Top 22 Apps Similar to Pro FM

profm 1.0
native radio profm romania player
Pro FM Interactive 1.3.5
Aplicatia ProFM "invita" ascultatoriidinonline in studioul ProFM, oferindu-le informatii in timprealdespre artistii difuzati, dar si posibilitatea de acomunicacu DJ-ii si de a-si vota piesele preferate.Evenimentele si muzica ProFM sunt acum la unclickdistanta. Daca ai smartphone sau tableta trebuie sa descarciaplicatiaaceasta!Application ProFM"invite"online listeners ProFM studio, giving them real-timeinformationabout artists disseminate, and the ability tocommunicate with DJsand to and vote your favorite tracks.ProFM music events are now a click away.If you smartphone or tablet you need to download this app!
Pro FM 1.0.5
Ionut Iarca
Postul radio PRO FM din aceasta aplicatieestestream live si il puteti asculta 24/24h. Aplicatianecesitaconexiune la Internet si este de preferat sa fiti conectatla oretea Wi-Fi, sau puteti utiliza serviciul de Internet mobil delafurnizorul dumneavoastra, ceea ce ar putea duce lacosturisuplimentare. Puteti rula aceasta aplicatie in fundal,putandutiliza telefonul pentru alte functii.Pentru orice alte informatii/sugestii va rog sa macontactati:radio {at} yoya {punct} ro.Caracteristici cheie:-Redare / Pauza / Stop-Serviciu redare in fundal-Mesajul de notificare-Functioneaza atat in Mod Portret si Mod Peisaj-Suporta Android 2.2 API 8 & UpDrepturi de autor:Aceasta aplicatie nu este oficiala si nu este asociata in niciunfel cu Radio PRO FM.Toate textele, imaginile, continutul si drepturile de autorapartinProprietarilor de drept.PRO FM radio stationinthis application is live stream and you can listen to 24 / 24h.Theapplication requires an Internet connection and is preferred tobeconnected to a Wi-Fi network, or you can use the mobileInternetservice from your supplier, which could lead to additionalcosts.You run this application in the background, you can use thephonefor other functions.For any other information / suggestions please contact:{at}radio {dot} en yoya.Key Features:-Redare / Pause / Stop-Serviciu Play in the background-Mesajul Notification-Works In both Portrait mode and Landscape ModeSupports Android 2.2 API 8 & UpCopyright:This application is not official and is not associated in anywaywith PRO FM Radio.All text, images, content and copyright of theirrespectiveowners.
Radio Romania FM 4.1
Radio Romania Fm pentruIPhone: bune posturi de radio fm , Aici gasiti cele maibuneposturi deradio din romania. Posturi radio România: KissFMRomania,RadioRomania Actualitati, Digi FM, Antena Satelor, EuropaFM,RadioManele, Itsy Bitsy, Radio Gold FM, Magic FM, NationalFM,ProFMDance, Bucuresti FM, Radio Delta RFI, Radio Guerrilla,RadioImpuls,Little Samaritean Radio, Radio Romania International1,RadioRomania International 2, Radio Romania International3,RadioTrinitas, Radio Vocea Sperantei 2, Radio ZU Live,VirginRadio,RockFM, Radio Cultural, Radio Muzical, Romantic FM,SportTotal FM,Aquarelle FM, Banat FM, Best FM, Big FM Deva, BuzzFM,CFMConstanta, City Radio Satu Mare, Radio Cluj, Doctor FM,DreamFM,EcoFM, ErdelyFM, Favorit FM, Friss FM, Fun FM, Hit FM,RadioOrion,Impact FM, Jazz Radio, Jurnal FM, Kiss FMChisinau,KolozsvariRadio. Posturi radio