Top 20 Apps Similar to War of the Colors LiveWP

Aquarium Live Wallpaper 1.0
Aquarium - a glass vesselintendedformaintenance in the home of various fish andtropicalplants.Home aquarium maintenance is intended for amateuraquaticorganisms.For the most part, the term "home aquarium"isunderstood freshwatertropical aquarium designed to holdthetropical fish and plants.However, there are also domesticmarineaquariums where theythemselves held koralyy and coral reefsfishand crustaceans andmollusks.
Monkey & Banana Live Wallpaper 1.0
This funny monkey dreams of adeliciousbanana,and then her dreams come true,it surprised and rushes to meet himMonkey is a very mysterious creature, its importancedifferentviewsin different countriesIn Buddhism monkey is one of three heartless creature,greedy,alwayssomething snaps.In Chinese tradition, it symbolizes ugly and perverse,hastheability to transform. There are nine animalsTwelveTerrestrialbranches.In Christianity means vanity, love of luxury, the devil.In Hinduism it - an attribute monkey godHanuman,possessingdivine power and is the son of the wind god Vayy.Also,sometimesdepicting Hanuman the monkey on his head.In the Maya God of the North Star had a monkey head.
Cool Dragon Live Wallpaper 1.0
Of all the fictional creaturesdragonmostfamous in the world. From ancient times to the presenttime,theeast and the west, in the national epic andfantasticworksembodiment dragon was terrible superhuman strength.In thelegendsof many peoples of the world dragons - powerfulopponentseternalheroes.Each of the legends victory over the dragon has greatsymbolicandsometimes practical. Heroes of Middle transfers thussavetheirpeople from various disasters. Win dragon,mythologicalGreekwarriors gained immortality as medieval knights-countlesstreasures and royal brides beautiful crown.In modern fiction novels fate of many civilizationsplanetsfuturedepends on the outcome of the battle with the dragon,whosepowerextends to the whole universe. Wherever there was adragon, hewasalways brave opponent. Their struggle - the main storyof mythsofall nations.However, the dragon is not always considered so muchamonster.Modern dragon has very little in common with itsmedievalancestor,and even less - the dragons of ancient myths andlegends,whichoften was absolutely horrible unnaturalbloodlust.
Yummy Sweets Live Wallpaper 1.0
Cake - a pastryproduct,characterizeddecorative art design, high calorie and a hugevarietyof tastesand aromas.Cake - a traditional festive dish,decorationanniversaries,banquets and family celebrations. There aremanyversions of thehistorical origin cakes. On one of them, thefirstcake was bakedin Italy. No wonder the name of theconfectioneryproducts isderived from the Italian word in the "cake"which meanstwisted,tortuosity and symbolizes cream intricatedecorations.
Modern Art Live Wallpaper 1.0
Modern art - burdenedterminologicalaccuracyconcept that can mean the art of what ishappening in thepresentmoment, or refer to a set of artistic trendsand movementsthatemerged in the second half of the XX century.According tothedirector of the Ukrainian Foundation "Center forContemporaryArt"Catherine Botanova, contemporary art can beinterpreted asbeing"engaged actively responds to the state ofsociety and thestate oftoday's world"
Expression Chocolat LWallpaper 1.0
Sometimes one can give a new tastefeelingofabsolute harmony around. Then comes an understanding ofhowlittleis needed for happiness - not alwayssomethingcomplex,long-awaited and material. Most - the simplest ofall.Such, suchas chocolate. It is difficult to mention a product with such amysteriousandcontroversial history. Initially used only chocolateinliquidstate. The drink was pretty tough, bitter, preparedwithspices andaromatic herbs. So he learned about the firstEuropeansChristopherColumbus, who brought cocoa fruits fromtropicalAmerica, wherechocolate was a drink shamans and leaders oflocaltribes. At thetime this oddity was not assessed properly andonlycenturies laterthe Spanish General Fernando Cortez againbroughtthe mysteriouscocoa beans to Europe. Unidentified Mexicandelicacytribes hadhuge success, drinking chocolate were all noblecourts.The cost atthat time chocolate was huge, so ordinary peoplecouldnot evendream to try this new drink.
