Top 19 Apps Similar to Eixo Cardiograma

MedApp Empire
Небольшой справочникпоэлектрокардиограмме.Помимо справочного материала имеется фото и видео дляоблегчениязапоминания основ ЭКГ.Видео материалы взяты с канала "Videokurs EKG" навидео-хостинге"YouTube".Надеюсь приложение будет вам полезно :)A small guide totheelectrocardiogram.In addition to the reference material available photos and videostofacilitate memorizing the basics of ECG.Video taken from the channel "Videokurs EKG" on thevideo-hosting"YouTube".Hopefully the application will be useful :)
CardioExpert I 7.8.266
Cardiologist' assistant
ECG Interpretation 1.11
This app briefly elaborate of ECG irregularities with waveformanddescription.
ECG CALC Lite 1.3.4
IT Health
ECG CALC Lite is an app that helps health professionalsinterpretthe ECG
ECG Interpretation Basic 1.7
This app contains basics and fewabnormalitiesof electrocardiogram. The description is mainly aimedat providingbasic knowledge regarding the normal ECG and how toidentifyabnormal ECG.This short is mainly features of ECG or EKG tracings. Amethodfor analyzing EKGs is presented too which includes assessmentofrhythm, calculating heart rate, observing P-wave forms,measurementof EKG intervals and segments and the evaluation ofother relevantwaves.Identifying an abnormal ECG is not difficult as many think,butthe reader should shed out the opinion that it issocomplicated.
Фельдшер СМП 2.0
EMHelp Group
⚠️ Для работы приложения требуетсяхорошийинтернет!🚑 Шпаргалки скоропомощникам, сертификационные тесты для врачейифельдшеров.📢 Рады представить Вам уникальное приложение, включающее всебятесты, алгоритмы, схемы, таблицы, обучающие видео, инструкцииимногое другое.Аналогов данного приложения нет!Стоимость приложения равна одной жвачки.Мы признаем, что приложение пока не идеальное, работаетсинтернетом...но свою задачу оно выполняет.Книга с тестами в Москве стоит 500 рублей, а приложение - 50.Затотесты и шпаргалки всегда в Вашем кармане.🗂️ Содержание:✔️ Нормы для детей (площадь ожога, промывание желудка, СЛРдетей,параметры ИВЛ у детей и пр.)✔️ Экспресс-ЭКГ (изменения QRS, изменения ST, изменения Типр.)✔️ Инфузия препаратов (Изокет, Допамин и др.)✔️ Реанимация 2015 (современные алгоритмы реанимационныхмероприятийЕСР и НСР)✔️ Школа ЭКГ (видеоуроки по ЭКГ для начинающих)✔️ Оборудование 03 (видеоуроки по интубации, техникеиспользованияаппаратуры СМП)✔️ Инста СМП (фото наших коллег со всего мира на тематикуСМП)✔️ Тесты для фельдшеров✔️ Шпаргалки (веб-версия нашего сайта, содержащая более 4Гбшпаргалок)❗!!! Внимание !!!Некоторые версии ядер телефонов не поддерживают этупрограмму.Если у Вас просто белый экран или пустой экран -попробуйтеповернуть телефон в горизонтальную ориентацию. Если послеэтого непоявятся иконки приложения, то Ваше устройство поканеподдерживается. Проблема известна и ожидает решения.⚠️ Уважаемые коллеги! Приложение создано через конструктор итребуетежемесячной оплаты. Плюс, увеличивая объем шпаргалок,приходитсяплатить за увеличение пропускной способности приложения.У нас нетспонсоров и реклама - попытка заработать длявышеперечисленныхрасходов. Если реклама будет не эффективной,откажемся от неё. Безрекламы очень здорово, но без финансированияне будет поддержки иразвития приложения. Спасибо запонимание.⚠️ applicationrequiresgood internet!🚑 Cribs skoropomoschnikam, certification tests for doctorsandparamedics.📢 glad to present you a unique application that includestests,algorithms, charts, tables, training videos, manualsandmore.The analogues of this application is not!cost of the app is a chewing gum.We acknowledge that the app is not perfect, works with theinternet... but it performs its task.Book with tests in Moscow is 500 rubles, and the application -50.But the tests cribs and always in your pocket.🗂️ Contents:✔️ Rates for children (the burn area, gastric lavage, childrenCPR,mechanical ventilation parameters in children and soforth.)✔️ Express ECG (change QRS, change ST, T changes, etc.)✔️ infusion (Izoket, dopamine and others.)