România în funcție de gen:Populara,Stiri,Muzica, Colinde, Manele, Etno, Dance, House, Latino,Club,Oldies,Jazz, Music Radio, Relaxare, Pop,Rock,Alternative-progressive,Underground, Hip-hop, 70-90s hits,Folk,Romaneasca, Clasicat,Etnice, Etnice maghiar, Sarbeasca,Crestinortodoxe, Crestin,Culturale, Sport, Copii, Adultcontemporary, Top40, International,Divertisment, Local. Posturiradio România înfuncție de oraș: AlbaIulia, Alexandria, Arad,Bacău, Baia, Mare,Baraolt, Bicaz,Bistrița, Blaj, Brăila, Brașov,Bucharest, Buzău,Călărași,Câmpulung, Caransebeș, Chișineu-Criș,Cluj-Napoca,Comănești,Constanța, Covasna, Craiova, Cristuru,Secuiesc, Dej,Deva, Doar,Internet, Dolhasca, Drobeta-Turnu,Severin, Făgăraș,Fălticeni,Fetești, Galați, Gherla, Hațeg, Iași,Lugoj, Medgidia,Mediaș,Miercurea Ciuc, Moldova Nouă, Negrești, ,Odobești, Onești,Oradea,Pașcani, Petroșani, Pitești, Ploiești,Predeal, RâmnicuVâlcea,Reșița, Roman, Satu Mare, Scornicești,Sebeș, SfântuGheorghe,Sibiu, Slănic Moldova, Slobozia, Suceava,Târgoviște,Târgu Jiu,Târgu Mureș, Târnăveni, Tecuci, Timișoara,Tulcea, Turda,Zalău.Notă: Aplicația "Radio online România" necesităoconexiunepermanentă la Internet pentru a asculta radiolive.Accesul laInternet este necesar pentru folosirea aplicației.Unelelucruri nudepind de noi: - Unele posturi radio au limite înceea cepriveștenumărul de utilizatori, așa că este posibil să aparăca șicum nuar funcționa. Dacă acest lucru se întâmplă, vărugămîncercați dinnou mai târziu. - Unele posturi radio nu au olistăpentru pieselive. Mulțumim pentru că ascultați posturi radiodinRomâniafolosind aplicația "Radio online România".
Radiouri din Romania online 1.4.8
Permite ascultarea de radiouri romanesti peinternet.Facilitatiincluse  ★ lista de radiouri din care se poateselectapostuldorit. Lista este sortata alfabetic, iar utilizatorulareladispozitie un index, pentru a gasi postul maiusor; ★ marcareaposturilor favorite si vizualizarea lor intr-olistaseparata; ★ retinerea ultimelor 4 radiouri accesate, utilapentru aregasiun post preferat;  ★ optiune pentru a permitedoarconexiunile detip Wi-Fi, prevenind astfel acumularea decosturisuplimentare; ★ la deschidere, porneste ultimul post deradio carea fostascultat; Posturi incluse In lista de radiouri suntincluseatatposturi nationale cat si locale, cu muzica si emisiunipentrutoategusturile. Avem peste 100 de posturi radio si incercamsagasim omodalitate de a include majoritatea posturilor deradioromanesti.Dar cum vorbim de cateva sute (la ultimaverificaregasisem in jurde 700), e nevoie de un pic de munca pentrua leintegra intr-unmod care sa nu puna probleme lafolosire. ♫ nationale: ProFM,EuropaFm, Magic FM, Kiss FM, Radio21,RomanticFM, Radio ZU, TexFM,Gold FM, Romania Actualitati, RomaniaCultural ♫ locale: RadioTransilvania, Radio Cluj, Radio Constanta,RadioSomes  ♫ rock:Rock FM  ♫ crestina: Unsion, Trinitas ♫ populara:Mioritic FM,Antena Satelor, Popular  ♫ manele: HiTFMManele, SuperFM, Taraf,Popular Va multumim ca folositi aplicatiacreata de noi!Pentruorice sugestii, pareri, nemultumiri, puteti sane contactatilaadresa noastră de e-mail ([email protected]) saupe paginadeFacebook a aplicatiei (Radiouri din Romania Online). Vomluainconsiderare orice feed-back.
