Top 21 Games Similar to Chess

Chess-wise — play online chess 3.4.1
Marcel Nijman
Play chess online at FICS, search PGN database, endgametablebaseand puzzles.
Chess Tactics Art (1400-1600) 1.3.10
Chess King
A fundamental course on chess tacticsforBeginners. The course contains 150 teaching examples and 1500newexercises useful for consolidation of acquired knowledge.Theexercises are classified according to more than 30 tacticalmethodsand motifs.This course is in the series Chess KingLearn(, which is an unprecedentedchessteaching method. In the series are included courses intactics,strategy, openings, middle game, and endgame, split bylevels frombeginners to experienced players, and evenprofessionalplayers.With the help of this course, you can improve your chessknowledge,learn new tactical tricks and combinations, andconsolidate theacquired knowledge into practice.The program acts as a coach who gives tasks to solve and helpstosolve them if you get stuck. It will give you hints,explanationsand show you even striking refutation of the mistakesyou mightmake.The program also contains a theoretical section, which explainsthemethods of the game in a certain stage of the game, based onactualexamples. The theory is presented in an interactive way,whichmeans you can not only read the text of the lessons, but alsotomake moves on the board and work out unclear moves ontheboard.Advantages of the program:♔ High quality examples, all double-checked for correctness♔ You need to enter all key moves, required by the teacher♔ Different levels of complexity of the tasks♔ Various goals, which need to be reached in the problems♔ The program gives hint if an error is made♔ For typical mistaken moves, the refutation is shown♔ You can play out any position of the tasks againstthecomputer♔ Interactive theoretical lessons♔ Structured table of contents♔ The program monitors the change in the rating (ELO) of theplayerduring the learning process♔ Test mode with flexible settings♔ Possibility to bookmark favorite exercises♔ The application is adapted to the bigger screen of a tablet♔ The application does not require an internet connectionThe course includes a free part, in which you can test theprogram.Lessons offered in the free version is fully functional.They allowyou to test the application in real world conditionsbeforereleasing the following topics:1. Chess Tactics Art (1400-1600)1.1. Opening the lines1.2. Clearing important squares1.3. Clearing the lines1.4. Decoy1.5. Decoying to Knight forks1.6. Blocking1.7. Distraction1.8. Distracting pieces from defending the back rank1.9. Interception1.10. Discovered attack1.11. Double check1.12. Exploiting a pin1.13. Mill2. Chess Tactics Art (1400-1600) - practice2.1. Opening the d- and e- files2.2. Opening the c- and f- files2.3. Opening the b- and g- files2.4. Opening the a- and h- files2.5. Opening files2.6. Opening diagonals2.7. Clearing ranks2.8. Clearing diagonals2.9. Clearing important squares2.10. Clearing files2.11. Decoying to pins2.12. Decoying the king into a mating net2.13. Decoying to attack lines2.14. Decoying to Knight forks2.15. Decoying to attacks by opening lines2.16. Decoying to attacks by retreating pieces2.17. Decoying to Queen forks2.18. Distracting pieces from defending important lines2.19. Distracting pieces from defending the back rank2.20. Distracting pieces from defending other pieces2.21. Distracting pawns2.22. Distracting pieces from protecting important squares2.23. Distracting pinning pieces2.24. Intercepting a piece defending another piece2.25. Intercepting a piece protecting from checkmate2.26. Unblocking by decoy2.27. Discovered attack2.28. Using discovered attacks when attacking the King2.29. X-ray2.30. Mill
Chess - play, train & watch 1.5.0
Play chess online, train tactics, analyse games and watchtoptournaments live
Chess 1.7.1
Chess Friends
Play and learn chess. Improve your skills and compare with others.
