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Essential Oils & More 11.26.0
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Oils Primer Free E.Oils Guide
Essential OS
INTRODUCTION:Oils Primer Essential Oils Guide by EssentialOS is afreecomprehensive guide for learning about essential oils, usingthemin your everyday life, and sharing essential oils with yourfriendsvia messaging or on your favorite social networksincludingFacebook,Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ and Instagram.EASY TO USE:Oils Primer is easy to use, and requires no prior knowledgeofessential oils. It includes information on pure essentialoilblends and supplements, as well as information and usesforcertified pure, therapeutic grade essential oils such asLavender,Lemon, Peppermint, along with Arborvitae, Basil, Bergamot,Birch,Black Pepper, Cardamom, Cassia, Cedarwood, Cilantro, CinnamonBark,Clary Sage, Clove, Coriander, Cypress, Eucalyptus,Frankincense,Geranium, Ginger, Grapefruit, Helichrysum, JuniperBerry,Lemongrass, Lime, Marjoram, Melaleuca, Melissa, Myrrh,Oregano,Patchouli, Roman Chamomile, Rosemary, Sandalwood, SweetFennel,Thyme, Vetiver, White Fir, Wild Orange, Wintergreen andYlangYlang. The oils and blends presented in this app utilizegenericdescriptive names rather than brand names in order tomaintainbrand neutrality. If you need help understanding the brandnameequivalent when presented with a generic blend descriptor,pleaseemail [email protected] or visit USAGE GUIDELINES:Oils Primer includes a comprehensive library with hundredsofpersonal usage guidelines including tips for cooking,cleaning,pets, children, emotional support, and of course helpingto supportthe body's natural functions as we live our lives inpursuit ofwellness, energy,health and happiness for ourfamilies.FAVORITES:Bookmark your favorite oils, blend, recipes and personalusageguidelines.Enter notes about each favorite item forfuturereference.RECIPES:There is also a built-in recipe library with over twohundredgraphically pleasing shareable recipe cards with recipes,tips andinformation that users may share via social media,messaging oremail with the touch of a button. Oils Primerintegrates seamlesslywith the apps on your phone includingFacebook, Twitter, Instagram,Pinterest, Google+ and more.WELLNESS ADVOCATES:Wellness Advocate users love OilsPrimer Essential Oil Guidebecauseit helps them to easily learn and share Essential Oils inafriendly and compliant way. Post favorite recipes to socialmedia,or save them to your phone. Use the Favorites feature tobookmarkoils, blends, usages and recipes and to make your own noteson eachto save in your phone.For added functionality, such as managing your oilsinventory,ordering and enrolling new members on your team, pleasedownloadOils Primer Pro.ABOUT OILS PRIMER:Oils Primer Essential Oil Guide was developed by Essential OStohelp educate people everywhere about essential oils in a funandinformative way. The app is intended for educationalandentertainment purposes only, it does not attempt to diagnose,treator cure any ailment, symptom or disease. See the app'sFDADisclaimer and Terms of Service for more detailedinformation.SUPPORTOils Primer is free for everyone to use. If you like the appandwould like to support our development efforts, or if youneedspecific product support please contact us or ugrade to OilsPrimerPro.COPYRIGHT STATEMENTContent within Oils Primer is copyrighted. Users are grantedalimited license to share content provided therein on socialmediaunder CCSA (attribute required), but may not print ourcontentwithout our express written permission.CONTACTFor comments, questions or suggestions regarding OilsPrimerfunctionality, in-app advertising or content, or to learnaboutfuture software release plans including Nametag ContactOrganizerand Oils Primer Pro, please visit [email protected].
The EO Bar
The largest essential oil education app, created by oil usersforoil users.
Essential Oils and Healing 1.2
How to use essential oils?★ Your whole body contact its pure essence✔ The pure essential oils and healing oils, derived fromthedistillation plant for its essence, its active ingredient inhighconcentration. This active ingredient not only havearomaticproperties (Flavor is only one of its properties) butalsoterapéuticasy, and indeed that is the main reason whytheseconcentrated oils are used.✔¿Cómo Pure essential oils are obtained?Pure essential oils can be extracted from the roots, flowers,stemsor fruits of plants. Will be used in every kind of healingoilsOils and the part of the plant containing the highestconcentrationof active ingredient. The active substance is obtainedby variousmethods: distillation, maceration, pressure ... To obtaina 10mlvial. pure essential oil is used in many cases several kilosofyour plant. How to use?Essential oils are not perfumes or scents smell its aroma isjustone of their characteristics and properties. Above all itisimportant to clarify that these oils should not be used inburners,as it would Oils and healing oils wasted because as we sayare notonly aromas, and also to burn some lose their essential oilsandhealing oils tearapéuticas properties . There arespeciallydesigned diffusers for aromatherapy and essential oils,but alwayshave more effective if in contact with skin. Essentialoils are thebest essential oils and healing oils and therapeuticproducts.As containing the active ingredient of the plant from whichitcomes, it is best to come in contact with the skin directly, andbyrubbing or massaging, its particles also contact through thenose,so everything about essential oils and oils Healing the bodyisimpregnated with their properties. Being highly concentratedshouldbe used with caution and in very small quantities, with 3 or4drops can be given a rub on the chest, eg essential oilsandhealing oils, or some painful area, joints, scars essentialoils,etc., consistent with the properties of each essentialoil.Oils or oil based carriersAnother way to manage them is mixing them with what are calledbaseoils and carrier oils, such as coconut, jojoba, wheat germ orsweetalmond essential oils and healing oils. They are moisturizingandgentle vegetable oils that go well with almost any otherpureessence. The base oils can be used in more amount as itsmostnoteworthy property is that are nutritious and softeners.Isusually prepared 1/2 cup of base oil, to which are added afewdrops of essential oil, and with that preparation can massagethebody for several days after the shower to stimulate circulationforexample, or before bedtime to sleep better, as we say, eachessencehas its properties of essential oils and healing oils.Thepreparation is left should be stored in a dark glass bottle touseat another time. >> More information about carriersvegetableoilsQuality essential oilsVery important is the purity and quality of vegetable oils, aslikepenetrate the skin and bloodstream its beneficialactiveingredients, if this oil or plant coming containingchemicalresidues from pesticides or fertilizers, also willpenetrate ourbody and our system