Top 50 Apps Similar to Studio 100 GO, fun voor kids

Ketnet Junior 3.4.2
Zorg dat je kind de juiste dingen oppiktenbeleef Ketnet overal met de gratis Ketnet Jr.-app. In deKetnetJr.-app ontdekken peuters en kleuters samen met Kaatje enKamiel,Bumba, Uki, Musti, Bob de Bouwer en nog veleandereKetnet-vriendjes de wereld op een veilige, leuke enleerrijkemanier. De Ketnet Jr.-app omvat de allerleuksteafleveringen ensupertoffe spelletjes van de favoriete programma’svan uw peuter ofkleuter. Deze app stimuleert spelenderwijsdeontwikkelingsvaardigheden van uw kind en helpt uwkindgroeien.Elk spelletje bevat verschillende moeilijkheidsgraden enstimuleertde verschillende ontwikkelingsvaardigheden, zoals gebruikvanzintuigen, probleem oplossen, logisch redenen,… van uw peuterenkleuter. U kan optioneel het geslacht en de leeftijd van uwkindingeven om het aanbod zo af te stemmen met de ontwikkeling vanuwkind.De Ketnet Jr.-app is GRATIS, eenvoudig te gebruiken en VEILIG.DeKetnet Jr.-app bevat GEEN in-app aankopen enGEENadvertenties.De Ketnet Jr.-app biedt uw kind:- kijkplezier met de allerleukste afleveringen vandeKetnet-programma’s voor peuters en kleuters- veel spelplezier met een waaier aan leerrijke spelletjes methunfavoriete Ketnet-vriendjes in de hoofdrol- de allerleukste kleurplaten om zelf in te kleuren en optevrolijken met stempels- de mooiste puzzels met zijn of haar favorietKetnet-vriendjeDe Ketnet Jr.-app biedt u als ouder- een veilige en gebruiksvriendelijke omgeving om uw kindzorgeloosde wereld van Ketnet te laten ontdekken- een beschermde omgeving waarinverschillendeontwikkelingsvaardigheden van uw kind gestimuleerdworden zoalsgebruik van zintuigen, probleem oplossen, logischredenen,… aan dehand van een ruim aanbod spelletjes zoals:o Motorische spelletjes: van het leren tikken op een voorwerptothet leren slepen van voorwerpeno Spelletjes rond kleurherkenning: van het herkennen van kleurentothet inkleuren van figureno Geluidsspelletjes: van herkennen van dieren geluiden tot hetmakenvan muzieko Puzzelen: leuke puzzels met de Ketnet jr-vriendjes, voor iederwatwils, van 4 tot 16 stukkeno Memory: van eenvoudige memorie rond de Ketnet- vriendjes met4kaarten tot een heus memory-spelo Tekenen: leren tekenen, natekenen, versieren, dierenlerentekenen, …o Zoekspelletjes: figuurtjes zoekenMake sure your childpicksthe right things and live Ketnet anywhere with the freeKetnet In the Ketnet Jr. App discover preschoolers withKaatje andKamiel, Bumba, Uki, Musti, Bob the Builder and manyother Ketnetfriends the world in a safe, fun and educational way.Ketnet Jr. Theapp includes the most fun episodes and super coolgames of thefavorite programs of your toddler or preschooler. Thisappencourages playfully developing skills of your child and helpyourchild grow.Each game has different difficulty levels and stimulatesthedifferent developmental skills like using senses, problemsolving,logical reasons ... your toddler and preschooler. Youcanoptionally include the sex and age of your child entering tovoteas the offerings with the development of your child.The Ketnet Jr. app is FREE, easy to use and SAFE. The Ketnet Jr.appcontains NO in-app purchases and NO ads.Ketnet Jr. The app offers your child:- Viewing the most fun episodes of the Ketnet programsforpreschoolers- A lot of gaming fun with a variety of educational games withtheirfavorite Ketnet friends in the lead- The most fun coloring to color in themselves and cheerwithstamps- The best puzzles with their favorite Ketnet boyfriendKetnet Jr. The app offers you as a parent- A safe and convenient environment for careless to let theworlddiscover your child Ketnet- A protected environment that stimulated differentdevelopmentalskills of your child like use of senses, problemsolving, logicalreasons ... on the basis of a wide range of gamessuch as:o Motor games: learning tapping an object to learningdraggingobjectso Games around color recognition: from recognizing colorsforcoloring pictureso Sound Games: from identifying animal sounds to make musico Puzzles: fun puzzles with Ketnet yr-boyfriends, somethingforeveryone, from 4 to 16 pieceso Memory: from simple memorial around the Ketnet- pals withfourcards to a real memory gameo Drawing: Learn to draw, copying, decorate, animals learn todraw...o Find Games: Find figures
Bobo Spelen 1.6.9
Embark on an adventure in the amazing 3D toy tree Bobo!
