Top 16 Apps Similar to TraceMe

Location Privacy
THIS APP IS FOR SALE - I NO LONGER HAVE TIMETOMAINTAIN - SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY.INTRODUCTION:Control over personal information is your universal human rightandPlaceMask Location Privacy for Android™ assists you inmaintaininglocation privacy against threats accessing your GPS andNetworklocation (e.g. location-based advertising and profilingapps).We are focused on delivering technologies that reducelocationleakage from on-board GPS and Wireless Network locationsources toprotect your privacy. Your mobile carrier may still knowwhere youare (roughly) but the applications on your device willnot. If youwant to anonymize your IP address, consider also using aproxy.We also recognize a number of other uses for this technologywhencombined with your location-based apps (e.g. includingvirtualtourism and misrepresentation).You will find this a useful companion to: Angry Birds andCarrierIQ (privacy), Wikitude and Google Places (tourism), orFacebook andFoursquare (spoofing).To learn more about the ways your location is determined andwhatyou can do to stop it, please visit our websiteathttp://www.PlaceMask.comKEY FEATURES:• Three privacy settings (minimum, medium, maximum) thatmonitorsettings, replace real location, and randomize movement toenhanceprivacy• Scans applications on your device and reports those that useyourlocation with context menu convenience functions• Provides a status view of your "current" location and thepoliciesin force• Runs as a resident service that always watches forlocationleakage• Easy unmasking to use real location when you need it (e.g.simplytap the PlaceMask to start and stop)• Remote control through SMS to start or stop service (e.g. forusewith Phone Finders)N.B. UNINSTALL PlaceMask Location Privacy TRIAL beforerunningthis standard versionQUICK TEST:Activate PlaceMask service at the medium privacy level thenswitchto another location-based app to view your device in anewlocation.FUNCTIONALITY:PlaceMask Location Privacy for Android™ is an applicationthatprotects your location privacy. It monitors the locationsettingsof your device and provides replacement locations to theotherapplications to enhance your privacy. You may view thecurrentstatus of the application through key settings overlaid ontoa mapview. You may access a list of alerts related to the operationofthe application or retrieve a report of all the applicationsonyour device that use your location in some way. The settingsinPlaceMask Location Privacy allow you to adjustapplicationparameters like privacy levels. You may find generalinformationabout the application, its license, and its authors inthe aboutdialog. And of course, we have provided an easy way foryou torecommend PlaceMask Location Privacy to a friend or colleaguebylaunching a text message from the application.CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE:You are the most important part of this software and webelieveusability is a key attribute to its success. If you findanythingthat you do not understand or is difficult to learn,remember, oruse efficiently - please let us know. Your satisfactionis ourobjective.REFUNDS AND SUPPORT:Comments in the Market are not the most effective way to getsupport(but we love great reviews!). If you have an issue, pleasesend areport to [email protected] with the followinginformation:summary of problem, platform description, expectedbehavior,observed behavior, and steps to reproduce the problem. Ifwe are notable to satisfactorily address your issue, we are happyto provide arefund.APPEAL FOR FREEDOMSoftware Products that assist you in preserving privacyareimportant to maintaining personal freedom. Please help us makethisproduct a success by purchasing it, using it, recommending it,andbeing a champion for location privacy in your community.For more information about application features andbenefits,visit
Geotact: Locate Using SMS 1.4
Devajit Asem
This application allows you to getthelocationof Android Devices by using SMS. SMS is used only onceonbothphones to Request and Transmit Location. Locate using SMS.The other user must have the app installed on his/herdevicetowork correctly.You can send a Location Request to an android userandreceivetheir Location and view his/her location on a map.You can set different view modes of the map.It doesn't use silent SMS.Situations where you can use this app:- Get a phone's location when it's lost or stolen- Get your children's location if you are worried whytheyarebeing so late.NOTE: Using this application deducts normal SMS costofyourmobile carrier from your main balance if you don'thave a SMS plan in your mobile. If you are going to usethisappfrequently then it's recommended to use a SMSplan. It doesn't use silent SMS means people will know whentheygetor send location data.By default this app allows you to get location of anyuserthathas this app installed on their device regardless ofwhether they are in your Contact List (Phonebook) or not.Inthismode other users can also get your location rregardless of whether your number is in their ContactListornot.You can change this behaviour by going to Settings andchangetoany one of the Preferences you want.**This app doesn't collect any user information in anyform.SMSis used only for transmitting location purposes.**Mobile ads are being served in this app. Ads freeversionandsending SMS using internet(no need for SMS plan)ComingSoon.
