Top 24 Apps Similar to i-Camping Car

Aires Campingcar-infos 2.61
Nouveau ! Nous venons de publier unenouvelleappli qui remplacera celle-ci: officielle dusitehttp://www.campingcar-infos.comMerci de lire cette description jusqu'au bout, notamment encequi concerne l'espace mémoire nécessaire à son utilisation.Ce site est associatif et recense toutes les aires en Franceetdans 42 autres pays.La base de données la plus complète du web en matière d'airesdeservices camping-car, mise à jour quotidiennement par uneéquipeperformante de bénévoles, avec les données, commentaires etphotosenvoyées par les camping-caristes eux-mêmes.Recherchez très facilement toutes les aires de services etdestationnement pour camping-car référencées par Campingcar-Infos,lesite de référence en la matière.L'application permet la localisation des aires parcartegéographique, par son nom, son numéro, ou autour d'un ville oud'unpoint précis.Choisissez vos options (types d'aires, rayon de recherche)etlancez la recherche autour du centre de la carte pourfaireafficher les aires situées dans le rayon choisi.Cliquez ensuite sur l'aire que vous souhaitez pourfaireapparaitre la fiche correspondante, avec photos etcommentaires descamping-caristes.Cette version peut être utilisée gratuitement avec uneconnexionInternet (wifi, 4G, 3G ou Edge), mais aussi horsconnexion(moyennant un abonnement sur notre site web: ).Le mode hors connexion permet l'utilisation sans aucuneconnexionde données, en utilisant les données, photos,commentaires et fondsde cartes préalablement chargées surl'appareil.Ces données sont téléchargeables pays par pays (région parrégionpour la France) depuis l'application aussi souvent que vouslesouhaitez, durant toute la durée de l'abonnement.Attention, cette application nécessite d'avoir un espacemémoiredisponible suffisant pour s'installer et pouvoir fonctionner:- l'application seule nécessite au minimum 100 Mb de libre.Données pour utilisation "hors connexion" :- France/région Alsace : 6.5 Mb- France/région Aquitaine : 23 Mb- France/région Auvergne : 16 Mb- France/région Bourgogne : 11 Mb- France/région Bretagne : 27 Mb- France/région Centre : 16 Mb- France/région Champagne-Ardenne : 7.5 Mb- France/région Corse : 1.5 Mb- France/région Franche-Comte : 8.5 Mb- France/région Ile-de-France : 1.5 Mb- France/région Languedoc-Roussillon : 17 Mb- France/région Limousin : 9 Mb- France/région Lorraine : 8 Mb- France/région Midi-Pyrénées : 23.5 Mb- France/région Nord-Pas-de-Calais : 7 Mb- France/région Basse-Normandie : 11 Mb- France/région Haute-Normandie : 6 Mb- France/région Pays-de-la-Loire : 19 Mb- France/région Picardie : 3 Mb- France/région Poitou-Charentes : 16.5 Mb- France/région Provence-Côte-d'Azur : 18 Mb- France/région Rhône-Alpes : 27 MbSoit pour la totalité de la France : 130 MbAutres pays :- Albanie : 3.5 Mb- Allemagne : 87 Mb- Andorre : 1 Mb- Autriche : 14.5 Mb- Belgique : 11.5 Mb- Bielorussie : 15 Mb- Bosnie : 5 Mb- Bulgarie : 7.5 Mb- Croatie : 8 Mb- Danemark : 9 Mb- Espagne : 52 Mb- Estonie : 5.5 Mb- Finlande : 30 Mb- Grande-Bretagne : 33 Mb- Grèce : 14.5 Mb- Hongrie : 9 Mb- Irlande : 9 Mb- Islande : 13 Mb- Italie : 54 Mb- Lettonie : 7.5 Mb- Liechtenstein : 0.5 Mb- Lituanie : 7.5 Mb- Luxembourg : 1.5 Mb- Macédoine : 2.5 Mb- Maroc : 21 Mb- Mauritanie : 5.5 Mb- Norvège : 43.5 Mb- Pays-Bas : 10 Mb- Pologne : 31.5 Mb- Portugal : 19 Mb- Roumanie : 17 Mb- Russie : 263 Mb (grosse quantité de fonds de cartes)- Serbie-Monténégro : 7 Mb- Slovaquie : 5 Mb- Slovénie : 4 Mb- Suède : 37.5 Mb- Suisse : 9 Mb- Théquie : 11.5 Mb- Tunisie : 3.5 Mb- Turquie : 31 Mb- Ukraine : 35 MbSoit un total France + pays étrangers : 892 MbEn cas de problème, merci de contacter notre équipe debénévoles: [email protected]! We just releasedanew app that will replaceit: application site http://www.campingcar-infos.comThank you for reading this description to the end,especiallywith regard to the memory space required for its use.This site is associative and lists all the areas in France andin42 other countries.The most complete database of the web in terms of serviceareascamper, updated daily