Top 16 Apps Similar to School Timetable

Timetable 10.0
The most beautiful and intuitive way to manage your schooloruniversity life.
Schedule Deluxe 5.1.0-free
The ultimate helper for all pupils, students, teachers andevenparents.
Stundenplan 1.11
Have your schedule always with you!
Timetable 20.017
School timetable... You will never forget an exam or homework!
Untis Mobile 5.11.3
Untis Mobile
Untis makes it all easy
Timetable 1.8
With this app you can create your timetable quickly and easily.
Awesome Timetable 1.0.0
Get now the ultimate companion for pupils, students and teachers!
HomeWork 8.8.4
HomeWork & TimeTable app for students. Widgets for timetableandhomework.
Stundenplan-App ( 6.3.1
This app allows users to view theirtimetablequickly and easily. The data of the timetable is therebyloadedfrom the WebUntis server of the school.Also, a search by teachers and classes is implemented, toquicklyfind the teachers or classes.Furthermore all holidays are listed and the room occupancy oftherooms can be obtained.Another function of the app are notifications that are senttothe user, whenever something on their timetable changes.Inaddition, widgets can be added to the home screen to viewthetimetable quickly.The whole functions of the app are listed on ourwebsite, The app is also availableforiPhones: only for supported schools. Should your schoolbesupported? Contact us and your school will also soon beavailablewith this app!Currently supported schools:• BHAK und BHAS Horn• BHAK u. BHAS Waidhof./Ybbs• BHAK u. BHASCH Liezen• HTBLUVA Waidhofen / Ybbs• HTL Bregenz• HTL KremsContact: https://stundenplan.auerchri.atDonate at:
My Class Schedule: Timetable
My Class Schedule keeps your studentlifeorganized!This app will not only keep you informed about yourupcomingclasses, but also reminds you of exams andunfinishedhomework.The main feature of My Class Schedule is its timetable thatshowsyour schedule for any particular day or week. Additionallythereare many other helpful features, for example a grade overviewwithyour average grades or the ability to automatically mute yourphoneduring class.No matter if you go to school or university, this easy to useapphelps you to keep track of all related tasks.Features:★ Color-coded timetable (day- and week view; colors can bechosenfreely)★ Widget (sizes: 2x1, 3x1, 2x2, 3x2, 4x2; shows allremainingcourses for the day) + DashClock support★ Notifications for upcoming homework, exams and classes★ Can automatically mute your phone during lessons★ Supports timetables with A/B (and even C, D) weeks; just setthefrequency of the lesson (for example to "every 2 weeks") andtheapp automatically switches between the A/B weeks★ Save as many courses, lesson times, homework and grades asyouwant; times can be chosen freely; grades can be weighted★ Light and Dark Holo theme★ Runs from SD card (note: widgets generally don't work whenrunningfrom SD)Additional features available for users of the upgradedversion(~$1.99):★ Graphical timetable widget★ Homework/exam widget★ Cloud Backup & Cross-device SynchronisationReviews:"Try out this app if you’re a student. It can relieve some ofthestress in an already stress-filled life.""Can keep your entire life on track" - mdsnig.comThis is the ad financed version (tiny ad in the day view).If you can't stand ads, there is a really low priced versionwithoutads available here:My Class Schedule (no ads)Alternatively you can simply upgrade this free version viain-apppurchase.Additionally to being ad-free the paid/upgraded versioncontainssome bigger widgets and a widget that shows the schedulefor thewhole week (just like the regular week view of theapp).
Student Agenda 2.5.17
Developed by students, with the goal ofbeingsimple and lightweight, the Student Agenda was made tohelpstudents organize themselves and have, consequently,betterperformance in studies.The objective of using this app is to perform tasks withinthecombined deadlines, divide better the time between academicandpersonal life, conduct the day-to-day with more calmnessandless stress.On Student Agenda, important information about tests,homeworks,appointments and timetable will always be available onyoursmartphone to checks and new schedulings, wherever you are. Averyuseful feature are the reminders, that will help youdon'tforget important activities.These features are adequate for school, for college, foryourday-to-day... The goal is to make student life moreorganized,managing appointments that can't be forgotten.The app was developed to be simple and easy to use. To start,youcan simply add your subjects and then your timetable.Main features:• Simplicity and lightweightness;• Timetable;• Scheduling of events (exams, homeworks/tasks, activitiesandreturning books to the library);• Add photo to increase the description of events;• Notification schedule (reminder) for events;• Check events as "completed";• Events ordered by day, week and month;• Timetable of the day;• Timetable of the week;• Calendar;• Management of marks;• Timetable and events widgets;• Share events with your friends.If you have any problem or suggestion, please send [email protected] Caller ID functionality added. Caller ID now helpsyouidentify callers - even the ones not in your contact list.Thisfeature is optional and you can adjust or disable Caller ID atanytime in the settings menu.Thank you! 3.7.6
Always be informed about changes in the representation planyourschool! 🏫📱
Der Schulplaner 1.2.0
In der Schule den Durchblick behalten:Mit dem Schulplaner hast du Stundenplan, Hausaufgaben, Notenundalle To-Dos easy auf dem Handy dabei. Teile Infos mitdeinenFreunden: Lehrer, Fächer, Arbeiten, Ferien mit CountdownundSynchronisation in deinem Kalender. Plus: MitTafelbild-Fotoseinfach zu Hause lernen.Countdown einstellen:Trage deine wichtigsten Termine ein, der Schulplaner leitetsieautomatisch an deinen Kalender im Smartphone weiter, auch wenndusie änderst. Praktisch: Auf dem Home Screen siehst du denCountdownbis zum nächsten wichtigen Termin, also zum Beispiel:„Noch 7 Tagebis zur Mathearbeit“. Plus: Extra-EinstellungenfürBerufsschulwochen möglich.Tafelbild:Du willst nicht alles mitschreiben? Sei clever undfotografierdie Tafel einfach ab. Das Foto kannst du einfach mitFreundenteilen und so ablegen, dass du es schnell wiederfindest,wenn du esbrauchst.Notenrechner:Durchschnitt ist nichts für dich? Durch den Notenrechner weißtDuimmer ganz genau, wo du stehst und welche Fähigkeiten dunochausbauen könntest.Zusammen lernen:Alle Termine, Informationen etc. kannst du mit deinenFreundenteilen – so seid ihr immer alle auf dem neuesten Stand undkönnteuch super gemeinsam vorbereiten.Dein Design:Verleih der App deine persönliche Note mitunterschiedlichemFarbdesign, lustigen Emoticons und deinenFotos.Hol dir den vollen Durchblick! Mit dem Schulplaner!Kept in the school aclearview:The school planners did you schedule, homework, notes andallto-dos easy on the phone with them. Share information withyourfriends: teachers, subjects, work, holidays with countdownandsynchronization in your calendar. Plus: With panel screenphotoseasily learn at home.Set a countdown:Transfer your important dates, school planner sheleadsautomatically to your calendar in the smartphone, even whenyouänderst. Practical: On the home screen you can see the countdowntothe next important date, so for example: "7 days until themath".Plus: Extra settings for vocational school weekspossible.Panel:You do not write there everything? Be smart andpursuedphotography from the panel simply. The photo you can easilysharethem with friends and take so that you can find it againquickly ifyou need it.Score Calculator:Average is not for you? Through the touch computer youalwaysknow exactly where you stand and what skills you couldstillexpand.Learning Together:All dates, information, etc. you can share with your friends -soyou are always all up to date and can prepare you supercommon.Your Design:Rental of the app your personal touch with differentcolordesign, funny emoticons and your photos.Get the full view! The school planner!
School Timetable 1.05
School Timetable Easy to use. Easy to save lessons data. Easytoshare homework (TODO) with friends. Schoolplanner - displayandmanage the timetable of schools. How to use: Click on thebuttonEdit (on bottom of the table) - You will see a pink screen -forediting and updating. Fill in the timetable - according tothestudent's classes. Type in the class lesson name (math,literature,history, music, geography, language, science, sports,english,etc.) in the input field according to the time of thelesson. Fillin the TODO field with your homework or things youshould do afterschool time. When finished click on the "Save"button. On the mainscreen you can click the button "Share" andtransfer TODO list byemail and more. Your timetable can be yourscreen saver on thephone (by make a screen shot ). To exit click on"Exit" button orautomatically when screen off. Using the scheduleis free andoperator's profit is only from clicking on ads. New onver 1.05:Math Brain Game - Brain Training - Brain math practice!New on ver1.04: Scientific calculator Created by Androcalc Morefree androidapplications on
Multiplication Master 99 4.0.1
For learning multiplication and includes from x1 up to x99tables.