✔️ Resuscitation 2015 (modern algorithms resuscitation EBUandNDS)✔️ School electrocardiogram (ECG video tutorialsforbeginners)✔️ equipment 03 (video tutorial for intubation, the techniqueofusing SMP hardware)✔️ Insta SMP (photos of our colleagues from around the world onthetheme of the SMP)✔️ Tests for paramedics✔️ Cribs (Web version of our website, which contains more than 4GBof cribs)❗ !!! Attention !!!Some versions nuclei phones do not support this program.If you have just a white screen or a blank screen - try to turnthephone into a horizontal orientation. If not then there will beanapplication icon, then your device is not supported. The problemisknown and is awaiting a decision.⚠️ Dear colleagues! The application created by the designerandrequires a monthly payment. Plus, increasing the amount ofcribs,have to pay for the increase in bandwidth applications. We donothave sponsors and advertising - an attempt to maketheabove-mentioned expenses. If advertising is not effective,weabandon it. No advertising is very cool, but without thefundingwill support the development and application. Thank youforunderstanding.
ECG Caliper Demo 1.56
[ITALIANO] - ENGLISH“Caliper” è un applicazione che può essere usata in duemodi:comesemplice righello per misurare con precisione distanzefraduepunti, o come regolo ECG per la corretta edesattamisurazionedelle onde e degli intervalli di unelettrocardiogramma.Poteteappoggiare il telefono direttamente sulvostro ECG edeffettuare lemisure, oppure potete caricare unelettrocardiogrammagiàmemorizzato nella galleria delle foto(pulsante “Galleria”),oppurepotete scattare una foto nuova(pulsante “Cattura”). Con ipulsanti“più” e “meno” potete ingrandiree diminuire la foto. Conilpulsante “Pulisci” potete cancellaretutte le foto caricateepulire lo schermo. Quando caricate un ecg,prima dipotereffettuare delle misurazioni, dovete fare lacalibrazioneiniziale,quindi dovete fare in modo che 4 quadratidell’ecgcorrispondano a800 ms (2 cm).La versione “Demo” ha le stesse funzionalità dellaversionecompleta,l’unico limite è nel numero diaperturedell’applicazionestessa.Se avete apprezzato l'app, potete acquistare laversionecompleta( suo ulteriore sviluppo.Nota: L'app non elabora le foto scattate con lafotocameraocaricate dalla galleria per non pregiudicare laloroqualità.Caricare immagini di grosse dimensioni (>4 mpx)puòprovocare ilcrash dell'applicazione, specialmente in telefoniconpoca memoria.Quando scattate la foto, scegliete unarisoluzioneinferiore a 4mpx, e scattate da una distanzaravvicinata.[ENGLISH] - ITALIANO"Caliper" is an application that can be used in two ways: asasimpleruler to accurately measure distances between two points,oras anECG ruler for the correct and accurate measurement ofwavesandintervals of an electrocardiogram. You can place yourphonedirectlyon your ECG and make measurements, or you canloadanelectrocardiogram already stored in the photogallery(button"Gallery"), or you can take a new photo (button"Capture").Withthe "plus" and "minus" buttons you can zoom in andzoom outthepicture. With the button "Clear" you can delete allphotos,andwipe the screen. When you load an ECG, beforemakingmeasurements,you have to do the initial calibration, so youneed tomake surethat the 4 ECG squares correspond to 800 ms (2cm).Note: The app does not process the photos taken with thecameraorloaded from the gallery to not affect their quality.Loadinglargeimages (> 4 mpx) can cause the application tocrash,especially inphones with little memory. When taking aphoto,choose a lower than4-megapixel resolution, and shot from aclosedistance.The version of "Demo" has the same functionality asthefullversion, the only limit is the number of openingsoftheapplication.If you remain satisfied after trying this app, buy thefullversion( further development of the application.[ITALIAN] - ENGLISH"Caliper" is an application that can be used in two ways: asasimpleruler to accurately measure distances between two points,oras aruler ECG for the correct and accurate measurement ofthewaves andof the intervals of an electrocardiogram. You canplaceyour phonedirectly on your ECG and take measurements, or youcanload anelectrocardiogram already stored in the photogallerybutton("Gallery"), or you can take a new photo (button"Capture").With the"plus" and "minus" you can zoom in and zoom outthepicture. With thebutton "Clear" you can delete alluploadedphotos, and wipe thescreen. When you load an ECG, beforemakingmeasurements, you have todo the initial calibration, thenyou needto make sure that the ECG 4squares correspond to 800 ms(2cm).The version of "Demo" has the same functionality as thefullversion,the only limit is the number of openings oftheapplication.If you enjoyed the app, you can buy thefullversion( its further development.Note: The app does not process the photos taken with thecameraorloaded from the gallery to not affect their quality.Loadlargeimages (> 4 mpx) can cause the application tocrash,especiallyin phones with little memory. When you click thephoto,choose alower resolution 4-megapixel, and taken from aclosedistance.[ENGLISH] - ITALIAN"Caliper" is an application That can be used in two ways: asasimpleruler to accurately measure distances between two points,oras anECG ruler for the correct and accurate measurement ofwavesandintervals of an electrocardiogram. You can place yourphoneDirectlyon your ECG and make measurements, or you canloadanelectrocardiogram Already stored in the photogallery(button"Gallery"), or you can take a new picture(button"Capture"). Withthe "plus" and "minus" buttons you can zoomin andzoom out thepicture. With the button "Clear" you can deleteallphotos, andwipe the screen. When you load an EKG, beforemakingmeasurements,you have to do the initial calibration, so youneed tomake sureThat Correspond to the 4 squares ECG 800 ms (2cm).Note: The app does not process the photos taken with thecameraorloaded from the gallery to not Affect Their quality.Loadinglargeimages (> 4 mpx) can cause the application tocrash,Especially inphones with little memory. When taking aphoto,choose a lower than4-megapixel resolution, and shot from aclosedistance.The version of "Demo" has the same functionality asthefullversion, the only limit is the number of openingsoftheapplication. If you REMAIN satisfied after trying this app, buythefullversion( support the development of the application.
Elektrokardiogramm EKG Typen 10.0
Lernen Sie verschiedene Arten von EKG, ideal fürStudentenzuidentifizieren. Fügen Sie kurze Erklärungen zu denGrafiken.
Electrocardiograma 4.0
Aprende fácilmente a interpretar un electrocardiograma.Teexplicamos paso por paso como identificar las diferentespatologíasasí como ejemplos de cada una de ellas. Incluye imágenesy esquemasque te ayudarán a entender la frecuencia, el ritmo y elsignificadode cada onda.
Physician’s workspace 1.5.15
“Physician’s workspace for Android” isanapplication specifically developed for medicalorganizations.“Physician’s workspace” software bundle with ECGregistering unitworks as a smart computerized electrocardiographydevice withtelemetry capability.“Physician’s workspace” for ECG registering deviceKFS-01.001“Cardiometer-MT” from “MICARD-LANA”“Physician’s workspace” software supports ECG registration from12standard leads and data storage in a medical organizationarchiveon cloud server. It also provides ECG interpretation anddisplaysautomatic syndromal summary report on the screen of thebundledAndroid device.“Physician’s workspace for Android” is a supplementarymobileextension to “Physician workspace for PC” software.For more information about the device and availableapplications,visit “MICARD-LANA” website at www.micard.ruKey characteristics:– synchronized registration and visualization of ECG from12standard leads;– recording of extended ECGs (up to 5 minutes);– ECG transfer to medical organization archive oncloudserver;– automatic syndromal conclusions and summary reportscolor-codedfor norm, deviation from norm and pathology;– record keeping through patients and examinations archive;– electrode contact check;– ability to store ECG data in the device memory when there isnoconnection to internet.
Cardiography Viewer 3D 1.9
Tasty Cherry PI
This app plays Real-time 3DVectorCardiographygiven patient heart data from PhysioNet(Specificallythe QRS leaddata v1-v6).-Real-time 3D Vector Cardiography is a rapidly growingtoolusedby doctors and biomedical engineers to diagnose diseasessuchasarrhythmia.-In the future development of this app, imaginedevicessendingreal time patient data through Bluetooth and thisappgenerating 3DVector Cardiography based on incoming data.
Cardiax Mobile ECG 1.41
Companion application for Cardiax Windows full-scale, 12-ChannelPCECG system.
Tes EKG Analisis 7.2
Blacx Knights
dengan adanya tes ekg analisis inidiharapkanmempermudah pekerjaan dokter , suster , perawat ataupegawaikesehatan lebih mudah untuk melakukan analisis, aplikasi inimampumembantu memberikan panduan baik EKG .dengan Nilai Normal Setiap Usia lengkap dengan hasil BPM,Frontal Lead , QRS Vector , PR interval , QIII , QV6 , RV 1 , SV1, RV6 , SV6 dan dengan nilai rata rata percentile.terdapat pula bantuan Nilai Diagnosis, sebagaireferensi,penginggat dan patokan pemahaman EKGSerta Dilengkapi dengan Analisis Kalkulasi QTC , Kalkulasi QTperdetik / box , R-R perdetik/box. untuk menghasilkan nilai yangvalidsebagai nilai banding dan mempercepat pekerjaan tenagamedis.jika ada kesalahan perhitungan datau penulisan mohonuntukmemberi tahu kami. agar kami bisa perbaiki dan lebih baiklagi.PenegrtianInformasi yang disediakan dalam aplikasi ini hanya untukinformasisecara umum dan tujuan pendidikan saja . Semua informasiyangdipublikasikan di sini telah mengalami pengkajian untukmemastikankeseimbangan yang adil , objektivitas , independensi ,danrelevansi dengan kebutuhan pendidikan . Baik editor , ataupenerbitnya .Perhitungan ini bukanlah sebagai pengganti untuk nasihat medis,diagnosis ataupun perawatan . Pengguna disarankan bahwa ,meskipuninformasi yang dihasilkan ini berasal dari penelitian medis, namunpara peneliti ataupun Pembuat Aplikasi TIDAK mengklaimkeakurataninformasi yang terkandung di sini dengan baik atauakurat. inihanya perkiraan semata dan tidak dapat menggantikanhasil uji labdan tenaga medis.jika hasil menunjukan anda memiliki resiko tinggi disarankanagaranda segera untuk berkonsultasi dengan dokter Anda sendiriatauprofesional kesehatan mengenai kondisi medis untuk mendapatkanhasilyang lebih akurat . Informasi ini tidak dimaksudkanuntukmenggantikan penilaian klinis atau memandu perawatanpasienindividu dengan cara the presence ofthetest ECG analysis is expected to ease the work of doctors,nurses,nurse or health workers more easily to do the analysis,thisapplication can help provide a good guide to the ECG.Rated Normal Any Age complete with BPM results, Frontal Lead,QRSVector, PR interval, QIII, QV6, RV 1, SV 1, RV6, SV6 and theaveragepercentile value.there is also aid diagnosis value, as a reference, andthebenchmark penginggat understanding of the ECGAs well as equipped with QTC Calculation analysis,calculationsper second QT / box, R-R per second / box. to produce avalid valueas the value of the appeal and accelerate the work ofmedicalpersonnel.if there is a calculation error datau writing, please letusknow. so that we can improve and be better.penegrtianThe information provided in this application is only forgeneralinformation and educational purposes only. Allinformationpublished here has undergone assessment to ensure a fairbalance,objectivity, independence, and relevance to the needs ofeducation.Neither the editor, or his publisher.These calculations are not a substitute for medicaladvice,diagnosis or treatment. Users are advised that, althoughtheinformation generated is derived from medical research, buttheresearchers nor App Builder NOT claim accuracy of theinformationcontained herein as well or accurate. These are onlyestimates onlyand can not replace the results of lab tests andmedicalpersonnel.If the results show you have a high risk it is recommendedthatyou immediately consult with your own doctor orhealthcareprofessional about the medical condition to get moreaccurateresults. This information is not intended to replaceclinicaljudgment or guide individual patient care in any way.
Heart Rate 1.1
PC Mehanik
Heart Rate is a simple but powerful app for measuring yourheartrate. You just need to cover the device's camera with afingertipand the cardiograph drawing starts immediately. The heartrate iscalculated and displayed in a few seconds.
Quick Heart Rate Monitor 1.7
Turn your Smartphone into your personalheartrate monitor. Heart rate monitor application measures yourheartrate by analyzing blood flow on the tip of your finger thatchangeswith every heartbeat due to blood flow which is collectedbyanalysing a robust algorithm which constantly process yourimagedata. It also draw a cardiograph on your Android Graphview.This app and algorithm require any external hardware tomeasureyour Heart Rate.How to use-:Place and hold your finger gently behind camera and fleshlightwhile taking measurement. Do not press your finger hard onyourCamera, it might give unexpected result. Press the Start buttoninorder to initiate the measurement, you will get your resultafterfew seconds.Key features-:- Easy to use.- User Friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI).- Reliable in measuring records.- Draw Real-Time Cardiograph.- Work best with smartphone having flashlight.
ACLS Rhythm Tutor 2.2.0
Learn to interpret ECG rhythms as the waveform sweeps acrossthescreen.
Glasgow Coma Scale 3.8
Assessing the level of consciousness on a scale Glasgow coma in3clicks.
ACLS MegaCodes Review 2015 1.15
ACLS MegaCodes Review reflects the updated 2015AmericanHeartAdvanced Cardiovascular Life Support Guidelines andprovidesacomplete review of advanced cardiovascular lifesupport,includingthe new 2015 ICOR update. ACLS MegaCodes Reviewsimulatorlet youtest your skills in real-life situations. You canpracticemakinglife-or-death decisions and learn acute ACLSinterventions.Choosedefibrillation levels and pharmacologictreatments foreverypossible resuscitation situation. Take actualpractice testsusedfor ACLS certification. ACLS MegaCodes Reviewcoverseverythingfrom airway management and rhythms to electricaltherapy,acutecoronary syndromes, and acute stroke. ACLS MegaCodesReviewhelpsEMTs, nurses, students, and physicians successfullycompletetheAmerican Heart Association Advanced Cardiac LifeSupport(ACLS)course and certification exam. Experienced providerscanchoosemore challenging Place in Correct Order questions.
Electrocardiogram (ECG) Rhythm App: Heart Axis 1.2
iMedical Apps
"Electrocardiogram (ECG) Rhythm App: Heart Axis" is designedforhealth care practitioner to determine heart axis in vectordegreesfrom an electrocardiogram (ECG) result. The heart axisrepresentsthe major vector of ventricular activation, which is theoveralldirection of electrical activity. It is important to assesstheheart axis of a patient with suspected heart disease. Whyshouldyou choose "Electrocardiogram (ECG) Rhythm App: Heart Axis"?🔸Simple and very easy to use ECG app. 🔸 Accurate andprecisecalculation of cardiac or heart axis. 🔸 The electrical heartaxisis shown in vector degrees. 🔸 Interpretation of the vectordegreesresult, namely normal heart axis, left axis deviation (LAD),rightaxis deviation (RAD), and extreme axis deviation. 🔸 It istotallyfree. Download now! "Electrocardiogram (ECG) Rhythm App:HeartAxis" is a simple application to determine heart axis by usinganelectrocardiogram (ECG) reading. "Electrocardiogram (ECG)RhythmApp: Heart Axis" app is designed to help health professionalinclinical practice, intensive care, or emergency department.Heartaxis or cardiac axis is the direction of action potentialsduringventricular depolarization. In "Electrocardiogram (ECG)Rhythm App:Heart Axis" app, you need to input the QRS complexdeflection inlead I and lead AvF. The electrical heart axis willthen be shownin vector degrees. The interpretation of the vectordegrees resultis provided. There are 4 interpretations in"Electrocardiogram(ECG) Rhythm App: Heart Axis" app, namely normalheart axis, leftaxis deviation (LAD), right axis deviation (RAD),and extreme axisdeviation. For more info contact us