Top 10 Apps Similar to My Attorney App: Jason Turchin

Sora Lawyers
Sora Partners
Romanian Lawyers specialisedinArbitration,Public Procurement, Construction (FIDIC)andLitigation.In this app you can find info about Sora Lawyers oraboutRomanianlegal environment.You will find information on Sora Lawyers regarding:- the beliefs and philosophy of Sora Lawyers- the legal services provided by the law firm;- the team of Sora Lawyers;- the legal articles written by Sora Lawyers;- the ways of contacting Sora Lawyers;The download of the app can bring discounts to the feechargedforthe legal services..
lawyer diary ( 1.104
• NO FEAR OF LOSING DATA • Easy to use, totally offline diary•whenclient calls you his photo, cases, their previous date,nextdate,pending fees, … are shown on screen with button to call /SMS/email / message client. Message through whatsapp, fb, twitteroranysocial app. • Transfer all case to another judge on click•caseinformation on a click, case history on a click • TypeJudgeorders/ verdicts to a case • Type citation note to a case •Seelist ofcases whom first date is not assigned, list stagewise,list casetype wise, SCHEDULE AND SET REMINDER • calendar toseeyourholidays, functions and other dates, ppointments, meetings,todo,to call, etc. • fees due date • what client must do, on adate•what lawyer must do, on a date • attach documents,scannedcopies(photos), videos or audio to case (useful inaccidentalcases). •enter your details to get global existence. (youare knowntopeople who search for lawyers online). • •pocket lawyer•lawyer diary* • advocate • best free case diary •attorney on go•lawyer on go • advocate on go • latest lawyerapplication • newlawapplication • lawyers case diary • justice •judiciaryapplication• schedule lawyer • schedule attorney • topattorney •world law •unique lawyer • law dictionary • lawyersdirectory •constitutionallaw • constitution • supreme court • highcourt •district court •law practice • law today • learn law • newlaw app• best lawyerapp • criminal cases • civil cases • lawyerclub •free lawyer app• case manager • super lawyer • law guide •recentlawyer • courtlaw supreme today • new lawyer app • newattorney app• beautylawyer victor • lawyers club indi • dlaw • aska lawyer •attorney• law • laws • legal representation • lawyermobile app •need aattorney • case evaluation • wills • trusts •legal need help•elder law • social security law lawyer • disabilitylaw •estateplanning lawyer • business law lawyer • tax attorney •taxlawyer •business lawyers • locate a lawyer • my lawyer help •thelaw •accident legal help • local attorney • local lawyers •lawyerinneed • need a lawyer • criminal defense law lawyers•immediatelycontact a lawyer local attorney • accident attorney•accidentlawyer • motor vehicle accidents • law firm • legal app•legalapplications • lawyer apps • attorney app • my attorney app•mylawyer app • my lawyers • my attorney • my lawyer •injuryattorney• insurance claim • accident • free attorney advice •locallawyer• injury lawyer • personal injury lawyer • caraccidentattorneys •personal injury attorney • personal injurylawsuit •advocare • theadvocate • advocate app • cyber advocate •cyber law• myCase • mycase • clio • AdvogadoAg Agenda do Advogado•CaseManager • Depose• Advocate Diary Case Mgt. • Fastcase
Lawyer Link 1.1
LawyerLink is a company founded bytoplawyersto enable our fellow lawyers to easily refer casesdirectlytoother highly qualified lawyers, enabling them to betterservetheirclient’s legal needs.LawyerLink is a unique service provided to licensedattorneystoenable them to more fully monetize their licenses byenablingthemto instantly refer cases to qualified colleagues andthen shareina portion of the attorneys fees paid in a case. Mostlawyersworkin small firms and cannot serve the legal needs ofeveryonethatapproaches them for help. In many instances the lawyersdonotpractice in the area of law or may not have theexpertise,themoney to bankroll a case or the time to properlyaddresstheclient’s needs. LawyerLink provides a quick and easy waytocaptureclient information, send it to our partner law firmforreview,then locate the right lawyer or law firm to assisttheclient toserve their legal needs.Seeking counsel?People seeking legal counsel are at a loss to choose betweenthetensof thousands of lawyers out there or know what type oflawyerto goto for help. Lawyers are constantly approached, in andout oftheoffice, for advice, or referrals to other lawyers in theeventtheydo not specialize in the area a practice or the timeneededtoeffectively represent the potential client’s needs.LawyerLinkwascreated and developed by experienced Trial Lawyers toprovidethelargest referral network available to help lawyersquicklyandeffectively refer their clients to qualified attorneysat thepushof a button from their smart phones.Are you a Lawyer?As lawyers, we