Top 14 Apps Similar to Auto škola FormulaB - Teorija

Auto Škola - Testovi - Vozački 1.0
Auto ŠkoleBesplatna Android aplikacija za vežbanje testovazapolaganjevozačkog ispita za sve kategorije motornih vozila.Besplatni testovi za polaganje.Driving SchoolsFree Android app for practice tests for driving testsforallcategories of motor vehicles.Free tests for laying.
Testovi Auto škole 1.3
The best preparation for the driving test!
Auto Škola
Aplikacija koja pomaže pri pripremanjutestovaza polaganje vozačkog ispita po novom zakonu u RepubliciSrbiji.Idealno za vreme pohađanja auto-škole, kao i za kasnijuproveruznanja.Aplikacija sadrži sva teoretska pitanja kao i svesaobraćajneznakove.Svoje znanje možete proveriti putem testova koji su sastavnideoaplikacije.An application thathelpsyou prepare for the test driving test under the new law intheRepublic of Serbia. Ideal for time to attend driving school,aswell as for future exams.The application contains all the theoretical issues as wellasall the traffic signs.You can check your knowledge through tests that are an integralpartof the application.
Autoškola 1.4.8
AUTOŠKOLA the e-learning applications for learning traffic rulesandsigns
SpesDriver Tests
Darko Lukić
Driving license practice test for A, B andCcategory:Bosnia and Herzegovina,Serbia,more soon...We tried to invent and develop an application that future driverofA, B and C categories can quickly and easily prepare forpassingthe tests for the driving test. To make easy navigation wegroupedthe questions, so you can focus on learning just theintersection,or just signs, or just theory.For each category were developed and pilot tests. Pilot tests forA,B and C category help you to check yourself if you ready topassdriving test.Good luck wish you SpesDriver.com
Auto Škola
Driving test in a simpler way.
Polozi Vozacki BA Testovi 0.9.2
Vjezbajte i učite testove iz propisa Besplatno OmogućilaAutoškolaLifeLine Sarajevo Dobro došli usvijetsigurnih vozača!! Džemala Bijedića 2 Zgrada UnionkomercaDolacMalta Sarajevo 033 841 222 062 100 292 By SpesDriver
ALBOS Driver - Testovi BIH 1.0
ALBOS Driver je aplikacija koja vasspremazapolaganje testova za vozački ispit.Aplikacija sadrži pitanja iz oblasti : A, B, C, Dkategorije,oblastiza traktor i prvu pomoć.Pitanja iz ove aplikacije su aktuelna od 2013. godine i važeza2016.godinu.Aplikacija sadrži dva načina rada: "učenje" i "simulaciju".Kod "učenja" pitanja dolaze jedna nakon drugih saobavještenjemotačnosti, dok kod "simulacije" pitanja dolaze jednanakon drugih,akonačni rezultat je vidljiv na kraju.Aplikacija je dostupna u offline modu, tako da za učenjenećebitipotreban internet.Pitanja su preuzeta sa se da će vam se svidjeti, i želim vam svu sreću uučenjuipolaganju vašeg vozačkog ispita.Aplikaciju posvećujem profesoru Saidu Sakiću i njegovojsupruzi,kojisu bili zaslužni za moju stipendiju na fakultetu,mojimroditeljima,prijateljima, rodbini i svima koji su mepodržavali unjenoj izradi.Developer: Vedad Burgiće-mail: [email protected] Driverisanapplication that saves you for taking the test foradrivingtest.The application includes questions from the field: A, B,C,Dcategories, the field for the tractor and first aid.Questions of these applications have been present since 2013andarevalid for 2016.The application has two modes: "learning" and "simulation".In the "learning" questions come one after the otherwiththeinformation about accuracy, while the "simulation"questionscomeone after the other, and the final result is visibleattheend.The application is available in the offline mode, sothatlearningwill not need internet.Questions are taken from hope you will like it, and I wish you all the luck inlearningandpassing your driving test.Application dedicate Professor Said Sakic and his wife,whowereresponsible for my college scholarship, myparents,friends,relatives and all who have supported me in itselaboration.Developer: Vedad Burgiće-mail: [email protected]
DriveTest BiH 1.1
Ivan Jukic
DriveTest BiH is an Androidapplicationthatlets you test your knowledge about traffic rules. Atthistime,there is only version available for Bosnia andHerzegovinaarea.It's a user friendly, simple application thatprepares you foryourdrivers license exam, making learning a funexperience.
Auto škola Točak 1.2.1
Pre-school tests for the preparation of the theoretical partofteaching
Auto škola Start 1.1.3
First Montenegrin application for test preparation inMontenegrinlanguage
Autoškola 2023 6.7.1
James Deer
Test questions for drivers of groups A, B, C and D. Current asofJune 30, 2023.
Знаки и разметка тест ПДД 2023 5.10
Additional tests to prepare for the exams for knowledge oftrafficrules in 2023