by a strong team of volunteers, withthedata, comments and photos sent by motorhome themselves.Search easily all areas of services and parking formotorhomesMotorhome-referenced information, the reference site inthefield.The application allows the location of areas by map, byname,number, or around a city or a specific point.Choose your options (types of areas, search radius) andstartlooking around the center of the map to show areas withintheselected radius.Then click on the area you want to bring up thecorrespondingcard, with photos and comments motorhome driver.This version can be used free of charge with anInternetconnection (WiFi, 4G, 3G or Edge), but also offline (onasubscription on ourwebsite mode allows use without any data connection, usingdata,photos, reviews and maps preloaded on the device.This data is downloadable by country (region by region inFrance)since the application as often as you like, for the durationof thesubscription.Please note that this application requires to havesufficientmemory available to install and to operate:- The single application requires at least 100 Mb of free.Data for use "offline":- France / Alsace region: 6.5 Mb- France / Aquitaine region: 23 Mb- France / Auvergne: 16 Mb- France / Burgundy region: 11 Mb- France / Brittany: 27 Mb- France / Centre region: 16 Mb- France / Champagne-Ardenne: 7.5 Mb- France / Corsica region: 1.5 Mb- France / Franche-Comte region: 8.5 Mb- France / Ile-de-France: 1.5 Mb- France / Languedoc-Roussillon: 17 Mb- France / Limousin: 9 Mb- France / Lorraine region: 8 Mb- France / Midi-Pyrénées: 23.5 Mb- France / Nord-Pas-de-Calais: 7 Mb- France / Basse-Normandie region: 11 Mb- France / Haute-Normandie region: 6 Mb- France / Region Pays de la Loire: 19 Mb- France / Picardy region: 3 Mb- France / Poitou-Charentes region: 16.5 Mb- France / Provence-Côte d'Azur: 18 Mb- France / Rhône-Alpes region: 27 MbEither for the whole of France: 130 MbOther countries :- Albania: 3.5 Mb- Germany: 87 Mb- Andorra: 1 Mb- Austria: 14.5 Mb- Belgium: 11.5 Mb- Belarus: 15 Mb- Bosnia: 5 Mb- Bulgaria: 7.5 Mb- Croatia: 8 Mb- Denmark: 9 Mb- Spain: 52 Mb- Estonia: 5.5 Mb- Finland: 30 Mb- Great Britain: 33 Mb- Greece: 14.5 Mb- Hungary: 9 Mb- Ireland: 9 Mb- Iceland: 13 Mb- Italy: 54 Mb- Latvia: 7.5 Mb- Liechtenstein: 0.5 Mb- Lithuania: 7.5 Mb- Luxembourg: 1.5 Mb- Macedonia: 2.5 Mb- Morocco: 21 Mb- Mauritania: 5.5 Mb- Norway: 43.5 Mb- Netherlands: 10 Mb- Poland: 31.5 Mb- Portugal: 19 Mb- Romania: 17 Mb- Russia: 263 Mb (large amount of maps)- Serbia and Montenegro: 7 Mb- Slovakia: 5 Mb- Slovenia: 4 Mb- Sweden: 37.5 Mb- Switzerland: 9 Mb- Théquie: 11.5 Mb- Tunisia: 3.5 Mb- Turkey: 31 Mb- Ukraine: 35 MbTotaling France + foreign countries: 892 MbIn case of problems, thank you to contact our team ofvolunteers:[email protected]
Aires C.Car 1.97
The app to quickly find a service area for your next trip
Mobile homes Tourism Palencia 1.5
xy estudio
This app, edited by the Council ofPalenciathrough its Tourism Department, contains information on theServiceAreas available for Mobile homes and the TouristAttractionsavailable in the towns where such services are located,inside theProvince of Palencia.The app is divided into two sections that are easilyaccessiblethrough the main menu and are interconnected:PARKING AREAS: Here you will find information on the areas,forexample: the type of area, address, number of parkingspaces,services... a map with the location, the possibility offinding theclosest area to your location, and the best route toreach yourdestination. In addition, you can save your usualdestinations infavourites.TOURIST INFORMATION: Here you can explore thedifferentgeographical areas of the Province of Palencia (from NorthtoSouth), and all the towns that have Parking Areas. Eachtownincludes information on the tourist attractions thatthemobile-homers can enjoy during their stay. The main attractionsarelisted according to their typology (Civil Heritage,Religiousbuildings, Museums, Routes, Festivities...), and includesthe mostrelevant information about each of them (description,openinghours, prices, photos...)