Deezer: Songs & Album Streaming with our Music App
Deezer Mobile
Deezer, your personal streaming serviceandmusic player. Discover the music you love with top songs,artists& albums. Play music online, download playlists offline,singalong with on-screen lyrics & try Flow, yourunlimited,customized soundtrack.Listen to your music wherever and whenever you want. Have musicatyour fingertips for waking up, chilling out and livinglife.Deezer’s music Editors and smart technology help you discovernewmusic to love. Just press play and let Flow learn yourmusicaltaste.• Discover Flow, your personal soundtrack• Search by artist or album• Discover music and millions of tracks• Listen to Mixes inspired by your favorite tracks,artists,playlists or albums• Create unlimited music playlists• Download music to listen in offline mode• See on-screen music lyrics• Immerse yourself in what you love with Channels• Explore unlimited entertainment, podcasts, and audiobooks• Listen to live radio stations• Import your favorite MP3’s• Share your playlists or keep them privateFlowFlow is your personal soundtrack of fresh new beats (and thesongsyou forgot you loved) in one infinite stream. It’sanever-evolving, one-click musical experience that playsnon-stoptunes, personalized to your tastes. Plus discover new hitsby EdSheeran, Adele, Justin Bieber and otheraward-winningartists.PlaylistsCreate Playlists and receive recommendations from the DeezermusicEditors. Curate thousands of tracks so you can play them oneafteranother or in shuffle mode. Find a playlist for a road tripwithColdplay, or create a workout mix with pop hits from MeghanTrainorand Nicki Minaj. Find music and keep your playlistsforever.StreamExpand your music library and stream your new favoriteartists.Stream country music, classical music channels orrecommendedgenres. Start listening at your leisure and enjoy yourmusicanywhere with your own mobile music player.ChannelsStream Channels and enjoy curated, recommended songs based onamood, genre or event. Discover unlimited music for genres suchasIndie, Pop, Singer & Songwriter, Rock, Blues and more. ChooseaChannel to see a collection of playlists, artists, radiostations,new releases and Editor picks.LyricsDeezer not only lets you stream unlimited music, but it alsoletsyou sing along to your favorite artists with on-screenlyrics.Whether streaming Madonna or Chris Brown, sing alongwithunlimited, free music lyrics at your fingertips. Find musicandlive out loud.MixesEnjoy mixes based on your favorite tracks, specific song genresortypes of music such as 80s rock, country music, top DavidBowiesongs, pop like Miley Cyrus or wind down music like Coldplay.Whynot even share your Mixes with friends?SearchExplore the entire Deezer music catalog and play music bysearchingfor artists, albums or tracks. Search free music todiscover thebest new artists and song genres. Discover the latestmusic andlisten free all day long.AudioSet up your audio settings by choosing the Balanced option –improvesound quality when connected to Wifi, or by customizingyour audiosetting yourself by choosing the Custom optionDeezer Premium+• Unlimited music across all devices• No ads or interruptions• Enhanced sound and audio quality• Offline mode• Drive with CarPlay, the best copilot• Deezer Family• Kids-only profiles• 6 Premium+ profiles*Start streaming the latest music with the best music player*Discover music that sounds like you. Find your Flow andpressplayFollow DeezerFacebook: Deezermusic
SDR Touch - Live radio via USB 2.74
The most popular Software Defined Radio app for Android
RUSH online radio and TV 1.9.3
RUSH Radio is a huge collection ofpopularradio broadcasting stations, which is constantly updatedandgrowing. It includes radio broadcasting stations of countiesinEastern and Western Europe, North and South America – ourfreeradio is available in almost every corner of the Earth. Listentothe online radio and discover new musical directions becauseRUSHRadio is on duty for music today.Here, you will find the most popular radio broadcastingstations:Europa Plus, Russian Radio, Our Radio, Retro FM, Rock FM,Chanson,Auto Radio and other well-known stations. The directorycontainsconversational, childrenб news and folks (Armenian,Chechen,Crimean, Adyghe etc.) radio broadcasting stations.Free features:• Favorites. Add interesting broadcasting stations inaseparate list to quickly find the necessary wave.• Record. Save the air of a radio station to your device,andyou can listen your favorite music being beyond the reachofnetwork.• Alarm clock. Set the alarm clock inside the applicationtowake up with your favorite radio broadcasting station.• Sleep timer. Activate the auto switching out, and youcansleep peacefully without worrying about flat battery.• Own radio broadcasting stations. If there is nofavoritewave in the application, you can always add it by knowingthe linkto the stream.• Own TV channels. You can add any TV channel yourselfifyour know it's stream link.RUSH Radio is one of the few applications you really need andthatyou can permanently install in your mobile device. Hugeselectionof music suited to every fancy makes the application to bea viablealternative to an audio player. Switch on the radiobroadcastingstations according to your mood – RUSH Radio made surethateveryone can find something of their own.If you are the radio/tv owner or employee and you haveanyquestions or offers please contact us by email.
