Top 16 Apps Similar to 氣象雷達回波

Is it raining now? Will it rain later? Let the weather tellyou.Taiwan's best localized weather information tool, and cangrasptyphoon information, earthquakes, AQI air quality andPM2.5,real-time lightning, and other functions
Taiwan Weather 5.6.0
A major redesign of "Taiwan Weather" has been release !
臺灣超威的 - 氣象、空汙PM2.5和PSI、地震、寒流颱風 1.6.2
臺灣超威的 Taiwan SuperWeather陪你渡過城市每一天,掌握臺灣鄉鎮市區每天的天氣、氣象、空汙、PM2.5、PSI、地震、寒流、颱風等資訊
★全台天氣地震資訊最豐富的APP──KNY台灣天氣.地震速報★獨家地震專區,輕鬆設定地震速報、地震資訊不漏接★百萬下載肯定,您最好的天氣小夥伴選擇KNY致力將最完整的天氣、地震資訊提供給您,美好的早晨,您還蜷縮在被窩裡,苦思今日衣著的厚薄嗎?要不要帶雨具?防曬乳、太陽眼鏡該出馬了嗎?打開「KNY台灣天氣」,迅速掌握今日天氣狀態。充足的準備,讓您擁有一整天的好心情!【KNY功能報馬仔】§首頁§自動偵測您的所在位置,提供氣溫、濕度、時雨量、日出日落、空氣品質、紫外線指數、環境輻射值、每小時預報、一週天氣、天氣小幫手等實用資訊,讓您1分鐘快速掌握天氣狀態。§最愛鄉鎮§全台368個鄉鎮市區自由選,加入「最愛鄉鎮」清單,讓您同時關注各地天氣。§地震速報§KNY獨家─倒數計時地震速報。地震發生後,透過公式運算產生的地震速報,為您爭取數秒至數十秒的預警時間,以進行地震防災應變。§觀測§10大天氣與環境品質動態資訊,滿足您專業的需求:雷達回波圖、衛星雲圖、雨量累積圖、溫度分布圖、紫外線指數、空氣品質監測、環境輻射值、累積雨量值、颱風消息、現在天氣§預報§─期待著周末的到來嗎?預報專區提供旅遊景點預報、天氣概況、天氣小幫手、天氣周報、地面天氣圖,讓您預先獲取天氣資訊,做出最好的安排!─討海人最方便的漁業氣象資訊,簡便的潮汐預報提供衝浪海釣者參考,讓您避開危險,滿載而歸.§天氣影音新聞§集結了最新天氣影音與即時新聞,讓您新聞不漏接§警報與特報§─提供中央氣象局、水利署、交通部等警報、特報,接收資訊沒煩惱─颱風來襲風雨飄搖,停班停課了嗎?人事行政總處停止辦公及上課情形,打開App就知道~「KNY台灣天氣.地震速報」輕鬆看、輕鬆找、輕鬆成為氣象小達人,知天象而趨吉~【聯絡我們】為您提供最實用最溫暖的體驗,是KNY團隊的追求,有任何問題或建議歡迎來信:[email protected]。我們會盡速回覆您:)【資料來源】 -中央氣象局 -國家災害防救科技中心 -行政院環境保護署-行政院原子能委員會-行政院人事行政總處-天氣風險管理開發股份有限公司WeatherRisk(影音頻道授權)【請關閉手機內建的省電模式,允許自啟動】【請關閉省電App】請不要讓KNY台灣天氣App,進入省電模式,這會關閉網路,造成地震警報無法接收。一些手機有「自啟動管理」、「省電模式」、「效能最佳化」之類的設定,或有您安裝「省電」、「清除記憶體」類似的App,請把KNY台灣天氣設定為*允許自啟動*放入白名單*不受監控的名單 *不要啟用省電模式 *或是不要安裝相關的軟體。 才會收到地震警報 ASUS自啟動管理:***三星應用程式最佳化:
Local Weather Widget&Forecast
⛅A free weather location app with daily forecasts,globalweather,clock weather
微氣象觀測 1.0.27
■ 主題透過手機和特殊微型感測器Windoo與專用APP,進行微氣象觀測先驅實驗MOS-PC(MeteorologicalObservationby Smart Phone Citizen Scientists)■ 緣由綜觀天氣尺度分析與預報的研究與實務作業已經到達成熟階段,現階段大氣科學挑戰則是全球尺度氣候變遷以及更小尺度的天氣分析與預報;前者已有一些全球氣候模式加以探索,後者則視各國社會經濟條件以及氣象科技發展程度自行拓荒。2014年全球手機用戶已達到~45.5億,並且主要成長地區是亞太、中東及非洲等國家。智慧型手機全球用戶將於2014年成長到17.5億(~38%手機用戶),並預期到了2017年時提高到50%。中央氣象局2014年調查,顯示台灣地區透過手機APP觀看即時天氣與預報也已接近60%,這些現象都突顯智慧型手機在人類生活與電子消費的成長趨勢。本研究透過瑞士公司生產SKYWATCH-Windoo微型感測器,完成氣溫與風速感測精確度校驗之後,透過氣象志工群的智慧型手機,將Windoo插入手機耳機孔以及安裝APP軟體,進行眾人移動式的小尺度天氣觀測網實驗,並即時傳輸到指定的網路伺服器匯集與搭配地圖近即時顯示氣象觀測資訊。這一實驗概念先以台大校園、大安森林公園甚至大台北盆地等空間,測試小尺度網格氣象監測資料對於中央氣象局現行城鄉天氣分析與預報的可能貢獻,以評估是否能再解析出小尺度網格的天氣現象,以評估智慧型手機氣象感測器應用在即時天氣觀測網之可能效果。■ 主辦: 臺灣大學大氣科學系大氣測計研究室■ 臉書社團:■ 手機相容性:※相容的名單:• Samsung: Galaxy A3, A5, J, S3, S4, S4 mini, S5, S5 mini,Note2,Note 3, Note 4• HTC: Butterfly S (LTE), Butterfly 2, One S, One M8, One M7,OneM9,One mini 2, Desire EYE, Desire 610, Desire 816,Desire820,• Sony: Xperia Z3 compact, Xperia M4• LG: G3• Xiaomi: 2S• Fareastone: Smart 503※不相容的名單:HTC One miniHuawei Ascend G6Huawei Ascend Mate7LG Nexus 5Samsung Galaxy S2Sony Xperia Z1, Z2, Z3 (classic), Z4■ ThemesYour phone and a special miniature sensors WindoodedicatedAPP,micro-meteorological observations pioneerexperimentsMOS-PC(Meteorological Observation by Smart