Top 15 Games Similar to Funny Dark Jigsaw Puzzles

Funny Food Jigsaw Puzzles 1.0
Our Funny Logic Jigsaw Puzzle GameFunnyFoodwill give you a lot of fun and pleasant amusing minutes!Inthisgame, collected the most funny pictures that will makeyousmile indifficult moments, and be sure to lift your moodduringthatwhatever the cost! Any funny picture can and should savetoyourdesktop phone or tablet, and smile each time includingthedevice!Look for other funny pictures about people,animals,nature,machines, equipment and funny incidents andaccidents in ourseriesof logic puzzle game!
Funny Event Jigsaw Puzzles 1.0
Our Funny Logic Jigsaw Puzzle GameFunnyEventwill give you a lot of fun and pleasant amusing minutes!Inthisgame, collected the most funny pictures that will makeyousmile indifficult moments, and be sure to lift your moodduringthatwhatever the cost! Any funny picture can and should savetoyourdesktop phone or tablet, and smile each time includingthedevice!Look for other funny pictures about people,animals,nature,machines, equipment and funny incidents andaccidents in ourseriesof logic puzzle game!
Смешные загадки для детей 1.1
iwolt apps
Кто из нас не любит загадки?Детизагадываютзагадки друг другу, чтобы удивить своих сверстниковиповеселиться.Загадки с подвохом нравятся и взрослым. Еслизагадкаинтересная,оригинальная, каверзная, ну, как не повеселитьсебя идрузей. Ведьзагадка – это народное творчество, в которомотражаетсянашареальность и способ ее восприятия. Именно на то,какмывоспринимаем окружающую нас бытовую жизнь, и опираютсязагадкисподвохом. Логика нашего восприятия такова, что мычастоиспользуемв мышлении уже готовые шаблоны, заданныежизньюлогические цепочки.И когда загадка указывает нам на этосвоимнеожиданным ответом, этонас порядком удивляет и веселит.Не мудрено, что во многих народах загадка–широкораспространенный фольклорный жанр. Вспомните, какчастоонивстречаются в мифах и сказках. Герой повествованиядолженотгадатьряд хитрых загадок, чтобы получить желаемое.Такиесказкивысмеивают отсутствие смекалки, учат смотреть на жизньсразногоракурса, усматривать сказочное в обыденном. Обычнозагадкиделаютсяизначально с подвохом, чтобы ответ лежал наповерхности, ноне былочевиден. Загадки бывают про животных, проовощи, про вещи,проптиц и т.д.Who among us doesnotlikemysteries? Children guessing riddles to each other toimpresstheirpeers and have fun. Riddles trick like and adult. Ifthepuzzle isan interesting, original, tricky, well, it does notamusehimselfand his friends. After all, a mystery - it isfolklore,whichreflects our reality and the way of its perception.That isthe waywe perceive around us everyday life, and are basedpuzzlestrick.The logic of our perception is that we often use inthethinking ofready-made templates, set logical chain of life.Andwhen a mysteryshows us is his surprising answer is we haveaboutsurprises andamuses.No wonder that in many nations, the puzzle -awidespreadfolkloric genre. Remember how often they occur inthemyths andfairy tales. The hero of the story is to guess thenumberof trickypuzzles to get what you want. Such tales deride thelackofsharpness, learn to look at life from a differentperspective,toperceive in everyday fabulous. Usually puzzlesinitially madeatrick to answer lay on the surface, but it was notobvious.Riddlesare about animals, about the vegetables, aboutthings, aboutbirds,etc.
Funny Hand Jigsaw Puzzles 1.0
Our Funny Logic Jigsaw Puzzle GameFunnyHandwill give you a lot of fun and pleasant amusing minutes!Inthisgame, collected the most funny pictures that will makeyousmile indifficult moments, and be sure to lift your moodduringthatwhatever the cost! Any funny picture can and should savetoyourdesktop phone or tablet, and smile each time includingthedevice!Look for other funny pictures about people,animals,nature,machines, equipment and funny incidents andaccidents in ourseriesof logic puzzle game!
Funny Wild Animals Puzzles 1.0
Our Funny Logic Jigsaw Puzzle GameFunnyWildwill give you a lot of fun and pleasant amusing minutes!Inthisgame, collected the most funny pictures that will makeyousmile indifficult moments, and be sure to lift your moodduringthatwhatever the cost! Any funny picture can and should savetoyourdesktop phone or tablet, and smile each time includingthedevice!Look for other funny pictures about people,animals,nature,machines, equipment and funny incidents andaccidents in ourseriesof logic puzzle game!
Funny Frogs Jigsaw Puzzles 1.0
Our Funny Logic Jigsaw Puzzle GameFunnyFrogswill give you a lot of fun and pleasant amusing minutes!Inthisgame, collected the most funny pictures that will makeyousmile indifficult moments, and be sure to lift your moodduringthatwhatever the cost! Any funny picture can and should savetoyourdesktop phone or tablet, and smile each time includingthedevice!Look for other funny pictures about people,animals,nature,machines, equipment and funny incidents andaccidents in ourseriesof logic puzzle game!
Funny Fashion Jigsaw Puzzles 1.0
Our Funny Logic Jigsaw Puzzle GameFunnyFashionwill give you a lot of fun and pleasant amusingminutes! Inthisgame, collected the most funny pictures that willmake yousmile indifficult moments, and be sure to lift your moodduringthat whateverthe cost! Any funny picture can and should savetoyour desktop phoneor tablet, and smile each time includingthedevice! Look for otherfunny pictures about people,animals,nature, machines, equipment andfunny incidents andaccidents inour series of logic puzzlegame!
Funny Moments Jigsaw Puzzles 1.0
Our Funny Logic Jigsaw Puzzle FunnyMomentswillgive you a lot of fun and pleasant amusing minutes! Inthisgame,collected the most funny pictures that will make yousmileindifficult moments, and be sure to lift your moodduringthatwhatever the cost! Any funny picture can and should savetoyourdesktop phone or tablet, and smile each time includingthedevice!Look for other funny pictures about people,animals,nature,machines, equipment and funny incidents andaccidents in ourseriesof logic puzzle game!
trollface boy quest Saga 1.0.2
This is a completely free casualpuzzlegame,how can it be regarded as the most humble, the idea ofthisgame iscontrary to common thinking, the test ofintelligenceandimagination. After you play, and certainly will belarger callnotafford to hurt, and may even shouted to smashedphone. Ifyoureally go through each level, do not doubt theirintelligence,itshows you are a very pure children.The game is a spoof of popular Internet memes andtaponlinegames, a little artsy black and more black humor. Eachhurdletobring you a new runaway stupid stickman, you'll need topressthemask into the runaway point through carefullyplannedaccidentsamong (fewer click a plus). A farce full of jokes,instantmapBrainstorm App, take you on an unprecedented missiontriptorunaway Kingdom.This game is infinite refresh your limit,subvertingyourworldview. Remember to only accompanied by music witha sense,hewill laugh at you in the game, do not crack the phone,you arenotpinch him.
Funny Fruit Mania 1.36.0
Funny 5 Min
This is a new model, I believe you willloveit,what are you waiting for? Download it now! Now free!
Funny Emotions Jigsaw Puzzles 1.0
Our Funny Logic Jigsaw PuzzleGameFunnyEmotions will give you a lot of fun and pleasantamusingminutes!In this game, collected the most funny pictures thatwillmake yousmile in difficult moments, and be sure to lift yourmoodduringthat whatever the cost! Any funny picture can and shouldsavetoyour desktop phone or tablet, and smile each timeincludingthedevice! Look for other funny pictures aboutpeople,animals,nature, machines, equipment and funny incidentsandaccidents inour series of logic puzzle game!
Tebakan Lucu 1.0
Tebak Tebakan Lucu yang sangatgokilmemangmengundang banyak tawa bagi setiap orang yang andatujukanuntukanda tebaki. Tebakan lucu ini akan membawa manfaatyangsangatbagus untuk orang yang lagi sedih atau lagi adamasalah,karna apa?karna tebakan ini akan sebagai obat mujarabuntukmelupakan segalapermasalahan yang dihadapi. Sebenarnya tidakhanyadengan tebakanlucu saja untuk membuat tertawa, namun jugaandadapat menontonbersama komedi di statisun TV yang dijamin pastiandakan tertawa.Andapun dapat mencari kelucuan dimana saja termasukdalamartikelini yang menyediakan tebakan yang sangat lucu,denganmudahnya aksesinternet menjadikan mudah untuk mencari sesuatuyanglucu dimanasaja, anda tinggal saja cari dengan kata lucu,pastianda akanmenemukan sederetan judul yang dapat anda ambiluntukkoleksi anda.Tebakan lucu memberikan warna tersendiri untukandayang mempunyaihobi menghibur sesama.Guess GuessFunnyhighlygokil has drawn a lot of laughter to everyone thatyouaddressed toyour tebaki. Funny guess this will bring benefitsthatare verygood for people who feel sad or else there is aproblem,becausewhat? because guess this will be a panacea for alltheproblemsfaced forget. Actually, not only with guesses funny justtomakeher laugh, but also you can watch together comedy onTVstations,which is guaranteed to be you right laugh.You can also look for humor anywhere included in thisarticleisto provide a guess that very funny, with easy accesstotheInternet makes it easy to find something cute whereveryoulivealone find the funny word, surely you will find an arrayoftitlesthat you can take to your collection. Funny guesses givenitsowncolor to you who have a hobby entertaining fellow.
Funny Bird Jigsaw Puzzles 1.0
Our Funny Logic Jigsaw Puzzle GameFunnyBirdwill give you a lot of fun and pleasant amusing minutes!Inthisgame, collected the most funny pictures that will makeyousmile indifficult moments, and be sure to lift your moodduringthatwhatever the cost! Any funny picture can and should savetoyourdesktop phone or tablet, and smile each time includingthedevice!Look for other funny pictures about people,animals,nature,machines, equipment and funny incidents andaccidents in ourseriesof logic puzzle game!
Jigsaw Puzzles Funny Sport 1.0
Our Funny Logic Jigsaw Puzzle GameFunnySportwill give you a lot of fun and pleasant amusing minutes!Inthisgame, collected the most funny pictures that will makeyousmile indifficult moments, and be sure to lift your moodduringthatwhatever the cost! Any funny picture can and should savetoyourdesktop phone or tablet, and smile each time includingthedevice!Look for other funny pictures about people,animals,nature,machines, equipment and funny incidents andaccidents in ourseriesof logic puzzle game!