Chess Opening Blunders 1.3.10
Chess King
Encyclopedia of Opening Blunders – learntoplay chess by learning the opening mistakes and traps thathavebeen discovered over time. The program is designed for studyingtheblunders in more than 40 openings and contains over1,250instructive exercises of varying difficulty frompracticalgames.This course is in the series Chess KingLearn(, which is an unprecedentedchessteaching method. In the series are included courses intactics,strategy, openings, middle game, and endgame, split bylevels frombeginners to experienced players, and evenprofessionalplayers.With the help of this course, you can improve your chessknowledge,learn new tactical tricks and combinations, andconsolidate theacquired knowledge into practice.The program acts as a coach who gives tasks to solve and helpstosolve them if you get stuck. It will give you hints,explanationsand show you even striking refutation of the mistakesyou mightmake.Advantages of the program:♔ High quality examples, all double-checked for correctness♔ You need to enter all key moves, required by the teacher♔ Different levels of complexity of the tasks♔ Various goals, which need to be reached in the problems♔ The program gives hint if an error is made♔ For typical mistaken moves, the refutation is shown♔ You can play out any position of the tasks againstthecomputer♔ Interactive theoretical lessons♔ Structured table of contents♔ The program monitors the change in the rating (ELO) of theplayerduring the learning process♔ Test mode with flexible settings♔ Possibility to bookmark favorite exercises♔ The application is adapted to the bigger screen of a tablet♔ The application does not require an internet connectionThe course includes a free part, in which you can test theprogram.Lessons offered in the free version is fully functional.They allowyou to test the application in real world conditionsbeforereleasing the following topics:1. Rare variations1.1. 1.g3, 1.b4, ..1.2. 1.b31.3. 1.d41.4. 1.d4 Nf61.5. 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf32. Alekhine's defense3. Benoni defense4. Bird's opening5. Bishop's opening6. Blumenfeld counter-gambit7. Bogo-indian defense8. Budapest gambit9. Caro-Kann10. Catalan system11. Center gambit12. Dutch defense12.1. Dutch defense12.2. Iljin Genevsky system12.3. Leningrad system12.4. Staunton gambit12.5. Stonewall variation13. English opening14. Evans gambit15. Four knights' game16. French defense16.1. French defense16.2. Classical variation16.3. Tarrasch variation16.4. Winawer variation17. Grünfeld defense18. Italian game & Hungarian defense19. King's gambit20. King's indian defense20.1. King's indian defense20.2. Classical variation20.3. Fianchetto variation20.4. Four pawns' attack20.5. Saemisch variation21. Latvian gambit22. Nimzo-indian defense22.1. Nimzo-indian defense22.2. Leningrad variation22.3. Rubinstein variation22.4. Saemisch variation23. Nimzowitsch defense24. Old indian defense25. Philidor's defense26. Pirc-Robatsch defense27. Queen's gambit27.1. Queen's gambit27.2. Queen's gambit accepted27.3. Albin counter-gambit27.4. Cambridge-Springs variation27.5. Exchange variation27.6. Orthodox defense27.7. Lasker defense27.8. Tartakower defense27.9. Ragozin system27.10. Semi-Slav defense27.11. Semi-Tarrasch defense27.12. Slav defense27.13. Tarrasch defense27.14. variation with 5.Bf428. Queen's indian defense29. Queen's pawn game30. Reti opening31. Petroff's defense32. Ruy Lopez32.1. Ruy Lopez32.2. Berlin defense32.3. Bird's defense32.4. Breyer variation32.5. Chigorin defense32.6. Classical defense32.7. Exchange variation32.8. Marshall attack32.9. Steinitz defense deferred32.10. Steinitz defense32.11. Open defense33. Scandinavian defense34. Scotch gambit & Ponziani's opening35. Scotch game36. Sicilian defense37. Three knights' game38. Two knights' defense39. Vienna game40. Volga-Benko gambit
Chess PGN Master 2.8.1
Gerhard Kalab
This is the trial version of ChessPGNMaster.Browse through chess e-books available in PGN format or watchlivetournaments as they occur (if there's a PGN file available ontheweb which is regularly updated).The trial version allows you to view:- the first 20 games of a PGN file- the first 5 games of a live PGN filePlease buy the pro key to remove restrictions and to enableeditmode:* Easy navigation (tap on left or right side of the board tomovethe pieces)* Analyze games with the integrated analysis engine (outputlimitedto one move in trial version) - start with menu -Analyisisstart/stop* Add more UCI chess engines for analysis (e.g. use theenginesdistributed with Chessbase)* Autoplay (automatically move the pieces, time between moves canbeset in settings)* Live update of games (a PGN file from the web which isupdatedwill automatically be reloaded once a minute)* Dropbox support (load PGN files from your Dropbox)* includes a PGN file with 6 annotated games from"ChessFundamentals" by former world champion José RaúlCapablanca* Edit mode (PRO only): try out analyzed lines, edit annotationsandvariations* Blunder check* Supports many languages (e.g. Russian, Chinese) inannotations(see Preferences - Set encoding)* Share games with other programs (Chess programs, Google+,...),share from Chessbase Online* Can read Scid database files if "Scid on the go"isinstalled* Automatically convert ChessBase databases to PGN if "CBH toPGN"is installed* Support for chess engines in open exchange format like KomodoorTexelChess960 is NOT supported.IF YOU FIND A PGN FILE THIS PROGRAM CANNOT LOAD PLEASECONTACTME.