Campercontact motorhome camper 7.1.18
With Campercontact, you will always find a motorhome site thatsuitsyou.
Aires Camping Car (France) 13
Aires Camping Car is for motorhomerswishingtoeasily locate service areas and motorhome rest stops inFrance,withover 3,500 service points for motorhomes.No internet connection required. Simply start AiresCampingCarand it will show you all the motorhome service pointsandreststops that are near you. If you want to do some planningyoucansearch by town, aire or autoroute name.Highlights:* Easy to use.* Works without internet connection* Shows Aires near me with distance and direction to aire* Address, longitude and latitude of aire* Information about the type of aire* Details facilities available at the aire (fresh water,dumppoint,electric, wifi)* Integrates directly with googlemaps/navigation(internetconnection required to display googlemap)* >3900 service points in France* Short clicking on address or longitude and latitudeopensgooglemaps/navigation for that aire.* Address and longitude/latitude details can be copied tootherappsby long pressing.* Supports all version of Android from 4.1
HomeCamper & Gamping - Camping 2.0.1
HomeCamper & Gamping - Homestay camping in tent, trailer andRV/ motorhome
Aires de Camping Car (France) 1.0
Trouvez toutes les aires de camping carautourde vous en moins d'1 minute!Choisissez une aire et lancez la navigation GPS vers cettedernière!Effectuez une recherche manuelle ou géolocalisez-vous afindetrouver des aires de camping-car dans toutes les France.Notre base de données de plus de 10 000 aires classéespartype:- Aires de services sur autoroute- Camping acceptant les camping-cars- Camping à la ferme- Aire de services sur camping acceptant le passage pourlesservices- Parking toléré le jour, sans services- Parkings réservés aux campings-cars, sans services- Parking toléré jour/nuit- Aires de services uniquement- Ares de services avec stationnement possible.Application gratuite.Find all campingareasaround you because in less than 1 minute!Choose an area and start GPS navigation to it!Perform a manual search or geotag you to find areas camper inallFrance.Our database of over 10,000 areas classified by type:- Service areas on motorways- Camp accepting campers- Camping on the farm- Service area on camping accepting passage for services- Parking tolerated the day without services- Parking reserved for motorhomes without services- Parking tolerated day / night- Service areas only- Ares service with parking available.Free app.
ViaMichelin GPS Route Planner 12.4.3
Route planning, maps: find all the experience and know-howofViaMichelin!
CaraMaps - Motorhome campsite 4.7.4
CaraMaps, motorhome directory to find services areas,campsites,RVdealers...
Camperlife, camperstops, 4.25
Life Edizioni
Camperlife ( presents the new anduniqueCamperlifeApp
Camperstop-App Motorhome stops 2.7.4
Camperstop-app - with over 13,000 motorhome stopovers acrossallover Europe!
Camper Leveler
eland apps
Put your motorhome or any other 4-wheel vehicle in ahorizontalposition!