Locate via SMS 4.1.4
This application allows you totrackAndroidsmartphones by using SMS for transmitting the location.Youcantrack a phone even if the Internet connection is off andsoensurecontinuous “trackability”.The App doesn't use silent SMS!!! Both actors must havetheappinstalled on their phones.You can use the app in different situations:- Track a phone when it is lost or stolen- Track you children if you are concernedabouttheirwell-being- Ensure that your friends are already on their way to youandsoskip unnecessary phone callsBe aware that SMS costs will accrue if your mobiletariffdoesn’tinclude free SMS.!!!You can only track people when they also haveinstalledthisapplication on their phones!!!How does “Locate via SMS” work?Situation: Person A wants to track person BTrack Request: Person A sends a track request to personB.Theapp prepares, in the background, a specific SMS (trackrequest)andsends it to person B.Track Respond: Person B receives the SMS, withoutshowingupin the usual SMS app, and starts the locating. Afterfewsecondsthe location of person B is obtained and sent back topersonA inform of an SMS.Location found: Person A receives that SMS andshowsthereceived coordinates in a map view.
GPS Tracker for Android 2.2.4
GPS Tracker for Android is an extremelyuserfriendly GPS tracker. It can be used to:• Locate your mobile phone or tablet.• View the location of your phone or tablet from anotherAndroiddevice or a PC.• View the location of your friends or family members.• Track devices using GPS or Network positioning to save batteryorwhen indoors.• Share your location live on the internet.• Record way points as you travel.• View your location history by going back to a specific dayandtime.• Send an SOS with your location to trusted contacts via SMSandemail.• Set boundaries (Geo-Fences) which send an alert when crossedintoor out of.• Set a speed limit which sends an alert when broken.• Create a trip using part or all of your days travels, andsharewith friends.• Set your tracking interval when moving or when stationarytooptimize battery life.While the key advantage of this GPS tracker is it'suserfriendliness, there are also so many features, it's hard tocapturethem all! This app was developed from the mostsuccessfulBlackBerry tracking application BerryLocate, and nowthanks to theAndroid platform offers many more features. Theinstall procedureis very simple, and through the web site you canset many optionsto make the app suit your needs perfectly.The battery usage is highly efficient, you won't find amoreefficient tracker anywhere else!Full details and features can be found by goingto
sms locator, locate via sms 1.0
SmsLocator allows you to performtrackingofother devices without the necessity to use dataconnection,insteadit uses sms to exchange commands and coordinatesbetweentheterminals involved, Obviously in order to makethetrackingpossibile both he actors must have installed the app.SmsLocator is still in beta, so any feedback wouldbegreatlyappreciated to help improve it.
