Top 12 Games Similar to 捕魚超人下分版

開心捕魚3 - 街機打魚遊戲 gametower 4.8.5
Fishing Online ( 3D Saga Joy) 1.5.33
◆ ◆ 2016 hottest fishing saga joy game!Veryexciting experience! ◆ ◆◆ ◆ Hundreds of real people online play together! And everydayfreecoins to play! ◆ ◆【Features】▼ Classic vegas arcade video game city fishing acomprehensivetransplant, heavy gold production of cool 3D effects,take you torecollect entertainment city fishing feeling!▼ 100% real-time real-time online networking Battle,countlesshandsome beauty wait for you to about tonight, no war doesnotgo!▼ artillery guns play, bullets infinite rebound, skills tospeedup the violent lock, chest lottery lottery to get a varietyofgames are played, you will not feel bored!▼ Skills to speed up the violent lock, crab turret, dragonBOSS,Li Kui BOSS, Sun Wukong BOSS, us BOSS, big three yuan, fourhi,full-screen bombs, etc. everything!Ice bullets, electromagnetic fort, etc., a variety of Fortbattlewith you BOSS, all the chest down to take home!▼ Jinchan fishing, Li Kui split fish, a large sea of​​trouble,Nazha downtown sea, snake-shaped billion years, dozens ofhundredsof versions of everything!【game introduction】★ 2016 hot arcade fishing in Asia, one of the Neptune andNeptune2, based on the full realization of multiplayer onlinedatingfriends, is the slot machine, slots, mahjong, Texas Hold'emandWater Margin arcade game city game enthusiasts must Prepareyourchoice!★ In addition to the classic fishing games are played, therearelock screen and other functions, with a variety ofbeautifuldazzling Fort, BOSS tears in tears! Seize the BOSS candrop avariety of props chest, as well as pirate shark lottery, ifyou area master of fishing master, must remember to play, housegods arefor you to call hair hair!★ The game can be 4 individuals in the same room with thegame,browse each other picture, real-time send informationchat,real-time friends to see the effect of fishing, you can catchBOSS,the game is really beautiful MM! GG also handsome brokensky!Dating the game correct!★ different from other games, we will give more free goldcoins,even if the stored value, the same can play every day!★ Finally, do remember to bring your good little partner,jointhe fantastic fishing trip!【contact us】E-mail: [email protected]
捕鱼电玩达人--游戏厅街机必备 1.3
亚洲娱乐城内最热门的捕鱼游戏就在这,酷炫炮台、多元鱼种,再加上反弹不落空玩法,享受成为深海之王、拥有金币狂爆大奖不断的刺激感受。唯美奇幻的捕鱼航海世界,加入捕鱼王的冒险,挑战各大渔场狩猎boss鱼种。每个渔场都有全新的鱼种等待收集,解锁更高级的炮台,升级更高阶的技能,进行畅快淋漓的捕鱼吧!冰冻:使用冰冻道具时,鱼群集体被冰冻,这时瞄准目标鱼尽情捕获;加速:使用加速后,炮弹连绵不绝的射出,配合范围炮使用,真可是无坚不摧,什么鱼也躲不过;锁定:使用锁定后,指哪打哪,Boss克星,点击目标,发出的炮弹直指目标,大幅度提高暴击指数和杀伤力,超强的重 炮打击感。召唤:使用召唤可以释放任意鱼、BOSS鱼、稀有鱼只能召唤放出哦!炸弹:使用炸弹可以大范围的轰杀屏幕中的鱼,立即暴富哦!全新的在线PK,四人同屏捕鱼争夺捕鱼王冠;^下载领取大量免费金币、每天登入再加送金币^多款游戏高额彩金,挑战瞬间致富的快感
街機捕魚联网版-Fishing Carnival 3.0
1.Hit the boss withoutamiss,ExtremelyExcitingreality fight2.fresh and eye-catching3.dubbed by cute children4.fantanstic special effects5.Ultimate weapon will blow up coins on full screen
Fishing King (Crazy joy saga) 1.5.42
Wang Guodong
Popular fishing game Sea King landing onyourmobile phone!Hundred percent live-action arcade fishing games with plenty offreegolds everyday![Game features]Classic fishing games, cheque-make cool 3D effect, take youfishingaftertaste Casino feeling!100%-live real time online network versus, countless Hottieswaitingfor you to come around, don't come home tonight withoutafight!Thousands of gun play, and ammunition unlimited bounce, skilllockedspeed fury, treasure chest raffle lottery games, you willnot bebored!Skill lock speed fury, crab turrets, Golden Dragon BOSS, LiKui'sBOSS, BOSS of the Monkey King, Nezha BOSS, junior, senior,fullscreen bombs galore!Shotgun Fort, ice Fort, electromagnetic battery, battery GuildWarsBOSS with you, drop treasure chests all home!Golden Toad fish, Li Kui chopped fish, Holy Sea, Nezha NAOHai,snake-like billions of years, tens of hundreds of versionsofeverything![Advantages]★ 2016 Hot Asian arcade fishing game based on the fullymultiplayernetwork play with friends, is your best choice!