Radio Romania - Radio FM 4.16.1
Online radios
All Romanian online radios and FM radios with Radio Romania!
Zonga Music
Zonga este playerul tău deștept de muzică,încare: (1) găsești o bibliotecă cu peste 28 de milioane demelodiidin toate genurile, structurate foarte util pe artiști,albume sauplaylisturi (în funcţie de starea ta de spirit); (2) aimuzică pegustul tău asigurată de un super algoritm automatizat careîțirecomandă piese similare cu cele pe care ți le-ai setatcapreferate; (3) te bucuri de muzica ta, oriunde ai fi, dacă aigrijăsă-ți salvezi playlisturile preferate pe telefon; (4)asculțimuzica ta cu o simplă autentificare pe orice device Android,iOS,Windows Phone sau pe orice platformă web; (5) respecți şisusţiiartiștii ascultând muzică legală• Acces instant la milioane de melodii, de pe mobil, tabletăşiPC• Streaming online de melodii, fără să ocupi spațiultelefonuluitău• Optiune de urmarire a playlist-urilor preferate• Opțiune salvare de playlist-uri offline, pe telefon sautabletă,pentru ascultare fără conexiune la Internet• Sortare de piese în playlist-uri și favorite• Playlist-uri și favorite sincronizate automat cu aplicațiadecomputer (PC sau Mac)• Recomandări personalizate bazate pe ascultările anterioare,pentrua descoperi muzică nouă• Topuri de melodii, albume și artiști pentru inspirație• Opțiune Radio pentru redare de muzică fără întrerupere înfuncțiede ascultările precedente sau genuri preferate• Ajustare automată a calității muzicii pentru consum redus dedateîn mod 3G• Sharing de muzică cu prietenii de pe Facebook, Twittersaue-mailÎncearcă Zonga acum și spune-ne părerea ta [email protected]. Pentru a beneficia de toatefuncţionalităţileZonga ai nevoie de un abonament Zonga Premium.Utilizatorii dinreţeaua Vodafone beneficiază de oferte Zongaspeciale.
Romania Radios 2.2
One of the biggest collection of Romanian radios is here!!Romaniaradios brings collection of your favorite radios andFMstationsfrom Romania , streaming live on your androiddevices.Nowenjoylistening to the online radio broadcasts and musicfromRomania onyour android phones and tablet devices with just tapof abutton.Best of all, you get to access to Live Romania RadiosforFree !!Radios from Romania include, Manele FM Romania TarafFMTopRomanian Music Radio Manele Mix Radio denisa RadioCrazyweeklyRomanian Hits KISS FM of Romania Radio Criasmi Dor SeCasaHiTManele Radio Inferno Live Romania Radio Lasi Radio Fly RadioHitFMRadio Fun Romania Radio X Manele Radio KlubRo ElizzRadioRomaniaMagic FM Radio Lubire Radio Beat- Best of Dance Hits Paprika Radio Terra FM RRI 3SRRRadioBucurcesti Radio Hit Dance Romania Radio FX Net PS:AlltheRomanian radios streams are live streams and therefore willonlybeavailable 24 hours if the radio stations broadcast 24hours.Thosestations that broadcast limited hours will be availableonlywhenit is broadcasting live in Romania local time. Radioswon'tbeavailable for stream when it is offline andoccasionallyduringserver maintenance and other downtimes. If theradios arenotworking or responding please try it again later,thesearetemporary inactivity.Internet connection is required tostreamanyradios. Please rate this app and leave any commentsorsuggestionyou may have. For any questions or concernspleasecontact us [email protected]
Endless music streaming of millions of songs. Never an ad.
