Top 50 Apps Similar to WeConnect Parish App

ConfessIt 3.1.5
Mike Kasberg
A Roman Catholic examination of conscience to prepareforconfession!
Bible Reading Plan - 90 Day 1.8.br9
Puritan Soft
Bible Reading Plan - 90 provides a way to track your dailyBiblereading according to a popular 90 day reading plan. You cantrackyour progress throughout the year. Features: * Create a newreadingplan starting on any day of the year. * Quickly andpainlessly markor clear all passages to any given day * Navigate toearliestunread passage, the current date, or any past or futuredate in thereading plan. * Tapping a verse's text willautomatically launchthe verse in the Bible Study App app by OliveTree or MySwordBible, if installed, in Bible Gateway through a webbrowser, orwill pop up the ESV. * Handles leap years. * Backup andrestorereading plans. * Share reading plan with other devicesthroughemail, Google Drive, or Evernote. Please note that this appis inno way affiliated with Olive Tree or Bible Gateway. OliveTree'sand Bible Gateway's trade marks and copyrights are theirown.Permissions: * Internet permission required for ESV pop-up. *Readfrom and write to external storage required for backup andrestore.* Retrieve running apps to determine if Bible app isactivelyrunning or not.
Detox Me 3.0.9
Reduce your exposure to toxics
Daily Readings Lite
Get readings, saints, and fasting guidelines of the GreekOrthodoxChurch!
The Church App 6.2.5
Subsplash Inc
Connect to your church and get the latest sermons,resources,updates, and more.
Heidelberg Catechism
Puritan Soft
The Heidelberg Catechism was named after the city in which itwascompiled and was published in Heidelberg Germany in 1563.TheHeidelberg Catechism was quickly embraced by theReformedProtestants and has been an enduring means by whichthousands havebeen taught biblical doctrines of the Christianfaith. Thisapplication can assist you in learning the catechism andProtestantReformed Christian doctrine. You can track your progressas youlearn, study, and memorize the catechism questions andanswers. Aquick comment on the graphic I picked for thisapplication: thepicture comes from Pilgrim's Progress by JohnBunyan. This seemedto me a nice illustration of what is depicted inquestion 3, "Fromwhere do you know your sins and misery? Answer:From the law ofGod." May God bless you in your study of His wordand, if He hasnot already, may He awaken you to your woeful stateand show youhow you too can be delivered from your sin and miseryand come toknow what your only comfort in life and death truly is.:-)
Agapé: Feel Close When Apart 3.4.1
Helps you feel close to friends, family, or your partner, evenwhenapart!
Mobile Knee - Prayer List 4.2.9
Manage your prayer lists and more with the Mobile Kneespiritualnotebook.
Field Guide to Life: Recovery
Daily meditations and tools to support your recovery and helpyoustay sober.
Magnificat English Edition 1.0.23
Daily Mass, Prayers, Meditations...! Your prayer life will neverbethe same.
iPieta 3.9.1
Catholic Prayers, Bibles, and Spiritual Works
Centering Prayer
The Centering Prayer application will support your prayerpracticecommitment.
My Church by Pushpay 2.21.0
The My Church App: the hub for connecting with your churchanytime,anywhere.
YourCoach - Health Coaches 4.22.0
Virtual practice client management platform and opportunitiesforhealth coaches
My Catholic Life! 1.0
Catholic Daily Reflections, readings, Divine Mercy, prayers,freebooks & more!
Grace Community Church 1.13
The Official App for Grace Community Church
Quit Porn/Drug/Food Addiction
Change your habit or addiction, improveyourrecovery, reach your goals. Track and share yourrecoveryexperience and learn from your group. Find the honesty,courage,and support you need to be successful and sober inyourrecovery.Our team of mental health experts has over 20,000 hoursofexperience, education and personal healing from an addiction.Builtby addicts, for recovery.The first app of it’s kind.In addition to individual and group messaging connecting you toyourcommunity, the app also has other free features to help inyourrecovery:• Check-in’s - Daily reminders to engage you in recovery and foryouto show others you’re active.• Secure Group Messaging - No more accountabilityconversationsthrough SMS and instant messengers that others mayhave access to.Share your struggles safely and securely.• To-Do’s - Set 1-time or repeating tasks to be reminded ofthethings you need to do to keep your recovery movingforward.• Blog - Educational content to keep you on track and to helpyouget the most out of the app. Hear personal stories aboutaddictionthat will inspire your recovery and give you hope.• Discrete - Set a custom password to unlock the app.You won't be judged and will have a safe place to go forsupport.With rTribe you’ll move from isolation to having someonelookingout for you. We support people struggling with many kindsofaddictions, struggles, and habits. Join a community of peoplefromthe following communities: alcoholics anonymous; porn, love,andsex addiction; 12 step programs; overeating and foodaddiction;marijuana and narcotics anonymous; faith-based recoveryandsobriety groups; and people struggling with depression,anxiety,and anger. Prevent relapse, increase sobriety, and findvictory inyour life.PREMIUM FEATURESYou get a 30-day free trial when download rTribe. Experiencethebenefits of using our premium features before you need to payforthem. If you see their value and want to subscribe, theservicecosts $5.99/month or $59.99/year (that’s 2 freemonths).• Track your and your friends’ progress with premium tools.• Set your privacy level.• Keep your mentors and recovery guides (mentors,ministers,sponsor, etc.) up to date on your progress withweeklyemails.• Video Courses. Applied Knowledge leads to transformation.Learnthen grow. Requires a one time, in app purchase.Visit to view our Privacy Policy( Terms of Use( rTribe today and share it with your friends to findyourfreedom.