PhoneCitizenScientists)■ reasonLooking at the synoptic scale analysis and predictionresearchandpractical work has reached a mature stage,atmosphericsciencechallenge at this stage is the weather analysisandforecasting ofglobal-scale climate change as well as asmallerscale; the formerhas been some global climate models todiscover,the latterdepending on the States Shekuaijingjimeteorologicalconditions andthe degree of technological developmenton their ownfrontier. 2014global mobile phone users has reached ~4.55 billion,and majorgrowth area is Asia-Pacific, Middle East andAfrica andothercountries. Smartphone users worldwide will grow to1.75billion by2014 (~ 38% of mobile phone users), and is expectedtoincrease to50% in 2017 when. Central Weather Bureau survey in2014,in Taiwanshow and watch the weather forecast has also beenclose to60% viaa mobile phone APP, these phenomena havehighlightedsmartphonegrowth trend in human life and inconsumerelectronics.After this study, the production SKYWATCH-Windoominiaturesensorsthrough a Swiss company to complete thetemperature andwind velocitysensing accuracy calibration throughmeteorologicalvolunteer groupsmartphone will Windoo into the phoneheadset holeand install APPsoftware, people were moving stylesmall-scaleweather observationnetwork experiments, andimmediatelytransmitted to the designatedweb server with thecollection andmap displays near real-timemeteorologicalinformation. The firstexperiment with the concept ofNationalTaiwan University, TaipeiDaan Forest Park Basin and evenspaceweather monitoring and testsmall-scale grid data maycontribute tothe Central Weather Bureauexisting urban and ruralweather analysisand forecasting, in orderto assess whether they canparse out thesmall scale grid weatherphenomena, meteorologicalsensors to assessthe smartphoneapplication in the possible effectsof the weatherobservationnetwork.■ Sponsorship: Atmospheric dynamometersTaiwanUniversityDepartment of Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory■ Facebook community:■ Phone Compatibility:※ compatibility list:• Samsung: Galaxy A3, A5, J, S3, S4, S4 mini, S5, S5 mini,Note2,Note 3, Note 4• HTC: Butterfly S (LTE), Butterfly 2, One S, One M8, One M7,OneM9,One mini 2, Desire EYE, Desire 610, Desire 816,Desire820,• Sony: Xperia Z3 compact, Xperia M4• LG: G3• Xiaomi: 2S• Fareastone: Smart 503※ incompatible lists:HTC One miniHuawei Ascend G6Huawei Ascend Mate7LG Nexus 5Samsung Galaxy S2Sony Xperia Z1, Z2, Z3 (classic), Z4
台灣潮汐,天氣風力,浪高,洋流,雲海,斜溫圖,逆溫層,光害, 2.2.1
idea Ripple
Taiwan weather, wind force, wind field, wave conditions,oceancurrents, tide display graphs, tide graphs can bedisplayedoffline, and historical records. Added stargazing, PM2.5airpollution, cloud sea oblique temperature map, inversionlayer,light pollution and many other functions
Clime: NOAA Weather Radar Live 1.71.0
All-in-one weather app with real-time NOAA radar. Anticipateanyconditions!