Mobile Monitoring, SMS & Calls 1.6
Parviz Ahmadi
Monitoring Calls andTextMessages:Knowing whom your children are calling and textingcanliterallysave you from catastrophe. If you are worried thatyourteen iscommunicating with unsavory individuals,thenMobileMonitoring software is the ultimatesolutionfor you, alsoMobile Monitoring could be usedtoautomaticallybacking up your SMS messages and calls history toyouremailaccount.Using this application is completely free and thereisnohidden fees or monthly subscription charge.What do you need before starting installation?- Your email address, which all the reports will be sent to;- If you are reinstalling this software, you mustfirstlyuninstallany previously installed versions;- A Gmail account (have the User Name and the Passwordready);- Why do you need a Gmail account ?Theapplicationuses the Gmail API to send the reports toyouremail thatmeans the application has to login into the Gmailaccounteach timesending the report, however maybe for the firstloginGmail blocksthe application, if so you need to login intoyourGmail accountand give permission to the MobileMonitoring toaccess theGmail account (a sample screenshot ofthe Gmailblockednotification is provided in the screenshotsection).Advance : "The Email Receiving Reports"and"TheGmail Address" could be the same, thisisrecommended.How to setup the application: SettingupMobileMonitoring is very simple and will nottakesmore than aminute. After installation has finished, the firstthingto do isto set up the preferences to make theapplicationfunctional. Thefollowing preferences must be set:- Email address for receiving reports :Yourpersonalemail address, e.g. [email protected];- The Gmail address : Your gmail email address(ifyoudon't already have one, you must createone,[email protected]);- The Gmail password : Password for theabovegmailaddress;- Target name : Name of the target device. Thiswillbeuseful in case you install this application on morethanonemobile;- Limit the sending record : Number oftheSMS(s)(including sent/received) to be sent in each report.User Guide: This application is completely stealthandwillnot create an application's icon on the target phone.Toreopen theapplication you have to dial #123456#onthe targetdevice also Mobile Monitoring hasbeendesigned in asuch a way to avoid draining your battery.Once you've gone through the no-hassle process of settingupyourMobile Monitoring account, you willstartreceivingemail reports with the Sent/Received SMS messagesandCalls historyon the target mobile(s).*** Important *** When you uninstalling thefirstversionmake sure you uninstall it for all the users otherwisethenewversion will not hide away and app will not work properlyastwoversion is installed.Future development:- Target's location report;- Callback Functionality;- Supporting social media chat report(Skype,Viber,Facebook,Whatsapp and … etc.).Legal Notifications :Please be aware that all the SMS and Calls will be monitoredontheinstalled devices by the email that you will provideinthe"User Preferences", The legal notification willbedisplayedbefore installation and each time you re-setuptheapplication(seethe screenshot). Please use thisusefulapplicationresponsibly.
Anti-theft : MobileTracker 1.0.1
Anti-theft : MobileTracker locates lostorstolen phones and lost or stolen Androids DeviceFind My Lost Phone contains a superior phone tracker tool andusesstate-of-the-art GPS navigational technology to locate lostorstolen phones.It is the essential app for anyone who has experienced thestress,worry, and inconvenience associated with a lost phone orevenworse, a stolen phone.Lost Phone Found, With Find My Lost SmartPhoneandroidapplicationFind My Android Phone makes it easy to pinpoint the location ofamissing phone whether it’s a smart phone or a feature phone.Betterstill,the app’s navigational assistance can guide you to it, makinglostphone retrieval quick and easy. To locate smart phones,Find My Android Phone uses state-of-the-art GPS trackingtechnology.Essentially, cell phone companies know a mobiledevice’s distancefrom cell phone towers.Find My Android Phone secures this data from cell phonecompaniesand displays the phone’s whereabouts on the app’s map.Fromthere,it’s easy for you to retrieve the lost feature phone.Find My Android Phone’s phone tracker feature helps you pinpointthelocation of a missing phone using GPS technology.Note: For this phone tracker feature to function, the app mustbeinstalled on the phone you’re looking for and on yourownphone.Simply check the app’s map on your phone and there will be aniconindicating the location of the lost or stolen phone.Features:• Track a lost, stolen or missing device whether it belongs toyou,or any of your family member• Locate smart phones and regular (also known as feature) phonesviaFind My Android SmartPhone’s superior phone trackertechnology• Enjoy a more diverse array of features and benefits• Take image of Thief and send to your provided Email• Determine the location of any family member’s phone. Theabilityto track other member’s phones is a unique feature not foundonmany other phone tracker apps• Keep tabs on a lost or missing device with real-timelocationupdates. When the missing or stolen phone is moved,itslocation isupdated instantly on the app’s map• Lock Phone with Admin Device• Sim Change Alert• Ring phone with admin device even stolen phone onvibrationmoodFind My Android Phone Can Find A Stolen Phone.Nothing is more worrisome and upsetting than a stolenphone.Thankfully,Find My Android Phone includes a navigational setting that, aslongas the location app is running,tracks the whereabouts of a stolen phone and guides you (orbetteryet, law enforcement) to its exact location, quicklyandeasily.Android Lost? Find My Android Phone Works with aLostAndroid!Droid users benefit from Find My Android Phone. Simply use afamilymember’s phone to track the location of the lostAndroid.As long as Find My Android Phone is running, it can providethenavigational assistance needed to locate your missing orlostAndroid.
