Top 21 Apps Similar to Snake Wallpapers

Snake wallpaper 1.0
Snakes are elongated, legless, carnivorous reptiles of thesuborderSerpentes that can be distinguished from legless lizards bytheirlack of eyelids and external ears. Like all squamates, snakesareectothermic, amniote vertebrates covered in overlappingscales.Manyspecies of snakes have skulls with several more joints thantheirlizard ancestors, enabling them to swallow prey much largerthantheir heads with their highly mobile jaws. To accommodatetheirnarrow bodies, snakes' paired organs (such as kidneys) appearonein front of the other instead of side by side, and most haveonlyone functional lung. Some species retain a pelvic girdlewith apairof vestigial claws on either side of the cloaca. Living snakesarefound on every continent except Antarctica, and on mostsmallerland masses — exceptions include some large islands, suchasIreland and New Zealand, and many small islands of the Atlanticandcentral Pacific. Additionally, sea snakes are widespreadthroughoutthe Indian and Pacific Oceans. More than 20 families arecurrentlyrecognized, comprising about 500 generaand about 3,400species.They range in size from the tiny, 10 cm-long thread snaketo thereticulated python of up to 6.95 meters (22.8 ft) in length.Thefossil species Titanoboa cerrejonensis was 13 meters (43 ft)long.Snakes are thought to have evolved from either burrowing oraquaticlizards, perhaps during the Jurassic period, with theearliestknown fossils dating to between 143 and 167 Ma ago. Thediversityof modern snakes appeared during the Paleocene period. Theoldestpreserved descriptions of snakes can be found in theBrooklynPapyrus. Most species are nonvenomous and those that havevenom useit primarily to kill and subdue prey rather than forself-defense.Some possess venom potent enough to cause painfulinjury or deathto humans. Nonvenomous snakes either swallow preyalive or killbyconstriction. Get it free…for snakes wallpaper butnot anaconda.Support for all Android Mobile Devices.
Funny Wallpapers 3.1
This is free App name Funny Wallpapers, consist oflargecollectionof Funny Wallpapers that beautify your Androiddevice i.emobile ortablet screen and give the bestbackgrounds.Escape the stress every day, get now this App andfeelinstantlyreleased. Funny Wallpapers App have High Qualitypictures,imagesand backgrounds.Please note that Internet connection through Wi-Fi or3Gisrequired to download Funny Wallpapers. Download andinstallthisfree App and decorate your Android device.Once download this App, all pictures are availablewithoutinternetconnection.---> App Features <---This application contains hundreds of High-Resolution images.Features of the app include:-> Set image as Wallpaper.-> Save wallpapers on SD card.-> Full support for landscape and portrait mode.-> You can change its color by color button and also saveittophoto gallery.This App has been tested on Android latest devices.Pleasecontactus at [email protected] ifyourdeviceis not supported or any suggestions.
Dinosaur Wallpapers 4.0
This is free App name DinosaurWallpapers,consist of large collection of Dinosaur Wallpapers thatbeautifyyour Android device i.e mobile or tablet screen and givethe bestbackgrounds.Escape the stress every day, get now this App and feelinstantlyreleased. Dinosaur Wallpapers App have High Qualitypictures,images and backgrounds.Most people think of dinosaurs as big, ferocious andextinctreptiles. That's largely true, but there are somemisconceptions.Dinosaurs came in all shapes and sizes. Dinosaurswere the largestland animals of all time, but a great number ofdinosaurs weresmaller than a turkey.Dinosaurs first appeared about 230 million years ago. They ruledtheEarth for about 135 million years until an extinction event65million years ago wiped out all but bird-like dinosaurs.Scientistsdon't agree entirely on what happened, but the extinctionlikelywas a double or triple whammy involving an asteroid impact,chokingchemicals from erupting volcanoes, climate change andpossiblyother factors.Many people think extinct flying reptiles called pterosaursweredinosaurs. They were dinosaurs' closest relatives buttechnicallynot dinosaurs. Pterosaurs had hollow bones, relativelylarge brainsand eyes, and, of course, the flaps of skin extendingalong theirarms, which were attached to the digits on their fronthands. Thefamily includes with elaborate, bony head crests and lackof teeth.Pterosaurs survived up until the mass die-off 65 millionyears ago,when they were went the way of the dodo along with marinereptilesand other dinosaurs. Dinosaur fossils were first recognizedin the19th century. In 1842, paleontologist Richard Owen coined thetermdinosaur, derived from the Greek deinos, meaning "terrible"or"fearfully great," and sauros, meaning "lizard" orreptile."The dinosaur could not have lived for ever. No creatures, noplants,no tiny bacteria are forever, not even Homo sapiens.Extinction isthe fate of all species. One theory on how thedinosaurs becameextinct is that of carbon dioxide, and the³greenhouse effect².Volcanoes produced the proposed conditions. Amassive volcaniceruption could have saturated the atmosphere withcarbon dioxide sothat it caused a sharp rise in temperaturesworldwide.Please note that Internet connection through Wi-Fi or 3Gisrequired to download Dinosaur Wallpapers. Download and installthisfree App and decorate your Android device.Once download this App, all pictures are available withoutinternetconnection.---> App Features <---This application contains hundreds ofHigh-Resolutionimages.Features of the app include:-> Set image as Wallpaper.-> Save wallpapers on SD card.-> Full support for landscape and portrait mode.-> You can change its color by color button and also save ittophoto gallery.This App has been tested on Android latest devices.Pleasecontact us at [email protected] ifyourdevice is not supported or any suggestions.
Cute Animal Wallpapers 4.0
This is free App name Cute AnimalWallpapers,consist of large collection of Cute Animal Wallpapersthat beautifyyour Android device i.e mobile or tablet screen andgive the bestbackgrounds.Escape the stress every day, get now this App and feelinstantlyreleased.Cute Animal Wallpapers App have High Quality pictures, imagesandbackgrounds.There are so many species of animals in the world. The entireanimalworld may be classified into five types. They areamphibians,reptiles, mammals, birds, and insects. The animals thatlive both onland and in water have moist skin and no scales onbody are calledamphibians. The toad and the frog are the two goodexamples ofamphibians.There are many advantages and disadvantages of owning a pet.Thelatter plays an important role as companion to its owner. Dogsandcats in particular are considered very close to humans andhavebeen domesticated for thousands of years. They no longer liveinthe wild but amidst human habitats. These animals can formveryclose bond with their human owners and in fact dogs are evenknownas men's best friend. Dog owners would tell you how theirbestfriend would snuggle up close to them for comfort and followthemeverywhere and know well their routines such as feeding timeandthe time when their owners return from work. Experts say thatpetsare very therapeutic and can even prolong the lives of humanbeing,especially elderly folk or these widowed and living alone.Evenyoung children and the recluse respond well to animals ratherthantheir human companions.Dogs are also kept to provide security for the home frontagainstintruders and robbers. Service dogs and sniffer dogs areused toextensively in the west such as America, United KingdomandNetherlands among others. Service dogs such as Labradors andGoldenRetriever are trained to assist the blind and elderly to helpthemwith basic tasks such as crossing the street, answering thephone,collecting the mail and others. Sniffer dogs are used bytheCustoms Unit and the police force has a Police Canine Unit thathasdogs specially trained to detect drugs and otherdangeroussubstances like bombs.If you feel any stress in home, office, or any businessenvironment,This free App give you natural environment to livehealthy and happyfor ever.Please note that Internet connection through Wi-Fi or 3G isrequiredto download Cute Animal Wallpapers. Download and installthis freeApp and decorate your Android device.Once download this App, all pictures are availablewithoutinternet connection.---> App Features <----> Easy to use-> Set image as Wallpaper.-> Save wallpapers on SD card.-> Full support for landscape and portrait mode.-> You can change its color by color button.-> Save it to photo gallery.-> The HD and HQ quality and speed of loading.-> Share all images to your friends.This free Animal Wallpapers has been tested on latestdevicessuch as Samsung Galaxy S4, S5, Samsung Galaxy Note 3, Nexus7, HTC,Q Mobile, Bee Mobile and Sony Xperia.Please contact us at [email protected] ifyourdevice is not supported or any suggestions.
Tiger Wallpapers 5.0
This is free App name TigerWallpapers,consistof large collection of Tiger Wallpapers thatbeautify yourAndroiddevice i.e mobile or tablet screen and givethebestbackgrounds.Escape the stress every day, get now this App andfeelinstantlyreleased. Tiger Wallpapers App have High Qualitypictures,imagesand backgrounds.The tiger is the fiercest and cruelest of all the wildbeasts.Itis a very strong and ferocious animal. It lies inambushandsuddenly springs upon its prey. It is fond of blood andflesh.Itcarries off cows, goats and dogs from villages. Sometimesitkillsmen.The tiger belongs to the cat family. It looks like a big cat.Ithasa long tail. It is generally eight to twelve feet long,andthree tofour feet high. Its body is of brown colour, withblackstripesacross it. There are also spotted tigers. Unlike thelion,the tigerhas no mane. Its padded feet have sharp claws, anditsteeth arevery sharp. There are four teeth, two in the upperjawand two inthe lower, which are much larger and longer thantherest. They aremeant for seizing the prey.Tigers are generally found in the jungles of Sunder bansmPakistan,West Bengal, Assam, Tripura, and Central India. InAfricanjunglesalso, there are big size tigers. .In Pakistan, tiger-killing has been prohibited bytheGovernment.Tiger's skin is very costly in the foreign market.Akind ofpain-killing balm is made from the bones of the tiger.Ofall thetigers in the world, the tigers of Sunder bans arethemostbeautiful.Please note that Internet connection through Wi-Fi or3Gisrequired to download Tiger Wallpapers. Download andinstallthisfree App and decorate your Android device.Once download this App, all pictures are availablewithoutinternetconnection.---> App Features <----> Easy to use-> Set image as Wallpaper.-> Save wallpapers on SD card.-> Full support for landscape and portrait mode.-> You can change its color by color button.-> Save it to photo gallery.-> The HD and HQ quality and speed of loading.-> Share all images to your friends.This free Tiger Wallpapers has been tested on latestdevicessuchas Samsung Galaxy S4, S5, Samsung Galaxy Note 3, Nexus7, HTC,QMobile, Bee Mobile and Sony Xperia.Please contact us at [email protected] if your deviceisnotsupported or any suggestions
Artistic Wallpaper 5.0
This is free App nameArtisticWallpaper,consist of large collection of Artistic Wallpaperthatbeautifyyour Android device i.e mobile or tablet screen andgivethe bestbackgrounds.Escape the stress every day, get now this App andfeelinstantlyreleased. Artistic Wallpaper App have HighQualitypictures, imagesand backgrounds.Please note that Internet connection through Wi-Fi or3Gisrequired to download Artistic Wallpaper. Download andinstallthisfree App and decorate your Android device.Once download this App, all pictures are availablewithoutinternetconnection.---> App Features <----> Easy to use-> Set image as Wallpaper.-> Save wallpapers on SD card.-> Full support for landscape and portrait mode.-> You can change its color by color button.-> Save it to photo gallery.-> The HD and HQ quality and speed of loading.-> Share all images to your friends.This free Artistic Wallpaper has been tested onlatestdevicessuch as Samsung Galaxy S4, S5, Samsung Galaxy Note 3,Nexus7, HTC,Q Mobile, Bee Mobile and Sony Xperia.Please contact us at [email protected] if your deviceisnotsupported or any suggestions.
Rabbit Wallpapers 5.0
This is free App name RabbitWallpapers,consist of large collection of Rabbit Wallpapers thatbeautify yourAndroid device i.e mobile or tablet screen and givethe bestbackgrounds.Escape the stress every day, get now this App and feelinstantlyreleased. Rabbit Wallpapers App have High Qualitypictures, imagesand backgrounds.Rabbits are small mammals with whiskers and distinctivelongears. Its tail is fluffy, short and round and it is called abob.Rabbit is one of the most popular pets, after dog and cat.Thereare about 30 species of rabbits around the world. Smallrabbitspecies can be as little as 8 inches in length and weigh lessthana pound. Larger rabbits grow to 20 inches and more than 4pounds.Rabbit is herbivorous. During warm months, rabbit eatsherbs, peas,grasses, clover, lettuce and greens. In the wintermonths it eatstwigs, bark and buds. It likes to eat carrots.Although it lives ina burrow, it always looks very clean. A rabbithops and can jumpvery far. It can make various sounds. Rabbits arevery social,loving and interactive creatures and live in largegroups calledcolonies or herds in a home called a warren.Rabbits and hares are two different species. The biggestdifferencebetween the two is what their babies look like at birth.Newbornhares are born with fur and are able to move as well as seeshortlyafter birth.Rabbits have a near 360-degree vision and can even see behindthem.They have just one blind spot right in front of theirnose.Rabbits are popular in mythology and culture. Many peoplebelievecarrying a rabbit’s foot will bring good luck.Their eyes are made for safety, too, since each eye can rotate360degrees. This allows them to look behind them without turningtheirheads.Please note that Internet connection through Wi-Fi or 3Gisrequired to download Rabbit Wallpapers. Download and installthisfree App and decorate your Android device.Once download this App, all pictures are available withoutinternetconnection.---> App Features <----> Easy to use-> Set image as Wallpaper.-> Save wallpapers on SD card.-> Full support for landscape and portrait mode.-> You can change its color by color button.-> Save it to photo gallery.-> The HD and HQ quality and speed of loading.-> Share all images to your friends.This free Rabbit Wallpapers has been tested on latestdevicessuch as Samsung Galaxy S4, S5, Samsung Galaxy Note 3, Nexus7, HTC,Q Mobile, Bee Mobile and Sony Xperia.Please contact us at [email protected] ifyourdevice is not supported or any suggestions
Nature Backgrounds 7.0
This is free App nameNatureBackgrounds,consist of large collection of Nature Backgroundsthatbeautifyyour Android device i.e mobile or tablet screen andgivethe bestbackgrounds.Escape the stress every day, get now this free App andfeelinstantlyreleased. Nature Backgrounds App have HighQualitypictures, imagesand backgrounds.This App is consist of beautiful Nature Wallpapers, i.ebluesky,land, running rivers, sea, forests, mountains, valleys,hillsandmany more things.We live on the most beautiful planet, Earth which has verycleanandattractive nature full of greenery. Nature is our bestfriendwhichprovides us all the resources to live here. It gives uswatertodrink, pure air to breathe, food to eat, land tostay,animals,plants for our other uses, etc for our betterment.Weshould fullyenjoy the nature without disturbing itsecologicalbalance. Weshould care our nature, make it peaceful, keepit cleanand preventit from the destruction so that we can enjoy ournatureforever.Nature is a most precious gift given by the God to ustoenjoy butnot to harm.Nature is the most beautiful and attractive surroundingarounduswhich make us happy and provide us natural environmenttolivehealthy. Our nature provides us variety ofbeautifulflowers,attractive birds, animals, green plants, blue sky,land,runningrivers, sea, forests, air, mountains, valleys, hillsandmany morethings. Our God has created a beautiful nature forthehealthyliving of us. All the things we use for our living aretheassetsof nature which we should not spoil and damage.If you feel any stress in home, office, or anybusinessenvironment,This free App give you natural environment tolivehealthy and happyfor ever.Please note that Internet connection through Wi-Fi or3Gisrequired to download Nature Backgrounds. Download andinstallthisfree App and decorate your Android device.Once download this App, all pictures are availablewithoutinternetconnection.This application contains hundreds of High-Resolution images.---> App Features <----> Set image as Wallpaper.-> Save wallpapers on SD card.-> Full support for landscape and portrait mode.-> You can change its color by color button and also saveittophoto gallery.This App has been tested on Android latest devices.Pleasecontactus at [email protected] if your device is notsupportedor anysuggestions.
Stunning Nature Pictures 5.0
This is free App name StunningNaturePictures,consist of large collection of Stunning Naturewallpapersthatbeautify your Android device i.e mobile or tabletscreen andgivethe best backgrounds.Escape the stress every day, get now this App andfeelinstantlyreleased. Stunning Nature Pictures App have HighQualitypictures,images and backgrounds.This App consist of nature Pictures I.e Sea, Blue Sky,Cloud,Winter,Desert, Green Mountains, Green Field, Beach, Sunset,Sunrise etc.Nature is an integral part of our lives. Nature hasmyriadfacets.It keeps changing from season to season, from minutetominute. Ifthe sea was a bright blue in the morning, by noon ithasbecome anemerald green hue. The colors of the sky keepchangingthroughout theday, from pale pink at dawn to a dazzlingblue atmid-morning and abright orange by sunset and purple bytwilight.Nature reflects ourmoods. When the sun shines, we feelhappy andhopeful.When the skies cloud over and the rain falls in torrents,wefeelpensive. A balmy moonlit night can awaken the loverinus.It has been observed that patients in hospital recover fasteriftheyare in a room with windows that offer a pleasant view ifyouhave noview then you can enjoy my Nature App, consist ofnaturepictures.Beyond providing pure pleasure, nature’s beautycantherefore offertherapy for sick minds and bodies.Please note that Internet connection through Wi-Fi or3Gisrequired to Stunning Nature Pictures. Download andinstallthisfree App and decorate your Android device.Once download this App, all pictures are availablewithoutinternetconnection---> App Features <----> Easy to use-> Set image as Wallpaper.-> Save wallpapers on SD card.-> Full support for landscape and portrait mode.-> You can change its color by color button.-> Save it to photo gallery.-> The HD and HQ quality and speed of loading.-> Share all images to your friends.This free Stunning Nature Pictures has been tested onlatestdevicessuch as Samsung Galaxy S4, S5, Samsung Galaxy Note 3,Nexus7, HTC,Q Mobile, Bee Mobile and Sony Xperia.Please contact us at [email protected] ifyourdeviceis not supported or any suggestions
Nature Images 6.0
This is free App name Nature Images,consistoflarge collection of Nature Images that beautify yourAndroiddevicei.e mobile or tablet screen and give thebestbackgrounds.Escape the stress every day, get now this free App andfeelinstantlyreleased. Nature Images App have High Qualitypictures,images andbackgrounds.This App is consist of beautiful Nature Wallpapers, i.ebluesky,land, running rivers, sea, forests, mountains, valleys,hillsandmany more things.We live on the most beautiful planet, Earth which has verycleanandattractive nature full of greenery. Nature is our bestfriendwhichprovides us all the resources to live here. It gives uswatertodrink, pure air to breathe, food to eat, land tostay,animals,plants for our other uses, etc for our betterment.Weshould fullyenjoy the nature without disturbing itsecologicalbalance. Weshould care our nature, make it peaceful, keepit cleanand preventit from the destruction so that we can enjoy ournatureforever.Nature is a most precious gift given by the God to ustoenjoy butnot to harm.Nature is the most beautiful and attractive surroundingarounduswhich make us happy and provide us natural environmenttolivehealthy. Our nature provides us variety ofbeautifulflowers,attractive birds, animals, green plants, blue sky,land,runningrivers, sea, forests, air, mountains, valleys, hillsandmany morethings. Our God has created a beautiful nature forthehealthyliving of us. All the things we use for our living aretheassetsof nature which we should not spoil and damage.If you feel any stress in home, office, or anybusinessenvironment,This free App give you natural environment tolivehealthy and happyfor ever.Please note that Internet connection through Wi-Fi or3Gisrequired to download Nature Images. Download and installthisfreeApp and decorate your Android device.Once download this App, all pictures are availablewithoutinternetconnection.This application contains hundreds of High-Resolution images.---> App Features <----> Set image as Wallpaper.-> Save wallpapers on SD card.-> Full support for landscape and portrait mode.-> You can change its color by color button and also saveittophoto gallery.This App has been tested on Android latest devices.Pleasecontactus at [email protected] ifyourdeviceis not supported or any suggestions.
HQ Nature Wallpapers 8.0
This is free App name HQNatureWallpapers,consist of large collection of StunningNaturewallpapers thatbeautify your Android device i.e mobile ortabletscreen and givethe best backgrounds.Escape the stress every day, get now this App andfeelinstantlyreleased. HQ Nature Wallpapers App have HighQualitypictures,images and backgrounds.This App consist of nature images I.e Sea, Sky,Cloud,Winter,Mountains, Field, Beach, Sunset, Sun rise etc.Nature is an integral part of our lives. Nature has myriadfacets.Itkeeps changing from season to season, from minute tominute. Ifthesea was a bright blue in the morning, by noon it hasbecomeanemerald green hue. The colors of the sky keepchangingthroughoutthe day, from pale pink at dawn to a dazzlingblue atmid-morningand a bright orange by sunset and purple bytwilight.Naturereflects our moods. When the sun shines, we feelhappyandhopeful.When the skies cloud over and the rain falls in torrents,wefeelpensive. A balmy moonlit night can awaken the loverinus.It has been observed that patients in hospital recover fasteriftheyare in a room with windows that offer a pleasant view ifyouhave noview then you can enjoy my nature App, consist ofnaturepictures..Beyond providing pure pleasure, nature’s beautycantherefore offertherapy for sick minds and bodies.Please note that Internet connection through Wi-Fi or3Gisrequired to HQ Nature Wallpapers. Download and installthisfreeApp and decorate your Android device.Once download this App, all pictures are availablewithoutinternetconnection---> App Features <----> Easy to use-> Set image as Wallpaper.-> Save wallpapers on SD card.-> Full support for landscape and portrait mode.-> You can change its color by color button.-> Save it to photo gallery.-> The HD and HQ quality and speed of loading.-> Share all images to your friends.This free HQ Nature Wallpapers has been tested on latestdevicessuchas Samsung Galaxy S4, S5, Samsung Galaxy Note 3, Nexus7, HTC,QMobile, Bee Mobile and Sony Xperia.Please contact us at [email protected] if your deviceisnotsupported or any suggestions
Parrot Wallpaper 5.0
This is free App name Parrot Wallpaper,consistof large collection of Parrot Wallpaper that beautify yourAndroiddevice i.e mobile or tablet screen and give thebestbackgrounds.Escape the stress every day, get now this App and feelinstantlyreleased. Parrot Wallpaper App have High Quality pictures,imagesand backgrounds.Please note that Internet connection through Wi-Fi or 3Gisrequired to download Parrot Wallpaper. Download and installthisfree App and decorate your Android device.Once download this App, all pictures are available withoutinternetconnection.---> App Features <----> Easy to use-> Set image as Wallpaper.-> Save wallpapers on SD card.-> Full support for landscape and portrait mode.-> You can change its color by color button.-> Save it to photo gallery.-> The HD and HQ quality and speed of loading.-> Share all images to your friends.This free Parrot Wallpapers has been tested on latestdevicessuch as Samsung Galaxy S4, S5, Samsung Galaxy Note 3, Nexus7, HTC,Q Mobile, Bee Mobile and Sony Xperia.Please contact us at [email protected] ifyourdevice is not supported or any suggestions
Drive HD by Cobra 1.0.3
RECORD YOUR RIDE!This app enables you to remotely control compatibleDriveHD™cameras to view live video, upload and sharevideos,adjustsettings, and more!VIEW LIVE VIDEO - WiFi Direct connection streams livevideofromyour Drive HD compatible camera to your Android deviceCONTROL THE CAMERA - Start recordings, record photosandvideosdirectly to your phone, or even send livevoice messages to be played on the cameraUPLOAD AND SHARE VIDEOS - View or download videos andimagesfromthe camera’s SD card where they can immediately besharedoreditedCLOUD MODE - Connect your camera to a WiFi router andthenviewlive video in the app from anywhere in the worldMULTI-VIEW - View video from up to 4 Drive HD Cameras atthesametimeADJUST SETTINGS - Control all of your camera’ssettingswitheasy-to-use menusTo purchase a compatible Drive HD Camera visit
Nature Themes 5.0
This is free App name Nature Themes,consistoflarge collection of Nature Themes that beautify yourAndroiddevicei.e mobile or tablet screen and give thebestbackgrounds.Escape the stress every day, get now this free App andfeelinstantlyreleased. Nature Themes App have High Qualitypictures,images andbackgrounds.This App is consist of beautiful Nature Wallpapers, i.ebluesky,land, running rivers, sea, forests, mountains, valleys,hillsandmany more things.We live on the most beautiful planet, Earth which has verycleanandattractive nature full of greenery. Nature is our bestfriendwhichprovides us all the resources to live here. It gives uswatertodrink, pure air to breathe, food to eat, land tostay,animals,plants for our other uses, etc for our betterment.Weshould fullyenjoy the nature without disturbing itsecologicalbalance. Weshould care our nature, make it peaceful, keepit cleanand preventit from the destruction so that we can enjoy ournatureforever.Nature is a most precious gift given by the God to ustoenjoy butnot to harm.Nature is the most beautiful and attractive surroundingarounduswhich make us happy and provide us natural environmenttolivehealthy. Our nature provides us variety ofbeautifulflowers,attractive birds, animals, green plants, blue sky,land,runningrivers, sea, forests, air, mountains, valleys, hillsandmany morethings. Our God has created a beautiful nature forthehealthyliving of us. All the things we use for our living aretheassetsof nature which we should not spoil and damage.If you feel any stress in home, office, or anybusinessenvironment,This free App give you natural environment tolivehealthy and happyfor ever.Please note that Internet connection through Wi-Fi or3Gisrequired to download Nature Themes. Download and installthisfreeApp and decorate your Android device.Once download this App, all pictures are availablewithoutinternetconnection.---> App Features <---This application contains hundredsofHigh-Resolutionimages.Features of the app include:-> Set image as Wallpaper.-> Save wallpapers on SD card.-> Full support for landscape and portrait mode.-> You can change its color by color button and also saveittophoto gallery.This App has been tested on Android latest devices.Pleasecontactus at [email protected] if your device is notsupportedor anysuggestions.
Jaguar Theme 5.0
This is free App name Jaguar Theme, consistoflarge collection of Jaguar Theme that beautify your Androiddevicei.e mobile or tablet screen and give the bestbackgrounds.Escape the stress every day, get now this App and feelinstantlyreleased. Jaguar Theme App have High Quality pictures,images andbackgrounds.The jaguar is a unique animal. Their size in length variesfrom44-73 inches, their tail is short and thick and is 18-30incheslong. The weight in males varies from 125-250 lbs., infemales,it's 100-200 lbs. The sexual maturity for a jaguar is 3years. Theycan mate at any time of the year, but it's non-seasonalin thetropics; and early autumn in extremes of range. Gestationtakes93-110 days. They can give birth to 1-4 cubs, but they canonlyhave cubs every other year. The habit of the jaguar isusuallysolitary, only getting together to mate during breedingseason.Their diet mainly consist of ground living mammals. Someexamplesof these mammals are domestic stock, fish, frogs, turtles,smallalligators, peccaries, turtle eggs, tapir, and deer. Whenincaptivity the jaguar can live up to 22 years. The closestrelativeto the jaguar is the leopard.Please note that Internet connection through Wi-Fi or 3G isrequiredto download Jaguar Theme. Download and install this freeApp anddecorate your Android device.Once download this App, all pictures are available withoutinternetconnection.This application contains hundreds of High-Resolution images.---> App Features <----> Easy to use-> Set image as Wallpaper.-> Save wallpapers on SD card.-> Full support for landscape and portrait mode.-> You can change its color by color button.-> Save it to photo gallery.-> The HD and HQ quality and speed of loading.-> Share all images to your friends.This free Jaguar Theme App has been tested on latest devices suchasSamsung Galaxy S4, S5, Samsung Galaxy Note 3, Nexus 7, HTC,QMobile, Bee Mobile and Sony Xperia.Please contact us at [email protected] ifyourdevice is not supported or any suggestions
Snake Wallpapers 1.0.0
Gallery of snakes - high quality HD photos.Features:- Huge amount of images- Set image as wallpaper- Download image- Share with friends- lightweight- absolutely FREE- weekly updates with more features- (!) copyright information for each photo with active linktothesource
Free Color Effects for Photos 1.7
Wave of Fun
✎ Paint the brightest picture and enjoy your life inflashingcolors! Free Color Effects for Photos is a unique “photoeditor”that lets you make a work of art of your ordinary photos inamatter of seconds. Just add a “color touch” to a picture thatyouwant to edit and our amazing “color effects” will paint your dayinthe colours of rainbow. You can easily change color on pictureandrecolor image with this best new “photo color editor” “FreeColorEffects for Photos”. Just touch the nuance that you wanttohighlight on your picture and it will stand out against theblackand white background, brighter than ever! Explore the worldofcolors, play with a variety of “photo effects” and createamasterpiece of color art in a sec. Highlight the best part ofyourblack and white photos, add cool color photo effects and makephotoediting the most amazing adventure! ♡ ♥ ♡ Highlight the bestpartof your black and white photos, add cool photo effects andenjoyphoto editing! ♡ ♥ ♡ ✎ We introduce you the best free appforAndroid™ devices. Take a look at what you can find in thisawesomecolourful photo studio: ➦ The best free image editing toolwithcool camera effects and photo color options ➦ Add effects tophotoswith ease and preciseness and edit your photos using themostamazing color filters! ➦ Choose the pic from the gallery ortake anew one with your instant camera! ➦ Create a black and whiteeffectand apply your favourite color shade! ➦ Decide on the part oftheimage and add a color touch photo effect! ➦ Plenty of nuancesonthe color plate! ➦ No need to paint the parts with fingers –justclick on the color and you are done! ➦ Easy and precise! ➦Saveyour work of art in your photo gallery! ➦ Set your recolorpictureas wallpaper background ➦ Share your new “photo montage”onFacebook, Twitter, Instagram! ✎ Get ready to see the worldthroughrose-tinted glasses! Or do you prefer some other colour? Inour piclaboratory Free Color Effects for Photos you have at yourdisposala vivid color palette to pick and choose whatever coloryour heartdesires. Put on your favourite red dress, take a pictureand touchthe red color button. The result will leave you breathless– yourdress will be fiery red and even more conspicuous thanks tothisunique image editor free. Explore the world of colour, choosesomeof color pop photo effects and have the best of times wheneveryouedit your pictures. Go for a walk, take a picture, get hisawesomeimage editing software on your phone and emphasize the blueof thesky, the white of the clouds or the green of the trees. ✎ Wehave acolor changer that will make all your dreams come true!Recolorpicture, add color splash, highlight your favourite details– it iseasy and fun thanks to this best photo editor, a brand newfree appof its kind. Photo editing will be fun like never before,justenter this cool photo booth and get lost in a maze ofwoderfulcolor photo effects designed for enjoyable photo editing.Shareyour perfect photo montage on social networks or embellishyourphone with a color retouch photo instantly and easily. ✎ Ifyouwant to emphasize a particular detail on your picture, youdon`tneed to have a magic wand! Just use your imagination and bringoutthe best in every picture with a single click. Grab thisuniquechance, download this best free photo editor and edit yourimageslike a professional photographer. Each and every photomontage willbe perfect and it will spare your precious time. Getrid ofcomplicated photo editors right now. You are just a clickaway froma perfect photo montage with bright colors, so startmaking magicon your phone and enjoy your experience! * Android is atrademarkof Google Inc. * This app is ad – supported.
Lizard Wallpapers 5.0
This is free App name LizardWallpapers,consist of large collection of Lizard Wallpapers thatbeautify yourAndroid device i.e mobile or tablet screen and givethe bestbackgrounds.Escape the stress every day, get now this App and feelinstantlyreleased. Lizard Wallpapers App have High Qualitypictures, imagesand backgrounds.Lizards are in the class called Reptilian (reptiles) and intheorder Squamata - which also includes snakes. There are over3,000lizard species throughout the world and they are found allover theworld except for Polar Regions. Most lizards live in treesor onthe ground; only a few live in the water.Lizards are small cold-blooded reptiles that have a longtail,eyelids, and usually have four legs with five toes on eachfoot (agroup of lizards called amphibians have no legs).Lizards vary in size from under 3 inches (7.5 cm) long to over10feet (3 m) long The Komodo Dragon is one of thelargestlizards.Lizards also vary in color. Ground and tree-dwelling lizardsareusually brightly-colored. Desert lizards are usually camouflagesothey blend into their surroundings.Chameleons can change the color of their skin to matchtheirsurroundings.A lizard can break off part of its tail if being attacked.Thepredator is often distracted and eats the tail as thelizardescapes. The lizard will regrow the tail.Most lizards eat insects and that is why they arecalledinsectivores. Lizards are extremely valuable because theyhelp tocontrol the insect population. The lizards that eat smallanimalsand birds are called carnivores. A few lizards eat plantsand theyare called herbivores.Most female lizards lay soft-shelled eggs, but a few give birthtolive young. The baby lizards that are born in an egg have aspecialtemporary tooth they use to break the shell which allowsthem tohatch.Most lizards live in trees (Arboreal) and are well adaptedtoclimbing. They are often fast runners, some achieving speedsofover 15 mi (24 km) per hr. Some are adapted for burrowing. Mostcanswim and a few lead a semi-aquatic life. Gliding forms oflizard,or the flying dragons, are found in the forests of SEAsia.The greatest number of species in the United States is found intheSouth and West. The majority are members of the iguana family,orcollared lizards, which includes the swift, Utes, hornedlizards(known as horned toads), and the so-called Americanchameleon, oranole.Most lizards are active during the day and can be found baskinginthe sun.Please note that Internet connection through Wi-Fi or 3Gisrequired to download Lizard Wallpapers. Download and installthisfree App and decorate your Android device.Once download this App, all pictures are available withoutinternetconnection.This application contains hundreds of High-Resolution images---> App Features <----> Easy to use-> Set image as Wallpaper.-> Save wallpapers on SD card.-> Full support for landscape and portrait mode.-> You can change its color by color button.-> Save it to photo gallery.-> The HD quality and speed of loading-> Share all images to your friends.This free Lizard Wallpapers has been tested on latestdevicessuch as Samsung Galaxy S4, S5, Samsung Galaxy Note 3, Nexus7, HTC,Q Mobile, Bee Mobile and Sony XperiaPlease contact us at [email protected] ifyourdevice is not supported or any suggestions LizardWallpapers
Leopard Wallpapers 5.0
This is free App name LeopardWallpapers,consist of large collection of Leopard Wallpapers thatbeautifyyour Android device i.e mobile or tablet screen and givethe bestbackgrounds.Escape the stress every day, get now this App and feelinstantlyreleased. Leopard Wallpapers App have High Qualitypictures, imagesand backgrounds.The leopard is a carnivorous (meat-eating) mammal. They belongtothe Fieldale family. Not only are leopards adaptable hunters,theclimates in which they are found vary greatly. Whether it'sthemountains of Pakistan, Afghanistan and in jungles of India,theleopard is one of the most widespread of the big cats.Incaptivity, the leopard can live as long as 21 years. Keepreadingfor more facts and information on the leopard.The leopard is a powerful and cunning big cat closely relatedtolions, jaguars and tigers. They live in sub-SaharanAfrica,northeast Africa, Central Asia,,Pakistan, India, andChina.However, many of their populations are endangered,especiallyoutside of Africa. Their main habitat is in the bush orinforests.The leopard is the most successful of all the big cats. It isalsovery comfortable climbing trees.Leopards can also hunt from trees, where their spotted coatsallowthem to blend with the leaves and branches until they springwith adeadly pounce. These nocturnal predators also stalk antelope,deer,and pigs by stealthy movements in the tall grass.Most leopards are about 28 inches at the shoulder and canweighup to 200 pounds. Most leopards weigh in between 140 to 175poundswith the male being larger and stronger than thefemale.When a leopard stalks prey, it keeps a low profile and slinkscloseto the ground. Leopards are also strong swimmers and very muchathome in the water, where they sometimes eat fish or crabs. Astheygrow, cubs learn to hunt small animals.The leopard eats, fish, antelope, reptiles, birds, rodents,hares,hyraxes, warthogs, antelopes, monkeys and baboons.A litter can include two to three cubs. The cubs are born withagray coat with very light spots. The female cares for her cubsandstays with them until they are old and strong enough to gowithher. The mother cat keeps her cubs hidden for about 8 weeks.Cubslive with their mothers for about two years.Leopards have long been preyed upon by man. Their soft,dense,beautiful fur has been used for ceremonial robes andcoats.Please note that Internet connection through Wi-Fi or 3Gisrequired to download Leopard Wallpapers. Download and installthisfree App and decorate your Android device.Once download this App, all pictures are available withoutinternetconnection.This application contains hundreds of High-Resolution images---> App Features <----> Easy to use-> Set image as Wallpaper.-> Save wallpapers on SD card.-> Full support for landscape and portrait mode.-> You can change its color by color button.-> Save it to photo gallery.-> The HD quality and speed of loading-> Share all images to your friends.This free Leopard Wallpapers has been tested on latestdevicessuch as Samsung Galaxy S4, S5, Samsung Galaxy Note 3, Nexus7,HTC,Q Mobile, Bee Mobile and Sony XperiaPlease contact us at [email protected] ifyourdevice is not supported or any suggestions.
Lion Wallpapers 5.0
This is free App name LionWallpapers,consistof large collection of Lion Wallpapers thatbeautify yourAndroiddevice i.e mobile or tablet screen and givethebestbackgrounds.Escape the stress every day, get now this App andfeelinstantlyreleased. Lion Wallpapers App have High Qualitypictures,imagesand backgrounds.The lion is a flesh eating animal. He is one of thestrongestandfiercest of all flesh eating animals. The lion belongsto thesamespecies to which the tiger, wolf, etc. belong. He hasamajesticfigure. He is very powerful. He is called the Kingofbeasts.The size of a full grown lion is 10 to 12 feet. He has verylargeandheavy head. The head and the neck of the lion are coveredwiththickhair. They are called the mane. His paws are verystrong.Theypossess very sharp claws. He can quickly and easilydraw themin.Like the tiger he has strong legs and great strength.He haslargewhiskers. He can carry a buffalo on his back. Thelioness hasnomane. She is smaller and less attractive than thelion. Shegivesbirth to two or four cubs at a time. The lion livesfor aboutsixtyyears.Lions are found in Pakistan, Africa, India and Arabia. Forthepublicshow they are kept in iron cage. Even here, they do notlosetheirfearful nature. They are often dangerous.Please note that Internet connection through Wi-Fi or 3Gisrequiredto download Lion Wallpapers. Download and installthisfree App anddecorate your Android device.Once download this App, all pictures are availablewithoutinternetconnection.---> App Features <----> Easy to use-> Set image as Wallpaper.-> Save wallpapers on SD card.-> Full support for landscape and portrait mode.-> You can change its color by color button.-> Save it to photo gallery.-> The HD and HQ quality and speed of loading.-> Share all images to your friends.This free Lion Wallpapers has been tested on latestdevicessuchas Samsung Galaxy S4, S5, Samsung Galaxy Note 3, Nexus7, HTC,QMobile, Bee Mobile and Sony Xperia.Please contact us at [email protected] if your deviceisnotsupported or any suggestions
Flamingo Backgrounds 2.1
This is free App nameFlamingoBackgrounds,consist of large collection of FlamingoBackgroundsthat beautifyyour Android device i.e mobile or tabletscreen andgive the bestbackgrounds.Escape the stress every day, get now this App andfeelinstantlyreleased. Flamingo Backgrounds App have HighQualitypictures,images and backgrounds.Please note that Internet connection through Wi-Fi or3Gisrequired to download Flamingo Backgrounds. Downloadandinstallthis free App and decorate your Android device.Once download this App, all pictures are availablewithoutinternetconnection.This application contains hundreds of High-Resolution images.---> App Features <----> Set image as Wallpaper.-> Save wallpapers on SD card.-> Full support for landscape and portrait mode.-> You can change its color by color button and also saveittophoto gallery.This App has been tested on Android latest devices.Pleasecontactus at [email protected] ifyourdeviceis not supported or any suggestions.