Top 24 Games Similar to Βρες την εικονα

Pic Quiz 1.12.1
Find the word behind the picture. Many images to guess in thisfuntrivia quiz.
Quiz of Knowledge Game 1.84
Improve your knowledge and have fun at the same time with ourquizgame!
Eureka Quiz Game Offline 1.56
The utlimate Quiz Game in the world! Download it now and have fun!
Σωστό ή Λάθος Παιχνίδι γνώσεων 1.14
Από τους δημιουργούςτωναγαπημένωνσαςπαιχνιδιών, Εύρηκα και Εκατομμυριούχος ήρθετονέοδιασκεδαστικόκαι εκπαιδευτικό παιχνίδι! Σωστό ή Λάθος;Μπορείς να απαντήσεις σωστά σε ερωτήσεις γνώσεων μεΣωστόήΛάθος;Αν σου αρέσουν τα παιχνίδια γνώσεων καιερωτήσεωντοπαιχνίδι αυτό θασε ενθουσιάσει.Το παιχνίδι προσφέρει:★ Χιλιάδες ερωτήσεις κατάλληλα επιλεγμένεςγιατονδιασκεδαστικόαλλά και τον επιμορφωτικό τους χαρακτήρα.★ 3 είδη παιχνιδιού, με επίπεδα, με χρόνο, και διπλό.★ Επιλογή για παιχνίδι με δύο παίκτες.★ Επιτεύγματα να ξεκλειδώσεις.★ Καταγραφή σκορ.★ Online σκορ.★ Πολύ μικρό μέγεθος.★ Έχει αναπτυχθεί σε συνεργασίαμεπολύέμπειρουςεκπαιδευτικούς.★ Έχει σχεδιαστεί και αναπτυχθεί στην Ελλάδα.Σας ευχόμαστε καλή διασκέδαση με την εφαρμογή ΣΩΣΤΟΗΛΑΘΟΣ.Γιαπροτάσεις και παρατηρήσεις σχετικά με την εφαρμογή,μηδιστάσετεναεπικοινωνήσετε μαζί μας στο [email protected] thecreatorsofyourfavorite games, and Eureka Millionaire came thenewfunandeducational game! True or False?You can answer correctly in knowledge questionswithTrueorFalse? If you like knowledge and questions gamesthisgamewilldelight.The game offers:★ Thousands questions appropriatelyselectedforentertainingbut also educational character.★ 3 game types, with levels, with time, and double.★ Option to play with two players.★ Achievements to unlock.★ Recording score.★ Online score.★ Very small size.★ It has been developed in cooperationwithhighlyexperiencedteachers.★ Designed and developed in Greece.We hope you enjoy the application properlyorFALSE.Forsuggestions and comments on the application,pleasecontact [email protected]
Know thyself - Trivia Quiz 1.1.811
StaGe Games
A different look at knowledge that unites the past andpresentharmonically.
Trivia Quiz Knowledge 2.8.1
TRIVIAL is an awesome trivia game that will challengeyourknowledge!
General Knowledge Quiz 7.9.11
The perfect quiz game to know the world with thousands ofquestions!
Trivia Quiz Get Rich 3.63
A fun quiz game for all ages.
Σωστό ή Λάθος Κουιζ Γνώσεων 3.0
Το ΣΩΣΤΟ ΛΑΘΟΣ είναι ένα διασκεδαστικό παιχνίδι γιαναδοκιμάσετεευχάριστα τις γνώσεις σας σε διαφορετικέςκατηγορίεςόπως,γεωγραφία, ιστορία, μουσική, σινεμά κ.α. Ηεφαρμογήυποστηρίζειsingle player mode αλλά και παιχνίδι για δύοπαίκτες γιανα παίξειςμε τους φίλους σου. Πολλές ερωτήσεις για ναμην βαρεθείτεαλλά καινα βελτιώσετε τις γνώσεις σας μεδιασκεδαστικότρόποπαίζοντας.Προσπάθησε να βρεις ποιές από αυτέςμοιάζουν ναείναισωστές ή και λάθος. Αν σου αρέσουν τα παιχνίδια καιτακουιζγνώσεων κατέβασε και δοκίμασε την εφαρμογή. Κατέρριψεγνωστούςκαιάγνωστους μύθους απλά παίζοντας. Καλή διασκέδαση!
Σκέψου Γρήγορα!
