Top 9 Apps Similar to Text Message Sender

Text Message Lite 1.0.0
TPJ Studios
Send text messages and multimediamessageswiththis app customize your notification tone and moreallfree.
Text Message Deliver 0.1
Rapid Studios
Text Message Deliver is aninstantmessagingservice and software application which providestextcommunication.Create group chats with up to 200 users andfriends.The app iseasy to use and provides secure chats. Sendunlimitedemoji’s,pictures and videos from your camera roll. Try ittoday andkeep intouch with your friends!
Pulse SMS (Phone/Tablet/Web)
Maple Media
Send & manage SMS from any device. Text & sync -computer,tablet, and more!
SMS Auto Reply /Autoresponder 8.5.6
SMS Autoresponder /Auto Reply Text / SMS Response /Auto Messages/Respond Bot
Text Message Chat Free Advice 1.0
Once, we thought that sending a textmessagetosomeone was one of the coolest things one can do.Aftertheinception of the smartphones, many things havechanged.Messagingsomeone through a carrier’s SMS plan is becoming athingof thepast. Thanks to those talented developers who aredevelopingsuchawesome and intuitive applications that are takingabout“textmessage chat” to the next level. On the brink ofitsobsolescence,SMS still has its own advantages. However, innormalcases, a goodtext messaging chat application can give you awholelot offeatures that a normal SMS can never give you. That’swhymost ofthe users, who used to text a lot, are switching tofreeonline SMSservices via smart android messaging applications.Wehave goodadvices for messaging applications in the store andfoundtheseapplications to be most useful.Not everybody uses messaging chat service, and therearesomeinstances where a good old SMS message is still preferred.Ifyouwant to make use of your unlimited free texts, belowwe'vegathereda list of the best free texting chat apps for Android.Forexample,in this advice is offering an alternative to you.Messengerwhichcomplicates the simple process of sending textsmessage andyou cantake photos and record audio messages from withinthe app.Textasms is a great messaging app, which makes excellentuse ofDesign.It has more features than most stock chat appsto, orevenwhatapp also allows you to make free messaging and callstoyourcontacts and now you can make your textingchats.However,offerings guide with many apps such as Tango, Wechat, Textme,MySMS, chomp SMS, EvolveSMS, and the others. Textmessage chatappswhich can meet your requirements on yoursmartphonedevices.Though, like any popular service. Here’s ourservice guideforstreaming your beautiful mug. Take a look at ourtop picks forthebest overall apps.For those who have to deal with the app on a dailybasis,we'velined up some interesting tricks and tweaks that willimproveyouruser-experience for all its security flaws and privacyissues.As ashow of appreciation for text messenger chat andwhatappservice,this app decided to chalk up a list of tips andtrickstohelp you get the most out of it. For example, Howtomutegroup chats and notifications and guide you to find outwhohasread your message in a group chat. You can changeprofilephoto,status message from the desktop by steps and sendabroadcastmessage to your contacts. In addition, you can shareyourlocation,back up and transfer your chats history. Herearesome of themost common tricks and their solutions suggestyouto improve it.To the most useful of its use from the app"TextMessage Chat FreeAdvice", you can best choose which one suitsyourindividual needsand follow a list of tips and tricks to helpyouget the most outof that messenger chat service onyoursmartphone.
Text A Text Message Scheduler 1.0
Ralph Tan
There are many occasions orawkwardsituationsin life that we wish we would never face. However,asmuch as wewould like to avoid and get out of, we have to faceiteventually.Occasions like New Year Day, Thanksgiving andChristmaswherefamilies and friends come together and gather, youbesurprisedthat people you rarely meet suddenly seems to besointerested inyour life. Conversation revolving with questionssuchas “What areyour academic grades?”, “Why didn’t youbringyourboyfriend/girlfriend along?”, “When are you settlingdownorgetting married?”, “When are you having your first baby?”arethenorm and rarely avoidable.Awkward and dreadful situations like having astrangerpreachingto you about everything under the sun which youaretotally notinterested, in a heated argument or even a Fridayafterofficehours meeting that the workaholic boss ofyoursdeliberatelyorganized.You definitely deserve a breather for all the above.Text A Text allows you to type and schedule a text message tobesentoff in predefined time “Immediate”, “1 Minute”, “2Minutes”,“5Minutes”, “10 Minutes”, “15 Minutes”, “30 Minutes”or“60Minutes” toyourself, people in your contact list or anymobilenumber. Includedis a text-to-speech readout functionalitythatwhen activated, readout the text message received from themobilenumber youselected.Like to be in control and know when your text message issent?Acountdown timer till text message sent is displayed. Assuchyoualways be informed and be in control should you needtoabortsending of the text message.You can use Text A Text for:You can schedule a text message to be sent toyourselfandactivate the text-to-speech readout functionality. Letthecontentof your received text message be broadcast to thewholeworld,whoever you want them to hear. Let your text messagebeknown, letthem know from the content that your immediateattentionisdemanded.Excuse yourself and escape from the awkward situation. Orexittheawkward situation, take a breather, rejuvenate andbetterpositionyourself to deal with the situation.Before you hit the road to pick your family member/friend,scheduleatext message to be sent after the selected predefinedtime beforeyouarrive at the destination. Have him/her to bewaiting atthedestination by the time you arrived.Received a text message from him/her while you are on theroad?Fretnot, activate the text-to-speech readout functionalityandthereceived text message from him/her will be read out toyou.Readingtext message while driving can be dangerous. Never keepeyesoffthe road and hands off the steering wheel.and many more ….The following functionalities are available:~ Text Message Scheduler~ Text-to-speech ReadoutNote:Carrier charges will apply for Text Message triggered bythisapp.You will be required to pay for the Text Messageserviceimposed byyour carrier unless you have free Text Messagebundled aspart ofthe cellular plan provided by your carrier.
Text message blocker filter 1.0
Block and filter text / sms messages.Customize your texts into categories. Blacklisttextmessages.setup your own custom categories in whichtexts/smsmessages willautomatically be placed.
Multi SMS Sender (MSS) 49.0
send one message to unlimited user's in a single click
Text Message Scheduler 1.0
TPJ Studios
Tired of forgetting to send someoneatextmessage? Use this app to schedule a text message.