Top 5 Apps Similar to VotMot Polls

testraum 3.5
Your opinion matters! Your opinion pays off!
mingle - your opinion counts 1.1.4
Why being a member with mingle is worth it What it’s all about–inbrief mingle is an app for people living in Europe whowanttobecome involved in the process of opinion building andwanttochange things. mingle ensures that these people have avoice.Atmingle you can take part in the decision-makingprocessesthataffect the business and academic worlds and concernthepublic.This allows you to influence the society in which wewillall livetomorrow. We guarantee transparency & fairnessWhateverprojectwe offer you, your participation is alwaysentirelyvoluntary. Youcan decide for each project whether you wantto takepart or not.We also guarantee you 100% data protectionNaturally,yourinvolvement is worth a lot to us You will receivebonus pointsfortaking part. You can donate these points towell-knowncharities,trade them in for shopping vouchers or havetheequivalent cashvalue paid into your bank account. We thinkyoucan’t say fairerthan that! Are you convinced? Download themingleapp now. If youare already a member, you can just use themingleapp login withyour login data. Not yet a member? Registerwithmingle app now.WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT No cost, no ties:Yourparticipation is freeand voluntary- no ties attached. Rewards:Yourparticipation willbe rewarded with mingle points, which youcanredeem for giftvouchers, cash or donations to a charity.Dataprotection: Yourpersonal data will be handled with thestrictestconfidenceAnonymity: The data you share with us is alwaysanonymousand willonly be used for market and social researchpurposes. Weguaranteeno spam You will receive no advertising orspam e-mails.
Valued Opinions Mobile 4.2.8
Start earning on the go with ValuedOpinionsMobile! Enjoy taking part in a range of surveys anduniquelocation-based & mobile-only studies, these couldinvolve:• Product testing – test new products & giveyourfeedback• Mystery shopping – share your experience when visiting localshops& events• Diary studies – record your thoughts on different topics viashortdiary entries• Brand research – weigh in on new advertising conceptsFeatures include:• Access to your account• FAQs to answer questions you may have about the app• Ability to contact Member Services from the app• In-app control of push notifications & locationservices• The option to upgrade to Valued Opinions Mobile+Simply sign in using the email address and password you usetolog in to your account on our website. When you first login totheapp you will be asked to accept the terms and conditions fortheapp.
askGfK your home for surveys 1.4.9
What is the ask GfK Community? The ask GfK Community is GfK’sonlineresearch community. It provides all Panel members anopportunity toinfluence the products and services thatmanufacturers andgovernment produce. In return for yourparticipation in our OnlineResearch Community, you will berewarded with points redeemable forhundreds of great rewards.
wasdenkstDU? 3.5.1
Was denkst DU? Die App, mit derDuselbstUmfragen erstellen kannst!Hast Du Dir schon mal folgende Fragen gestellt:- "Wie denken andere darüber?"- "Finden das alle anderen auch gut/komisch?"- "Ticke ich denn anders als alle anderen?"Oder willst Du einfach von der Community wissen:- "Soll ich das Auto kaufen?"- "Welche Pflanze ist am besten fürs Büro?"- "Wie oft sollte man nach einer Gehaltserhöhung fragen?"Genau dafür ist wasdenkstDU da! Die erste App, in der esnichtnurdarum geht Umfragen zu beantworten, sondern auch darumselbstwelchezu erstellen. Finde bei uns heraus, wie dennalleanderenticken!Nehme außerdem an NoceanZ-Umfragen teil, bei denen DudurchDeineTeilnahme Geld verdienen kannst.Beantworte und erstelle User-Umfragen, um inhöhereLevelaufzusteigen und Boni oder weitere Funktionenfreigeschaltetzubekommen.Hole Dir die App, registriere Dich und lege gleich los!Wirfreuenuns auf Dich und auf das, was Dich interessiert!Bei Fragen, Anregungen oder Problemen erreichst Duunsunter:[email protected] wasdenkstDU-TeamWhat do you think?Theappthat lets you create your own polls can!Have you ever asked yourself the following questions:- "What do others think about this?"- "Find the all the other good / funny"- "I Ticke because unlike any other?"Or do you just want to know from the community:- "Should I buy the car?"- "What plant is best for the office?"- "How often should you ask for a raise?"This is exactly what wasdenkstDU is here! The firstapp,whereit's not just about answering surveys, it is also abouttocreateone. Find out with us, just as all other tick!Also take part in NoceanZ surveys, in which you can earnthroughyourparticipation money.Answer and make user surveys in order to advance in levelsandgetunlocked bonuses or other functions.Get the app, you can sign up and put the same go! We lookforwardtoyou and to what you care!If you have questions, suggestions or problems you canreachusat: [email protected] wasdenkstDU team