中央氣象局Q-劇烈天氣監測系統QPESUMS 3.1
The Severe Weather Monitoring System (QPESUMS) APP providesradarecho observation, cumulative rainfall distribution,real-timemonitoring of convective cells, forecast of the next hourof rainand rainfall observations, etc., allowing users to graspreal-timerainfall information at any time.
OS Style Daily live weather forecast
🏆 More than 50 million users’ choice! A Popular weather widgetappfor you!🏆 This weather widget is a full featured,completelycustomizable digital clock and weather forecast app. Withthisweather forecast app, you can get daily and hourlyforecasts,severe weather alerts, daily&7 day weather updates,fancy clockweather widgets, weather news and global weather.————Features————Realtime local temperature checker & live localweather Thisclock weather app displays weather temperature based onyourcurrent location. You can also add more cities to your citylist,so that you can check global weather anytime. HourlyforecastsBefore you go out, you can check this free weather app togetprepared for unexpected weather changes. In addition, you canalsocheck hourly temperature and rain probability to plan youroutdooractivities. Daily weather Besides, you can alsochecktoday&tomorrow forecasts (7 day weather forecasts) withthistemperature app. With this accurate weather report app, youwon’tget caught in the rain again! Severe weather alerts Thisclimateapp can also turn into a global weather tracker and it cansend yousevere weather alerts to help you get prepared for upcomingweatherchanges. So in another word, you can see it as a rain appofminute-level precision, as it can inform you these severeweatherand sudden temperature change ahead of time. Distinctiveclockweather widgets & weather themes This weather pro app ispackedwith different weather themes and temperature clock widgetstodecorate your home screen. In addition, these weather widgetsforandroid also display radar information like accurateoutsidetemperature, forecasts, sunrise time and sunset time,humidity, airpressure, wave, UV, and cloud info. Free weather radarIn ourstore, you can also find many customized widgets with freeradar todecorate your phone. With the help of weather satellitemap, youcan check weather more intuitively. Detailed weatherupdates Inthis daily and hourly weather app, you can get more thanjusttemperatures and clock. You can check humidity, visibility,UVindex, air pressure, wind speed, sunrise time, sunset timeindifferent units. Global weather coverage This accurate weatherappenables you to add global cities on your check list andgetreal-time local weather forecast information. Feel free totakethis weather app with you everywhere you go worldwide! WeathernewsThis world weather app is not just about weather. Inthistemperature checker, you can get the latest news coveringsociety,entertainment and sports. Daily weather updates brief Userscanchoose to receive daily weather updates brief report in themorningand evening to check weather today and weather tomorrow.Stay intouch If you would like to help with the translationandlocalization, please write to: [email protected]
台灣新氣象Pro 1.6.5