★ Other than classic fishing game, and lock screen andotherfunctions, work with various pretty gaudy Fort, BOSS feelingthetears cried! Grab BOSS can drop prop treasure chest, piratesharklottery, if you were a master fishing master, always come overandplay, House of God ye are calling for you to send!★ Game you can play with 4 people in the same room, browseeachother profile pictures, send messages chat in real time, seebuddyfishing effects in real time, you can catch with BOSS, MM inthegame are really pretty! GG really broken in the sky! Datinggamebalance is!★ Different from other games, we provide many free coins, evenifnot stored-value, can be played every day!★ Finally, do remember to bring your good friends to joinafantastic fishing trip![Contact us]Email: [email protected]
贏天下娛樂( 捕魚/妞妞/推筒子/鬥地主/百家樂/21點) 1.2.3
【沈玉琳唯一推薦,最公正的電子遊戲】全球百萬玩家,隨時開桌!唯一整合各種賭場遊戲,隨時隨地贏天下。★ 每天贈送:簽到獎勵每天送,小錢也能拼出一片天★ 保證所有遊戲系統不干涉玩家中獎率,全部都為隨機牌型★ 各種牌桌,想賭多大都行[贏天下]麻將撲克廳,2016年讓全世界玩家都驚呆了的最具誠意博弈手遊作品,匯集數款棋牌、對戰類博弈遊戲集結一身,包含[百人妞妞]、[極速推筒子]、[決勝21點]、[鬥地主]、[百家樂]等。另外在大廳中置入一款[捕魚天下]增添休閒遊戲選擇,更會隨持續改版陸續開放[台灣麻將]、[德州撲克]、[賭場輪盤]等多款遊戲===贏天下麻將撲克廳遊戲特色===【高速系統】遊戲反應快、不拖速,充分享受遊戲樂趣。【交易系統】擁有自己的保險櫃,與朋友交流互動。【上莊系統】申請上莊與閒家較勁,人人都能當大贏家。【任務系統】定時任務系統,多種挑戰累積不同獎勵。【公平遊樂】造就公平公正對戰環境,讓玩家間彼此較勁無隱憂。【精彩活動】頻繁活動設計,讓玩家有多種挑戰樂趣。【遊樂大廳】一種幣別能隨時入桌各類遊戲跟不同玩家對戰。【專業客服】10:00~20:00隨時待命,排除疑難雜症。
Fishing Warrior Online - 3D 1.5.42
Wang Guodong
Fashionable throughout China in 2015 with300mloyal players and recognized as the most popular mobilegame!◆◆ Amazing fishing that no shell misses a target; reward by10Ktimes, so exhilarating◆◆ Transplanted from original arcade game with brandnewstages!Selection of over 100 available!◆◆Up to 10,000 shells, three great scholars, four smallblessings,pirate ships, lightening strikes, and brilliant gold letsyou enjoythe cool and thrilling fishing arcade![Game features]Shell rebounds to make each hit a target without wastinganygold.Cool skills of locking, enraging, high speed, and a thousandshellsfor you to finish off bosses.A thousand shells can rebound shells without any limits andwithdouble refilling rewards.Selection of 100 including Toad's Trick, Li Kun's FishKilling,Money King's Sea Attack, Snake's 100m Years, rewards oftons ofgold for stages!Egg play with three great scholars, four small blessings,pirateships, lightening strikes, and brilliant gold after finishingoff aboss. Unlimited rewards: collected in mysteriousfishingscenes.[Advantages]▼ The hottest arcade fishing game with loads of contentsandelements. During the process, you can also enjoy thebeautifulunderwater and coolness of arcade hall. Elements ofone-armedbandits and slot machines are also included, as well asthe luckywheel a▼ Cool skills have been invented, including locking, enraging,highspeed, and a thousand shells for you to fish easily. Youcanmanipulate all no matter if you're a hard core player ornewbie.One more thing you need is luck. Just do what youlike.▼ If you always feel lonely, find it hard to make friends, orbored,you can download this fishing game. Download it for a bit offunduring a long commute.▼ If you like something lively, exhilarating, and the funofgambling or you visit casino frequently, you'll love todownloadthis game. It may not be as thrilling as Texas hold'empoker, butour lucky wheel has a different kind of fun. You might bethe luckywinner!▼ Join us in the shark fight. Let's dominate the underwaterworldand create some time for fishing.▼ Tons of gold and mysterious gifts for you!▼ Invite your friends to this legendary fishing game.
機台捕魚_2合1掌上街機電玩城機台打魚天天全民開心樂園 2.0
Long long
【遊戲說明】1:電玩城機台版本的捕魚遊戲,輕鬆遊戲,毫無壓力 ;2:完美移植遊戲廳多人聯機捕魚,真實聯網,超流暢體驗;3:超刺激的單人闖關模式,探索神秘關卡,領取通關福利哦!4:100%還原街機捕魚,千炮捕魚,街機達人捕魚等捕魚版本,並且改進遊戲玩法;5:每天可以領取海量金幣哦,挑戰關卡,完成任務,擊殺BOSS都有大獎;6:“狂暴機能”,“加速機能”,“鎖定機能”,“冰封機能”,更大機會贏走大獎!7:完美的融合單人闖關遊戲與多人聯網遊戲,隨心體驗不一樣的玩法哦!【遊戲特色】1:自動配備掛機功能,讓你遊戲更加輕鬆快樂;2:召喚功能,讓你隨心呼喚想打的魚;3:各項技能搭配,火力全開,超高機會擊殺boss,無底線大獎High翻全場 ;4:聯網遊戲簡介:A:金蟾捕魚,李逵劈魚,大聖鬧海 ;B:真人聯網 , 萬人競技 ,超流暢體驗 ;C:鎖定技能 ,冰封技能讓你更容易擊殺BOSS,贏走大獎 ;D:更有豐富的獎金魚,超刺激的幸運大抽獎 ,超高的獎勵 ;5:單人遊戲簡介:A:總計20個神秘關卡,每一關都有不一樣的體驗 ;B:通過每關都有超高獎勵,每關都可以領取一次紅包哦!C:加速,狂暴,鎖定,冰封,完爆BOSS不是夢!D:神秘的潛艇,超簡單的任務,福利送不停。6:水滸傳遊戲簡介:A:來這裡體驗豪擲千金的感覺!B:來這裡體驗一夜暴富的驚喜!C:來這裡體驗捕魚之後的 閒暇!D:來這裡,更多驚喜等你來拿![Game Description]1: Video City version of the machine fishing games, easy games,nopressure;2: Perfect hall transplant multiplayer game fishing,realnetworking, ultra-smooth experience;3: super exciting single pass through mode, explore themysteriouslevel, receive welfare clearance Oh!4: 100% reduction of arcade fishing, thousands of gunfishing,fishing fishing Daren arcade version, and improvedgameplay;5: Every day can receive a massive gold Oh, challenge levels,tasks,kill BOSS award has;6: "violent function", "accelerated performance", "Lockfunction","frozen function", the greater chance to win prizesgo!7: The perfect blend of single and multiplayer online gamesinventeda game, not the same gameplay experience heart Oh![Game Features]1: Auto with hook feature allows you to play more relaxedandhappy;2: Call function, so you want to make a call Xpress fish;3: the mix of skills, firepower, high chance to kill boss, notthebottom line of award High turn the audience;4: Networking Game:   A: toad fishing, fish hack Li Kui, MonkeyKingdowntown sea;   B: real networking, people athletics,ultra-smoothexperience;   C: Locking skills, skills of ice makes iteasierto kill BOSS, win prizes go;   D: more rich prize fish, super excitingluckydraw, high reward;5: Single Game:   A: Total 20 mysterious levels, each level hasadifferent experience;   B: Through each level has ultra-high reward,eachlevel can receive a red envelope oh!   C: acceleration, violent, locked, frozen,afterblasting BOSS is not a dream!   D: the mysterious submarine, ultra-simpletask,welfare send non-stop.6: Water Margin Game:   A: ho throw daughter come here to experiencethefeeling!   B: come here to experience theflourishessurprise!   C: come here to experience the leisurefishingafter!   D: here, more surprises waiting for you tocomeand collect!