Efteling Kids 1.4.6
Efteling B.V.
Fairy tales and games
Efteling Stories 1.1.1
Efteling B.V.
Enjoy the fairytales and stories from Efteling at home.Downloadtheapp! With this app you can read on your own, readtogether withyourchildren or grand children, alternatively you canlistentofairytales like Little Red Riding Hood, SleepingBeauty,Cinderellaand other well known fairytales from Efteling withtheaudioversions. Discover some of Efteling's unique storieslikeTheIndian Water Lilies, Lila and the Fairies, Baron 1898andSymbolica. With this app you can learn about Eftelingsfairytalesandstories at home before your visit and enjoy thememories oftheWorld of Wonders after your visit. Search terms •Efteling,themepark, amusement park, fairytale, fairytales,story,stories,legend, legends, World of Efteling, World ofWonders,reading,listen to, attraction, attractions
I learn to read
Gillz BV
Stimulate your child's self-confidence
Bollo spelletjes en filmpjes 3.0.3
Go with Bollo the bear and his friends on an adventure!Children'sgames and videos.
Thuis bij Muis 1.2.2
Reading stories in rhyme for toddlers and preschoolers
Juf Jannie - Leren Lezen 1.1
Na het succes van Juf Jannie - Letterslerenlezen lanceer ik nu een vervolg op de app, dit keer om woordenenzinnen te leren lezen.
Met Juf Jannie – leren lezen voor groep 3 leren de kinderen:* woorden lezen.* zinnen lezen.* woorden spellen.De app is speciaal ontwikkeld met het oog op hetleesonderwijszoals de kinderen in groep 3 krijgen aangeboden. Dewoorden in deapp zijn klankzuiver, zoals de kinderen dat ook in deklas oefenen.
De app is vooral bedoeld voor beginnende lezers envoor kinderenuit groep 1 en 2 die al interesse hebben in lerenlezen.Laat uw kind aan de slag gaan met deze leerrijke app en uwkindleert spelenderwijs woorden en zinnen lezen. Op school krijgtuwkind letters en woorden per kern aangeboden. Deze app sluitdaarbijaan en geeft uw kind extra mogelijkheden om te oefenen.Vooralwanneer uw kind meer oefentijd nodig heeft, biedt deze appeenoplossing. Ook kinderen die al in de kleuterklas (groep 2) toezijnaan het leren lezen van woorden kunnen dit met behulp van dezeappdoen.De app biedt:* aansluiting bij het lesprogramma op de basisschool.* zes oefeningen waarmee uw kind leert lezen.* fonetisch uitgesproken letters net als kinderen ze opschoolleren.* leesletters (let op: geen schrijfletters!).* auditieve ondersteuning door de plaatjes aan te raken endewoorden te horen.* visuele ondersteuning door de letterhokjes.* professionele voice-over.* kindvriendelijke navigatie.* uitleg bij alle oefeningen door Juf Jannie.* meerdere niveaus per oefening.* uitslag bij de oefeningen.De oefeningen:* Oefening 1: Waar lees je het woord van het plaatje? Sleephetwoord naar het plaatje.* Oefening 2: Waar lees je het woord van het plaatje? Sleepdewoorden naar het plaatje.* Oefening 3: Welk woord kan hier staan? Sleep de plaatjes naardeletterhokjes.* Oefening 4: Welke letter moet vooraan? Sleep de letter naarhethok.* Oefening 5: Maak het woord van het plaatje. Sleep de lettersnaarde juiste hokjes.* Oefening 6: Welk plaatje hoort bij de zin? Sleep het plaatjenaarde zin.Kenmerken:* Kindvriendelijk* Kleurrijk* Professionele voice-over* Auditieve ondersteuning bij de letters en plaatjes doorjufJannie* Educatief en leerzaamHeeft uw kind letters leren lezen met behulp van mijn appJufJannie - Letters leren lezen ? Dan kan uw kind ook nu weer metmijnapp aan de slag om ditmaal woorden en zinnen te lerenlezen.Bekijk ook onze andere apps:* Juf jannie - letters flitsen* Juf Jannie - Letters leren lezen* Woorden leren - seizoenen - juf Jannie* Cijfers, getallen - juf JannieWat anderen zeggen:☆ "De Juf Jannie-apps zijn educatief en gericht op lerenlezen,spellen, rekenen en woordenschat opdoen. De nieuwste app,JufJannie Leren Lezen voor groep 3, is gericht op het lezenvanwoorden en zinnen en het spellen van woorden."