Top 7 Apps Similar to Webalo for Good - Windows,VMware
Remote network management for Windows, VMware, Active Directory,iLOand iDRAC
Dynatrace 2.1.219
Dynatrace LLC
The Dynatrace mobile app provides real-time alerts onyourAndroiddevices when performance problems are detected inyourapplicationenvironment. As a key component of theDynatraceapplicationperformance monitoring system, the Dynatracemobile appprovidesreal-time root-cause analysis—from yourcloud-basedinfrastructureall the way down to individual lines ofapplicationcode—that yourdevelopers can use to accelerate problemresolution.You must havea Dynatrace account to use this app. Toregister foryour freetrial account, visit with artificial intelligenceDynatrace is afull-stackperformance and availability monitoringsystem thatenables yourDevOps team to monitor the health of yourentireapplicationenvironment, from the cloud-based datacenterlevel, tothe servicesthat your applications rely on, all the waydown to thecode-level,Dynatrace monitors it all. With real usermonitoring,Dynatraceeven provides real-time performance insightsinto yourcustomers’mobile and desktop experiences with yourapplication.Dynatraceuses artificial intelligence to significantlyreduce thetimerequired to identify the root causes ofsystemperformanceproblems. Rather than overload you withambiguousalerts, Dynatraceprovides you with complete, pre-analyzedproblemsthat show youboth the full impact and the cause of eachdetectedproblem.Artificial intelligence enables Dynatrace to learnthebaselineperformance of every component in your environmentandtherebyinstantly detect performance problems and theircauses.Dynatracecontinuously monitors the health of your hostsandnetwork,cloud-based services, hypervisors (including VMwareESXiand AmazonWeb Services), and service infrastructure to keep youandyour teamin control of the health of your applicationenvironment.Keywords- Monitoring - Application performancemanagement (APM) -Servermonitoring - Real user monitoring (RUM) -Apdex -Virtualizationmonitoring - Correlation metrics - Operatingsystemmetrics -Network metrics - Real user experience metrics-Synthetic-usermonitoring (SUM) - Production environmentmonitoring- Fullmonitoring of technology stacks - Hypervisormonitoring(VMWareESX, Amazon AWS) - Database monitoring
Notate for BlackBerry
IMPORTANT NOTE: Notate for BlackBerry will not operatewithoutthenecessary licenses from BlackBerry. Notate has beendesignedtooperate exclusively with the BlackBerry Dynamicsmobileapplicationplatform. For information on licenses [email protected]. Notate helps you get organizedandstayproductive with functionality similar to EvernoteorOneNoteprovided in a secure enterprise environment. GETORGANIZEDCapturenotes, scan documents, record audio, save webclippingsBEPRODUCTIVE Organize todo’s, action items, andremindersSYNCANYWHERE Online/offline access on all your devicesSHARE YOURIDEASCollaborate with team workspaces STAY SECURE Yourdata remainsonyour network, encrypted at rest and in transit. STAYFOCUSED,GETWORK DONE. Notate helps you get organized andstayproductive.Start by capturing all your important information.WithNotate youcan quickly create notes and tasks, edit notes witharich texteditor, take pictures, easily insert images, andattachaudiorecordings to individual notes. SAVE EVERYTHING.Collecteverythingthat matters knowing that you'll always be able tofindit. Enhanceyour notes with text styling, bullets, alignment,fontselectionand text highlighting. Take and add pictures directlyfromthecamera and easily access all of your galleryimages.Audiorecordings can be added to individual notes andpannedduringplayback. You can also insert web clippings anddocumentsinto yournotes. GET MORE DONE with full task management.Organizetasks tohelp manage your week. Easily set task prioritywithdrag-and-droppositioning. Set reminders notifications forimportanttasks. FINDYOUR INFORMATION QUICKLY by organizing yournotebookslike folders.Notes and tasks are searchable. Easily searchacrossall notebooksor search for text within notes. The Notatepreviewmode providesusers a quick glance into the note subjectmatter.Notes aresupported with “star” tagging as favorites and mostrecenteditednotes are visible at all times. COLLABORATE WITH PEERSwithsharedworkspaces. Meetings become more effective withworkspaces tosharenotes, files and action items. Search across allsharedcontent toleverage team knowledge. Email notes as annotatedPDFfiles.ENTERPRISE GRADE SECURITY Notate securely mobilizes allofyourOutlook Notes and Tasks. All information remainssecuredwithinyour own network. No additional servers are required.SecuredbyBlackBerry Dynamics, notes are securedwithFIPS-certifiedencryption. No note data ever resides in thecloudand is insteadsynced and backed up via a secure tunnel tothecorporate Exchangeserver. Notate helps busy Professionalsorganizeimportant notesand meetings, improve personal productivityandinformationsharing. Highlighted Features: -Advanced wordprocessor-Embedimages, audio, web clippings and documents -Todomanagementwithreminder notifications -Shared workspaces forcollaboration-Syncswith Outlook/Exchange -Secure enterpriseenvironment