Spyware & Malware Detector
Spyware found by real team, no AI. True expertise beatsAIcounterparts.
Self-Hosted GPS Tracker 1.9
Send your GPS position in real-time to*your*server.You need a self-hosted web server on which you're allowedtoinstall this kind of script which records GPScoordinates(latitude, longitude):, do what you want with those coordinates. It's*your*data.For example, you can put these PHP scripts on your server inorderto show your family or friend where you are on a Google map: may be useful, for instance, if you're alone doing sport inanisolated area : in case of emergency (injury or failure),yourfamily may locate you easily on the map. Provided you haveGPSsignal and data connectivity (4G, H+, 3G, EDGE...).This app is NOT meant to be a stealth tracker, or to beforcedupon a user. So, please don't ask me how to hide it from theuser,or how to prevent the user from closing the app.I put a demoon see your position on this page, enter the app on your phone (or tablet).It's an anonymous URL, so ifyou're not the only one doing it, youmay see the location ofanother anonymous user.Side-note: There are plenty of apps which do the same,forexample Open GPS Tracker. But I wanted an app* which sends my position to my server, and only my server* which does not download any map on my phone and thus does notgoover my 3G plan* the most simple ever : just enter URL, enable 3G and GPS andgo!And then, I wanted to do it just for fun. If you're interestedinit, source code in availableon underFreeSoftware license GPL v3.This is not a product, I don't sell it, there's no ad. It'sonlycode sharing. Enjoy.
Gps Tracker 4.0.2
Nick Fox
Track your cell phone in real time and store your routes forlaterreview.
Mobile Phone Tracker 1.0
Mobile Phone TrackerWant to protect your android device or tracked afterlostit?Mobile Phone Tracker helps you to track your phoneafterlostit.• You can get sms from that card whenever anyone enternewSIMcard in your phone.• For that you can save contacts on that applicationwhileenablethis.• Using this app you can easily find your device’s IMEInumberandcurrent location.