☆ "Met deze app leer je woorden en zinnen lezen en woordenspellen.Het is een mooi vervolg op de app waarmee je letters leertvan JufJannie." -☆ "Ik vind het een hele goede, educatieve app. Zeer goedinzetbaarin het (speciaal) onderwijs en uiteraard ook thuis om teoefenen."-☆ "Oogt aantrekkelijk met duidelijke plaatjes en deoefeningensluiten aan bij het leesonderwijs in groep 3. Prima appom zonderouder het leren lezen te oefenen." - SnuggerOver Juf JannieJuf Jannie maakt educatieve apps voor kinderen die aansluiten opdelesstof van het basisonderwijs. 
De oefeningen in de appszijndezelfde oefeningen als kinderen op school krijgen, maar nuoefenenze spelenderwijs en krijgen ze direct te horen wat goed gaaten watze nog moeten oefenen."Spelenderwijs leren" staat centraal. Het doel is om kinderentelaten leren tijdens het spelen. Alle apps biedengesprokenNederlandse taal omdat ze speciaal zijn gemaakt voorpeuters,kleuters en kinderen uit groep 3. Zo leren kinderen eencorrecteuitspraak van de Nederlandse taal en leren ze nieuwewoorden.After the successofJannie Teacher - Letters learn to read, I now launch a sequeltothe app, this time to learn to read words and sentences.With Jannie Teacher - Learn to Read for group 3childrenlearn:* Read words.* Read sentences.* Spell words.The app is specially designed for the purpose ofreadinginstruction as the children in group 3 are offered. Thewords inthe app are pure sound, like the children also practice intheclassroom. The app is especially designed for beginning readersandfor children from group 1 and 2 who have already read inlearninginterest.Let your child get started with this educational app, andyourchild will learn playful words and phrases read. At school,yourchild will receive letters and words per core offer. This appwouldlike to look and give your child extra opportunities topractice.Especially when your child needs more practice time, thisappoffers a solution. Even children who are learning to read wordsinkindergarten (group 2) to be able to do this with the help ofthisapp.The app offers:* Connection to the curriculum at primary school.* Six exercises that your child learns to read.* Phonetically pronounced letters as children they learninschool.* Read letters (note: do not write letters).* Auditory support by touching the pictures and hearthewords.* Visual support through letter boxes.* Professional voiceover.* Child-friendly navigation.* Explanation of all the exercises Jannie Teacher.* Multiple levels each exercise.* Rash in the exercises.The exercises:* Exercise 1: Where are you reading the word of the picture?Dragthe word to the picture.* Exercise 2: Where are you reading the word of the picture?Dragthe words to the picture.* Exercise 3: Which word can stand here? Drag the images totheletter boxes.* Exercise 4: Which letter should be in front? Drag the lettertothe loft.* Exercise 5: Make the word of the picture. Drag the lettersintothe appropriate boxes.