China slots(Macau)-mobi casino 2.0.1
Slot machine pediaMacau Tiger City Classic arcade slot machine! Popular fruitmachineat the same time hundreds of people online, real-timebetting,instant lottery!Forest dance, arcade Outlaws of the Marsh, animals gold sharksilvershark, the most classic slot machine play, 3Dengine,high-definition HD remake fruit machine game screen, thesame play,more enjoyment. Lightning double dragon overall; birdsand beastshave to bet big three Luckiest prize money, gold sharksilver sharkdo 超级大赢家. Fun, fun, exciting, addictive!Tiger City original arcade game perfectly transplanted toendaction, so you can relive the most pure tiger hall![Game Features]● forest party, Outlaws of the Marsh, animals, forest dance atthesame time on-line, so stay tuned universal shark, Mercedes BMWtojoin!● Macao prosperity original classic arcade game, the majorityofplayers love the game!●] [one thousand cannon fishingAdapted from Tiger Town fishing game, Pocket join fishingupCrusade, 1000 gun upgrade, traveled the world's majorfishinggrounds; challenge the strongest boss species, hunting goldreachedinstantly burst screen, enjoy the riches ofstimulation.● [Outlaws]Arcade classic SLOTS, containing 9 bet lines at the same timeplay,so that you easily reach the highest winning rate.Million prize money accumulated full-service super prizepool,everyone has the opportunity of winning, let your riches intobigtycoons.Multiplayer online, real-time chat, instant lottery bets,distributered packets!● [beasts]Instant wager more than the same stage game. Andfull-serviceplayers to gaming, the use of flexible betting skillsto win"超级大赢家" title win super bonus, gold shark silver sharkdominate thelist, the envy of other players enjoy the attention,becoming thepresence of the same God of Gamblers in Macau it!.Prosperity slot machine game the most classic of award, whichallowsplayers to earn pours!● [forest] BallFrom Japan Reel Slots, Fruit slot machine game is a class,generallyeight forest party connections, each 12 bet, but with avillageleisure and play. In the betting time, players can betlions,pandas, monkeys, rabbits in one, but also need to choosethreecolors: red, yellow, green one, each animal has a differentrate,the highest rate lions, rabbits lowest magnification . JoinBigThree Luckiest Man innovation prize money, lightning doubleplay,high prize announcement to let you win a war facebook page:
多人捕魚_小小遊戲聯網版-深海機台小霸王掌上1000打魚達人 2.1
Judy Deng
【遊戲說明】1:電玩城機台版本的捕魚遊戲,輕鬆遊戲,毫無壓力 ;2:完美移植遊戲廳多人聯機捕魚,真實聯網,超流暢體驗;3:超刺激的單人闖關模式,探索神秘關卡,領取通關福利哦!4:100%還原街機捕魚,千炮捕魚,街機達人捕魚等捕魚版本,並且改進遊戲玩法;5:每天可以領取海量金幣哦,挑戰關卡,完成任務,擊殺BOSS都有大獎;6:“狂暴機能”,“加速機能”,“鎖定機能”,“冰封機能”,更大機會贏走大獎!7:完美的融合單人闖關遊戲與多人聯網遊戲,隨心體驗不一樣的玩法哦!【遊戲特色】1:自動配備掛機功能,讓你遊戲更加輕鬆快樂;2:召喚功能,讓你隨心呼喚想打的魚;3:各項技能搭配,火力全開,超高機會擊殺boss,無底線大獎High翻全場 ;4:聯網遊戲簡介:A:金蟾捕魚,李逵劈魚,大聖鬧海 ;B:真人聯網 , 萬人競技 ,超流暢體驗 ;C:鎖定技能 ,冰封技能讓你更容易擊殺BOSS,贏走大獎 ;D:更有豐富的獎金魚,超刺激的幸運大抽獎 ,超高的獎勵 ;5:單人遊戲簡介:A:總計20個神秘關卡,每一關都有不一樣的體驗 ;B:通過每關都有超高獎勵,每關都可以領取一次紅包哦!C:加速,狂暴,鎖定,冰封,完爆BOSS不是夢!D:神秘的潛艇,超簡單的任務,福利送不停。6:水滸傳遊戲簡介:A:來這裡體驗豪擲千金的感覺!B:來這裡體驗一夜暴富的驚喜!C:來這裡體驗捕魚之後的 閒暇!D:來這裡,更多驚喜等你來拿![Game Description]1: Video City game fishing machine version, easy game,nopressure;2: Perfect hall transplant multiplayer game fishing,realnetworking, ultra-smooth experience;3: super exciting single pass through mode, explore themysteriouslevel, receive welfare clearance Oh!4: 100% reduction of arcade fishing, thousands of gunfishing,fishing fishing Daren arcade version, and improvedgameplay;5: Every day can receive a massive gold Oh, challenge levels,tasks,kill BOSS award has;6: "violent function", "accelerated performance", "Lockfunction","ice performance", the greater chance to win prizesgo!7: The perfect fusion of single pass through the gamesandmultiplayer online games, different gameplay experienceheartOh![Game Features]1: Auto with hook feature allows you to play more relaxedandhappy;2: Summon feature that lets you call heart want to playthefish;3: the mix of skills, firepower, high chance to kill boss, notthebottom line of award High turn the audience;4: Networking Game:   A: toad fishing, fish hack Li Kui, MonkeyKingdowntown sea;   B: real networking, people athletics,ultra-smoothexperience;   C: Locking skills, ice skills make it easierforyou to kill BOSS, win prizes go;   D: more rich prize fish, super excitingluckydraw, high reward;5: Single Game:   A: Total 20 mysterious levels, each level hasadifferent experience;   B: Through each level has ultra-high reward,eachlevel can receive a red envelope oh!   C: acceleration, violent, locked, frozen,afterblasting BOSS is not a dream!   D: the mysterious submarine, ultra easytask,welfare send non-stop.6: Water Margin Game:   A: ho throw daughter come here to experiencethefeeling!   B: come here to experience theflourishessurprise!   C: come here to experience the leisurefishingafter!   D: here, more surprises waiting for you tocomeand collect!
錢隆大亨娛樂城 - 老虎機,百家樂,21點 1.3
錢龍大亨娛樂城-包含「老虎機」,「百家樂」,「21點」,模擬拉斯維加斯和澳門電玩城線下遊戲。如親臨博弈現場!牌桌萬人同押注,玩家自由作莊,瘋狂拉霸角子機,贏籌碼百家共樂。老虎機 — slots,又稱角子機/拉霸機/投幣機/水果機特色拉斯維加斯博弈遊戲。押注比大小,拉霸享贏不停,得籌碼爭彩金,赢得累积大奖。百家樂 — baccarat,撲克遊戲經典澳門娛樂城撲克遊戲.澳門百家樂,自由做莊家,贏各種線上獎勵和福利,大殺四方,開桌博弈,百家共樂.21點 — blackjack,撲克遊戲經典拉斯維加斯娛樂城撲克棋牌遊戲。智慧比拼二十一點點數,看誰是下一個賭神。錢隆大亨娛樂城遊戲特色介紹:自由上莊:全台唯一!由我做莊與萬民對賭!親身體驗經營娛樂場的感覺。玩法多樣:長期開放當前熱門撲克遊戲,致力打造掌上拉斯维加斯娛樂城。至尊VIP :永久會員,專屬服務,享受尊貴特權。免費金幣:每日簽到、在線好禮、專頁獎勵,上線就送免費籌碼,天天也賺錢,各種福利金,不贏也難。輕鬆上手:免註冊直接玩,Facebook一鍵登入。金幣在手,老子有錢不愁啦。道具商城:各種趣味掛件,酷炫相框,任挑任選。*遊戲仅供娱乐,免費下載安裝,出現任何問題,請隨時聯繫我們客服郵箱[email protected]*錢隆大亨娛樂城遊戲只提供給21歲或以上玩家,不提供有跟金錢掛勾的活動或獎勵。(Our game is intended for an adult audience forentertainmentpurposes only. Success at social casino gambling doesnot rewardreal money prizes, nor does it guarantee success at realmoneygambling.)
Video game machine park 1.6
Groots Studio
[Game Features]1 , a day to receive a day can receive a free 11 times.2, VIP membership card , week card monthly card Take yourpick.3 , landing Gifts sent every day , as long as there iscontinuousregistration bonus increases.4 , the introduction of the most popular games Landlords ,plusrocket bomb immediately becomes Tyrant .5,100 % arcade fishing, fishing game elements pass throughthetransplant , is not the same play , not the sameexperience.6 , super- popular arcade nine line machine - Water Margin ,chargemuch more to win more and more exciting Little Mary waitingfor you![ Game Description ]1 , Landlords : conventional play , to experience the funofmultiplayer online game ;2 , pass through the fishing : 3D stereoscopic big BOSSseabedstrolling, 20 super BOSS allows you to play in betweenapplause.3. Networking fishing : arcade version of the four mostpopularfishing, cumulative gold fish kill can never want ;4 , Arcade Water Margin : bet magnification own election,moreexciting waiting for you to come and collect little Mary!