Νέα παιχνίδι γνώσεων και ταχύτητας! Δενφτάνειμόνο να το ξέρεις αλλά θέλει καλά αντανακλαστικάκαιαποφασιστηκότητα! Χωρίς δεύτερες σκέψεις απάντα γρήγορα!Με την κυκλοφορία του παιχνιδιού, τρέχει διαγωνισμός μέχριτηνΚυριακή 25/4/2015 στις 22:00! Οι πρώτοι δύο στο leaderboardτουπαιχνιδιού κερδίζουν από ένα συλλεκτικό tshirt της εφαρμογής!Καλήεπιτυχία!News quiz and speed!Notenough to know but wants good reflexes andapofasistikotita!Without second thoughts Follow up quickly!With the release of the game, contest runs untilSunday04/25/2015 at 22:00! The first two on the leaderboard of thegameearn a collectible tshirt application! Good luck!
Κουίζ: Διάσημοι Έλληνες 1.1
Προσπαθήστε να μαντέψετε όσουςδιάσημουςΈλληνες μπορείτε στον ελάχιστο δυνατό χρόνο σε αυτό τοελληνικόφωτογραφικό quiz!Το κουιζ περιλαμβάνει φωτογραφίες διάσημων προσώπων οιοποίεςσταδιακά αποκαλύπτονται! Θα δείτε αγαπημένουςηθοποιούς,τραγουδιστές, ανθρώπους του πνεύματος και γνωστούςπολιτικούς.Το παιχνίδι περιλαμβάνει τις εξής δυνατότητες:-Πάνω από 100 διαφορετικές διασημότητες!-Πίνακα με το καλύτερο σκορ σας το οποίο πρέπει ναξεπεράσετε!-Παίρνετε μπόνους εάν δώσετε 10, 20 ή 30 σωστές απαντήσειςστησειρά!-Το κουίζ είναι στα ελληνικά και μπορείτε να το παίξετεεντελώςδωρεάν!Όταν κάνετε λάθος αφαιρείται χρόνος και δεν παίρνετε τουςπόντουςπου θα παίρνατε εάν βρίσκατε απευθείας τη σωστήαπάντηση.Προσπαθήστε να αναγνωρίσετε τα πρόσωπα που κρύβονται όσοπιογρήγορα μπορείτε χωρίς να κάνετε λάθη στο κουίζ γνώσεων.Εάν το θελήσετε μπορείτε να επικοινωνήσετε μαζί μαςστοsoftskycreations [παπάκι] με θέμα "κουιζ" ή"ελληνικόquiz". Επίσης, μπορείτε να μας προτείνετε γνωστούς ΈλληνεςήΕλληνίδες που θα θέλατε να δείτε στο φωτογραφικό κουίζγνώσεων.Καλή διασκέδαση!Ακολουθήστε μας στο Twitter: to guess whofamousGreek you in the least possible time in this Greekphotoquiz!The quiz includes photographs of famous people whichgraduallyrevealed! You will see favorite actors, singers,intellectuals andfamous politicians.The game includes the following options:-over 100 different celebrities!-Table With your best score which must be overcome!-Pairnete Bonus if you give 10, 20 or 30 correct answers inarow!-The Quiz is in Greek and you can play it for free!When you removed the wrong time and not getting the pointsyou'dget if you'd find the right answer directly. Try to identifythepersons hiding as fast as you can without making mistakesinknowledge quiz.If you want to contact us at softskycreations [duck] mail.comon"quiz" or "Greek quiz". You can also suggest our famous GreekorGreek women who would like to see the photographic knowledgequiz.Have fun!Follow us on Twitter:
General Knowledge Quiz Trivia 2.1.0
Are you sure in your knowledge? Quiz Online Game challenges you!
Cities of the World Photo-Quiz 3.1.0
In English! All Famous Cities of the World. How Many Cities CanYouGuess?