* Exercise 6: Which picture is part of the sentence? Drag theimageto the sentence.Features:* Child friendly* Colorful* Professional voice over* Supported by the letters and pictures by Miss Jannie* Educational and informativeDoes your child learn to read letters using my app JannieTeacher- Letters learn to read? Then your child can now again withmy appto get started this time to learn to read words andsentences.Check out our other apps:* Miss Jannie - letters flash* Jannie Teacher - Letters learn to read* Words Learning - seasons - Miss Jannie* Numbers, Numbers - Miss JannieWhat others are saying:☆ "The Miss Jannie apps are educational and focused onlearningreading, spelling, arithmetic and vocabulary gain.'s Newestapp,Jannie Teacher Learning Reading Group 3, focuses on readingwordsand sentences and spelling words." -☆ "With this app you will learn words and phrases to read andspellwords. It is a nice sequel to the app that lets you learntheletters of Jannie Teacher." -☆ "I think it's a very good, educational app. Very well suitableforthe (special) education and of course home to practice."☆ "Looks attractive with clear pictures and exercises correspondtothe reading instruction in group 3. Prima app to practice.Parentwithout learning to read" - BrainyAbout Miss JannieJannie Teacher makes educational apps for kids that connect tothecurriculum of primary education. The exercises in the apps arethesame exercises as have children in school, but now theypracticeplayfully and they are told what is going well and whatthey stillneed to practice immediately."Playful Learning" is key. The goal is for children to learnwhileplaying. All apps have spoken Dutch language because they aremadefor toddlers, preschoolers and children from group 3.Example,children learn the correct pronunciation of the Dutchlanguage andlearn new words. Specially
Squla 3.2.8
Fun learning quizzes on all subjects for primary school
Kartoon Channel! 13.700
Kartoon Channel! is a safe and fun place for kids andfamiliestowatch enriching content. NOTE: Kartoon Channel! asks foranemailaddress to create an optional free account. The emailaddressisencrypted and stored in a manner that we cannot access andisnottied to any other personally identifiable information andisonlyused for one-time password reset in accordance with COPPAandGDPRlaws. See our privacy policy for more details.
Sing mit mir - Kinderlieder 1.0.3
Perfect entertainment for your children! Over 100 lovinglyanimatedmusic videos
EASY Peasy - English for Kids 3.6.2
Learn English - Grammar & Vocabs - Oxford English LearningAppfor Kids.
Kikker Games 3.4.10
Play Kikker Memo, Connect and Puzzle with Kikker and hisfriendswithoriginal illustrations of Max Velthuijs! Enjoy all 3games forfree,but if you want to enjoy the full experience you cando a onetimepurchase to unlock all features. In Kikker Memo allcards arefaceddown and you can choose 2 cards and rotate them. Ifyou founda setof 2 of the same images they will disappear and youwill earnabutterfly. With this butterfly you can unlock newimages. KikkerMemostarts with 4 cards all the way up to 24 cardsfor morechallenge!Don't worry, you can play any difficulty as muchas youlike as allcards are placed randomly. In Kikker Connect youhaveto connect 2 ofthe same cards, but the line's angle may notbendmore than twice.Can you make the cards disappear? Then youwillearn butterflies thatyou can spend on new card images. Enjoythemany different levelsthat increase in difficulty, but youcanalways return to the levelselect to choose an easier level.Puzzlewith Kikker and his friends!With original illustrations ofMaxVelthuijs! Puzzles start easy with4 pieces, but you canunlockmore difficult puzzles. This game isgreat for all ages!Collectbutterflies to unlock new images.
Reading Eggs - Learn to Read v2.6.1+76
The multi-award winning learn to read app for kids aged 2 to 13.
Roya Kids 0.0.89
Roya TV
Roya Kids is a safe digital home for kids to engage withfuninteractive content
Minno - Kids Bible Videos 5.19.3
Minno Kids
Stream Faith-filled Shows, Bible Stories, Worship Songs&Devotionals for Kids
Correct and Quick Arithmetic
M&M Breuking
Learn all the sums + - x ÷ up to 100!
Nick Jr. - Shows & Games 1.0.23
Welcome to the Nick Jr. App—the home of PAW Patrol, Shimmer&Shine, Blaze and the Monster Machines, Nella the PrincessKnight,and all your preschooler’s favorite Nick Jr. shows! Downloadthisfree app today and kids can watch full episodes, playeducationalgames, discover original videos, and, with a tap,uncover othersilly surprises. If you are a Nick Jr. channelsubscriber, you canalso access hundreds of additional episodes whenyou sign in withyour TV provider. Here's what you'll get when youdownload the NickJr. App: FULL NICK JR. TV EPISODES Watch Nick Jr.episodes forfree! Plus, if you're a Nick Jr. channel subscriber,you can accessmore full episodes by signing in with your TVprovider. ORIGINALVIDEOS You’ll find lots of educational andentertaining videos thatwill have your preschooler learning,laughing, moving, andgrooving! GAMES AND ALPHABET BUTTONS Keep kidsentertained witheducational games and alphabet buttons that deliversillysurprises. KID-FRIENDLY EXPLORATION Audio instructionsandeasy-to-use swiping and tapping allow pre-K kids to exploreanddiscover videos, games, and more. NEW STUFF ALL THE TIME TheNickJr. App is adding more of your kids’ favorite shows and gamesallthe time. Check back regularly for updates. The Nick Jr.Appcollects personal user data as well as non-personal userdata(including aggregated data). User data collection is inaccordancewith applicable law, such as COPPA. User data may beused, forexample, to respond to user requests; enable users totakeadvantage of certain features and services; personalize contentandadvertising; and manage and improve Nickelodeon's services.Whencable television service subscribers authenticate theircabletelevision service to view full episodes, a third-party tokenisstored on the device. For more information regardingNickelodeon’suse of personal data, please visit the NickelodeonGroup PrivacyPolicy below. Our Privacy Policy is in addition to anyterms,conditions or policies agreed to between you and Google,Inc., andNickelodeon and its affiliated entities are notresponsible forGoogle's collection or use of your personal userdata andinformation. Additionally, this app may use “localnotifications.”Local notifications are sent directly from the appto your device(you don’t need to be connected to the Internet) andmay be used tonotify you of new content or events within your app,among otherreasons. Use of this app is subject to the NickelodeonEnd UserLicense Agreement. PrivacyPolicy: End User LicenseAgreement: The End User LicenseAgreement forthis app includes arbitration for disputes – seeFAQs: For users residing in the EU, theNickJr. app may include the use of persistent identifiers forgamemanagement purposes and installation of this app constitutesyourpermission to such usage of persistent identifiers for allusers onyour device.
Kinderling Kids Radio 3.20230524.1
Award winning audio programs designed for kids, loved by parents.
PBS KIDS ScratchJr 2.2.0
Create & play fun, interactive stories with this earlycodingapp for kids.
Toon Goggles Cartoons for Kids 14.937
Tons of cartoons & live-action videos that are 100% Kid-Safeandparent friendly
PopOut! The Tale of Peter Rabb 2.4
BabyTV - Preschool Toddler TV
Discover fun videos, songs, bedtime stories and games for kids
PLAY-DOH Create ABCs 1.0.8
Learn your ABCs using ‘virtual’ PLAY-DOH in thisdelightfullyeducational app!