台灣新氣象Pro是一款針對台灣地區的氣象預報App。深入台灣368鄉鎮市為您提供精確的預報資料。簡單而一目瞭然的使用者介面,讓您快速掌握天氣狀況。台灣新氣象透過對話框,讓您在開啟APP時,馬上就看到小編最新的天氣文,迅速掌握重要天候狀況,不漏失小編的貼心提醒,也可以直接在對話框按讚跟您社群上的朋友互動。首先設定預報地點可以設定12個地點,除了根據所在地或行政區域,也可以用"搜尋"的方式直接設定預報地點,讓您更容易設定民宿、旅館、或景點的預報位置。天氣摘要以文字的方式,摘要重點天氣資訊。並提供今明兩天與昨天的平均溫度比較,可以作為您增添衣服的最好依據。特別要提醒使用者注意的資訊(例如溫差較大時)會以黃色顯示,讓使用者更容易注意到重要的資訊。並包含日出日落時間。今明預報,提供三小時為單位的溫度變化及降雨機率,讓您知道早中晚的天候變化。除了氣溫外也提供體感溫度的資訊。最上方一列的天氣現況則是最新的氣象觀測結果。一週預報,則提供最近一個星期的天候狀況、白天最高溫及夜晚最低溫。讓您了解未來一週的天氣變化,並安排合適的戶外活動。互動天氣有幾個台灣新氣象Pro特有的功能。五大功能為=>1. 瀏覽天氣文: 可以看到氣象小編對天候狀況的貼心提醒。2. 氣象答客問: 您可以提出天氣相關問題,小編會盡量為您回覆!3. PM2.5空污指標: 提供細懸浮微粒指標(PM2.5),空氣污染指標(PSI,涵蓋PM10、SO2、CO、O3、NO2)的即時狀況及三天預報。讓您快速掌握全台三天內的空氣品質狀況。4. 紫外線現況: 讓您瀏覽全台灣的紫外線強度,並作適當防曬措施。5. 給小編五顆星: 讓您透過Google Play評分給小編鼓勵或建議。防災天氣則提供颱風或重大天候狀況時的重要資訊。1. 累積雨量: 同時支援日累積雨量及最近一小時雨量。方便您掌握全台降雨狀況!2. 定量降水預報: 提供您降雨量大小的預報,讓您更進一步預知降雨量的多寡。3. 衛星雲圖: 小編會在天氣文中跟大家分享如何用衛星雲圖進一步判斷天氣的狀況,讓您掌握比數值預報更多的資訊。4. 雷達回波圖:當您要正準備要從事戶外活動,降雨機率的數字到底代表等一下會不會下雨呢?雷達回波圖絕對是您判斷降雨不可或缺的好幫手。5. 颱風消息: 完整的颱風動態預測,包括路徑、侵襲機率、時間等資訊。6. 停班停課通知: 颱風來時,大家最關心的停班停課即時資訊。7. 警報單檢視: 可以看到最近的天氣警報單。8. 淹水警戒發佈: 可以查看全台淹水警戒的狀況。9. 氣象防災電話:提供您更多管道作天候狀況的通報及查詢,並讓您快速撥打緊急防災電話。(與CallSaver客服省錢通APP合作)最後,台灣新氣象Pro自己經營廣告,我們希望廣告內容都是與天氣相關的產品或服務,希望提供您另類有用的資訊。您到廣告上有"優惠"兩字的合作廠商消費,還能享有專屬優惠哦!!!
Rain Alarm Pro
This weather app alerts you when rainisapproaching. The alerts are a reliable short-term forecast basedonnear real-time data. This app is more precise and reliable thanatraditional forecast.It is very useful for all outdoor activities – includingcycling,motorcycling, hiking, gardening, BBQs, picnics, dog walkingandDIY.Features:• Alerts to every type of precipitation, whether rain, snoworhail• Alert as a notification with vibration and/or sound• Simple and easy map overview• Handy widgets in different sizes and themesThe data is collected from governmental weather services. Worksinthe USA (including Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam), Canada,theUK, Ireland, Australia, Bermuda, the Philippines, Finland,Iceland,Spain (including the Balearic and the Canary Islands),Argentina,Mexico, El Salvador, Taiwan, Macau, Hong Kong, Malaysia,Singapore,Brunei, Germany, Austria, Japan, Republic of Korea,Norway, theNetherlands, Slovenia, Croatia, Belarus, Ukraine.Includes all extra features:• No more ads• Multiple alarms and additional settings• Animation settings and overlay transparency• Multiple locations and additional settings• More widget color schemes• Activate the Android Wear app (adjustable and zoomable mapviewwith animation)Also available for other platforms:https://app.rain-alarm.comFollow us on Twitter for the latestnews:
Transparent Clock&Weather Free
This clock and weather app with widget is here waiting for you!Thiswidgetis a full featured, completely customizable digitalclock andweather forecast widget. With it, you can get clock andweatherinformation conveniently It provides accurate localweatherinformation like highest/lowest temperature and currentweatherconditions. Features of this weather widget ⛅This dailyweather appcan display current temperature, daily and hourlyforecasts,sunrise and sunset time, humidity, wind speed, airpressure and UVindex ⛅Live weather background wallpaper ⛅SevereWeather Alerts:Informing the real-time weather alerts and weatherwarnings. Rain,storm thunder and lightning alerts will be receivedas weathernotifications. ⛅ Precipitation Forecast, tells you whenwill be anumbrella weather. ☀️ Many beautiful weather skins livewidgets tochoose from. ⛅ World Weather App: It’s not only a weatherdetectorfor your own location, but also a global weather trackerthat youcan search world weather and temperature. ☀️ MultipleLanguageSupport: weather forecast,天气预报,天氣氣象預報, prévisionsmétéorologiques,Wettervorhersage, previsioni del tempo, 天気予報, 일기예보, previsão dotempo,прогноз погоды, pronóstico del tiempo,Cuaca,прогноз погоди,พยากรณ์อากาศ, dự báo thời tiết, النشرة الجوية,etc. ⚡ Notice: ⚡This weather widget only support basic weatherfeature. If you wantmore features like extended weather forecast,simple moon phasecalendar, moonrise & moonset, AQI etc, pleaseupgrate to ourAmber Weather Elite (our Weather App Pro). We believeour weatherapp pro version will become your weather tracker andpersonalweather station. Stay in touch If you would like to helpwith thetranslation and localization, please writeto:[email protected]