Photo Quiz - Guess Pictures 1.9.7
*** Guess hundreds of pictures, solve the images and collectstarsand coins ***
World Geography - Quiz Game 1.2.135
Geography Quiz Game: Maps, Flags, Capitals, Population, andmuchmore
ΚΑΤΩ ΠΑΡΤΑΛΙ Fans Quiz 5.5
Πόσο καλά γνωρίζεις την αγαπημένημαςσειρά;Διάλεξε κατηγορία ερωτήσεων, δοκίμασε τις γνώσεις σ' αυτό τοκουίζερωτήσεων και γέλα με με την παρέα σου, μέσα από ένα απλό,χρηστικόκαι πολύ όμορφο κουίζ ερωτήσεων αφιερωμένο στην καλύτερησειρά τηςχρονιάς.Το κουίζ θα ανανεώνεται κάθε εβδομάδα με τις καλύτερες ερωτήσειςκαιατάκες της σειράς !!!Συνδεθέιτε μέσω Facebook και κοιιποιήστε το Σκορ στον τοίχο σαςήπροσκαλέστε φίλους.1ος Κύκλος (3 κατηγορίες ερωτήσεων)Εύκολες (20 δευτερόλεπτα και 3 ζωές)Δύσκολες (10 δευτερόλεπτα και 3 ζωές)Τυχαίες (15 δευτερόλεπτα και 3 ζωές)2ος Κύκλος (15 δευτερόλεπτα και 3 ζωές)Σύντομα θα προστεθούν Εύκολες,Δύσκολες και Τυχαίες ερωτήσεις1ος και 2ος Κύκλος μαζί (15 δευτερόλεπτα και 3 ζωές)Σύντομα θα προστεθούν Εύκολες,Δύσκολες και Τυχαίες ερωτήσειςHow well do you knowourfavorite series?Choose category questions tested knowledge in this quiz and alaughwith your friends, through a simple, utilitarian and beautifulquizdedicated to the best series of the year.The quiz will be updated every week with the best questionsandquotes of the series !!!Login through Facebook and koiipoiiste the scores on your wallorinvite friends.1st Cycle (three categories of questions)Easy (20 seconds and 3 lives)Hard (10 seconds and 3 lives)Random (15 seconds and 3 lives)2nd cycle (15 seconds and 3 lives)Soon they will be added Easy, Hard and Random questions1st and 2nd Cycle together (15 seconds and 3 lives)Soon they will be added Easy, Hard and Random questions
Greek Quiz - Ελληνικές Σειρές 1.4
All our favorite series in a simple and intuitive quiz.
TV Shows Fun Trivia Quiz Game 8.0
Quiz Corner
Hello, quiz lovers! Do you like to have fun while studyingandtostudy while having fun? If you do, “TV Shows Fun TriviaQuizGame”2019 is simply made for you! “Famous TV shows,actors,actresses,directors” are now here at the same place! This isanidealopportunity for you to learn! So, don't hesitate!Grabthisfantastic “TV show trivia quiz” and enjoy playing one ofthebest“educational trivia games for kids” and adults! This“quiztriviashow” will provide you with lots of interesting factsaboutworld'smost popular TV shows and give you an opportunity tofindout aboutprivate lives of your favorite actors and actressesfrom“TVshows”. This “trivia game”, which is now at yourdisposal,isoffering a variety of “TV quiz questions and answers”whichcanhelp you learn about your favorite TV shows. “TVquizzes”bringexcitement and fun! This quiz show is one of the best“TVtriviagames” you have ever seen and played! Download thisawesomeTVtrivia game and enter the magnificent world of the TVquizshowsyou don't see every day! Fasten your seat belts! Becomeamember ofthe privileged society of “TV show quiz” lovers andbookyourself aticket for one the funniest rides you have ever beenon!* Chooseone of 4 offered answers; * There are 5 levelsofdifficulty in theendless quiz questions and answers; * Givetheanswer quickly andwin extra points for being fast; * If you give3incorrect answers,you will have to start again; * If youhaveproblems answering TVshows quiz questions, you can ask for 3typesof help: 1) 50:50 –remove two incorrect answers; 2) Switchyourquestion with anotherone; 3) Use the help of your friends –take alook at their answersshown in percents. Do you think you aregoodat recognizing popularTV shows? Do you want to knoweverythingabout famous actors,actresses, directors? This quiztrivia is agame that allows you tocheck your knowledge of theworld's mostpopular TV shows andeverything that makes them sointeresting. Whatis your favorite TVshow? Can you find it in thisgreat quiz triviagame that can helpyou develop into a true TV showconnoisseur? Whois your favoriteactor? Can you find him in thistrivia game thatboosts yourgeneral knowledge and provides you withtons ofinteresting “quiztrivia questions”? Find out everything youneed toknow andeverything you have ever wanted to know aboutthisimportant peoplein this unique TV Shows Fun Trivia Quiz Game2020!Now you have theworld of popular TV shows at your disposal24/7 viathe “triviaquiz game” that is providing you with tonsofinteresting data.Don't hesitate! Educate yourself using this“TVtrivia game” andlearn about all the important TV shows!Learningalways pays off!Grab this fantastic “trivia game” for freeandalways carry asource of fun and knowledge in your pocket! Takeaquiz and testyour knowledge on TV shows! Learning is nothingbutfun with “freegames for education”! This is exactly one suchtriviagame!Download this incredible TV Shows Fun Trivia Quiz Game2020forAndroid TM, and have fun playing one of the best TV showgamesonyour mobile phone or tablet! Spend innumerous hourswiththisinexhaustible source of fun and knowledge and tellyourfriendsabout this awesome TV trivia game! Become an expert ofTVshowquizzes!