Good for Salesforce1 1.8.0
Store DescriptionA joint solution between Good and, GoodforSalesforce1 combines the Salesforce CRM experience withGoodTechnology’s leading mobile security capabilities,highly-trustedby over half of the Fortune 100 including the world’sleading banksand federal agencies. With Good for Salesforce1,mobile users cansecurely send email via Good for Enterprise, accesswebsites viaGood Access, and exchange files with other Good securedapps. ITcan centrally manage Good for Salesforce1 distributionandpolicies.• Provides a Salesforce1 mobile experience• Integrates Good Dynamics app container to separate corporatedatafrom personal data, protecting user privacy• Email links launch Good for Enterprise “compose”• Web links launch Good Access “secure browser”• Central policy management from Good Control serverIMPORTANT: Please contact your IT administrator beforeinstallingGood for Salesforce1. The Good for Salesforce1 app willnot operatewithout the necessary back-end software.
Saba Enterprise for Good 1.0.4
Important Note: Saba Enterprise for Goodwillnot operate without the necessary licenses from GoodTechnology. Ithas been specially developed to operate with the GoodDynamicsmobile application platform. Before downloading theapplication,please consult with your IT department to confirm thatGoodDynamics servers are setup in your organization.To activate and authenticate the application with theGDframework, you must first enter an authentication passcodeprovidedby your IT department along with your corporate emailaddress. Oncethe application is activated, you can use your SabaEnterpriselogin credentials, such as, server name, site name,username, andpassword to log in to the application.Note: If your organization does not employ the GoodDynamicsSecure Mobility Platform, you can download and use theoriginalSaba Enterprise mobile application.Saba Enterprise mobile application brings customers thelearningcapabilities of Saba. The application empowers users todownloadand consume learning content anytime and anywhere on theirmobiledevices.Saba Enterprise for Good mobile application provides thefollowingcapabilities to the Saba Enterprise mobile users:- Intuitive and easy-to-use design for both Android tabletsandsmartphones- Support for SCORM 1.2 and informal content, such as PDF,Word,PowerPoint, Excel, and text files- Wide range of delivery types, including web-based,instructor-led,blended, virtual classroom and playbacks- Offline caching and playback of content to allow usersdownloadand consume content at any time, with or without a livenetworkconnection- Automatic progress synchronization between the mobileandenterprise applications to allow users switch back andforthbetween devices seamlessly.
Dynamics AX 3.3
Alert: We will soon be deprecating this app and request alltheusersto a new app DynamicsAX2012( same functionality. For use with Microsoft DynamicsAX 2012R2,this application enables you to capture yourexpensetransactions andreceipt information. This application alsoallowsyou to create andsubmit timesheets. The information capturedwiththis applicationwill be available when you enter or updateanexpense report and/ortimesheets in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012R2.If your organizationuses Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 andhasenabled these features,you will be notified by yoursystemadministrator. Update: - Bugsfixes
BlackBerry Workspaces Dynamics 11.1.0
BlackBerry Workspaces is the most secure way to access,shareandcontrol critical documents wherever they go: onanytablet,smartphone, web browser or PC. BlackBerry WorkspacesforAndroidequips you to work on all of your Workspaces-securedandsyncedfiles on your Android device. BlackBerry WorkspacesforBlackBerryDynamics is designed to work specifically withBlackBerryDynamicsSecure Mobility Platform enterprise environments.Keyfeaturesinclude: - Access, manage and view your files whereveryouareworking - Sync file versions across authorizedcollaboratorsanddevices - Save files, folders or workspaces foreasyofflineviewing - Check-in/check-out documents, enablinguserstocollaborate while avoiding conflicts - Annotate Office,PDFandimage files with comments, drawings and highlights -EditMicrosoftOffice documents online and offline ( Note: You musthavea validlicense in order to access BlackBerryWorkspaces.Contact Terms of service: