Top 6 Apps Similar to Chat free +

Hohoo Chat - Anonymous Chat 1.0
HoHoo Chat – The New way of AnonymousChattingnow with Group of People.At Hohoo Chat we believe in anonymity and in app everyoneisanonymous to everyone. You can shareyour thoughts and chat with people from a different regionofworld anonymously. Download the newway of chatting with group of anonymous people. You’ll lovetouse it every time!!!First time chat with group of People Anonymously overTrendingtopics-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HoHoo Chat introduced feature of chatting with a wider groupofpeople without telling your identity.You can easily create groups in app and add people to groups.Thebest thing is you can chat with peopleover trending and topics which you want to discuss. You cannoweasily have answers for your questionswithout asking any of people around you who you know anddon’twant to ask from them.We Guarantee Anonymity-------------------------------------HoHoo Chat as of being an anonymous chatting app does notrequireany type of account registration.You just need to enter a name which you would love to showtoworld and then you’ll be live in front ofworld anonymously. The app does not use your contacts or linktoit in any way. So now you can shareyour doubts and ask its solutions from people all aroundyouanonymously without hesitating.We are 100% FREE-----------------------------HoHoo Chat is all free app. We do not require any type ofpaymenteven in-app. We are totally free. Sowhat you are waiting for. Go now and enter the world ofanonymouspeople and start asking and havefun chatting with them without letting them know who youare.Meet with New People--------------------------------If you love in making new friends and want to talk withmorepeople then you are on the right place.Telling your identity is not important all the time. So, wehavethis anonymous app for you. Chat withpeople and let your privacy hidden from them. Chat with malesandfemales around you and do the funover this chat app. But, be sure about not to revealyouridentity in respect of the anonymity.HoHoo Chat does not require any type of personal informationfromyou even in app. We are totallyconcerned about your privacy and doesn’t stops you fromchattingwith people around you withoutletting them know anything about you and also we suggest younotto share any personal or importantinformation over this app with people.
Say Hello 1.0
Feeling lonely ? Want someone to talkto?Afraid of what people might think of you? Well chill out andSayHello!Say Hello is an anonymous chat application that lets youchatwith new fun people from all over the world. You may shareyourinterest and make new friends or just have a small talk.All it takes is a touch to search and chat. So what areyouwaiting for, go ahead and download one of the best anonymouschatapplication!
YarnYard: Local Anonymous Chat 1.8.1
Open the app, start a chat.YarnYard is a social app that connects random users oflocalareas together and uses various questions toigniteconversation.Each user is completely anonymous allowing people to speaktheirmind and get to know each other in a unique way.Start spinning those yarns!
☺ talkd / anonymous chat fun 1.0
LYNX Studios
Create an account. Share your profile linkonFacebook, Twitter. Wait your friends to come and startchatanonymously with you. Be ready! They will ask fun questionsandwait answers.Don't forget to share your talkd account on everywhere.Also,don't forget to be respectful and funny. Don't ask theiridentity,just live the moment: carpe diem! YOLO!http://talkd.meTip #1: Don't forget to share your account on a place whereyourcrush can easily see!Tip #2: Be careful, sometimes BAE's try to fool you! You foolthemfirst!Have fun!Some questions to help you:- Where do you not mind waiting?- What would you refuse to do for one million dollars?- What makes you really sleepy?- How do you like to relax?- What is the greatest pain you have ever suffered?- What part of your body could use a little lotion?- What language would you like to master?- Do you have a place where you would like to go and think? Ifso,where?- What profession have you always admired?
Flashchat...for anonymous chat 0.0.1
Hey, Introducing FlashChat!Sharedisappearingtexts, photos and videos with friends.We raised $2.7m from Sing Capital LLP and even got thebackingofmovie stars, Harrison Ford, Ashton Kutcher and EdwardJamesElmos.ENCRYPTIONAll messages are encrypted from app to app, so your messagesaresafeand secure. We only store your messages after theyhavebeenencrypted locally from inside the app.SAY MORE THAN WORDSWe support Videos and Photos too. Audio coming soon!Photosareshared with text, and disappears once all the texthasbeendisplayed.LANGUAGESSpeak in any language you want. Through Google, wesupportalllanguages100% FREEApp is completely free!!. Using the app to writeposts,postpictures, leave comments and so on ... is completelyfreeofcharge!CONNECT WITH OTHERSFind users and connect with any user within theFlashChatcommunity.This is a place where you can anonymouslyexpressyourself tofriends through words, videos and pictures.
Fluky Chat - Anonymous Chat 1.20
Looking for a safe, fun way tochatanonymouslywith new people?Want to chat with others all around the world about whatistrending?Look no further!Fluky Chat delivers a fun, safe way to chat randomlywithotherusers and talk to people around the world about whatiscurrentlytrending.You can make your own anonymous groups and talk it upwithyourFluky Chat friends, when you leave the room all ofyourmessagesare GONE!Unlock features in the app by sending messages and byjustopeningthe app daily!The best part is, it is completely anonymous,safe,andsecure.We will never ask you for your personal information. EVER!Highlights- Fluky Chat is totally anonymous.- Fluky Chat is one of the most powerful Anonymous Chat AppsOnthemarket.- Talk with random users in a chat roulette style chat room,oratrending chat room.- Talk with friends, family or anonymous users in yourownprivateFluky Group chat.- All chat data is removed once you leave the chat room!- No chat data is sold or seen by 3rd parties. All yourdataissecured on our servers.- Fluky Chat is 100% secure.- Local Chat