Find iDevices(find iphone)free 1.06
Find your iPhone/Apple iDevices(iPhone, iPad, macbooketc.,)fromAndroid devices. No Ads. MFA supported. ★ In addition youcanPlaySound ★ Uses iCloud credentials.Multi-factorAuthenticationsupportedConnects to iCloud serverdirectly (nobrowsers involved).★ Optimized for speed. Within fewseconds youcan find all yourdevices location. ★ Premium: SupportsMultipleAccounts. FindDirections . ★ Premium: Enable Lost Mode indevices,Erase Devicedata and Send Messages remotely from this app.★Displays devicelocated time stamp and Battery percentageandcharging status perdevice. ★ Can select map viewtype(Normal/Satellite/Terrain view).★ Premium: Integrated withGooglemaps app for advanced navigationto iDevices. ★ Premium: Youcansend messages to your otheriDevices through this app. Thisfeaturewill be very helpful forsending messages to familymembers.International language format(symbols) text messagessupported. ★Premium: Integrated withGoogle maps for finer details.We alwaysappreciate your feedback.If you have any suggestions orfeaturerequest feel free to emailus. Apple, iCloud, iPad, iPhone,macbook,Find my iPhone aretrademarks of Apple Inc., registered inthe U.S.and othercountries. The author of this app is not relatedto Applein anyway. keywords: find my iphone
PushLocate - with geofencing 1.06
PushLocate is a simple energy-savinglocationtracker for mobile phones which tracks the stops / startsof themovement.PushLocate will help you find your phone in case of a loss /theft.It can be used to ensure the safety, to monitor the locationofyour children and family members, as well as for the workpurposesrelated to managing your employees.HOW TO START USING(1) Download this Android-application on the mobile phone youwantto track.(2) Go to the web site and enter the phoneID(see. screen shot)KEY DIFFERENCES:● Saves battery charge (an average charge consumption of 1% to 3%per day);● Fixes stops and start of the movement;● Allows you to view the movement history;● Can operate in the stealth mode (function of application’siconshide);● Can be woken up by a call (it helps when the phone isnotavailable via 3G/GPRS);● Does not require registration for usage (anonymous usageispossible);● Except location, shows battery charge, GPS and WiFi status;● Completely configured and managed from IT WORKS:PushLocate application does not consume battery power, because itisactivated only with the location request from this case, the application first searches for the positionviaWiFi and cellular network (if WiFi is off, the app turns itonautomatically while searching).It uses GPS only in a pinch.Movement fixation:If this option is enabled, PushLocate will send location atstartingand stopping points. Event is recorded in 1-2 minutesafter asignificant position change -when a person has left some place (e.g. house) or vice versaarrivedsomewhere.PushLocate uses statistical techniques to set the locationviaWiFi/cellular network and various phone sensors(e.g.accelerometer) to save battery power as much as possible.Request by a call:Sometimes a request from the site can notimmediatelyreach the phone because of the unstable 3G/GPRSconnection.If you necessarily want to know the phone's location you canalsotry to wake the phone by a call (from any number). ThenPushLocatewill activate itself and check if there are any missedcalls.Any questions or suggestions?Contact us at [email protected], andwewill be happy to assist!
Mobile Number Location Finder 1.9
Mobile Number Location FinderMobile Number Location Finder Application is a mapapplication.Mobile Number Location Finder App shows your correctlocation anyplace you stand with your mobile.You must have the internet, Wi-Fi, GPS connection is “ON” inyourdevices.When you are start the app instantly to give your currentlocation.You also zoom or rotate the map and show the place.Some time you not find the place where are you standing? Thattimethis app is very help full because you find the place and alsosendthe message your friends, family.Also you find the any place or any city.These applications also define time, distance of place or alsoshowyour travel movement.You also ON or OFF connection. You also search other place nearyouor near your house like airport, restaurant, school,collegeetc.Mobile Number Location Finder App is user interface and easytouse.
Mobile Tracker & security 1.0.1
Mobile Tracker & security is all aboutkeepyour cell phone in safe hands. Mobile Tracker & securityhelpsuser to locate and track his phone through GPS in case oflost ortheft .Simply sending an SMS containing user specialkeywords whichonly user knows. The cell phone will respond to thatSMS and sendcurrent location of mobile phone to the emergencynumbers that usersets after installing the application. Moreoveruser have the optionto change his mobile ring mode with incomingSMS.User will get SMSalerts on emergency numbers for Sim change,Battery low and Patternmismatch as user demands.Main Features:• Provide real-time location points with GPS• In case of theft, App gets real time location from GPS and senditto emergency number and Email too.• Mobile Tracker & security uses GPS to location theft orlostMobile.• Change Ring Mode to Normal from Silent.• Pattern mismatch alert via SMS.• Mobile Tracker & security provides sim change alert.• Mobile Tracker & security battery Low alert via SMS.• User Friendly• Light weight• Fast, Optimized and Powerful tool.• Mobile Tracker & security is cost free no chargesondownload.
Share My Location 5.1
Easily share your location via SMS, Email, Instant Messaging, ...