Missale Romanum 38
App for Mass in Latin / Spanish, and partially in English,Italianand German!
Catholic Daily Readings 3.10.22005
Catholic Daily Readings brings you daily gospel missalpassages,readings, prayers, reflections, and online mass. Followthe dailyand weekly lectionary readings from the Roman CatholicLectionary.
iResucito 6.0.1
Songs Neochatecumenal Way
Ceaseless Prayer 1.0.7
Pray for 3 friends each day and together we can pray for everyoneonearth.
Common Prayer 1.4.0
Common Prayer is a daily guide for morning, midday &eveningprayer.
Joyce Meyer Ministries
Get quick access to Joyce’s latestteachingswith the official Joyce Meyer Ministries app!Features include:• Daily Devotional• Enjoying Everyday Life broadcast• Enjoying Everyday Life radio• Conference dates and detailsEasy-to-share devotionals and broadcasts let you share tofriendsvia Facebook, Twitter, or email in seconds.The app is fresh every day: New devotional, new EEL broadcast,andnew EEL radio.Sometimes, the broadcast is available here before it even airsonTV!
Evangelizo - Daily Gospel 3.3.1
The gospel, the readings, the saints, the prayers, in 13 languages
Lectio 365 1.8.6
24-7 Prayer
Pray the Bible every day - a devotional written by 24-7 Prayer
Daily Readings
Teodoro Lopez
Have in your device the daily readingsMissalof the Catholic Church and a Prayer Book.Read the readings of new and old Testament, psalms and gospelofdaily liturgy.Mass readings available in English, Spanish, PortugueseandFrench.Prayer Book available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, FrenchandLatin.
Relish: Relationship & Couples 7.4.7
Marriage counseling & couples therapy with mindfulexercises,quiz & questions
DOCAT | Social Teaching of the 1.4.5
Get to know the principles to solve problems such asinjustice,pollution, ...
Divine Office 1.3.62
Dear Divine Office Community,We have been a ministry dedicated to bringing the Liturgy oftheHours to everyone everywhere for many years. We grew out of anRCIACommittee to become facilitators of thousands of people whopraytogether. I have dedicated more than 10 years in God’s servicetothis work. In that zeal to serve and naivety we acquiredsomepermissions, but we are missing some key ones. We have beenasked,understandably so, to close off our ministry to new peoplewhile wego through the lengthy process of acquiring permissions.For thisreason, we are discounting this app for 3 days to allowourexisting community and friends access, but after that wewillremove it from sale. It will continue to function for as longas wepermitted, but until we receive all appropriate permissionsitwon’t be available again for sale.Dane FalknerGod servant and producer of Divine Office----The Best Catholic iPhone and iPad App! [ Reader'sChoiceAwards winner]. This app is an opportunity for you toparticipate inthe recitation of the Liturgy of the Hours: thepublic prayer of theChristian community.NOTE: This app is in English only.Hours included for each day are:* Invitatory* Office of Readings* Morning Prayer* Midmorning Prayer* Midday Prayer* Midafternoon Prayer* Evening Prayer* Night PrayerThis app will automatically update its content while youarerunning it with an Internet connection.This App is an audio and text version of the official setofdaily prayers from the Liturgy of the Hours of the RomanCatholicChurch (Breviary). It wirelessly downloads several days ofprayersat a time, without the need for synchronization or access toacomputer.For clergy required to pray the Liturgy of the Hours daily,orlaity who recite the daily prayers to maintain theirintimateconnection with God, The Divine Office App is designed tomakepraying more convenient, enjoyable, and simple enough foranyone touse. It automatically downloads the appropriate prayersfor eachoffice, every day of the year, including Solemnities,Feasts, andMemorials.The Divine Office App uses the current four-volume Liturgy oftheHours with a bias towards the USA calendar. This version istheofficial prayer book of the Catholic Church, however, itissuitable for those following Eastern Orthodox andAnglicantraditions.When St. Paul advises us in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to “praywithoutceasing,” he intends more than simply bowing our heads andspeakingto God on a regular basis. He means for us to adopt anongoingattitude of prayer that is a way of life and a constantintercessionfor the salvation of all mankind.As the mystical body of Christ prays in unison, it fulfillswhatPaul advises as Christian conduct, that believers at once prayforthe good of themselves, their neighbors, and the world. Inthisway, prayers become liturgy, a way to fulfill our divinecallingand a practical approach for addressing the suffering oftheworld.The English translation of The Liturgy of the Hours(FourVolumes) ©1974, International Commission on English in theLiturgyCorporation. All rights reserved. Used with permissionbySurgeworks, Inc for the Divine Office website, podcast, apps and all relatedmedia is ©2006-2011 Surgeworks, Inc. All rights reserved.
