radio fm stations- Save or share radio online on social networks such as FacebookandTwitter**NB. For this app to work, internet connection is required. Incasethere is no internet connection and you have set an alarm, youwillbe woken up by the default alarm from your mobile phone.Legal information:This app is made in collaboration with the best internet stationsonthe web. We are very grateful to all those who supportedus.Please report bugs. If you have any questions, suggestions,requestor comments do not hesitate to contact [email protected].
International Voice Changer 1.1
International Voice ChangerThe greatest list of international languages on one place.With this cool application you can chose your favoritedestinationand sound like people who live there.International Voice Changer offers you crazy funJust click on the button and enjoy your journey aroundtheworld.Create your own unique ringtones and share them on chatorFacebook,Twitter and e-mail.Characteristics:> Professionally translated into multiple languages<>15 voice effects to choose from<>Record,save and share your favorite sounds<>Set your saved recordings to be your phone's ringtone<>Set your recorded sounds as SMS or notification tones<> Use it just as a voice recorder<International Voice Changer owns large spectrum of differentvoicesof nations worldwide. With this free talking application youcanmodify your recorded voice and you can sound like:normal,russian,spaniard, japanese, german, indian and much more.InternationalVoice Changer is designed and customized for allgenerations,therefor you can enjoy playing around both with friendsand family.Just record your voice and sound like cool Jamaican orzippyChinese. It is fantastic for prank calls.Have you ever wondered how would you sound like a foreigner?Thisis great opportunity to discover that. Change your voice andsoundlike romantic frenchman or irresistible brazilian. With theeffectEnglischman you will sound politely and royal.Start your day creatively and design unique ringtones,SMSandnotification tones for your phone. Share your creation withyourfriends on social networks, e-mails or send them MMS and youwilldefinitely LOL!!!Creating of interesting voice effects has never been easier.Justrecord your voice by clicking on "record new" button or usesome ofalready existing records from your phone. Then pick up asoundeffect from list and apply it on your recordings. If youaresatisfied with the produced sounds you can save them on yourphoneor make a lots of new, thanks to International VoiceChangerapplication.Download this superb free International Voice Changerapplicationand bring fun into your everyday!
Dance Music Ringtones 1.0.2
🎵DANCE MUSIC RINGTONES – theULTIMATEcollection of free sounds and alerts for your phone andtablet!🎵Check out all the features of this free musical appwithringtones → → →HIGH QUALITY SOUNDSPOPULAR TUNESFUNNY SMS RINGTONESBEST MUSICFIFTEEN SOUND EFFECTS – 10 unlocked, 5 locked!SET AS A DEFAULT RINGTONESET AS AN SMS NOTIFICATION OR ANY OTHER ALERTSET AS AN ALARM CLOCK SOUNDASSIGN DIFFERENT RINGTONES TO SPECIFIC CONTACTSTAP ONCE TO PREVIEW THE SOUND, PRESS THE SETTINGS BUTTON TOSETIT!EASY TO USE, IMPOSSIBLE TO PUT DOWN!FULL VERSION, NO EXTRA CHARGES – DOWNLOAD NOW!🎧🎶 🎸🎷 🎹 🎺 🎻 🎼 🎯🎧🎶 🎼 🎧 “Dance Music Ringtones” are a collection of the“mostpopular ringtones for mobile phones and other devices” createdtoshow you that “groove is in the heart” and that the best thingsinlife are free! Moreover, you don't have to collect “freeringtones”for Android™ one by one, since this package includes thebest itemsin “free mp3 music download”! So, “everybody dance” andtwist andshout with these “awesome ringtones” and “don't stop tillyou getenough”! Just know that, when you download Dance MusicRingtones,you will immediately get 10 “cool ringtones” as well as5additional “free sound effects” that will unlock after fivedays!Therefore, don't miss this great opportunity to install thebestfree dance ringtones and dance, dance, dance “all nightlong”whenever your phone rings!🎵“FREE MOST POPULAR RINGTONES AND RINGBACK TONES”🎶 🎼 🎧 Dance Music Ringtones are perfect if you “wanna dancewithsomebody” because “I bet you look good on the dance floor”! Beinthe party mood every time your phone rings and you have anewnotification! You will be the coolest person in your crew andyourfriends will rock with you when they hear your phoneringtones!“Good times” are ahead of you with Dance Music Ringtonesand youmay be “the greatest dancer” “in da club”!🎵“NOTIFICATION SOUNDS AND RINGTONES”🎶 🎼 🎧 “Let's dance” and “jump around” with Dance MusicRingtones,which are the best choice in the category of “freeringtonedownloads”! You will get 10+5 “crazy ringtones” and “coolsounds”that you can use however you like – as ringtones, asnotificationsounds or as regular songs you can listen to! Use themwisely andyou will “get lucky” and have the adventure of alifetime!🎧🎶 🎸🎷 🎹 🎺 🎻 🎼 🎯🎧🎵WRITE TO US!🎵Your opinion matters very much! If you have a feedback oracomment, send us an e-mail, and we will try to meet allyourwishes! Best regards from the Marshmallow Melodies team!License:The sounds that were used in this app are under Public DomainorCreative Commons license attribution 3.0:
Free Top 40 Radio 2.2
Download Free Top 40 Radio and listen online currently mostpopularsongs and best free contemporary music. Instal applicationand findnewest soundboard with music live radio stations withlatest top 40hits. Thanks to the internet radio, you will enjoylistening to top40 songs. One keyboard touch and you will have allthe best worldradio stations in one place on your phone. In thisradios app, youcan enjoy listening many web radio stations whichbroadcast top 40music hits of popular music genres such as pop,rock and roll,reggae. FM radio tuner is the best way to listen tothe radio onyour Android device. Listen top folk music hits, RnB,metal, newage music. Here in this live radio app you will find yourfamouslocal radio stations. But we collected here and bestinternationalonline radio stations. Listen radio free on your phoneor tablet.All radio stations in this application are live streamsand you canlisten them all the time. This is the best FM internetradio appwith the most popular songs of the top 40 genre. If youareinterested in what is new in music world, just downloadthishottest app. In Free top 40 Music app you can listen toyourfavorite artists. Run application and choose your favouriteradiochannel with live streams. Whether you want to keep in touchwiththe latest hits and want to have a web radio that broadcaststop 40music, you will find it in this android streaming radio app.Listenhot dance music hits, house, dj, or ever classical music. Top40music radio app is the best way to listen to latest music,tophits, news, talks, shows as well as sports news andweatherinformation. Find station list with best online radiostations.This cool radio music app is great collection of carefullypickedand the most popular radio stations from the web. If youarelooking for contemporary top music hits, just grab thishottestonline radio app with live streaming. Listen to top freemusiconline on radio fm. There are plenty of online radiostationsplaying only the greatest hits of the most popular artistsandbands from the all over the world. Finding web radio foryourAndroid has never been easier. Touch play on your screen, sitbackand enjoy. Requirements: * App requires internet connection *Appdepends on the radio broadcast stream, so please note thatsomestations can be temporarily unavailable. Main Features:*Headphones are not necessary * Make your favourite station listforquick access * Set timer that radio station turns off atspecifictime * Share app via social networks * More apps button toexploreother radio stations * We regularly updates radio stationslist