Nick 2.0.2
The Nick app for Android puts the bestofNickelodeon at your fingertips… hilarious videos, games,recentfull episodes and more! So have fun, play around, watchshows, andprepare to laugh until you snarf milk from yournose.Get ready for awesome episodes, fun games, and silly videos.Don’tmiss new episodes of Henry Danger, The Loud House, and Bunsenis aBeast. Go MAD for games like Basketball Stars 2, Hall of Gamesandso much more!Watch full episodes of your favorite shows from your Androidphoneor tablet:• SpongeBob SquarePants• Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles• The Loud House• Henry Danger• Game Shakers• The Thundermans• Hunter Street• Bunsen Is A Beast• School of Rock
• ALVINNN!!! And the Chipmunks• The Fairly OddParents• Ride• Nicky, Ricky, Dicky, and Dawn• Power Rangers• Paradise Run• Sanjay & Craig• Harvey Beaks• Regal Academy• All in with Cam Newton• Crashletes• Jagger Eaton’s Mega Life• Rank the Prank• Bella and the Bulldogs• Make It Pop• Every Witch Way• The Legend of Korra• Avatar: The Last Airbender• iCarly• Victorious• Big Time Rush• Sam & Cat• Zoey 101• Ned’s Declassified• Drake and JoshAPP FEATURES:FULL EPISODESMissed the latest episode? Get recent full episodes of Nickshowsthe day after they premiere by logging in with yourTVprovider.GAMESWhether you're replaying your faves like Super BrawlWorld,Basketball Stars 2, Hall of Games and Block Party 3, orcheckingout all new games, prepare to be entertained for hours.Plus, playthe games that have been featured in the hit show GameShakersincluding Psycho, Beach, Mummies, Scubaroo, Pick It, ScratchIt,Pop It, Punchy Face, Tiny Pickles, and Dirty Blob.LOL-ABLE ORIGINAL VIDEOSGet ready for tons of brand new wild and wacky videos featuringyourfavorite Nick characters and stars!SURPRISING SURPRISESKeep exploring every day to discover new, hilarious surprisesfromNick.EPIC EVENT COVERAGEThe Nick app is your go-to destination for videos, pics, andmore,live from the Orange Carpet at all of our events includingtheKids' Choice Awards and Kids' Choice Sports.What are you waiting for? Let's get APPIN' already – youcandownload now! Oh, and watch out for those Do NotTouchbuttons!The Nick App collects personal user data as well asnon-personaluser data (including aggregated data). User datacollection is inaccordance with applicable law, such as COPPA. Userdata may beused, for example, to respond to user requests; enableusers totake advantage of certain features and services;personalizecontent and advertising; and manage and improveNickelodeon'sservices. For more information regarding Nickelodeon’suse ofpersonal user data, please visit the Nickelodeon GroupPrivacyPolicy below. Our Privacy Policy is in addition to anyterms,conditions or policies agreed to between you and Google,Inc., andNickelodeon and its affiliated entities are notresponsible forGoogle's collection or use of your personal userdata andinformation. Additionally, this App may use “localnotifications.”Local notifications are sent directly from the Appto your device(you don’t need to be connected to the Internet) andmay be used tonotify you of new content or events within your App,among otherreasons. Use of this app is subject to the NickelodeonEnd UserLicense Agreement.The Nick App may contain in-app advertising.End User LicenseAgreement: End User License Agreement for this app includes arbitrationfordisputes – see FAQs: trouble with the Nick app or just have a question? Checkoutthe Nick app Support page!
Play ABC, Alfie Atkins 1.7.2
Play with letters, sounds and words together with Alfie Atkins.
