Top 3 Apps Similar to STIBA Hadits

Manasik Haji dan Umrah 1.1.8
Rituals of Hajj and Umrah application, from preparationthroughimplementation procedures.
Rukun Iman Pemula 1.0
Aqidah (rukun iman) adalah perkara yangharusdibenahi pertama kali dari umat ini adalah perkara aqidahdanpembenaran iman. Bukankah perkara yang pertama kali diserukanolehpara rasul Allah kepada umatnya, termasuk Nabi kitaMuhammadshallallahu „alaihi wa sallam adalah perkara aqidah?Rukun Iman Penjelasan Ringkas. Aplikasi ini berisipenjelasanringkas tentang 6 Rukun Iman, dimana semua pembahasannyabersumberdari website yang merupakan website IslamiAhlu Sunnahwal Jamaah (Salafusshalih), dan dibahas secara ringkasdan ringanuntuk pemula.Bisa juga diberikan kepada muallaf yang ingin memahami rukunimandengan mudah.Pembahasan dalam aplikasi ini:1 - Memperkokoh Keimanan Kepada Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.2 - Keimanan yang Benar Terhadap Malaikat Allah Ta'ala.3 - Bagaimana Beriman Kepada Kitab Allah Ta'ala.4 - Mengimani Para Utusan Allah Ta'ala.5 - Pokok-pokok Keimanan Kepada Hari Akhir.6 - Memahami Takdir Dengan Benar.Semoga bermanfaat. Baarokallahu fikum.Aqidah (faith harmony)isa matter that must be addressed first of this race is a matterofaqidah and justification of faith. Does not matter who wasfirstcalled by the apostles of God to his people, including ourProphetMuhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is a matter ofaqidah?Tenets Brief. This application contains a brief descriptionofthe 6 Pillars of Faith, where all the discussion comes fromawebsite that is a website Ahlu Sunnah walJamaatIslami (Salafusshalih), and discussed briefly and lightforbeginners.Can also be given to the converts who wish to understandthepillars of faith with ease.The discussion in this application:1 - Strengthening Faith To Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.2 - True Faith Against the Angel of Allah Ta'ala.3 - How To the Believer Book of Allah Ta'ala.4 - Believing The Messenger of Allah Ta'ala.5 - Principles of Faith To the End Times.6 - Understanding Fate With True.Hope it is useful. Baarokallahu fikum.
Основы сунны 1.0
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِКнига имама Ахмада ибн Ханбаля (да смилуется наднимАллах)164-241г.х.Послание «Основы Сунны» имама Ахмада ибн Ханбаля, дасмилуетсянадним Аллах, представляет собой те правила,которыхдолженпридерживаться каждый узнавший о них мусульманин. Ведьэтиосновыявляются руководством и путем к спасению и счастью вобоихмирах,т.к. в них собраны убеждения первых поколений нашейобщины,дабудет доволен ими Аллах. И как сказал имам Малик, дасмилуетсянадним Аллах: «Не преуспеют последние поколения этойобщины, кромекакпосредством того, посредством чего преуспели первыееепоколения».См. “Аш-Шифа” 2/676.«Если бы кто-нибудь отправился в Китай, чтобы изучитьэтукнигу(Основы Сунны), то и этого было бы мало…».Абу Я’ля аль-Ханбали.بسم الله الرحمن الرحيمThe book of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (may Allaah have mercyonhim)164-241g.h.The message "Fundamentals of Sunnah" Imam Ahmad ibnHanbal,mayAllaah have mercy on him, represents those rules, whichmustadhereto every Muslim to learn about them. After all, thesearethebasics of management and the way to salvation and happinessinbothworlds, as they collected belief of the first generationsofourcommunity, but Allah be pleased with them. And in the wordsofImamMalik, may Allaah have mercy on him: "I do not succeedthelastgeneration of this community, except by order, wherebythefirst ofher generation have succeeded." See."Al-Shifa"2/676."If someone went to China to study the book (FundamentalsofSunnah),then this would be a little ...".Ya'lya Abu al-Hanbali.