Capturing Pieces 2 (Chess) 2.4.2
Chess King
This course includes more than 1500 exercises with a lot ofpieceson the board
Alekhine - Chess Champion 2.4.2
Chess King
The program contains 1300 deeply annotated games played by theWorldChampion
Deep Chess-Chess Partner 4.3.3
Strong Chess Program. 21 levels available from beginnertoGrandmaster.
ChessGuess: Play like сhampion 2.9
Learn chess games and guess the moves of the champions!
Chess Tactic Puzzles
Chess puzzles for everyone!
Chess Combinations Vol. 2
Chess King
The fundamental chess program for clubplayers.This second part includes more than 2600 exercises (morethan 400examples to explore and 2200 to solve), classified in 60tacticalmethods and motifs.This course is in the series Chess KingLearn(, which is anunprecedentedchess teaching method. In the series are includedcourses intactics, strategy, openings, middle game, and endgame,split bylevels from beginners to experienced players, and evenprofessionalplayers.With the help of this course, you can improve your chessknowledge,learn new tactical tricks and combinations, andconsolidate theacquired knowledge into practice.The program acts as a coach who gives tasks to solve and helpstosolve them if you get stuck. It will give you hints,explanationsand show you even striking refutation of the mistakesyou mightmake.The program also contains a theoretical section, which explainsthemethods of the game in a certain stage of the game, based onactualexamples. The theory is presented in an interactive way,whichmeans you can not only read the text of the lessons, but alsotomake moves on the board and work out unclear moves ontheboard.Advantages of the program:♔ High quality examples, all double-checked for correctness♔ You need to enter all key moves, required by the teacher♔ Different levels of complexity of the tasks♔ Various goals, which need to be reached in the problems♔ The program gives hint if an error is made♔ For typical mistaken moves, the refutation is shown♔ You can play out any position of the tasks againstthecomputer♔ Interactive theoretical lessons♔ Structured table of contents♔ The program monitors the change in the rating (ELO) of theplayerduring the learning process♔ Test mode with flexible settings♔ Possibility to bookmark favorite exercises♔ The application is adapted to the bigger screen of a tablet♔ The application does not require an internet connectionThe course includes a free part, in which you can test theprogram.Lessons offered in the free version is fully functional.They allowyou to test the application in real world conditionsbeforereleasing the following topics:1. Forcing moves1.1. Forced checkmate1.2. Double attack1.3. Linear attack1.4. Discovered attack1.5. Pin1.6. Elimination of defense1.7. Conjunction of several themes2. Deflection2.1. Deflection checkmate2.2. Deflection of a piece2.3. Diversion from the invasion square2.4. Piece on a critical square2.5. Diversion in conjunction with a double attack2.6. Diversion from defending square2.7. Diversion from the promotion square2.8. Diversion from the advance square2.9. Diversion of a pinning piece2.10. Deflection blocking piece2.11. Diversion from a key square2.12. Diverting a defending piece2.13. Diversion in conjunction with a linear attack3. Decoying3.1. Decoying mate3.2. Decoying a king in conjunction with a chase3.3. Decoying into a mating net3.4. Decoying under a double attack3.5. Decoying under a linear attack3.6. Decoying under a discovered attack3.7. Decoying under a discovered attack with check3.8. Decoying discovered check3.9. Decoying under a double check3.10. Decoying to a critical square3.11. Decoying under pin3.12. Decoying into a trap3.13. Decoy in conjunction with promoting pawn3.14. Decoying under check3.15. Decoying for the gain of tempo3.16. Decoying onto an unfavourable line3.17. Decoying into a stalemate position3.18. Decoying under perpetual check3.19. Miscellaneous decoying4. Exercises with conjunction of several themes4.1. Exercises with conjunction of several themes4.2. Exercises 14.3. Exercises 25. Elimination of defense6. Blockade7. Clearing the checkmating square8. Interception9. Clearing the line10. Opening the line11. Pin12. Restricting13. Threat14. Conquering a square15. Exercises. Сonjunction of tactical devices
Mobialia Chess 5.4.1
The best app for chess lovers: Play against AI or online at FICSorICC
Chess 2.9.1
Zoidbit AB
Ready for a Chess challenge?
