Top 18 Apps Similar to SMS Anonyme gratuit

Sending Fake SMS 1.04
Ideal for validating small unimportant lies in situations whereyouare in a tight skirt, or you want an excuse to leave work earlyorlie to the woman to go drinking.Imagine that you are in a boring situation, and what you wantoutof it often lacks only an excuse or an alibi, lacked good nownomore missing, with this app you can pretend that getting amessageyou can program your phone to the same touch and see themessagethat you want to use as an excuse.With this app you can send a message to your phone and thesenderof the message appears to be another person, or as someoneelse hadsent him a message, the message appears in the same way,until thephone rings and vibrates as if you were getting a realmessage.This application does not use the cellular network andthereforedo not spend credit, you can take the test even withoutthe simcard or when you are without credit.In Message you can appear as the person who is sendingorreceiving the message it has situcoes you will need to mentionthatyou have already sent a message to that person, after all whodoesnot need to speak a little lie from time to time?Among other functions you can send a message with the date inthepast or in the future as well as the time too, and can set thetimeat which the message is playing, to play in the event in frontofthe person you want to lie a little.FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSQ: Because this application requests access totheinternet?A: This application requests access to the internet to show adsishow to generate the same revenue.Q: With this application I can send fake messages tootherphones?A: Unfortunately there is no way to send a message to anothermobilephone fake, because the operator makes the validation of whoissending the message,this application only sends a message to the fake smartphonewhereit installed.Q: Can I send a message to my phone with the date in thepast?That is I send a message and appear with yesterday'sdate?A: Yes, you can send a message backward, just select thefield"date" a date on the day that you want, there will appearonyourphone as if I was being sent to that moment.Q: How do I faso message to appear as a message hasbeenread?A: Very simple you just open the message and it will appear asreadmessage.Q: Can I select the time that the message will be sent?A: Yes the field "in Fake" you can select the time that thephonewill ring with the message.Q: Can I set up for the phone does not ring or vibrate whenyoureceive the message?A: Yes in the message registration screen has a button"Setup"settings where you can set these options.Q: fake sms appears in the notification area of​​theandroid?A: Yes appears in the notification area of ​​the original messageasan android.Q: In the android has a screen where you can view anentireconversation history with that person Issuer or the sender ofthemessage, I dothat with this application?A: Yes you can in the edit screen of the message in the "I am"score"Receiver" to mark if you had to get the message or"Issuer" as if you've been up sending the message to thepersonwithout actually being.Q: Is there a charge for "shipping" or receivingthemessage?A: No because the message is not sent by the network or theoperatormore so the application manually inserts the message inyour inboxoroutput of your application, very important if you plan to showthemessage at a specified time not to uninstall or disableapplication before receiving the message.P: It is very good to stay with the icon of the "Fake SMSSender"on mobile after sending a message, how can I solvethis?A: Unfortunately we can not put a "disfarse" in the applicationtoavoid being recognized the same functionality, howeverexitemapplicationsPlay Store that do, you can download one and use it to hide therealfunction of this application....
SMS Fantôme 1.2.0
SMS FANTOME est une application gratuiteetillimitée qui permet d'envoyer et recevoir des SMS entoutediscrétion et sans laisser de trace dans votresmartphone.Choisissez un Pseudo, invitez tous vos amis et commencezà envoyervos SMS. Une fois que votre message a été lu, il sedétruitautomatiquement. Aucun historique n'est conservé dansvotresmartphone, ni dans vos SMS envoyés ni dans vos SMS reçus.SMSFANTOME c'est le nouveau moyen de chatter en toute discrétionetd'envoyer des textos secrets à qui vous voulez pour draguer,fairedes rencontres ou ce que vous voulez sans avoir peurdesconséquences... Nous avons tous des choses à cacher.Pasvous ?SMS GHOST isfree,unlimited application that allows you to send and receivetextmessages with discretion and without a trace in yoursmartphone.Choose login, invite your friends and start sending SMS.Once yourmessage has been read, it is automatically destroyed. Nohistory isstored in your smartphone or on your SMS sent or receivedyour SMS.SMS GHOST is the new way to chat with discretion and sendsecrettext messages that you want to flirt, socialize or what youwantwithout fear of consequences ... We all have things to hide .Notyou?
Hushed - Second Phone Number 5.8.2
A 2nd line for private calls, texting and pictures. 3-daytrialnumber.
Secret Anonymous Texting App 1.1
Want to fake your friends out through SMSbyhaving some fun with a free anonymous texting app? Do you needtosend an anonymous text message from a fake phone number andreceivereplies for other reasons?Secret Anonymous Texting app on Android lets you send andreceiveanonymous text messages from a burner phone number. Yourown phonenumber will be hidden from whoever you send an SMSto.Secret Anonymous Texting features:✔ No signup is required✔ Lock your texts with a PIN code✔ Add aliases and notes about your phone contacts✔ 100% anonymous and private messaging✔ Fake text message caller id✔ Does not show up on your phone number bill✔ Untraceable SMS✔ Works online without a SIM card✔ Send and receive anonymous SMS support✔ Earn credits for free textingSecret Text is ideal for:- Sending anonymous texts from a new phone number- Business- Temporary number to buy on Craigslist- Submitting a temporary phone number when applying for anewjob- Online dating apps- Short term projects...And many other situations where you need a burner number.Try this free texting app now! You have 4 free credits thatyoucan use to send 4 text messages. ALL received texts are free,soyou only use credits for messages you send. After you run outoffree credits, credit packages start at $0.99.All the permissions are required to make the app workproperly.Your privacy is completely safeguarded and your messagesand textsare completely private. No one has access, but you.Note: Only United States and Canada numbers are eligible.Terms: You may not use the service for sending a prank text,faketext message, or spoof text. The recipient of your free SMSwillnever know who you are (unless you tell them!), but you arenevercompletely anonymous when texting — we privately storeyourconversation logs just in case you break these terms. If you doso,your device will be banned and your identity might be revealedtothe relevant authorities. You must be at least 13 years old tousethe service.Have questions, problems, or feedback? Reach out to [email protected].
Text Ninja 0.0.3
Text Ninja
The #1 Free Anonymous SMS ServiceintheWorld!We at TextNinja believe that text messaging should be FREE.Withthatbelief in mind we have set out to create some of thebestFreeMessaging Applications in the WORLD. Messaging thatworksforeveryone, everywhere, and every time whether you havethesmartestphone or a plain old flip phone. No matter if you are ona2Gnetwork or fresh out of 5G Data you can receive a messagefromtheTextNinja Network. Got signal? Get text!At TextNinja we understand how important asimple:heart:,smile:or LOL can be and we want you to be able tosharethose momentswith Family and Friends around the globe or rightnextdoor. Wealso understand that simple messages can add up quickandbecomeexpensive even within the same country. This is whyweprovide notonly country to country or International SMS but wealsoprovidelocal messaging within your country.Our end game is to use messaging to connect the world andtoallowmore people in more places to connect with theconnectedworld. Weaim to provide messaging products that go beyondwhat youcancurrently do with today’s crop of messagingapplications. Webelievetogether we can change the world onemessage at a time.
Mask My Number[Secure Texting] 1.8
This app allows for easy two-way textmessagingwith a new anonymous phone number or alphanumeric ID.Your real phone number will be completely hidden from whoeveryousend a message to.Play a lighthearted joke on friends or legitimately sendsomeoneanonymous texts.Messages will appear to the recipient as a real U.S. numberofyour choosing. Messages can also appear to the recipient asanalphanumeric ID of your choosing.+ Prank Friends+ Hide your real number+ Doesn't show up on phone bill+ Untraceable+ Free incoming messagesThis application is intended for U.S number only (but nonU.S.numbers will still work in some cases).
Onoff Telecom
Your Second Number With An App!
SMS anonyme avec REPONSE 0.1
ENVOYEZ UN SMS MASQUE PUIS RECEVEZ LA RÉPONSE!Obtenez et envoyez une REPONSE, dialoguezanonymement...AVANTAGES: Extra long jusque 1200 CARACTERES, avecou sans PIECEJOINTE :photo, document... Exemple pour resterDISCRET : cacher sarelationamoureuse par dialogue anonyme !*** Nécessite 1 code payant pour activer l'envoi duSMS-IMPORTANT : Exclusif ANDROID : SMS gratuits/offerts detempsentemps ***Dialoguez anonymement et discrètement par SMS sansqueledestinataire sache qui vous êtes, vous pouvez envoyer untrèslongtexte, possibilité de pièce jointe (photoamant,document...).AVANTAGES : SMS extra long jusque 1200 CARACTÈRES, avecousansPIÈCE JOINTE (photo, document...). Dialoguezanonymement,obtenezune RÉPONSE, des explications d'unephotocompromettante...SEND AN SMS MASKTHENGETTHE ANSWER!Get and send a RESPONSE, chat anonymously ... BENEFITS:Extralongup to 1200 CHARACTERS, with or without ATTACHMENT: PhotoPaper...Example to remain DISCREET: hide her relationshipbyanonymousdialogue!Requires 1 *** fee code to activate the SMS -IMPORTANT:ExclusiveANDROID: Free SMS / offered from time to time***Talk anonymously and discreetly via SMS withouttherecipientknowing who you are, you can send a very longtext,possibility ofattachment (photo lover, paper ...).ADVANTAGES: extra long SMS up to 1200 CHARACTERS, withorwithoutATTACHMENT (photo, documents ...). Talk anonymously, getaRESPONSE,an explanation of a compromising photo ...
Private SMS & Call - Hide Text
Private Space is a fantastic privacyprotectionapp to hide your contacts, messages and call logs thatyou do notwant others to see.(This application's app icon can be hided, you can dial your"##pinpassword" (such as: ##1234) to open this application afterapp hideis enable.)Have you ever worried about someone read your private messages?Evergot a phone call at an awkward time? Ever worried aboutsomeonecheck your call logs casually or purposely?Private Space helps you out!Private Space sets up a personal space on your phone where youcanadd any contacts in. After that, incoming/outgoingmessages(SMS& MMS) and call logs between private contacts willbe kept inthat personal space without shown in normal message boxor call loghistory.What's more, Private Space can even hide app icon of itself sothatnobody will notice the existence of Private Space.The magic of Private Space:-- Be INVISIBLE except for you-- Hide your private CONTACTS from system address book-- Secure your SMS & MMS by hiding your MESSAGES intoPrivateSpace-- Hide your secret CALL LOGS and block your sensitive CALLatawkword time-- ALERT with a 'dummy' SMS, vibrate or play yourcustomizedringtone when you get messages or phone call. You can benotifiedwhen new messages or calls arrive but only you know whattheyreally are-- Shake your phone to close PrivateSpace in a hurry******Welcome to feedback to !
True-messenger - SMS Inconnu 3.4
Avez-vous déjà reçu un SMS d'un inconnu?Vousdétestez recevoir de la pub par SMS ?True-messenger vous révèle le nom de l'expéditeur du SMS(mêmes'ilne fait pas partie de vos contacts) et bloqueautomatiquementlespam, pour que votre boîte de réception restenette, claireetsûre.True-messenger vous est présenté par True caller,unecommunautéde plus de 200 millions de membres qui collaborentpourcréer unecommunication plus fûtée.Fonctions :- SMS ID : Identifie l'expéditeur, même provenant decontactsnoninscrits dans votre carnet d'adresses- Blocage de SMS : Evitez les messages provenant denumérosoucontacts indésirables- Signalement de spam : Aidez la communauté à être plusmalignequeles démarcheurs en les signalant- Boîte de réception claire : Envoie automatiquementlesmessagesspam vers un classeur séparé- Options de Filtre plus pointues : créez desfiltresanti-spamsur-mesure avec des mots-clefs ou séries denuméros(codesrégionaux ou nationaux)True-messenger vous fait gagner du temps, soignelacuriositémaladive, et vous aide à communiquer plus avec ceuxquicomptentvraiment.Have you receivedanSMSfrom a stranger? You hate to receive advertising viaSMS?True-messenger reveals the name of the sender of the SMS (evenifitis not in your contacts) and automatically blocks spam,soyourinbox remains crisp, clear and safe.True-messenger is brought to you by True caller, acommunityofmore than 200 million members who work together tocreate asmartercommunication.functions:- SMS ID: Identifies the sender, even from non-registeredcontactsinyour address book- SMS Blocking: Avoid messages from unwantednumbersorcontacts- Report spam: Help the community to be smarter than thetoutsbyreporting- Clear Inbox: Automatically sends spam messages toaseparatefile- More advanced filter options: create customized spamfilterswithkeywords or number ranges (regional or nationalcodes)True-messenger you save time, nurses morbid curiosity andhelpyoucommunicate more with those who really matter.
Sendit: SMS and emails jokes 1.15.00
Sendit is anonymous sms and anonymousemailapp.Use app as sms sender to send fake sms to your friends.Send anon sms to invite for a blind date and just for fun.Send sms is as easy as if it your sms client.SMS text messaging is anonymous with our app.Anonymous mail will be sent from our privat email.Send anonymous text and anonymous pranks to your friends.First 5 private emails are included and free.You can buy as many private SMS as you need.Please be aware that usage of this application assumesonlyentertaining and private purposes.Any kind of illegal, offensive and fraud activities arestrictlyprohibited. In case of violation of the usage rules, youraccountwill be suspended, and the payment will not berefunded.
Anonymous SMS, Send SMS Free 2.2
An application for sending anonymoustextmessage(SMS) to the mobile phone worldwide. User can send SMSortext message to mobile phone of people from all countries intheworld. The application supports there most popularlanguages:English, French and Spanish.This is an Android application which is designed foronlineservices:- (English on bothwebsiteand app)- (French on bothwebsiteand app)- (Spanish on bothwebsiteand app).App also supports user open an account and paymentwithPaypal.The services are now serving a thousands of users all overtheworld with a large volumes of messages per day.
Easy Secret Messages 6.1
Freedom apps
This very simple, but very powerful app will make it easy for youtokeep private information out of your email, SMS and chat logs.Basedon the open source service provided by the You won't have to worry about someonehackingyour accounts and reading your messages ever again - Youwon’t haveto go through complicated registration forms orconfigurations,everything works out of the box. - When you send amessage theperson receiving it won’t need to have anythinginstalled to readthe message. - Messages are encrypted usingpowerful algorithms andself-destroy once they are read by theirrecipient. - Only the linkto the actual message will be sent to therecipient, and thoselinks expire after 7 days if they’re not read.- Using acombination of Easy Secret Messages with Orbot (theAndroid versionof Tor) you have true anonymity in case you want tobecome the nextSnowden and start a whistleblowing scandal –messages cannot betraced this way. - When you send messages andcommunicate with theserver, all data is encrypted via SSL. - Youcan add extraprotection by password-protecting the messages. Youshould not haveto become a computer security expert to be able tosend and receiveprivate messages. Try Easy Secret Messages Today!!!F.A.Q.s Why would I use this? When you sendpeoplepasswords and private links via email or chat, there arecopies ofthat information stored in many places. If you use aone-time linkinstead, the information persists for a single viewingwhich meansit can't be read by someone else later. This allows youto sendsensitive information in a safe way knowing it's seen by onepersononly. Think of it like a self-destructing message. Why can'tI sendpictures or other kinds of files? The challenge with sendingfiles,images in particular, is that there's no way toabsolutelyguarantee it wasn't copied or shared with other people.In order toensure that no one's private information is unknowinglyshared, wedecided to err on the side of simplicity. But I can copythe secrettext. What's the difference? True but all you have istext. Withimages and other files types, they can contain metadataand otherpotentially revealing information about who the senderorrecipient. Again, this is simply to ensure that noprivateinformation is shared outside of the intended recipient. CanIretrieve a secret that has already been shared? Nope. We displayitonce and then delete it. After that it's gone forever. How longdoyou keep non-viewed secrets? We keep secrets for up to 7 daysforanonymous users and up to 14 days for free accounts. Afterthatthey are deleted automatically and gone forever. (Note: by thetimeyou read a secret, it's already deleted from our servers.) Whatisthe maximum message size? For the sake of simplicity inthisAndroid app and to avoid overloading the servicegraciouslyprovided by onetimesecret, the maximum message size is1024characters. Why should I trust you? General we can't doanythingwith your information even if we wanted to (which wedon't). Ifit's a password for example, we don't know the usernameor even theapplication that the credentials are for. If you includeapassphrase (available under "Privacy Options"), we use ittoencrypt the secret. We don't store the passphrase (only abcryptedhash) so we can never know what the secret is because wecan'tdecrypt it. Beside all that, the code is opensource so youcanreview the code and/or run your own instance.
USSD Anonymous SMS 1.0.0
This app sends anonymous flash smsmessagesalso known as USSD sms message.The flash sms message is a message that is immediatelydisplayedon recipient phone and cannot be saved.The recipient is able to reply only once to the sms message,thenthe sms message disapears.The reply and the receiving of the reply is free ofcharge,however sending cost credits.This is pay as you go service so, you need to buy credits.On install you will receive free credits to test the app ifyoushare the app you will receive more free credits.Your phone bill will not be charged.
Handcent Next SMS-Text w/ MMS 9.13.2
Handcent Next SMS 9.0 has arrived with new messenger features&improvements. The best replacement android text messaging appforyour stock SMS text messenger app. Also a good replacement forGoSMS pro. The best messenger app with free text message&message stickers. - Best SMS app with ultimatemessagecustomization - Group or mass text to send a message tomultiplerecipients - Free Cloud backup - never worry about longtexts everagain - Simple Texting from computer - Reliable guard tokeep textssafe and secure - Lots of Stickers, emojis, and gifs tochoose from- Android wear device support(Dependent on phone app)Handcent isnot only a SMS messenger & texting app pioneer butalso amessage customizer in the SMS messaging app. Have a greatfreetexting & messaging experience is our top priority.MessengerCustomization Change nice themes in our free and simpletexting& messaging app. It’s the best message customizer withwhichyou can personalize text messages (free mms), messagefonts,stickers, colors, ringtones, LED colors, vibration patterns,etc.The theme store in the messenger offers additional themes foryouto choose from. Handcent Anywhere - best private textingoncomputer and tablet. With the Handcent Anywhere messenger youwillbe able to send text messages from your PC, Mac, or Tabletwithouttouching your Android phone SMS texting app. Focus on thecomputerscreen without missing a text message. Go andstart chatting & messaging. MMS MMS is fastand stable, canreceive all kinds of MMS messages. We also can alsoshare full-sizemultimedia with MMS plus. Share multimedia messageswith yourfriends. MMS plus can act as a multimedia android textmessagingdownloader, save multimedia files on our private cloudserver. Popup text Quick reply text messages within a pop upwindow. HandcentNext SMS text messenger app has new look. BestMessenger withPrivate Box A totally encrypted text message box thatcan only beopened by your unique passcode. All your texts inprivate box canonly be viewed by yourself. Best way to protect youwhile messaging& texting. SMS Backup Never worry about losingyour texts ormessages with our backup service. Restore all yourprivate messages(SMS / MMS) and settings when you switch to a newphone or resetyour phone. Wear OS support Receive and replymessages on all ofyour android-based smartwatches, along with thefeatures like voiceto text, etc. Supports Wear OS, Galaxy Watch 3,Galaxy Watch 2active with Tizen OS 5.5 Need to work with the phoneapp, doesn'twork as a standalone app Search You can search textmessages bytime, message type and etc. All SMS messages with textaresearchable SMS Blocker/Blacklisting Block all unwanted or spamSMS& MMS messages in our private android text messagingapp.Scheduled Task Free schedule texts & messages to be sent atagiven time. Emoji Have more fun in the best customizabletextingapp. You will love animated emojis that also comply with thenewestemoji standard in a sms messenger! Stickers Now integratedwithGiphy. You can send messages with stickers by using quicksearch.Handcent is the best sms messenger with stickers. Sticky ontopHandcent Next SMS messenger pins your private contacts on topbasedon your SMS & MMS needs. Underneath there’s a ton ofmessagesimprovements. Group Messaging Chat: Create a groupwithfriends/contacts, all contacts will receive the messagewhiletexting. Send mass text messages with stickers to all membersofthe group. You will love the simple group and mass SMS &MMSmessaging. Go SMS pro users can easily transition. Otherfreefeatures: Bulk Mass SMS & MMS, text snippets and etc. Forthoseof you who love Handcent and need help, please contact [email protected]
The Text Messenger App 4.4.5549
Send easy text messages & SMS - messages, pictures,recordingsand much more
Send SMS messages from PC 16.81
SMS from your computer, or Tablet, using your Android phone #(SMS& MMS)