-Aires pour Camping car 1.01
Gratuit et sans pubAffiche sur une cartes :- Aires de stationnement de camping-car en France- Aires de vidange eaux et Wc- Aires de repos- Aires de stationnement.Attention : Lors du 1er lancement, les aires sont téléchargersurcampingcar-infos puis sont installé. Cette étapes peut durée5minutes.Si vous l'arrêter en cours, elle reprendra ou elle en était lorsduprochain démarrage de l'application.Free and without adsDisplayed on a card:- Parking lots motorhome in France- Water and toilet drain Aires- Rest Areas- Parking lots.Caution: When first launched, the areas are downloadedtocamper-infos are then installed. This stage can last5minutes. If you stop in the middle, it will resume or she was at thenextapplication startup.
ADAC Camping / Stellplatz 2016 1.0.3
+++ Version 2016 im neuen Design jetztmitzusätzlich rund 3.000 neu erfassten Plätzen in ganz Europa.+++Einführungspreis von 4,99 EUR (statt regulär 8,99 EUR,zeitlichbegrenzt bis 10. April 2016) +++ Inkl. digitalerRabattkarte ADACCampCard 2016 +++Auf die Qualität des ADAC Standardwerkes können Siejederzeitvertrauen. Mehr als 8.500 Campingplätze und über 5.000Stellplätzein ganz Europa finden Sie im ADAC CampingführerundStellplatzführer ausführlich mit allenAusstattungsmerkmalenbeschrieben. Zusätzlich zur bewährtenADAC-Klassifikation kommenauch die User-Platzbewertungen durchADAC-Mitglieder hinzu:Bewerten Sie den Platz direkt in der App undteilen Sie so Ihrepersönlichen Erfahrungen mit anderen Nutzern.Das ist die perfekte Reiseplanung: Mit der neuenUniversalsuchefinden Sie blitzschnell Ihr Reiseziel und diedortigen Plätze. OderSie lassen sich einfach bequem auf der Kartein jeder gewünschtenRegion Europas sofort die passenden Plätzeanzeigen – natürlichimmer entsprechend Ihrer individuellenSuchvorgabe.Besonders kinderfreundliche Plätze? Sind Hunde erlaubt oderggf.auch verboten? Ist WLAN vorhanden? Wie viele Mietunterkünftegibtes am Platz? Sie legen Wert auf eine sehr guteSanitärausstattungoder suchen einfach die Top-Plätze einer Region?Alles kein Problemmit den komfortablen Suchfunktionen des ADACCamping- undStellplatzführer Europa.Ebenfalls dabei: Die digitale ADAC CampCard 2016. Einfach aufdemPlatz vorzeigen und Sie sparen mit dieser Rabattkarte beiderBuchung bares Geld auf mehr als 2.400 Plätzen in ganzEuropa.Sämtliche Ausstattungsmerkmale eines Platzes sind inallenEinzelheiten detailliert dargestellt und zu allen Camping-undStellplätzen können Sie zusätzlich auch Ihre eigenenpersönlichenNotizen abspeichern. Dazu kommen Anbindungen anNavigations-Appsund Favoritenfunktionen inkl. Google DriveSynchronisation.Alle Platzinformationen und Bewertungsfunktionen sindkomplettoffline nutzbar, d.h. Sie können die App (bis aufdieKartenfunktionen) unterwegs vollständig ohneInternetverbindungnutzen.+++ Version 2016newdesign now with additional 3,000 newly detected spotsthroughoutEurope. +++ Introductory price of 4.99 EUR (instead ofthe normal8.99 EUR, limited to 10 April 2016) +++ Incl. digitaldiscount cardADAC Camp Card 2016 +++ On the quality of the ADAC standard work, you can rely on atanytime. More than 8,500 campsites and more than 5,000 parkingspacesin the whole of Europe can be found described in detail withallfacilities in the ADAC Camping Guide and parking guides.Inaddition to proven ADAC classification, the user-space reviewsareadded by ADAC members: Evaluate the square directly in the appandshare them as your personal experiences with other users.This is the perfect travel planning: With the newUniversalSearch can be found quickly your destination and the localcourts.Or you can just comfortably Map in any desired region ofEuropeonce the matching spaces - of course always in accordancewith yourindividual search specification.Particularly child-friendly places? Are dogs allowed orpossiblyeven banned? Is WLAN available? How many rentals there areinplace? Do you value a very good sanitary facilities or aresimplylooking for the top places of a region? No problem withtheconvenient search functions of the ADAC camping and parkingguidesEurope.Also present: The digital ADAC Camp Card show in 2016. Justinthe square and you will save with this discount card whenbookingmoney on more than 2,400 locations throughout Europe. Allfeaturesof a place are detailed in every detail and all camping andparkingspaces, you can also save your own personal notes.Theseconnections come in navigation apps and favorites featuresincl.Google Drive sync.All course information and evaluation functions are usedoffline,that is, You can use the app (up to the card functions)gocompletely without an internet connection.