are constantly approached by potentialclientsaboutcases which involve areas of the law that we do notpractice,insome cases may require substantial resources we may nothave,thatwe cannot devote the time needed and for variousotherreasons.LawyerLink was created to enable lawyers to directlyrefercases totheir colleagues while retaining a fee interest.LawyerLinkenablesthe referring lawyer to provide qualified legalservices totheirclients, track the progress of those cases and keeptheclientupdated if and when a client might request astatusupdate.LawyerLink enables lawyers to more fully monetizeourlicenseswhich ultimately benefits all the partiesinvolved.LawyerLink isfully compliant with ALL the requirements setforthregarding casereferrals by the State Bar ineachjurisdiction.
Find A Lawyer 1.3
Find A Lawyer is a navigation applicationthatfinds nearest solicitors based on your current location. Itisbasically designed for people that are new to a place and needtofind a lawyer. The application gets you to the nearestlawyer’soffice!Main Features :-==>You can also select the distance in km/m to settheboundary of your search.==> New to a location? See the route from yourcurrentlocation to the selected lawyer’s office.==> Call the lawyer's office to get more details.==> First time visit to the lawyer’s office? Check outtheratings, timings, current opening status and other details.==> Need to take a walk? Get the walking distance fromyourcurrent location!Happy Finding!
Jobs in Miami, FL, USA 3.0.0
NEW JOB OPENINGS EVERY DAY IN MIAMIFind millions of jobs from thousands of company web sites,jobboards and newspapers in Miami, just one search.HIGH PAYING JOBSIf you are looking for a new job or want to have a betterposition,you can discover new employment opportunities that willhelp youout to get that higher position you are looking for.INTELLIGENT JOBSEARCHWhite the app Jobs in Miami you can find the best vacancies foryou;also you can filter the query by categories. Our powerfulandintelligent jobsearch allow us to offer you the best jobsmatchesin Miami.APPLY ONLINE IN SECONDSAfter you have found that job you were looking for, you canapplyeasily through our app and share the job offer.ALL KIND OF JOBSWhether you are looking for a job online, freelance,lawyer,engineer, administration, doctor, contruction etc.MORE JOBS. MORE OPPORTUNITIES.Search hundreds of job boards at once to find the best matchjustfor you. Your next job will be found through Jobs in Miamiapp.MIAMIMiami is the county seat of Miami-Dade County, located onthesoutheastern coast of Florida. It has a population of morethan419,000 and is the city with the highest population withintheMiami metropolitan area, which contains a total of 5.5millionpeople. Miami has a strong influence in the industriesofinternational trade, finance, culture, entertainment,media,commerce and the arts. It also ranked at the top of theForbes'list of cleanest cities in America in 2008, due to thecleanstreets and drinking water, excellent air qualityandenvironmentally friendly programs for residents. It also hasastrong cultural presence, with more Spanish speakers thanEnglishspeakers. Many Cuban-Americans reside in the area, so it hasaunique local flavor.Downtown Miami is home to a thriving financial district,withmany international banks and other companies. The Port of Miamiisalso one of the top cruise ports in the world, so the area drawsalot of tourism. The cost of living is slightly higher thanthenational average, coming in at 119 versus 100. The mostexpensiveaspect is the housing market.MIAMI JOB OPPORTUNITIESThose with experience in media can find jobs in Miami, sinceseveralmajor television and film production studios are in thearea. Thereare also several other large companies that have theirheadquartersin Miami, including Burger King, Bacardi, Benihana,U.S. CenturyBank and World Fuel Services. Most of the major cruiselines alsohave headquarters in the area, including Carnival,Celebrity,Oceania and Royal Caribbean, which offer Miami jobs tothousands oflocals. The city is always growing and expanding tokeep up withdemands of new residents, so there are also Miami, FLjobs availableto those in engineering and other similarindustries. Findingconstruction jobs in Miami is easy.MIAMI EMPLOYMENT TRENDSEmployment trends for Miami jobs are improving slowly as thecityrecovers from the recent national economic struggles.Edgewaterjobs can be found nearby in a number of industries. Thejobs thattend to grow at the fastest rates, on both a national andlocallevel, are those in education and healthcare. Tourism is alsoastrong industry in Miami, with thousands of people visitingthecity annually. This means that the hospitality industry offersmanyjobs in Miami, FL to those with experience and a willingnesstowork hard. Miami is a very popular destination forrelocation.
