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Basic Teaching Of The Buddha 1.0
The word Buddha means The AwakenedOne,comingfrom the Sanskrit root budh – 'to wake'. He is a man whohaswokenfully, as if from a deep sleep, to discover thatsuffering,like adream, is over. The historical Buddha was however aman likeanyother, but an exceptional one; what he rediscovered wasa waythatanyone can walk, providing that they are so inclined.The historical Buddha Gautama was not the first Buddha.Therehadbeen others who had walked the way before him. He was notagod, aprophet or any kind of supernatural being. He was, as wehaveseen,one who was born, lived and died a human being. Aremarkablehumanbeing, who discovered a way of achieving truewisdom,compassion andfreedom from suffering. He 'rediscovered anancientway to anancient city' that had been covered up andforgotten.Through hisown efforts he was able to find the way outof sufferingtoliberation, and those that have followed him havekept thatwayopen.The Buddha did not teach that a God created theUniverse.Hepointed to a great Law or Dharma running througheverythingthatexists. It is by living in accordance with this LawthattrueWisdom and Compassion and hence freedom from sufferingmaybeachieved. Suffering may only be overcome, however,bybeingconfronted and lived through. In the Buddha'swords:'Suffering Iteach and the way out of suffering.'This app will teach you the basic teaching of The Buddha.