Chess Tactics Art (1600-1800) 1.3.10
Chess King
A fundamental course on chess tactics forClubPlayers. The course contains 240 teaching examples and 340newexercises useful for consolidation of acquired knowledge.Theexercises are classified according to about 30 tactical methodsandmotifs.This course is in the series Chess KingLearn(, which is an unprecedentedchessteaching method. In the series are included courses intactics,strategy, openings, middle game, and endgame, split bylevels frombeginners to experienced players, and evenprofessionalplayers.With the help of this course, you can improve your chessknowledge,learn new tactical tricks and combinations, andconsolidate theacquired knowledge into practice.The program acts as a coach who gives tasks to solve and helpstosolve them if you get stuck. It will give you hints,explanationsand show you even striking refutation of the mistakesyou mightmake.The program also contains a theoretical section, which explainsthemethods of the game in a certain stage of the game, based onactualexamples. The theory is presented in an interactive way,whichmeans you can not only read the text of the lessons, but alsotomake moves on the board and work out unclear moves ontheboard.Advantages of the program:♔ High quality examples, all double-checked for correctness♔ You need to enter all key moves, required by the teacher♔ Different levels of complexity of the tasks♔ Various goals, which need to be reached in the problems♔ The program gives hint if an error is made♔ For typical mistaken moves, the refutation is shown♔ You can play out any position of the tasks againstthecomputer♔ Interactive theoretical lessons♔ Structured table of contents♔ The program monitors the change in the rating (ELO) of theplayerduring the learning process♔ Test mode with flexible settings♔ Possibility to bookmark favorite exercises♔ The application is adapted to the bigger screen of a tablet♔ The application does not require an internet connectionThe course includes a free part, in which you can test theprogram.Lessons offered in the free version is fully functional.They allowyou to test the application in real world conditionsbeforereleasing the following topics:1. Chess Tactics Art (1600-1800)1.1. Opening the lines1.2. Clearing important squares1.3. Clearing1.4. Clearing the lines1.5. Decoying the king into a mating net1.6. Decoying to attack lines1.7. Decoying to forks1.8. Decoying1.9. Distracting with mates combination1.10. Diversion from a key point1.11. Diversion in conjunction with a linear attack1.12. Distracting pieces from defending other pieces1.13. Unblocking by decoy1.14. Intercepting a piece defending another piece1.15. Intercepting in conjunction with mating threats1.16. Intercepting1.17. Discovered attack1.18. Mill2. Chess Tactics Art (1600-1800) - practice2.1. Opening the d- and e- files2.2. Opening the c- and f- files2.3. Opening the b- and g- files2.4. Opening the a- and h- files2.5. Opening ranks2.6. Opening diagonals2.7. Clearing files2.8. Clearing diagonals2.9. Clearing important squares2.10. Clearing ranks2.11. Decoying the king into a mating net2.12. Decoying to attack lines2.13. Decoying to Knight forks2.14. Decoying to attacks by opening lines2.15. Decoying to attacks by retreating pieces2.16. Decoying to Queen forks2.17. Distracting pieces from defending important lines2.18. Distracting pieces from defending the back rank2.19. Distracting pieces from defending other pieces2.20. Distracting pawns2.21. Distracting pieces from protecting important squares2.22. Intercepting a piece defending another piece2.23. Intercepting a piece protecting from checkmate2.24. Unblocking by decoy2.25. Discovered attack2.26. Using discovered attacks when attacking the King2.27. X-ray2.28. Mill
Chess - Analyze This (Pro) 5.4.8
One-time payment!! Analyze your games with the latest ChessAI.Save/Load/Share
Manual of Chess Combinations 1.3.10
Chess King
The material used in the program is based onatextbook by a renowned chess trainer Sergey Ivashchenko - ManualofChess Combinations vol 2.You have to find the most important moves. Once you're solvingaproblem and proposing a wrong move, the program helps youwithvarious visual hints (such as arrows showing key lines ofattack),and eventually shows the piece which is to move.This course is in the series Chess KingLearn(, which is an unprecedentedchessteaching method. In the series are included courses intactics,strategy, openings, middle game, and endgame, split bylevels frombeginners to experienced players, and evenprofessionalplayers.With the help of this course, you can improve your chessknowledge,learn new tactical tricks and combinations, andconsolidate theacquired knowledge into practice.The program acts as a coach who gives tasks to