Attorney Law 4.1.1
MetaSense Inc
Attorneys Law more than 40 yeas ofexperiencein various legal practice areas. We focus in Business,EstatePlanning, Real Estate, Family, Criminal and Municipal. Weprovideour clients with the necessary tools to navigate throughbothcomplex and basic legal matters.
Accident Assistant by Panter 1.7
Accident Assistant by Panter, Panter&Sampedro, P.A.DescriptionWelcome to the Panterlaw Accident Assistant app from theMiamipersonal injury attorneys at Panter, Panter &Sampedro.Download our free toolkit today with the tools to help youincase you are in an accident. Our toolkit includes:-A mirror-Accident information recording-Photographing of the accident scene or injuries-Videotaping of the accident scene or injuries-Virtual insurance card-A flashlight-And many other great features.Not only is the app free, you can also submit yourcaseinformation to us for a free consultation and attorneyreview.Instant contact features include live texting with ouroffice,push-button calling, and case information submission.Panter, Panter & Sampedro, P.A. is a respected Miami,Floridalaw firm with a 20-year history of protecting the rightsofindividuals and families injured by the negligence of others.OurMiami personal injury lawyers provide skillful legalrepresentationat the negotiating table and in Florida state andfederal courts,including courts of appeal.We handle accident cases throughout Florida.Our personal injury lawyers handle cases throughoutSouthFlorida, including Pinecrest, Miami, South Beach, MiamiSprings,South Miami, Kendall, Coconut Grove, Coral Gables, andPalmettoBay.Some keywords which may be used to find us: Miamiaccidentlawyers, South Florida injury attorneys, wrongful deathlawyers inFlorida, personal injury attorneys Panter, Panter &Sampedro,Panter Law App, Panterlaw App, Panterlaw AccidentAssistant,Panterlaw Toolkit, injury app, phone app for lawyers.Disclaimer: By viewing this description, you agree andunderstandthat this is information upon request. You also agreethat anyinformation contained within the application isinformation uponrequest. You also understand that we are onlylicensed to practicein certain states and federal courts, and thisapplication is onlyintended for use in those states. If youdownload our application ina jurisdiction within which we are notlicensed, you expressly agreethat we are in no way offering youlegal advice by your use of theapp and are not practicing law oroffering our services for cases inthose states. AttorneyAdvertising.My attorney is on my cell yours?
GANTBPM управление проектами 0.1
Консалтинговая компанияGANTBPMспециализируетсяна управлении проектами и проектномменеджменте,оказываетконсалтинговые услуги по управленческомуконсалтингу иоптимизациибизнес процессов. Есть новостная лента суникальнымисвежиминовостями. Публикуем статьи по управлениюпроектами.Сертификациякомпаний по управлению проектами (ГОСТ Р54869 2011).Описание кейсовреализации проектов и консалтинговыеуслуги.Что дает консалтинг в области управления проектами?В современном мире добиться успешного развитиякомпаниибезвнедрения проектно-ориентированной деятельностиневозможно.Именноэто заставляет большинство компаний внедрятьпринципыуправленияпроектами, что в конечном итоге должноповыситьэффективностьхозяйственной деятельности предприятия,повысивкачество продукциии услуг, увеличив чистую прибыль иснизиврасходы. Однако принципыуправления проектами, разработанныеивнедренные собственнымисотрудниками организации, не всегдабываютнастолько эффективны,как ожидалось: результат деятельностинесоответствуетразработанному плану, графики не соблюдаются,анамеченныепреобразования в организационной структуреневыполняются. А внекоторых случаях негативным образом сказываютсянапредприятии вцелом.Решение данного вопроса - обратиться кконсалтинговойкомпании,имеющей успешный опыт управления проектами вразличныхобластяхдеятельности.Мы – ключ к успеху развития любой компанииУслуги, оказываемые консалтинговой компанией GANTBPM,-быстрая,эффективная и профессиональная помощь в решениипроблем,которыевстают перед клиентами компании всферепроектнойдеятельности.Консалтинговая компания GANTBPM предлагает самыйширокийсредиконкурирующий организаций спектр услуг консалтинга,касающийсявсехаспектов ведения управленческой деятельностипроектами. Всяработаспециалистов компании направлена на созданиеновыхэффективныхпроектных решений и совершенствованиеужесуществующих.Среди клиентов компании крупные частныекорпорацииигосударственные компании, такие как Татнефть,Россети,Роснефть,Мострансавто, Газпром, Lego, Coca-Cola, Эксмо имногиедругие.Консалтинговая компания GANTBPM оказывает комплексуслугпопроектному менеджменту, управлению качеством, выполняявсеработыот создания нормативной документации дореализациипроектов.Консалтинговые услуги компании включают в себя:Разработку документации нормативного характера,основнойзадачейкоторой является описание бизнес процессоворганизации,еестандартов, регламентов взаимодействия;Сертификацию клиентов по международному стандарту качества ISO9000истандартам качества в сфере управления проектами (ISO 21500,ГОСТР54869 и др.).;Работу по созданию, доработке и экспертизе бизнес-планов;Планирование новых проектов;Консультантами GANTBPM являются специалисты с огромнымопытомвсфере управления проектами, за плечами которых ниодиндесятокуспешно выполненных задач в крупных консалтинговыхкомпанияхРоссиии международных подразделениях. Все сотрудникиобладаютнеобходимымсертификатами и лицензиями, имеют широчайшийобъемзнаний, чтопозволяет назвать их профессионалами своегодела.Сотни работ, выполненных компаниейGANTBMP,доказываетпрактичность и эффективность мероприятий,предлагаемых вразныхобластях управления проектами: от анализазарубежного рынкаивнедрения проектного управления до управлениядистрибуциейипрофессионального консультирования.Наши преимущества:Мы входим в тройку лучших консалтинговых компаний Москвы;Все наши специалисты имеют соответствующие сертификатыисерьезныйопыт в проектном менеджменте;В работе мы используем самое современноепрограммноеобеспечение;Мы зарекомендовали себя на рынке:С начала 2016 года GANTBPM аккредитованный поставщик для ООН;Торгово-Промышленная Палата РФ внесла нас всписокнадежныхпартнеров;Подробнее ознакомиться с деятельностьюконсалтинговогоагентстваGANTBPM и получить консультациюспециалистов вы можете нанашемсайте in project management and projectmanagement,providingconsulting services in management consultingand businessprocessoptimization. There is a news ticker with uniquefreshnews. Wepublish articles in project management. CertificationinProjectManagement company (GOST R 54869 2011). Descriptionofcases ofprojects and consulting services. does consulting in the field of project management?In today's world to achieve the successful developmentofthecompany without the introduction of aproject-orientedactivitiesimpossible. That is what causes most ofthe companies toimplementthe principles of project management,which ultimatelyshouldincrease the efficiency of business,improving the qualityofproducts and services, increasing net incomeand decreasingcosts.However, the principles of project management,developedandimplemented the organization's own employees are notalwaysaseffective as expected: the result of the activitydoesnotcorrespond to the developed plan, schedules are notrespected,andthe planned changes in the organizational structureare notmet.And in some cases adversely affect the enterprise asawhole.The solution to this problem - contact a consulting firm thathasasuccessful project management experience in variousfieldsofactivity.We - the key to the success of any companyServices provided consulting company GANTBPM, -fast,efficientand professional help in solving the problems thatfacethecompany's customers in the field of design activity.GANTBPM Consulting company offers a wide rangeoforganizationscompeting among consulting services relating toallaspects ofrunning a project management activities. All theworkofprofessionals focused on the creation of newefficientdesignsolutions and the improvement of existing ones.Its customers include large private corporationsandstate-ownedcompanies such as Tatneft, Rossetti,Rosneft,Mostransavto,Gazprom, Lego, Coca-Cola, Eksmo andothers.Consulting company GANTBPM provides a range of servicesinprojectmanagement, quality management, carrying out all theworkson thecreation of regulatory documents to implementprojects.Consulting company services include:Development of documentation normative character, whose maintaskisto describe the business processes of theorganization,itsstandards, rules of interaction;customer certification to the international quality standardISO9000and quality standards in the field of project management(ISO21500,GOST 54869, and others.) .;Work on the creation, revision and review of business plans;Planning for new projects;GANTBPM consultants are professionals with extensiveexperienceinproject management, behind which no one dozensuccessfullycompletedtasks in large consulting companies in Russiaandinternationaldivisions. All employees have thenecessarycertificates and licenseshave a wide scope of knowledge,whichallows them to callprofessionals.Hundreds of works performed by GANTBMP, provesthepracticalityand effectiveness of the measures proposed inthevarious fields ofproject management, from the analysis oftheforeign market and theintroduction of project management tothemanagement anddistribution of professional counseling.Our advantages:We enter into a three of the best consultingcompaniesofMoscow;All our experts have the appropriate certificatesandconsiderableexperience in project management;In this paper we use the most modern software;We have proven themselves in the market:Since the beginning of 2016 GANTBPM accredited supplierfortheUnited Nations;Commerce and Industry Chamber of the Russian Federation has madeusatrusted partner;For more information about the activities of theconsultingagencyGANTBPM and get advice professionals youcan onour website.
MyCase 4.3.1
MyCase, Inc
The fully redesigned MyCase Mobile App featuressimplifiedworkflows,improved stability, and refined userexperience to helpattorneys onthe move stay productive. Whether inthe office, incourt, orsomewhere in between, the MyCase Mobile Appprovidesattorneys withthe ability to manage their practiceefficiently,take advantage ofevery moment of their day, and keepup-to-datewith critical changesto their caseload. The MyCase appallows youto: - See your day, at aglance: Upcoming events, tasks,and newclient messages are instantlyavailable when you open theapp - Beproductive, wherever you are:Complete tasks, createevents, andsend client messages - Carry allyour files in yourpocket: Accesscase and firm files from anywhere -Create timeentries on-the-goand never miss a billable minute -Stayup-to-date: Files,calendars, and documents stay in sync withallchanges Download thelatest version of the MyCase Mobile Apptoday!
Attorney Anthony Salerno 1.0.3
Worcester criminal defense lawyer,AttorneyAnthony Salerno offers this mobile app to his clients andfriendsfor direct access to his law firm as well as for access tootheruseful tools and helpful resources such as anappointmentscheduler, Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) Calculator, GPSdirections,client alerts and updates, legal articles, and FAQ's.We encourage our clients and friends to download our mobileappto your phone and stay connected with us.Please note, downloading or using our mobile application doesnotconstitute or establish an attorney client relationship.You may learn more at our website: