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Over 250 Passover Recipes, Lte 0.1
Welcome to the only Passover recipe bookyouwill ever need. The full app and its corresponding ebook hasover250 delicious Passover recipes and will give you more thanenoughrecipes to make all of your Passover meals very memorable.Alwaysremember, the Passover seder meals are there to enable ustotransmit our wonderful and beautiful traditions to thenextgeneration. It is my humble hope that this recipe app andebookwill help you in some small way to do this. Passover hasalwaysbeen my favorite holiday and maybe this book will help it bethefavorite of your progeny.There are so many options and opinions as to whatconstitutesfood that is kosher for Passover. I am going to keep itsimple. Ifyou have any questions as to what is acceptable andkosher forPassover, ask your local orthodox rabbi.You may notice herein there may be several ingredients whichnoteveryone agrees may be used for Passover. For example,mushrooms.There are some people who will eat mushrooms on Passoverand somewho will not. Talk with your orthodox rabbi.There is another concept in Jewish Passover customcalled"Gebrachts". Gebrachts literally means, "Broken". It is mostoftenobserved by chasidim and not ashkenazim. The concept is thatanybaked matzah may still have some residual flour on it and whenthisflour comes in contact with water, it becomes chometz. This isahighly unlikely scenario, however, there are those whoarestringent in this custom. I was over a rav's house for thePassoverseder one year. The rav did not eat gebrachts (he was achasid),however, I do not have that custom. The rav, knowing thelaw welland realizing it is a stringency, brought out specialdishes for meso that I may have gebrachts at the seder on his tablewith hisfamily, while they did not eat gebrachts. I was allowed toaddbroken matzah to my chicken soup, even though the rav wasstringentwith this custom. The Shulchan Aruch HaRav is probably oneof thefirst of the classic Jewish law books to mention thisprohibition.Since most people do not keep the gebrachts stringency,and since Ipersonally do not either, this book is going to assumeyou also eatgebrachts.Please follow your own tradition and ask your rabbiforclarification. This book is not meant to be a guide to Jewishlaw,especially when it comes to the laws of Passover. The lawsofPassover, especially in the kitchen are numerous andverycomplicated. There are many reliable books on Jewish lawthatdiscuss the intricacies of Passover law. This is beyond thescopeof this book.Most people I have talked with have about twenty orthirtyPassover recipes. They make the same tired mealsthroughoutPassover, year after year. With this book, I hope toassist you inmaking Passover meals more enjoyable and exciting. Inour day andage, there is such a proliferation of kosher forPassover foods,there is no reason why one cannot make fantasticmeals that wereimpossible to make even two score ago. For example,who ever heardof kosher for Passover mustard or soy sauce. However,both ofthese, and more, are now readily available for thekosherculinarian.All of the recipes herein are used in my kitchen and havebeendisseminated to others via This bookispart of a series of kitchen books I have been writing, includingarecipe book and a kitchen manual. All of my books are availableonthe website, Your Kosher Chef, or from the publisher TheProDoodler.On the full app and in the book, you will find aPassoversubstitution list. Although you can probably find all oftheinformation somewhere on the Internet, I put this list togethertomake it easier and more convenient for you.On the full app and in the book, you will find a samplePassoverseder menu. This menu, or some modification thereof, iswhat I useat my seder. Please feel free to use it as is, or modifyit foryour own needs. All of the recipes for the menu can be foundinthis book.