Radio Italy FM Online 1.14.2
Radioworld FM
All Italian radios! Online FM radio, web radio & music!
Radio Romania 2021 4.0.1
Smart RoApps
The Romanian Radio heard in one app!
myTuner Radio App - Free FM Radio Station Tuner
With myTuner Radio - Online Radio /FreeRadio Stations: FM Radio & AM Radio app you can listentolive radio streaming from all over the world on your Androidphoneor tablet, for free. You can listen to sports radio, newsradioand music radio stations ♪♫. With 40,000 AM, FM andonlineradio stations available from more than 200 countriesandterritories, there are many kinds of radio stations for youtochoose from on myTuner Radio - Online Radio / FreeRadioStations: FM Radio & AM Radio app.myTuner Radio FM - Live Internet radio / Free radio stations:FMRadio & AM Radio app is the best way to listen to theradioand discover music on your Android device.Whether you are in the Big Apple or Europe, Asia or Australia,nowyou can listen the best AM, FM and online radio stations ofyourcountry or of your homeland when you are abroad.With myTuner FM Radio - Internet Radio / Free radio stations:FMRadio & AM Radio app you can:- Listen to the best radio stations – including the local AM andFMradio stations you love ♥- Search by genre: pop radio stations, rock radio stations,newsradio stations, sports radio stations, etc.- Tune in to the radio in the background;- Listen to Podcasts shows and real Radio;- AM, FM and Online radio from more than 200 countriesandterritories;- Listen to over 40,000 radio stations (AM, FM andonlineradio);- Share using Facebook, Twitter, SMS, Email;- Add more radios to your favorites list;- Access all Radio Gratis in a very simple radio interface;- Radio play / Radio player interface with an easy way toswitchbetween the previous / next radio station;- Search by country (like USA radio stations), by genre(likeNostalgia, Classical music or Smooth jazz music), by format,bystate or by city (like New York radio stations or Los Angelesradiostations).myTuner Radio FM - Internet Radio Online / Free radiostations:FM Radio & AM Radio app gives you the bestexperience inlistening to worldwide FM radio stations, AM radiostations andonline radio stations.Use the global search on myTuner Radio app to find freeradiostations. Here are a few search examples:- Newstalk- country radio- npr radio live- bbc radio- sports radioGet instant access to live radio programs and on demandpodcastswith myTuner Radio app. Our selection of more than 40,000radiostations and thousands of podcasts includes, among others: FoxNewsRadio, Infowars, KLove Radio, NPR News, Coast to Coast AM,WEEI,Espn Radio, 1010 WINS, WNYC, Prairie Home Companion, Hot 97,NPRPodcasts, WFAN Sports Radio, WBZ, Kiro Radio 97.3, WSB Radio,98.5Sports Hub, talk shows as prominent as Alex Jones', LauraIngraham's, Mark Levin' s, Joy Taylor' s, Elvis Duran' s, GarrisonKeillor's, Rush Limbaugh Live, Bobby Bones', Dave and Chuck TheFreak, Mikeand Dave, Michael Savage podcast... and more much tolisten to onyour app.NOTE: This app is not a " radio without wifi / fm radiowithoutInternet connection / fm radio tuner no internet needed / fmradiooffline / free radio app no data usage " kind of app. You musthavean internet connection. myTuner Radio is optimized for3G/4Gnetworks and Wi-Fi. There may be some stations that do notworkbecause their stream is offline.- More information at: Like us on Facebook: Follow us onGoogle+: Follow us on Twitter:
Simple Radio - Free Live FM AM 5.9.1
Streema, Inc.
