Top 6 Apps Similar to Carroattrezzi SoccorsoStradale

Autosoccorso Clerici 1.5
Soccorso Stradale di Clerici Paolo.Via Cervi Fratelli, 1, 20077 Melegnano (MI)Telefono 02 98127341 / 338 7773279 / 333 8328925E-mail: [email protected] Fratelli Cervi, 1, 20077 Melegnano (MI)Phone 02 98127341/338 7773279/333 8328925E-mail: [email protected]
Fidesa assistenza 1.0.1
Fidesa SRL
Sentiti sicuro di avere sempre a portatadimanoi contatti per chiedere assistenza:1. Richiedi il Soccorso Stradale dall'Italia e Dall'estero2. Richiedi l'Auto Sostitutiva3. Segnala il guasto della tua auto4. Ascolta il nostro file audio, ti spiegherà come gestiretutteleproblematiche che si dovessero verificare altuoautoveicolo.Contattare Fidesa nel momento del bisogno non è statomaicosìfacile.Feel safe to alwayshaveathand the contact for assistance:1. Request Breakdown from Italy and from abroad2. Request the Auto Substitute3. Report the malfunction of your car4. Listen to our audio file, you will learn how to handlealltheproblems that could occur to your vehicle.Contact Fidesa in need it has never been so easy.
Meta Trak 2.8.6
Control your vehicle or motorbike online with easy to use MetaTrakapplication.
Autoservice di Faccioli Renato 9.1
Con la nostra pluriennale esperienzaripariamola vostra auto con estrema professionalità e competenzaconattrezzatura all'avanguardia con prezzi molto competitivi,conl'appoggio di network come Point Service e Magneti MarelliChekstar,sinonimo di alta qualità e garanzia dei lavori svolti.Offriamo:installazione impianti Gpl e ganci traino, vendita eassistenzapneumatici di tutte le marche, climatizzatori,diagnosicomputerizzata professionale, rimappature centralinemotore,sanificazione abitacolo e climatizzatore, tagliandi eautosostitutiva.Servizi:Centro revisioni autoAutofficinaElettrautoGommistaAuto sostitutivaBollino BluCarrozzeriaClimatizzatoriConvergenzaElaborazioniElettrautoImpianto a GasRiparazione marmittaRiparazione FreniPneumaticiRevisioneRicambiSoccorso stradaleTagliandoAmmortizzatoriWith our yearsofexperience we repair your car with the utmost professionalismandexpertise with advanced equipment with competitive prices, withthesupport of networks such as Service Point and MagnetiMarelliChekstar, synonymous with high quality and warranty of theworkdone. We offer: installation LPG and tow hooks, sales andserviceall brands of tires, air conditioners, computerizeddiagnosisprofessional remapping engine control, sanitation andpassengercompartment climate control, coupons and replacement cars.Services:Center car reviewsCar RepairElectricsTire repairerReplacement carBlue StickerBodyworkAir conditionersConvergenceElaborationElectricsGas plantMuffler repairRepair BrakesTiresRevisionPartsRoadside assistanceCouponShock Absorbers
Touring Club Schweiz (TCS) 1.7.1
The app for breakdown service /assistance and traffic information.Thanks to the geolocation, you will benefit from anefficienthelp in case of breakdown or accident.This TCS application also informs you in real time onyoursmartphone about the current traffic conditions as well astheavailable parking spaces in Switzerland’s big cities.Functions:• Automatically transmission of your personal data andcurrentlocation in case of an emergency call (breakdown/accident)inSwitzerland• Only for Livret ETI holder: automatically transmission ofyourpersonal data and current location in case of an emergencycall(breakdown/accident) abroad• Swiss traffic information, current condition, road works aswellas passes and tunnels• Available parking spaces in Switzerland’s big citiesWe are looking forward to your comments andimprovementsuggestions on [email protected]:Please consider that no responsibility is taken for thecorrectnessof the information available on the TCS app. It is notallowed touse the application while driving a vehicle.
Full Box Viasat Reale Mutua 1.3.0
Full Box Viasat Reale Mutua is your ideal travel companion.