CamperOnLine 2.2.7
Area camper, camping, picnic areas, camper service, stopping points
CamperMate: Au & NZ Road Trip 4.21.09
Find and book campsites, caravan parks, activities & trailswithour map
CampingCar.TV 1.5
Une aventure médiatique,innovanteetinteractive.Notre mission :Faire aimer - valoriser - le camping-car de l'intérieur.Nos objectifs :Contribuer à la croissance du secteur.Fédérer une communauté de professionnels,passionnésetutilisateurs.Le est un média mobile :Un camping-car transformé en plateau TV pour vousmettreenlumière.Valoriser l'offre touristique et servir l'économie locale.Démontrer que les camping-caristes sont curieux,respectueuxetgénéreux !Mediaadventure,innovativeand interactive.Our mission :Make love - value - the motorhome inside.Our goals :Contribute to the growth of the sector.Federate a community of professionals, enthusiasts and users.The is a mobile media:A camper turned into TV tray for you to highlight.Enhance the tourism offer and serve the local economy.Demonstrate that motorhome owners are curious,respectfulandgenerous!
Info Camp - camping rest area 1.7
Are you about to plan a camping holiday orajourney to Italy with your tent, motorhome or caravan?Info Camp is an innovating application which allows you an easyandquick search of campings, motorhome rest areas (with facilitiesforsupplying fresh water and disposal of black and grey wastewater),motorhome parking areas, motorhome service points (alsoonmotorways) and holiday farms with camping (motorhomeaccommodationsare to be completed).Info Camp uses its own database where all accommodationsareaccurately localized.You will not run the risk to drive to the wrong placeanymore!Info Camp APP was exactly thought up and developed by acamperconsidering the need of an easy and quick search oftheaccommodation where you will staying.Info Camp APP applies various search modes:- through a map on which you can visualize and look intoallaccommodations simultaneously;- listing of all accommodations of a region/province;- listing of accommodations located around your actualposition(through GPS);- listing of accommodations located near a selected town (bythename of the place where you driving to);- listing of accommodations located nearby a spot selected onthemap;- searching an accommodation by its name;- listing of favourite accommodations;All the results of the above mentioned searches can be filteredtoadvance your search:- By accommodation typology (camping, motorhome restareas,motorhome parking areas, motorhome service points, holidayfarmswith camping);- By their location (sea, hillside, mountain, river, lake,spa,motorway);- By their opening period (yearly or seasonal);- By the provided facilities (disabled people, swimming pool,snackbar, pets, showers, motorhome service points, electricitysupply,and so on);Just to make an example, you can easily use all filters todetectall campings nearby Sirmione where pets are admitted andthere is aswimming pool. This search will be quickly achieved in afewclicks!Info Camp APP is free and does not require an Internetconnection.It is also possible to purchase the "OFFLINE" optionwhich allowsyou to look up at the accommodation listing for a yearwithout aninternet connection, and thus avoiding any undesiredadvertising(the internet connection is however required tovisualizephotographs, accommodations rating and Google maps.)Thanks to this option the APP allows you a speed use whereveryouare!!It is therefore ideal for foreign tourists travellingtoItaly.Info Camp is also available in Italian, German andEnglishlanguages.You can also buy the option to choose the language oftheaccommodations description in English, German, French andSpanish.(As it is automatically translated by Googlemisunderstandingerrors are possible.)This makes your journey or holiday to Italy even easier!Visit our website
AreeAttrezzate Camper Caravan
Logos 99 Srl
App search stops campers, caravans and tents in Italy. It takesyouto your destination.