Simple Radio by Streema is the simplest wayoflistening to your favorite FM Radio stations, AM Radio,InternetRadio Online and Free radio stations.With over 40,000 stations, you can listen to the ones you’velearnedto love, or sit back and discover new gems from any regionof theworld. Simple Radio is the first app that combines themultiplebenefits of online radio with the simplicity of the radiotuners ofyore.It's really easy to find any radio station. Search by genre:popradio stations, rock radio stations, news radio stations,sportsradio stations, etc. or search by country (like USAradiostations), by genre, by format, by state or by city (like NewYorkradios or Los Angeles radios).Streema is on a mission to simplify the radio listeningexperienceon the web and mobile devices. Simple Radio is a productof thateffort and we are eager to get your feedback!Listen to NPR radio, BBC radio, sports radio, News radio,christianradio, Radios Latinas, Radios Mexicanas, 77 WABC, WBAPNews Talk820 AM, La Mega 97.9, KNBR, WNYC, Shekinah Radio andmanymore!---------------------Why Simple Radio?Clean User Interface:Simple Radio sports an extremely clean user interface that getsoutof your way and helps get you tuning in ASAP. Many radio appscanbe too complex when you're just trying to get a station toplay.With Simple Radio, that’s a thing of the past.One Tap Access to Favorites:Getting to the station you want to listen to as fast as possibleissuper important - with Simple Radio you’ll always haveone-tapaccess to your favorites. The app is optimized to makeday-to-dayuse as smooth as possible, whether at home, at work or inthecar.No Buffering or Interruptions:Using Streema’s experience in serving more than 5 millionlistenersper month, Simple Radio features unparalleled levels ofstabilityand reliability. We know how important this is. That’s whywe pushrelentlessly to further improve the quality of thelisteningthrough the app on each release.---------------------Questions or feedback? We read every single emailWant us to add a specific radio station? Have suggestions?Please,feel free to reach us at [email protected] software uses code of FFmpeg ( licensed undertheLGPLv2.1( policy: of use: party trademarks are owned by the registered owners ofthosetrademarks. Streema is not affiliated with these companies. Ifyouhave any questions, please contact us. - radio and podcast
Listen to news, sports and music. All radio stations like wipandradio javan.
Radio Romania 2.0
Listen to the most popular stations Trinitas 90.1, Stil Dej106.1and more!
MixRadio Stream Free Music 4.5.2766
FREE music streaming.Discoverfresh music and listenOFFLINE.PERSONALIZED musicexperience.Create artist playlists from a catalog of 35milliontracks. Choose from thousands of radio mixes.• Listen to awesome music playlists, including mixes to suityourmood, the best of your favorite genres, the USHot100 radio chart, UK singles top40 chart and thelatestgenre charts.• Download playlists to listen to the songs of yourfavoriteradio shows offline and avoid heftydatachargesDiscover New Music• Play ‘My mix’ – a playlist based on your music taste.Streamyour favorite tracks and discover newmusic• As you Stream free songs it learns yourmusictaste. The more you listen, the better it gets. Hearmoreof the artists you like and similar new artists• The more tracks you listen to, the better we understandyourmusic taste and more easily discover songs you like. Likehavingyour own personalized radio station. Tune intoyour all the best hits• Spend less time searching and moretimelistening to tracks in your favorite music genres• Listen to everything from the latestchartsand party soundtracks, to the ‘OnesTo Watch’ inyour favorite genres.• Rediscover old favorites from ourdecadeinspired mixesAnd so much more…• Play free music wherever you are• Play tracks you love from all your favorite US andinternationalartists• Play music in high quality audio• The best looking music streaming app ever… probably! Give it agoand see for yourselfReady to discover fresh music?MixRadio is the best FREE music streaming serviceformusic lovers who like to discover fresh musiceveryday.Start by choosing a ready-made playlist that suitsyourmood or getpersonalizedrecommendations.Get social – follow us online
Anghami: Play music & Podcasts
Stream and Download Arabic music for free
Radio FM ! 5.1.2
Listen online to your favorite radios in one click ! (3G, 4G,wifistreaming)
FM Radio 3.6
Puzzle apps
FM Radio - The most popular radio stations now on yourAndroid-phoneor tablet.