Capt'n Hippocampus' Spelling C 2.0.1
reading learning 1st grade English free for kids writinggamepre-school pirate
Nursery Rhymes Songs Offline 2.46.20150
Baranki Apps
Singing songs and rhymes with your baby is really good forthem,asthe rhythms and repetitive language make it easier forbabiestolearn language skills. Your baby will love hearing thesamerhymesover and over again and will soon learn to join inwiththeactions. Singing and reciting with your child is also agreatwayof bonding with them. *** Songs for kids fun children'ssongs****** Nursery rhymes songs with video and lyrics ******Nurseryrhymes FREE mp3 *** The collection includes thefollowing"nurseryrhymes for 2 year old baby": - Old MacDonald Had AFarm -This OldMan (Knick-Knack Paddy-Whack) - The Grand Olde DukeOf York- OhDear What Can The Matter Be? - Yankee Doodle - MichaelFinigan/poems for kids / - The Farmer In The Dell - Polly Put TheKettleOn- I Had A Little Nut Tree (fairy tales stories book free) -SkipToMy Lou (educational songs for kids) - Frère Jaques. Kidssongsfunsongs for kids free. - Bingo (nursery rhymes for kids)-PeasPudding (audio stories) - Ring-A-Ring-A-Roses - ABC - ISawThreeShips (nursery rhymes sing and learn) - Oranges And Lemonsfor2year old baby - Goosey- Goosey Gander / Baby songsvideofreerhymes in tamil - The Big Ship Sails On The Ali-Ali-O.Babysongsvideo free rhymes in tamil. - Simple Simon (educationalgamesforkids nursery) - Pat-A-Cake, Pat-A-Cake / Bible songs forkids -TomTom The Piper's Son for kids train songs - For He'sAJolly-GoodFellow / Songs for kids fun children's songs Featuresofour free"kids songs" application: - install to SD card -handysleep timerto sleep to - ability to set melody as ringtone,alarmornotification - HD quality background images for each storysound-ability to remove ads for extra money via in-apppurchase-suitable for kids and parents (stories for babies) -worksoffline,no internet needed - guided reference / educationalsongsfor kids- in app volume control; - bedtime stories for babywithpictures(lullabies) - Most popular songs for kids from 0 to 7yearsold Wecreate a lot of educational kids applications inEnglish,Spanish,Italian, telugu. A nursery rhymes songs with videoandlyricswithout internet is a traditional poem or song forchildreninBritain and many other countries, but usage of the termonlydatesfrom the late 18th early 19th century. In North AmericathetermMother Goose Rhymes. Poems for kids in video inenglishfree.Nursery rhymes videos free download for kids in hindioffline.Achildren's song may be a nursery rhyme set to music, asongthatchildren invent and share among themselves or amoderncreationintended for entertainment, use in the homeoreducation.Children's music is music composed and performedforchildren. InEuropean-influenced contexts this means music,usuallysongs,written specifically for a juvenile audience. Thecomposersareusually adults. Children's music has historicallyheldbothentertainment and educational functions. and skills. Alullaby,orcradle song, is a soothing song or piece of music,usuallyplayedfor or sung to children. The purposes of lullabiesvary.
Nursery Rhymes by Dave & Ava 1.0.56
Dave & Ava
Take Dave and Ava with you anywhere and watch offline.
BrainPOP ELL 1.1.3
Learn English with BrainPOP!
Canticos Bilingual Preschool 2.0.16
Bilingual learning at its best with videos, books, games and more!
HappyKids 4.7.1
Happykids entertains and educates kids ofallages with music, stories and activity guides. Download thisfreechannel and make your kids happy
Kidstream 8.202.1
Safe and Educational TV for Kids of all ages
Learn Languages for Kids 2023.06.24.0
For children from 2 years - 7 years. Learn new languages withfungames!
