Top 2 Apps Similar to Join The Journey

JOIN'16 1.0.1
A decorrer na Universidade do Minho(CampusdeGualtar), as Jornadas de Informática (JOIN) são um eventoanualquevisa promover a interação entre os alunos, dos cursosdetrêsciclos de estudos desta universidade, com uma fortecomponentedeinformática e o meio empresarial, regional ou nacional,quetemsido a sua maior força empregadora.Os três dias do evento serão divididos entresessõescientíficas,de índole mais técnica ou tutorial, nas partesdamanhã, e emsessões de divulgação das empresas do referidotecidoempresarial,de workshops temáticos por elas oferecidosedivulgação de propostasde temas de dissertação, projetosdeinvestigação e desenvolvimentoe oportunidades de emprego.Estasatividades da parte da tarde sãojá conhecidas comoJobShop.The courseattheUniversity of Minho (Campus of Gualtar), theInformationTechnologyDays (JOIN) is an annual event that aims topromoteinteractionbetween students of the three cycles of studiesat theuniversitycourses with a strong information technologycomponentand thebusiness community, regional or national, which hasbeenitslargest employer force.The three day event will be divided betweenscientificsessions,more technical or tutorial nature, in parts ofthemorning, andinformation sessions of the companies of thatbusinesssector,thematic workshops offered by them and disseminationofproposalsfor dissertation topics research and developmentprojectsandemployment opportunities. These activities in theafternoonareknown as JobShop.
Popo Journey 1.20
* Learn with Popo the animals names and sounds! * Jump WithPopoandresolve Trivia Cards and Puzzles * Watch it grow, jumb andfly!*Play Games * Customize Popo appearance! * Talk to Popoandlistenback! We're always listening to your suggestions toimprovePopoand add new stuff! If you have any issue with thegame,justcontact us and we will help you! Popo Journey iseducationalapp toteach your kid about Animals, Fruits, shapes,colors,vegetables.