Top 8 Apps Similar to Wifi Audio Paid

Audio Everywhere
Listen to audio sources such as TVs onyourphone, tablet, or other Wi-Fi enabled Android device. TheAudioEverywhere App enables you to pick from among numerousaudiosources in venues such as gyms or sports bars that have theAudioEverywhere ExXtractor system. The audio is streamed over Wi-Fisoit does not burden your data plan. For TVs or other videosources,the Audio Everywhere system provides good lip sync. Usersmaychoose to listen with a single earbud so that theycansimultaneously socialize and hear the show or game. You can runtheApp in background mode so you can listen while you surftheInternet.
AirSong (Wifi Music Player) 2.9
AirSong is a music server for your webbrowser.You can listen to your MP3 music stored on your devicedirectly fromyour browser, over the air, no need to copy all themusic from yourdevice to your PC. The only requirement is to beunder the same LAN(WIFI), both, the device and the PC that willrun the browser.App:- Scan your music library (MP3 only for now)- Start or stop the server.- Pause the player during calls (optional).- Player remote control, control your music from yourphone!(Requires browser with support for WebSocket, IE10+, Firefox8+,Chrome 14+, Opera 15+)- Control your music in the notification center (Android 4+)- Song list on device.- Search and play songs from the device.- Volume control from device.- Dark theme.WebApp- View the list of your music files.- Play, Pause, Next and Previous.- Search by artist, album or title.- Sort your music by artist, album or title.
WiFi Speaker Pro 2.3
William Morrison
Send ANY music or audio from one PC to your Androidinstantly.90%audio compression, no voice interruptions, no ads, andcontroloverthe equalizer! This is the professional version. WiFiSpeakerisused to: -Turn Android into a wireless speaker orheadphone-Watchmovies with real time audio -Works 3G/4G cellular orlocalnetwork-Use it as a wireless speaker for DJ turntables-Babymonitor -PAsystem -Many, many more uses. Average minimumlatency is10milliseconds. Multiple Android's can connect to asingle server,soyou can use android devices to play audio in everyroom inyourhouse if you want. Systems like that cost thousands.This isFREE.Even one pair of wireless headsets or speakers costhundreds!Justuse WiFi speaker instead. Its free. Audio jack orspeakersbroken?Replace them with your Android! WiFi Speaker hasvery lowlatency(audio delay.) This means you can listen to a movieorYouTubewirelessly. Watch movies quietly from any distanceusingyourAndroid and headphones. Not just a boring streaming app!Youcanuse any music player you want; Grooveshark,Spotify,YouTube,ITunes, VLC, Windows Media Player, etc. Features:Liveaudiocapture and streaming Not limited to any musicplayerGraphicsequalizer PRECISE control over audio quality (chooseyouraudioformat!) PRECISE Control over buffer time Very lowlatencyEasy touse Secure! Before using WiFi Speaker on yourAndroiddevice, youMUST have the WiFi Speaker server applicationrunning onthe PC orlaptop which is your source of music, web audiostreaming,or othersounds. Please do not down vote if you are havingsetuptrouble.Contact me and I'll help fix your issues. Ifyou'reconnecting over3G/4G, an unlimited data plan isstronglyrecommended. Download theserverhere:*****************************Lowratings hurt apps! Give me achance to make you happy! Yourissuewill be resolved. Submit anyerror reports through googleplay, oremail them to the developer.Feel free to contact thedeveloper withcriticism or praise, Iappreciate both. I want you tolove thisapp!***************************** Permissionsexplained:Networkcommunication: Communicates with the serverprogram on yourPCInternet: Used to access your WiFi Speaker serverover 3G/4Gwhenrequired Access WiFi State: Check whether wifi isenabledIfreporting a problem please list your Android version(2.3,3.0,etc.), make/model, and description of issue. Checktheserverdownload site frequently for server updates.