Scratch Character Quiz 2.4
Puzzle quiz game to scratch the screen to guess character oremojifrom choices
Trivial Quiz English 3.2
Cadev Games
Challenge your knowledge with Trivial Quiz English
MindJam! The Knowledge Guru 1.0.1b
Do you feel like a poser when you talkabouttrivia facts? Do you crave to prove your knowledge to yourfriendsbut you don’t knowhow? Challenge your friends in aMindJamknowledge free trivia quiz game.Become a knowledge guru by answering thousands of quiz questionsinScience, Geography, History, Sports, Cinema and othercategories.Compete and challenge other players online globally inquestionswith images, four different trivia questions types andthreechallenging game modes. Join the MindJam game communityandchallenge your friends in an online or local questions game.Anabsolutely entertaining free quiz game for genius players wholiketo compete, test and cultivate their skills in an online orlocalMindJam match.Are you up to the challenge? Do you have the knowhow ?Knowledge,Agility and a Genius mind are skills needed to become aMindJamGuru and a Genius Poser.An absolutely must have free quiz game with:* Cultivate your skills and test your knowhow in thousandsofentertaining questions with various difficulty levels,from an easy one to a real poser.* Four different type of trivia questions ( Multiplechoice,Sorting, Find the images, Combination of three )* Beautiful images for all questions* Different categories of trivia questions such as:Geography,History, Science, Sports, Cinema and with morecoming up* An online active community to socialize and test yourskills* Match and compete against other players in an online orlocalgame* Three exciting trivia game modes to challenge your friends* Test your knowledge in a match with friends even when youareoffline* Connect with Facebook and send invitations to competeagainstother players* Share your success on Facebook and be a poser to yourcommunity!* Accumulate “Keys” and “Experience Points” with a winningquestionsgame matchWith an absolutely slick and joyful user interface, MindJam!TheKnowledge Guru, offers a unique multiplayer challenge forgeniusplayers that seek to test their trivia skills andcriticalthinking, while having tons of fun in a free quiz game! Wepromiseyou will crave for more!Play with your family and friends and brag about your knowledge,bysharing your results on Social networks!As our community grows, this knowledge quiz game will constantlybeimproved and enriched with new content and features youwillcrave.Do you want to cultivate your knowledge? Do you have the knowhow?Be a genius Guru of knowledge while having fun.It is absolutely free !
Geography Quiz Game 3D 5.2.0
Misvix Games
Fun game for all fans of geography quizzes and race games!GetGeography Quiz Game 3D, a free app and spend hours of funplayingthis addictive quiz with questions and answers and gainingnewgeography knowledge! Race around the world with otherplayers,answer geography questions, complete achievements and havefunplaying this awesome free picture quiz for kids and adults!-Choose from 4 offered answers: A, B, C or D! - Each time youanswera question you spend 1 energy point! - You get one energypointeach 2 minutes! - Answer the question correctly to travelaroundthe world! - You have 4 attempts to give the correct answer,choosethe correct answer on the first try to travel the longerdistance!- Use helps to pass the longer distance than youropponents: doublethe length of the distance you can pass or removeone wrong answer!- Use traps to decrease the progress of youropponents: slow downall other players or prevent the leading playerfrom answering onequestion! - Collect compasses and use them oncrossroads to takethe shortcut! - Collect chips to try your luck ona slot machine inLas Vegas and win more helps! - Log in withFacebook or create yourplayer profile! - Purchase in-apps to getmore helps, traps andunlimited energy! Your race starts in New Yorkand it ends when youpass through all continents and return to NewYork! The player thatgets to NYC first, wins this free "quiz game"!Download this greatpicture quiz and recognize flags, landmarks andmonuments on thephotos! Answer trivia questions about worldcountries and