Mandala 3D Live Wallpaper 1.0
Mandala - a sacred symbol used inmeditationinBuddhism, ritual objects.Mandala represents the area of ​​residence ofdeities,Buddhaspure land. Mandala - a symbol geometric complexstructure,which isinterpreted as a model of the universe, "map ofthecosmos," anexpression of everything. The standard form ofthemandala - theouter circle of the square inscribed in it, whichisplaced insidethe circle (often segmented), or presented in theformof a lotus.The outer circle reveals a universe inside -measurementdeities,Bodhisattva, Buddhas; sometimes - on thecontrary. Themediansquare at the time of creation and destructionaimed atthecardinal.Mandala can be more than a two-dimensional.Technicalperformanceis not limited to: fabric, sand paintings,metal,stone, wood; less- water. Mandala sometimes reproduce withcoloredpowder for ritualpractices (such as the Kalachakrainitiation). Atthe end of theritual made mandala made destroy.Mandala is so sacred that its creation is accompaniedbyspecialrituals and even the act of creation can be consideredanobject ofworship to the point. Mandalas often depict onfloors,walls andceilings of churches, carpets and otherobjects.
Juicy Fruits Live Wallpaper 1.0
Vegetables, fruits and berries havelongbeenincorporated into many health and generalstrengtheningrations.They have high energy properties andbeneficial to all.They heldmany different valuable substances. Themost common in ourdiet arethe following fruits andvegetables.
Dynamic Crystal Live Wallpaper 4.0
Crystal - solid from orderly internal structure that looks likeapolyhedron with natural flat facets: the orderliness ofstructureis to a certain frequency of crystal elements in space Dueto sucha structure of crystalline substances havecharacteristicproperties as: began melting point cleavageanisotropy elasticitySince the crystals are composed snow and ice,rocks, sugar and soon. Divided into the shape of symmetry.Substances that have nocrystal lattice, known as amorphoussubstances.
Funny Mr. Crab Live Wallpaper 1.0
Many eastern nations in ancient timeslinkedthecrabs with water deities, especially with the sea. Forexample,theancient Egyptians believed crab is not just a symbol ofwater,but itis a positive force that creates new and revive old.Mythsof AncientGreece to explain the presence ofgratitudeconstellation crabsupreme goddess Hera, Heracles for helpincombating the hydra,respectively, crab symbolizesreliability,support. Crab crabreliability also acts through a hardshell thatprotects the body.Inca Civilization seen in crabsaggressive start- they believe thatthis is the crab "bite off" apiece of themoon, making it amonth.
Skateboarder Bunny Live WP 1.0
Bunny has white hair, then winter came.Thecoatis short and thick and warm his cold. In a smallmuzzleclearlyvisible two ears that listen to every sound in theforest.Two littleeyes observant observe everything that happensaround.Behind is thetail. It is a small, furry and round. Hindlegslonger than thefront. This allows him to quickly jump toescapefrom enemies.Skateboarding - skateboard, short - skate. It is a boardonfourwheels for skateboarding. It has a special designwheelsuspension,which provides for maneuvering a turn ineitherdirection.Skateboarding movement leads to the repulsion of one footfromtheground, while the other is on the board.
Unusual sphere live wallpapers 3.2
Scope is a rotation surface formedbytherotation of a semicircle around its diameter. Space areasindegreesubject variability measure the dimensions of arcsof41,252.96square meters. degrees.The sphere is a special case of an ellipsoid, in whichallthreeaxis (axis radii) level. The sphere is the surface oftheball. Thesphere has the smallest area of ​​all surfaces thatlimittheamount given also on all surfaces of the area of​​thespherelargest volume limits. Therefore, the spherical bodyfoundinnature, such as small drops of water in free fall isbecomingaspherical shape by minimizing the surface area of​​thesurfacetension force.
Silly Frog Live Wallpaper 1.0
Frogs are very well masteredtheplanet,populated its borders to the polar continents. They canbefound inthe forests and swamps, and deep in the desert, if thereiseven atiny water source. Frogs live in the wild, undevelopedpersonstillparts of the world, and major cities. They live andtrees intheground, so it was, when the two-meter depth in hardclayfoundliving frogs.
Funny Cat Live Wallpaper 1.0
Cat - a domestic animal domesticated bymanlongago. And these animals are more likely than others to keepthehouse.Why? I think that this is so for many reasons.Catsmall,independent, accurate pet care cats do not requirespecialskills,and communication brings great satisfaction.Other animals are exposed to humans and often changing,livingwiththe man. But the cat is becoming ever humancompanion,remainedindependent, almost semi Shrew. Quickly gettingused to itsowner,the cat does not lose its independence. Perhapsthis featureis thecat type.Domestic cats are very independent animals, besides believeitisgraceful, charming and affectionate. Cats are more likelytokeepthe animals in the house.
Fluffy monsters Live Wallpaper 1.0
Monster or another monster, scarecrow,monster-frightening, ugly creature with supernatural power. Asametaphorused to describe the dominant real or imaginaryobject,technicaldevice with supernatural abilities.In video games, gameplay which includes a variety oftravelandfights in hostile lands, "monsters" called managedcomputersandhostile to the player characters.
Sea Waves Live Wallpaper 1.0
The excitement, the waves on thewater-oscillatory motion of surface water weight in water(seas,oceans,lakes, rivers) to form water billows (waves) causedbywind,atmospheric pressure change, earthquakes, vessel traffic,asharpchange in the profile of the bottom and so on. Acommonfeature ofwater waves is the presence of dispersion,whichsignificantlyaffects the development of wave processes onthesurface. This isdue to a phenomenon dispersion distinguish wavesindeep water(wavelength less than the depth of the reservoir)andwaves inshallow water, to the latter phenomenon is not observedandthedispersion of the phase velocity determined by the depthofthereservoir. [1]In dismissing points on the surface of the liquidfromtheequilibrium take effect two forces that are trying tobringthemback to equilibrium - a force of surface tensionandgravity.Depending on the wavelength of one of these forcescanbeprevailing. In this connection distinguishsuperficialcapillaryand gravitational waves.
Falling Rain Live Wallpaper 1.0
Here the sun disappeared behind theclouds,thesky was gray and low. The air wafted coolness. After afewminutesthe first drops of rain hit the ground. They werehuge!Asphaltunderfoot became like peas in cloth, but not forlong.Rainintensified and quickly soaked everything around. Lathrainrustledthrough the trees on the petals of flowers rustledonrooftops,knocked on every window. With the rain camefreshness,purity andrenewal that he not only washed away the dustfrom theroad, butthe fatigue of the human soul.
The world of Insect Live WP 1.0
Class insects - the most diverse, numerousandhighly organized class of arthropods. Number of speciesnamesexceeds 750 thousand. The class includes 30 units. Insectsfound inAntarctica in arid deserts, they have mastered the air,settleddeepest caves freshwater; insect larvae adapted to almostallconditions.
Explosion Paint Live Wallpaper 1.0
These beautiful and incredibleSplashwonderfulcolors are bright and uniquely fill your screenfantasticrange ofcolorful flowersDownload our beautiful live wallpaper and fill yourphoneuniquenessand originality, refine your user interface andgiveyourself a goodmood every day is with our wallpaper
Low Polly Parrot Live Wallpape 1.0
Low poly is a polygon mesh in3Dcomputergraphics that has a relatively small number ofpolygons.Low polymeshes occur in real-time applications ( andcontrastwith high poly meshes in animated movies andspecialeffects of thesame era. The term low poly is used in bothatechnical and adescriptive sense; the number of polygons in ameshis an importantfactor to optimize for performance but can giveanundesirableappearance to the resulting graphics