Top 4 Games Similar to MetroCard AR

Refill My Metrocard! 2.5
Find out how much to add to your Metrocard so you don't havealeftover balance!
MetroCard Balance Tracker Mta 1.3
NYC MetroCard Balance Tracker app keepstrackon your MetroCard Balance so you know when to refillyourMetroCard.See our step by step video to understand how the appworks.↑↑↑Currently the only way to check your balance and see how manyfaresyou have left is at a turnstile or a fare machine. As NewYorkersthere have been too many times when we swipe our MetroCardjust tofind out that we do not have any fares left.With NYC MetroCard Balance Tracker app you can track yourbalancebefore you head out and see in advance the amount of faresyou haveleft so you know when to refill your MetroCard.How the NYC MetroCard Balance Tracker app works?The NYC MetroCard Balance Tracker app features automatic andmanualbalance tracking options.Auto Option:Step 1: add a new metrocard at the apps home dashboardStep 2: select the auto optionStep 3: enter the balance of your card (the amount afterthebonus)Step 4: select the days and the amount of times you rideeachdayStep 6: enter a card nicknameStep 7: click saveBased on your card settings the NYC MetroCard Balance Trackerappwill keep track of your fares by reducing the balanceamountaccording to the rides you had setup to ride that day. Tokeepaccurate tracking record, we will send you a daily notificationofthe amount of rides the app has swiped for you so you can addordeduct fares if you had a change in schedule on that day.Manual Option:Step 1: Add a new metrocard at the apps home dashboard.Step 2: Select the manual option.Step 3: Enter the balance of your card (the amount afterthebonus).Step 4: Enter a card nickname.Step 5: Click save.The NYC MetroCard Balance Tracker app will keep track of yourfaresby allowing you to "swiped" on you card in the app everytimeyouride MTA. The app will then reduce your metrocard balanceandupdate the amount of fares you have left.With NYC MetroCard Balance Tracker app you can add multiple cardstokeep track on your personal or business metrocards.The app also features a notification system which will alertyoueverytime your balance is low so you know when to refillyourMetroCard.Never swipe an empty metrocard again. Enjoy riding NYC MTA!
MetroCalc 1.1
MetroCalc helps you use up leftover moneyonNYC MTA MetroCards.NOTE: MetroCalc is (finally) updated! Unfortunately theoldsigning key expired, so current users will have to remove theoldversion and reinstall this new MetroCalc.You tell it how much value your card has, and it will tellyouhow much to add to take advantage of the 5% bonus and end upwithan even number of subway fares, with no leftover change.Note: not affiliated with MTA or any othercalculatorprojects.
NICE gomobile 7.8.11
Revolutionize your NICE Bus experience with gomobile!