Magnificat (US edition) 1.0.23
Daily Mass, Prayers, Meditations...! Your prayer life will neverbethe same.
MYReport Field Service 4.6
MYReport is a practical app, useful and withacompelling graphics that will supports you through yourministeryand allows ti manage your ministery report, the notes youtake, theitinieraries, the bibles studies easily.MYReport operation:• Registration of the ministery report.• Viewing the total of the monthly report or annual report ofthepioneer (from september to august of the follwing year).• The possibility of sending the personal report by mail,sms,whatsapp etc...• Registration of the various territories for the notes "fromhouseto house" with the possibility of view through a filter thetype ofterritory.• Registration of people for notes "from house to house" withthepossibility of view through a filter all the absent orthevisits.• Registration of monthly itineraries.• Registration of bible studies.• Automatic setting of the language Italian, English,French,Spanish, Brazilian potuguese, Albanian, Serbian, Dutch,Russian,Czech and Indonesian.• Registration of appointments• Viewing of the personal ministery card.• The great operation that allows you to find a biblical writingbytranscribing some words you remember from it and the possibilityofadd new biblical writing whenever you want.• Possibility of set the data by backup in case of need (ex.wrongremoval of the app, purchase new phone..).• Detailed guide of the application.
Aleteia 4.3.70
Aleteia: content designed to help you live an inspiredCatholiclifestyle
Set yourself up for success with BetterUp. Everything youneedforpersonal and professional growth, all in one place. WithaBetterUpcoaching experience tailored to you and access to ourvastlibraryof content, you no longer have to navigate life’schallengesonyour own. Focus on your career, improvepersonalrelationships,build resilience, develop communicationskills, carefor your mind,and more. You’ll be paired with apersonal Coach tohelp set you onthe right course, whatever thatcourse may be. Ourmethods arescientifically proven andfundamentally human. And withproprietaryCoach matching, anextensive learning library, and thelargestnetwork of certifiedCoaches at your fingertips, you’llmakepositive changes that last alifetime.
Hozana – Christian prayer 1.2.8
Hundreds of prayer opportunities, thousands of people praying!
Purdue Sports
The Purdue Sports Official App!
ScripturePlus 1.0.87
Nuvek, LLC
A Come Follow Me scripture study app for Latter-day Saints
Guidelines: Bible Study 1.9.5
Aimer Media
Guidelines let you take your Bible study with you wherever you go.
Access 2,100 hours of instruction on the Bible and biblical topics
Soultime Christian Meditation 7.0.0
Free christian meditation for daily stress &anxietyrelief—guided relaxation
The Diabetes App 3.53
Community Groups & Resources
Angelus 0.9.4
Pray the Angelus with Magnificat
Pray ON 1.1.6
The Christian Prayer App: Bring your daily prayer life to thenextlevel!
A Puritan Catechism 1.7.cp
Puritan Soft
Published in 1855 by Charles Haddon Spurgeon FromSpurgeon'sintroduction: I am persuaded that the use of a goodCatechism inall our families will be a great safeguard against theincreasingerrors of the times,and therefore I have compiled thislittlemanual from the Westminster Assembly's and BaptistCatechisms, forthe use of my own church and congregation. Those whouse it intheir families or classes must labour to explain thesense; but thewords should be carefully learned by heart, for theywill beunderstood better as years pass. May the Lord bless my dearfriendsand their families evermore, is the prayer of their lovingPastor.C. H. Spurgeon Study to shew thyself approved unto God, aworkmanthat needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word oftruth.II Timothy 2:15
Helps you to actually pray for all the people and causes youcareabout
Sanford Guide 6.4.6
Provides clinicians with infectious disease informationandtreatment guidelines
Lux Catholic
Lux Catholic
Let Her Be Light!
Catholic Saints 1.4.5
Learn more about our Saints and Feast days