AriApp - Camping/Camper Areas
A quick way to find campsites, camper areas and agricamping inItaly
RV Parking Finder 1.0.4
Ralf Busch
A small tool to find a parking space or RV camping,
Camping 4U 2.1
Práctica, sencilla y completa guía decampingyáreas de descanso gratuitas , imprescindible en tus viajesconautocaravana, caravana, tienda de camping, carro-tienda ocamper.Conesta aplicación podrás encontrar los camping y áreas quemastegusten y llegar a ellos fácilmente con la función de gpsdirectaenel botón ir.Dispondrás también de acceso directo a su paginaweb,e-mail,teléfono y podrás opinar sobre los mismos.Dispone también de varios apartados comochat,quedadas,meteorología, rastro, brújula, nivel, linterna,etc.Solo queda esperar que os guste esta aplicación que contantailusiónhemos creado.Tenemos un apartado de sugerencias para que nosinforméisdecualquier mejora que necesitéis.Buena ruta a todos!!!Camping4U.Practical,simpleandcomprehensive guide to camping and rest areas free,essentialinyour travels with motorhome, caravan, tent camping,car-tentorcamper. With this application you can find camping andareasthatyou like and reach them easily with the Direct gps onthegobutton.Also amenities include direct access to itswebsite,e-mail,telephone and can comment on them.It also has several sections as chat, meetups,weather,trail,compass, level, flashlight, etc.Can only hope you like this application you have created withsomuchhope.We have a section of suggestions for you to inform usofanyimprovements that need.Good route to all !!!Camping4U.
Sygic Truck & RV GPS Navigation 21.3.0
High-quality GPS navigation designed for professional drivers&their large vehicles. Trusted by 3 million drivers ofTrucks,Camions, HGVs, RVs, Caravans, Campers, Vans, Buses, Cars& manyof the world’s leading delivery fleets. Lots of smartfeatures,beautiful 3D offline maps, and easy to use interfaceprovide aproductive and enjoyable navigation experience. SygicTruck GPSNavigation is the best copilot on your routes! TRUCKSPECIFIC MAPS& ROUTING • Special routing for Truck / Camion /LGV / HGV/Delivery Van calculated for the vehicle & load. •High quality3D offline maps. Free map updates several times peryear. Maps arestored offline on your device so internet connectionis notrequired, works with GPS signal. • 3 route alternativesaredisplaying total time, distance, and elevation of the route.•Profiles for 3 different trucks. Set the parameters suchasdimensions, weight, transported material (HAZMAT), numberoftrailers, and the app will select the best route for the vehicle.•Last-mile functionality displaying restricted part of the routeina different color POIs • Millions of Truck specific PointsofInterests • Include gas stations, weigh stations, and restareas.PROFESSIONAL PLANNING & OPTIMALISATION • Advancedrouteplanning to avoid toll roads, U-turns, hazards such as lowbridges,narrow roads, or restricted areas (emission zones, schoolzones).Set preferences such as right turns or arrival with thedestinationon the right side. • Plan & optimize your Multi-Stoproute. Addup to 150 waypoints, and they will be re-arranged toachieve thebest efficiency. • Plan your route with Google Maps& easilydispatch to the app with Sygic Truck Route Sender -free extensionin Chrome and Firefox browser. DESIGNED FOR RV /CARAVAN / CAMPER /BUS • Profile configuration for RV / Caravan /Camper / Motorhome /Bus • Special routing for RV / Caravan / Camper/ Motorhome / Buscalculated for the vehicle & load. • Routesand directionsdesigned for RVs based on your vehicle size • RVspecific POIs:Campgrounds, parking stations, rest areas and moreSAFETY FEATURES• Spoken voice instructions with road indication •Dynamic LaneAssistant & Junction View • Speed Limits &Speed CamerasWarnings ADD-ONS • Live Services include Real-timeTrafficinformation + Mobile Speed Cameras Database + Fuel Prices +ParkingPlaces • Head-Up Display (HUD): Projects navigationinstructionsonto your windshield AVAILABLE MAP REGIONS • NorthAmerica • Europe(with Russia) • Australia & New Zealand •Brazil • Middle East• Africa You can test-drive Premium feature forthe first 14 daysafter installation. After 14 days, you cancontinue using the basicfeatures or upgrade to the Premium license.Also available fromSygic: Should you have any questions, We are here for you 7 days a week. If youlikeour app, please leave a review. Thank you for your support.PrivacyPolicy: Terms By installing, copying orusingall or any portion of this software you accept all the termsandconditions of this agreement: