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Little Pig wallpaper 1.1
A pig is any of the animals in the genus Sus, within theSuidaefamily of even-toed ungulates. Pigs include the domestic pigandits ancestor, the common Eurasian wild boar (Sus scrofa),alongwith other species; related creatures outside the genusinclude thewild boar,peccary, the babirusa, and the warthog. Pigs,like allsuids, are native to the Eurasian and African continents.Juvenilepigs are known as piglets. Pigs are omnivores and arehighly socialand intelligent animals. Domesticated pigs, calledswine, areraised commercially for meat (generally called pork,hams, gammonor bacon), as well as for leather. Their bristly hairsare alsoused for brushes. Due to their common use as livestock,adult swinehave gender specific names: the males are boars and thefemales aresows. In Britain, the word hog can refer to a castratedadult malepig. Young swine are called piglets orpigs. Pork is oneof the mostpopular forms of meat for human consumption, accountingfor 38% ofworldwide meat production. Pigs that are allowed toforage may bewatched by swineherds. Because of their foragingabilities andexcellent sense of smell, they are used to findtruffles in manyEuropean countries. Both wild and feral pigs arecommonly hunted.Some breeds of pig, such as the Asian pot-belliedpig, are kept aspets. There are two instances in the 2000s wherefarm hogs atehuman beings. The first was in 2004 in Romania, wherea woman diedafter her ears, half of her face and her fingers wereconsumed; theother in 2012 in Oregon—whether the farmer was killedby his hogsor died of another cause before being consumed isunknown. Get itfree… Fun and Relax with Little pigs Live wallpaper.Support forall Android Mobile Devices.