Azoomee - Games & Videos Kids Love 4.15.8
Award-winning, BAFTA-nominated app with all the fun stuff kidslove.Action-packed games, puzzles, inspiring videos, and kids’favouriteTV shows. All handpicked and age-appropriate, so kids canrun wild.EVERYTHING AWESOME IN ONE SAFE PLACE: New games andvideos addedevery week Fully personalised profiles for every kidSafe instantmessaging with parental controls All content ishandpicked byexperts We win awards! TRUSTED BY PARENTS AROUND THEWORLD: •COPPA-certified by the kidSAFE Seal Program • Made forMums GoldAward Winner • PIN-protected parental controls • No ads,nounexpected bills • Up to 5 devices at the same time AZOOMEEPREMIUMSUBSCRIPTION: • Free trial where you can enjoy all premiumfeaturesfor 7 days! • Unlimited access to everything whilesubscribed. •Payment will be charged to your Google Play accountat confirmationof purchase. • Subscription automatically renewseach month unlessauto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours beforethe end of thecurrent period. • Your account will be charged forrenewal within24-hours prior to the end of the current period. •You can manageyour subscription and turn auto-renewal on or off bygoing to theGoogle Play Store after purchase. • Any unused portionof a freetrial period, if offered, will be forfeited when youpurchase asubscription, where applicable. PRIVACY & SAFETY:Azoomee valuesprivacy and safety. We do not share or sell your oryour child'spersonal information with 3rd parties, and we do notserve anyadvertising. PrivacyPolicy: a line at: [email protected] *Content availability may vary.
Pili Pop - Learn English 7.4.1
English games and activities for kids - Help kids learn englishwithfun games
One4kids TV 8.202.1
One 4 Kids
Now your children can enjoy hours of 100% halal online TV
GoNoodle - Kids Videos 3.8.0
Videos for kids that focus on movement, mindfulness,andself-discovery. 8.55.0
ABCmouse offers a full online learning program for kids 2—8.
Hopster: ABC Games for Kids 3.57.33
Pre-k & toddler learning games & TV Shows. Phonics,drawing& stories for kids
HooplaKidz Plus Preschool App 8.202.1
A magical world of fun and learning awaits! Safe edutainmentforkids
Montessori Nature 1.1.7
Explore. Nurture. Grow At last a gardening app that doesn't costtheearth!
Lola's ABC Party 2.2.8
Fun, educator-proven games help them master phonics, letters,andfirst words!
Starfall 3.2.36
Starfall offers numerous activities. Become a subscriber toaccessall content.
SplashLearn Math & Reading App 1.9
Play games and develop math & reading skills like 40M+learnersworldwide
Apprendre à Lire - Syllabique - Gratuit 2.9
Plusieurs dizaines de milliers d'enfants utilisent déjàSyllabique.Recommandé par de nombreux orthophonistes pour apprendreà lire,gratuit et complet, ce jeu éducatif s’appuie sur laméthodesyllabique pour apprendre le français tout en s’amusant dèsl’âgede 3 ans. A travers des niveaux progressifs et structurés,l’enfantassimile les sons, puis les syllabes, puis leur assemblage.Un belavantage pour votre enfant ! Caractéristiques: ** Gratuit :Tousles niveaux, du premier au dernier, sont accessiblesgratuitement.** Efficace : De nombreux enfants ont appris lalecture grâce à cematériel pédagogique. ** Rigoureux :Apprentissage strictementsyllabique conçu par des professeursexpérimentés. ** Complet : Unecentaine de niveaux avec une nouvellesyllabe par niveau. ** Suivi: L’adulte peut analyser la progressionde l’enfant grâce auxscores. ** Motivant : Des tests et couleursencouragent l’enfant etsoulignent ses progrès. ** Epanouissant :Chaque enfant progresse àson rythme et avec plaisir. ** Progressif: D’abord voyellessimples, puis 1ère syllabe des mots, puis 2, puis3 syllabes parmot. ** Evolutif : Chaque niveau tient compte desacquisitions desniveaux précédents. ** Polyvalent : Adapté auxenfants précoces, oudans la moyenne, ou nécessitant un soutiencomplémentaire dansl’apprentissage de la lecture. Convient aux 3ans, 4 ans, 5 ans, 6ans, 7 ans, depuis la moyenne section et grandesection jusqu'aucp, ce1, ce2, cm1. ** Mobile : A la maison, envoiture ou en train,une connexion Internet n’est pas nécessaire. **Soigné : Environ250 belles images illustrent les mots en français.
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