Top 9 Games Similar to Sietten Gold Cup

Futsal SA 1.0
Futsal SA has joined forceswithFidelisFinancial Solutions to develop a competitions managerappfor allFutsal SA tournaments.If you play in any Futsal SA competition this free app isforyou.Keep yourself ahead of the game by:- viewing upcoming games;- checking latest results;- monitoring team stats;- following positions in the table;- being notified of your game time 4 hours before the kick-off.From now on your mates will tell you off if you come lateforagame again.Don’t wait for your next time out. Download this app now!
Futsal Tournament Maker Cloud 1.7.1
Make small tournaments. Data are stored on cloud by phonesandtablets.
IFS Futsal Norway - Lite 1.3
Se resultater fra turneringene fra 2002 ogfremtil nå, betal deltakeravgift, se maratontabellen og statistikkforlaget ditt og følg med på motstanderlagene.See Resultsfromtournaments from 2002 until now, pay registration fee, seemarathontable and statistics for your team and watch theopposingteams.
Futsal Scout 1.10
Futsal Scout is the only applicationthatallowsyou to manage the complete way your futsal team.Allows you to:- Maintain and manage your players- Manage the games played subdivided intoseasonsandtournaments- Create complete statistics for each player andeachteammanaged- To compare players of different teams or different seasons- Scouting a detailed or basic depending on thetastesandneeds- Manage the invitations noting details of the playing fields- Manage the report cards at the end of the game by sendinge-mailorwhatsapp to all players or share it to FacebookThe application can be "set" on the stock to 7 and 8.Scout Futsal has a backup system that allows you to switchthedatacollected from a tablet without any problems andwithoutlosingdata.It 's totally offline, except for sending eMail does not needthewebconnection to work properly.In case of problems and suggestions you can writedirectly(infosection) making the necessary requests.Sharing with whatsapp, email o facebook
SCU 1.0
SCU App is used for information onallthetournaments across India. SCU app can be used for tcketbookingofthe events organized by SCU. Also, Cage10 futsaltournamentswillbe published on the app and football enthusiast canalso bookacage on the app on hourly basis.
Sportvillage Collefiorito 1.1
L'app dello sportvillage con tutti irisultatie le classifiche dei tornei di calcio a 5 e di calcio a8App of theSportvillagewith all the results and rankings of footballtournaments andfootball 5 to 8
Mikonos Cup 2013 - 2014 1.4.0
Applicazione Android del torneo dicalcettopiùimportante di Roma. Nato nel 2007 dall'idea e dallapassioneper ilcalcio a 5 dell'organizzatore Raffaele, il TorneoMikonosCup è unnome di riferimento per chi, nella Capitale, ama ilcalcioa 5 intutte le sue manifestazioni. Il torneo è arrivatoalladecimaedizione. Diversi i nomi di spicco che hanno calcato icampidellamanifestazione: da Sergio Romano, Apicerni, Delgado etantialtriche hanno dato ulteriore lustro alla rassegna, che viveperòincontinua evoluzione,rinnovandosi di anno in anno, sullaspintadiquel cambiamento che contribuisce a renderlo semprepiùesaltante.(video sito applicazione mobile ecc... ). Tutto èprontoperscrivere una nuova pagina della storia della Mikonos Cup,travecchiprotagonisti e volti nuovi, che lotteranno per lavittoriafinale diquesto torneo dove non manca l'agonismo e lagiustacompetizione, madove il rispetto dei valori, l'amiciziael'aggregazione sono ildenominatore comune di tutti quelli chehannovoglia di divertirsi edi mettersi in gioco nel tentativo dilasciareun'indelebile tracciadi sé.CONTATTI:- RaffaeleTelefono: 3406946122Mail: [email protected] Web: 1.0.0- prima versione stabile- sezioni monitorate: News, Editoriale,Classifiche,Calendario,Video, Miglior Giocatore, Top 5 e GiudiceSportivo.versione 1.1.0- aggiunta l'opzione "Condividi la app"versione 1.2.0- bug fix dei caratteri nell'articolo- modificata la sezione "Info"- aggiunto lo zoom negli articoliversione 1.3.0- modificata la sezione "Video"versione 1.4.0- aggiunto splash screenApplicazione creata da: Raphael BussaTwitter: @rebus_007Sito Web: www.rebus007.tkAndroid applicationofthemost important football tournament in Rome. Born in 2007,theideaand the passion for football in 5 organizer Raphael,theTournamentCup Mikonos is a name of reference for those who, inthecapital,loves football to 5 in all its manifestations.Thetournament hasreached the tenth edition. Several prominentnameswho have trod thefields of the event: by Sergio Romano,Apicerni,Delgado and manyothers who have given luster to furtherreview,however, who livesin constant evolution, renewing everyyear, inthe wake of thechange that helps to make it more exciting.(Videosite mobileapplication etc ...). Everything is ready to writeanew page in thehistory of Mykonos Cup, between old players andnewfaces, who willfight for the final victory of thistournamentwhere there is lackof competition and fair competition,but whererespect for thevalues, l ' friendship and aggregation arethecommon denominator ofall those who want to have fun and togetinvolved in an attempt toleave an indelible trace.CONTACTS:- RaffaelePhone: 3406946122Mail: [email protected]: 1.0.0- First stable release- Monitored sections: News, Editorial, Charts, Calendar,Video,BestPlayer, Top 5 and the Referee.version 1.1.0- Added the option "Share my app"version 1.2.0- Bug fix of the characters in the article- Changed the "Info" section- Added zoom in Articlesversion 1.3.0- Changed the "Video" sectionversion 1.4.0- Added splash screenApplication created by Raphael KnocksTwitter: @ rebus_007Website:
Atletico Alianza
El Club Atlético de la Juventud Alianzaesunclub deportivo con sede en la ciudad de Santa Lucia,ProvinciadeSan Juan. Su principal actividad es el fútbol donde sedesempeñaenel Torneo Federal B.Otras disciplinas practicadas son el Futsal, Hockeysobrecésped,Handball, donde tanto en Primera como inferiores halogradotítulosprovinciales e incluso a nivel nacional.The AthleticClubYouthAlliance is a sports club based in the city ofSantaLucia,Province of San Juan. Its main activity is footballwhere heserveson the Federal tournament B.Other disciplines are practiced Futsal, Hockey,Handball,whereboth first and has achieved lower provincial titlesandevennationally.
Porompompero 2.9
Sbarca su iPhone l', il popolare sito di riferimento pertuttiipartecipanti ai tornei di calcio e calcetto organizzatinelcuoredi Napoli.Disponibile in tempo reale il calendario di tutte lepartiteinprogramma...Disponibili anche tutti i dati statisticideicalciatori,presenze, gol, media voto...e tanto altro...Prerequisiti:- Per il corretto funzionamento dell'applicazioneènecessariodisporre di una connessione internet wifi o3Gpoichèl'applicazione comunica con alcuni server per scaricareidati intempo reale.Contatti e Supporto:- Contattateci sul sito perinviarcieventualiconsigli su come rendere l'applicazione ancora piùutileefunzionale.IPhone lands ontheportalapplication, the popular reference siteforallparticipants in soccer and football tournaments organizedintheheart of Naples.Available in real time calendar of all scheduled matches ...Also available all the statistics of players,appearances,goals,average rating ...and much more ...Prerequisites:- For the proper functioning of the application you musthaveaninternet connection wifi or 3G because theapplicationcommunicateswith the server to download some data inreal time.Contacts and Support:- Contact on the site to send us any tipsonhowto make the application even more useful and functional.