AirBubble License 1.1
AirBubble license unlocking the 30 minutes limitation of AirBubble
AirLino® Configurator 1.0.19
LinTech GmbH
Mit der AirLino® Configurator App könnenDLNAoder UpnP fähige Audioempfänger und Soundsysteme in einvorhandenesWLAN Netzwerk eingebunden werden um über diese imNetzwerk Musikoder Internetradio zu hören.Unterstützte Geräte:- AirLino® Hi-Fi Audio AdapterDamit ist die drahtlose Übertragung von Musik- undAudiosignalenim Netzwerk auf mehrere Wiedergabegeräte gleichzeitigmöglich unddas bei einem einzigartigen Hörgenuss in HiFiQualität.Und so einfach geht’s:1) Verbinden Sie Ihr Android Gerät per WLAN mitdemAudioempfänger.2) Starten Sie die AirLino® Configurator App und wählen Sie denWLANfähigen Audioempfänger aus.3) Bei Bedarf können Sie jetzt dem WLAN Audioempfängereinemindividuellen Gerätenamen geben oder eine dervorgegebenenMöglichkeiten auswählen.4) Binden Sie den Audioempfänger nun unter Netzwerkeinbindung inIhrgewünschtes Netzwerk ein. Damit steht der Audioempfänger absofortin ihrem WLAN Netzwerk zur Verfügung.5) Sie können jetzt die App schließen und mit Ihrem AndroidGerätwieder in Ihr ursprüngliches WLAN-Netz zurückkehren.6) Soll der Audioempfänger aus dem Netzwerk genommen werden,startenSie die App im Netzwerk und setzen das Gerät aufWerkeinstellungzurück.Hinweise:Sollen mehrere DLNA oder UpnP fähige Audioempfängerintegriertwerden, sind die oben aufgeführten Handlungsschritte 1-3für jedeseinzelne Gerät auszuführen.Für ein gemeinsames Musikstreaming wird ein Mehrgeräteplayer aufdemPC oder Laptop/ Netbook benötigt.With theAirLino®Configurator app DLNA or UPnP-capable audio receiver andcan soundsystems in an existing wireless network are integrated tohearabout this network music or Internet radio.Supported devices:- AirLino® Hi-Fi Audio AdapterIn order for the wireless transmission of music and audiosignalsin the network to multiple playback devices simultaneouslyispossible and with a unique listening experience in HiFiquality.How it works:1) Connect your Android device via WLAN to theaudioreceiver.2) Start the AirLino® Configurator app and select the Wi-Fienabledaudio receiver from.3) If necessary, you can now enter the wireless audio receiveranindividual device name or select one of the preset options.4) Integrate the audio receiver now under networking in yourdesirednetwork. Thus, the audio receiver is now in itswirelessnetwork.5) You can now close the app and return with your Androiddeviceback to your original Wi-Fi network.6) If the audio receiver are removed from the network, run theappon the network and reset the device to factory settings.Notes:If several DLNA or UPnP-capable audio receiver are integrated,theaction steps 1-3 above for each device to be executed.Towards a common music streaming a multipoint Player on your PCorLaptop / Netbook is required.
Hearing Hotspot 1.7
Streams audio via wifi to smartphones for venues usingHearingHotSpot system
Música Móvel - Arvoritmo 1.0
É um sequencer com forma de árvore. Ousuáriocontrola a quantidade de galhos, de pulsos e os áudios quecadapulso vai tocar, tendo assim várias possibilidades desequênciassonoras.O usuário pode escolher o som na coluna da esquerda, sequenciarosom selecionado em um dos pontos da árvore e executar asequênciacom o botão “Play” no canto direito inferior.Arvoritmo foi desenvolvido por Javier Cruz dentro doprojetoMúsica Móvel.Acesse a página do Música Móvel:www.musicamovelbahia.wordpress.comCódigo: is a sequencer withatree shape. The user controls the amount of twigs, pulses andeachpulse audio that will play well with multiple possibilitiesofsound sequences.The user can choose the sound in the left column, the sequenceofthe points selected in the tree sound and perform the sequencewiththe "Play" button in the lower right corner.Arvoritmo by Javier Cruz was developed within the projectMobileMusic.Please visit the MobileMusic:www.musicamovelbahia.wordpress.comCode:
English Audio Bible (CEV) 1.1
The English Audio Bible (ContemporaryEnglishVersion - Old and New Testament Audio Drama) was developedto helpusers listen to the word of God in English language anywhereandany time using their android mobile devices.This application features a Bible Search Tool with which youcansearch for books and chapters of the bible. You can selectatranslation of your choice in which the search result willbedisplayed. 10 Translations of the Bible are included.It also features 9jaStar Gospel Radio which broadcasts gospelmusic24 hours a day from the United Kingdom.This application requires users devices to be connected totheinternet or WiFi.