solve and helpstosolve them if you get stuck. It will give you hints,explanationsand show you even striking refutation of the mistakesyou mightmake.Advantages of the program:♔ High quality examples, all double-checked for correctness♔ You need to enter all key moves, required by the teacher♔ Different levels of complexity of the tasks♔ Various goals, which need to be reached in the problems♔ The program gives hint if an error is made♔ For typical mistaken moves, the refutation is shown♔ You can play out any position of the tasks againstthecomputer♔ Interactive theoretical lessons♔ Structured table of contents♔ The program monitors the change in the rating (ELO) of theplayerduring the learning process♔ Test mode with flexible settings♔ Possibility to bookmark favorite exercises♔ The application is adapted to the bigger screen of a tablet♔ The application does not require an internet connectionThe course includes a free part, in which you can test theprogram.Lessons offered in the free version is fully functional.They allowyou to test the application in real world conditionsbeforereleasing the following topics:1. Mating combinations2. Pinning combinations3. Distraction4. Decoying5. Damming6. Blockade7. Annihilation of defence8. Discovered attack9. Clearing the space10. Opening of file (rank, diagonal)11. The double attack12. X-ray attack13. Demolition of pawn structure14. Conjunction of tactical methods15. Using a passed pawn16. Maneuvers17. Exchange18. Theoretical positions19. Studies
Chess Tactics in Grünfeld Def. 2.4.2
Chess King
The most sharp and deciding variations of the Grünfeld Defense
Chess Openings Pro 4.14
LR Studios
Study and improve your openings with this Chess openings explorer!
Encyclopedia Chess Informant 2 2.4.2
Chess King
1000 high-quality puzzles for ELO 2200
CT-ART 4.0 (Chess Tactics) 1.3.10
Chess King
The legendary tactics course that hasbeenvoted more than once by chess experts as the best chesstrainingprogram in the world. This version includes 2,200 basicexercisesand 1,800 auxiliary exercises, divided into 50topics.The course is based on the bestselling book Combination Motifs byarenowned trainer grandmaster Maxim Blokh. All positions havebeenhand-picked over the course of 20 years of training practiceandcome in the order that ensures most efficient learning.Eachposition comes with a special hint unique to this course – a5x5mini-position designed to convey the very essence of thetacticalmaneuver used in the main example.This course is in the series Chess KingLearn(, which is an unprecedentedchessteaching method. In the series are included courses intactics,strategy, openings, middle game, and endgame, split bylevels frombeginners to experienced players, and evenprofessionalplayers.With the help of this course, you can improve your chessknowledge,learn new tactical tricks and combinations, andconsolidate theacquired knowledge into practice.The program acts as a coach who gives tasks to solve and helpstosolve them if you get stuck. It will give you hints,explanationsand show you even striking refutation of the mistakesyou mightmake.Advantages of the program:♔ High quality examples, all double-checked for correctness♔ You need to enter all key moves, required by the teacher♔ Different levels of complexity of the tasks♔ Various goals, which need to be reached in the problems♔ The program gives hint if an error is made♔ For typical mistaken moves, the refutation is shown♔ You can play out any position of the tasks againstthecomputer♔ Interactive theoretical lessons♔ Structured table of contents♔ The program monitors the change in the rating (ELO) of theplayerduring the learning process♔ Test mode with flexible settings♔ Possibility to bookmark favorite exercises♔ The application is adapted to the bigger screen of a tablet♔ The application does not require an internet connectionThe course includes a free part, in which you can test theprogram.Lessons offered in the free version is fully functional.They allowyou to test the application in real world conditionsbeforereleasing the following topics:1. Themes1.1. Annihilation of defense1.2. Distraction1.3. Decoy1.4. Discovered attack1.5. Opening of a file1.6. Clearance1.7. X-ray attack1.8. Interception1.9. Blocking, encirclement1.10. Destruction of the pawn shelter1.11. Pawn promotion1.12. Intermediate move. winning of a tempo1.13. Play for a stalemate1.14. Restricting of material1.15. Pursuit1.16. Conjunction of tactical methods1.17. Chess Tactics Art for Advanced2. Difficulty2.1. Level 102.2. Level 202.3. Level 302.4. Level 402.5. Level 502.6. Level 602.7. Level 702.8. Level 802.9. Level 902.10. Level 1002.11. Level 1102.12. Level 1202.13. Level 1302.14. Level 1402.15. Level 1502.16. Level 1602.17. Level 1702.18. Level 180