theircapital cities and official languages, and beatyour opponents!Test your knowledge on world geography and learn newgeographicalfacts by playing Geography Quiz Game 3D, a free app forAndroid™!This great educational game is a perfect geographical quizforpreschoolers, for kids of any age and for adults as well.Geographyexam will never ever bother you again since you will havetheopportunity to learn new facts about world capital andmajorcities, country borders, national flags and othergeographicalfeatures worldwide. Having all features of a good photoquiz and agood educational geography game, this multiple choicequiz, a freeapp will provide you with tons of fun and will help youbroadengeneral knowledge. World map quizzes are designed to helpyou learnthe countries of the world as well as provinces/states,and capitalcities. Physical features such as lakes, rivers andmountains alsocome along. Interesting geography facts about US,Europe and theplanet Earth make this geo game 3D a unique generalknowledge quiz.You will love the trivia facts available in thisfree quiz withquestions and answers! Repetition reinforces memory,so playquizzes more often! General knowledge questions aboutgeographycover so many interesting topics so you'll definitelybeentertained all the time while playing this awesome race gamefree.A "geography game" such as a national flags quiz or acapitalcities quiz is a perfect pastime for adults and a great waytowhile away your free time. However, this free logo game forAndroidis a nice educational game for kids too, because it can helpthemgain new knowledge of geography trivia and have fun at thesametime! Download Geography Quiz Game 3D, this amazing triviaquizwith questions and answers and keep your children entertainedforhours! Get the free app now! For all fans of logo quizzes,generalknowledge quizzes and geography questions this is a uniquechanceto check how well they know the world. Fun geography gamessuch asGeography Quiz Game 3D, a free app, teach about worldcapitals,national flags, continents and much more. They let youdiscover newgeographical facts and keep you entertained all thetime. Geographyquizzes are excellent educational games for kids andvery funmobile apps you could use any time. Download this freegeographyquiz game and enjoy! *Android is a trademark of GoogleInc.
Genius 1.0
Το Genius είναι ένα επιτραπέζιο παιχνίδιtriviaγενικών γνώσεων για 2 έως 4 ομάδες. Χωρίστε την παρέα σας σεομάδεςκαι ανακαλύψτε ποια ομάδα είναι ικανή να κερδίσει τον τίτλοτουGenius!Αν είστε λάτρεις του TRIVIAL PERSUIT αυτό το παιχνίδι είναιγιασας!!!Οι κανονές είναι απλοί: η ομάδα που παίζει διάλεγει μία αποτιςδυο κατηγορίες που έφερε το ζάρι και αν απαντήσει σωστάξαναπαίζειαν όχι παίρνει τη συσκευή και ρωτάει την επόμενη ομάδα.Εαν το ζάριφέρει ερώτηση για διαμαντάκι και η ομάδα σας απαντήσεισώστάκερδίζεται το διαμαντάκι της κατηγορίας. Η πρώτη ομάδα πουθαμαζέψει και τα 6 διαμαντάκια κερδίζει!!!Προσοχή ομως! το Genius είναι το πιο απαιτητικό παιχνίδιγνώσεων.Μπορεί η ομάδα σου να τα καταφέρει;Χαρακτηριστικά:- Πάνω απο 2000 ερωτήσεις- 6 Κατηγορίες- 2 έως 4 ομάδες- Στειλτε τις δικές σας ερωτήσεις- Καντε αναφορά σε ερώτησεις που δεν σας αρέσουνΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ: Το GENIUS παίζεται με ΜΙΑ μονο συσκευή!Για οποιοδήποτε πρόβλημα ή απορία σχετικά με την εφαρμογήμας,επικοινωνήσετε μαζί μας μέσω email!The Genius is adesktopgeneral knowledge trivia game for 2-4 teams. Divide yourfriendsinto groups and find out which team is capable of winningthe titleof Genius!If you love TRIVIAL PERSUIT this game is for you !!!The rules are simple: the team that plays chooses one of thetwocategories that brought the dice and if you answercorrectlyreplays if not take the device and asks the next group. Ifthe dicecarries question gem and your team answered correctly wonthe gemcategory. The first team to collect all 6 gems wins !!!But beware! the Genius is the most challenging quiz. Canyourgroup do it?Characteristics:- Over 2000 questions- 6 Categories- 2 to 4 groups- Send your questions- Make reference to questions you do not likeCAUTION: The GENIUS is played with a single device!For any problem or question regarding our application, contactusby email!