News & Weather App Widgets
This clock and weather app with widget is here waiting for you!Thiswidgetis a full featured, completely customizable digitalclock andweather forecast widget. With it, you can get clock andweatherinformation conveniently It provides accurate localweatherinformation like highest/lowest temperature and currentweatherconditions. Features of this weather widget ⛅This dailyweather appcan display current temperature, daily and hourlyforecasts,sunrise and sunset time, humidity, wind speed, airpressure and UVindex ⛅Live weather background wallpaper ⛅SevereWeather Alerts:Informing the real-time weather alerts and weatherwarnings. Rain,storm thunder and lightning alerts will be receivedas weathernotifications. ⛅ Precipitation Forecast, tells you whenwill be anumbrella weather. ☀️ Many beautiful weather skins livewidgets tochoose from. ⛅ World Weather App: It’s not only a weatherdetectorfor your own location, but also a global weather trackerthat youcan search world weather and temperature. ☀️ MultipleLanguageSupport: weather forecast,天气预报,天氣氣象預報, prévisionsmétéorologiques,Wettervorhersage, previsioni del tempo, 天気予報, 일기예보, previsão dotempo,прогноз погоды, pronóstico del tiempo,Cuaca,прогноз погоди,พยากรณ์อากาศ, dự báo thời tiết, النشرة الجوية,etc. ⚡ Notice: ⚡This weather widget only support basic weatherfeature. If you wantmore features like extended weather forecast,simple moon phasecalendar, moonrise & moonset, AQI etc, pleaseupgrate to ourAmber Weather Elite (our Weather App Pro). We believeour weatherapp pro version will become your weather tracker andpersonalweather station. Stay in touch If you would like to helpwith thetranslation and localization, please writeto:[email protected]
Digital Clock & World Weather 6.31.5
Local weather forecasts and a 4x2 digital homescreen widget
Rain Alarm 5.4.3
This weather app alerts you when rainisapproaching. The alerts are a reliable short-term forecast basedonnear real-time data. This app is more precise and reliable thanatraditional forecast.It is very useful for all outdoor activities – includingcycling,motorcycling, hiking, gardening, BBQs, picnics, dog walkingandDIY.Features:• Alerts to every type of precipitation, whether rain, snoworhail• Alert as a notification with vibration and/or sound• Simple and easy map overview• Handy widgets in different sizes and themesThe data is collected from governmental weather services.Supportedcountries:Americas: USA (including Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam),Canada,Bermuda, Mexico, El Salvador, ArgentinaEurope: UK, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland,Spain(including the Balearic and the Canary Islands), Germany,Austria,Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia, Croatia, Belarus,UkraineAsia: Taiwan, Macau, Hong Kong, Japan, Republic ofKorea,Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, BruneiOceania: AustraliaIn-app purchases:• No more ads• Multiple alarms and additional settings• Animation settings and overlay transparency• Multiple locations and additional settings• More widget color schemes• Activate the Android Wear app (adjustable and zoomable mapviewwith animation)Also available for other platforms:https://app.rain-alarm.comFollow us on Twitter for the latestnews: