Top 23 Apps Similar to Vie Pratique Gourmand

Food Planner
Keep an integrated meal plan, grocery list, inventoryandrecipecollection that can sync to the cloud acrossmultipleplatforms!Available for iOS, Android, Amazon and Online!FoodPlanner allowsyou to quickly plan your daily meals usingaselection of recipesdownloaded from all of your favoritecookingblogs and recipesites. Easily plan breakfasts, lunches,dinners,snacks or more!Edit grocery lists and recipes, modify mealsplans,check inventoryand watch everything instantly sync across allyourdevices andeven the web in near real time . Now one person candothe planningand the other can do the shopping! Use your ownrecipesor importnew ones free from our massive list of supportedsites in8different languages. Recipes can be sorted withtags,quicklyallowing you to search and find the meals you need.Open andedityour recipes and plans online in your web browser andavoidhavingto enter too much data on your small mobile screen. Youcanalsochoose to save time by downloading one of our free andpaidmealplans via the Food Planner Store! We have a wide varietyofpopulardiets and special occasions to choose from! Makegroceryshopping abreeze by simply selecting which days you areshoppingfor andinstantly having all your items in a user friendlychecklist,ready to be synchronized with any other device.Createmultiplelists, categories, inventory, pricing and more! Theprimarygoal ofFood Planner is to make it quick and easy to use,whilealsoincluding more advanced features you'll come to appreciateonceyoubecome more familiar with the app. Download it today FREEandYouwill see why over 500,000 people are using Food Plannertogetorganized, save time, and SAVE MONEY! Here are some ofthepopularfeatures: * Import/manage recipes from all yourfavoriterecipessites * Easily create and sync grocery lists *Instantlysync yourmeal plans and groceries to other devices and theweb! *ManageInventory * Add your own photos to recipes * Save dailyandweeklymeal plans for later use * Easily backup all your dataonline*Supported on iOS, Android, Amazon and Online! Upgrade toPROandsupport the development of this app! Going pro gets you:*PrioritySupport - We answer your inquiries first * Adfreeenvironment - Noads on your device or Web App!!! * Free perksforPRO users * Agood feeling that your supporting this fine app!
Marmiton : Recettes gourmandes
A vous qui aimez manger, oui vous. A vousquiaimez partager un bon repas, cuisiner avec amour pour vosproches,tester plein de recettes étonnantes, faire part de vos avisettrouvailles. Oui vous qui avez envie d’être émerveillé auquotidienpar des gâteaux au chocolat fondant, des pizzascroustillantes oudes fromages dégoulinants. Et puis vous qui avezfaim, toutsimplement.L’application Marmiton est pour vous. Rejoignez la communautédesgourmands !Marmiton, qu’est-ce que c’est ?Depuis presque 18 ans (bientôt la majorité, oui oui),Marmitonregroupe les gourmands du monde entier (enfin, surtout ceuxquiparlent français) autour d’une passion commune : Cuisiner(etmanger aussi).Au fil des années, Marmiton est devenu une communauté de millionsdegourmands qui échangent au quotidien leurs recettes, leursastuces,leurs conseils, leurs envies aussi et leurs rêvesparfois.Aujourd’hui, Marmiton c’est un site qui concentre plus de 68000recettes, un magazine bimestriel, une page Facebook qui regroupe2millions de gens, un compte Instagram aussi… Et uneapplicationmobile (c’est bien pour ça qu’on est là), déjàtéléchargée plus de14 millions de fois (rien que ça).L’application Marmiton, pourquoi ?Pour être au quotidien, tout près de vous. L’applicationMarmitonvous donne tous les jours des recettes, des inspirations,desidées. L’application Marmiton est belle (il faut le dire),desgrandes photos, des vidéos ludiques, des textes bien écrits(nenous ménageons pas). L’application Marmiton est si belle quevousaurez envie de lécher votre écran (nous n’exagéronsmêmepas).Bien sûr, vous pourrez rechercher tout ce que vous voulez(paringrédient, par recette, par popularité), filtrer tout ce quevousvoulez, commenter et partager, vous laisser inspirer(beaucoupbeaucoup).Que faire quand j’ai trop faim ?De votre index, appuyez sur la petite icône orange avec un « M»dedans (nous, quoi). Et laissez-vous guider.To you who like toeat,yes you. To you who like to share a good meal, cook with loveforyour family, test full of amazing recipes, share your opinionsandfindings. Yes you who want to be amazed daily by meltingchocolatecakes, crispy pizza or runny cheeses. And you who arehungry,simply.The Marmiton application is for you. Join the community offoodlovers! Marmiton, what is it?For almost 18 years (soon the majority, yes), Marmitongathersgourmands from around the world (well, especially those whospeakFrench) around a common passion: cooking (and eatingwell).Over the years, became a Marmiton million hungry community whosharetheir everyday recipes, tricks, advice, their desires andtheirdreams also sometimes.Today Marmiton is a site that focuses more than 68 000 recipes,abimonthly magazine, a Facebook page which includes 2millionpeople, an Instagram account ... and also a mobileapplication(that's why that it is) already downloaded over 14million times(only that). The Marmiton application, why?To be daily, close to you. The Marmiton application offersdailyrecipes, inspirations, ideas. The Marmiton application isbeautiful(it must be said), large photos, play videos, well writtentexts(do not sparing). The Marmiton application is so beautifulthatyou'll want to lick your screen (we do not evenexaggerate).Of course, you can search all you want (by ingredient,recipe,popularity), filter whatever you want, comment and share,you letinspiration (much much). What to do when I'm too hungry?Your index finger, press the small orange icon with an "M" init(we, what). And let it guide you.
Inning Eater (Baseball Game) 1.7.3
Play a new baseball game, and bat against realistic,powerfulpitchers!
Yummly Recipes & Cooking Tools 8.1
Conquer the kitchen with meal plans, personalized recipes,shoppinglists & more
My CookBook (Recipe Manager)
Store all your favorite recipes in oneplace!My CookBook is a recipe manager with search andimportfeatures.My CookBook lets you create your own digital cookbook. Buildyourown recipe database by gathering recipes on the web and usingtheimport features.It is you and your own cookery!You are looking for a new recipe ? Use our searching engine tofinda new recipe on the web. When you have found one you like,importit into My CookBook. Then you will be able to view iteverywhere onyour phone or your tablet. You can add your own photo,changeingredients or directions, or add you own commentsYou already have a cookbook ? Add a new recipe into MyCookBookmanually, or import your digital cookbook using one of thefileformats we support like Meal Master (.mmf), MasterCook(.mxp),LivingCookBook (.fdx) , ReKconv (.rk)...You want to share some recipes with your friends ? Inviteyourfriends to join My CookBook, share your recipes with them andviewtheir recipes. Or share your recipes on Facebook or by email,sms,and others. You can also send them a “My CookBook” file theywillbe able to load into their appMy CookBook also includes these features :• Create shopping lists using your recipe ingredients• Synchronize your recipes on different devices using dropbox• Scale the ingredients to serve more or less people• Use the speech feature to read recipes• Customize various parts of the app such as theme, fontsize,categories.• Earn Kiip Rewards by adding new recipes• Open recipes on your Android Wear watchMy CookBook is also available on yourdesktop:http://www.mycookbook-online.netCreate a free account on our online version My CookBook Onlineandyou will enjoy these additional features (in the app andthewebsite):• Save up to 105 recipes and 8 shopping lists in the cloud• Synchronize up to 105 recipes and 8 shopping lists betweenallyour android applications and your online account• View and manage these recipes on any computer or any device• Invite your friends to join My CookBook Online and viewtheirrecipes• Plan your meals and generate a shopping list for the weekCreate a Premium account on My CookBook Online and :• All your recipes and shopping lists will be saved inthecloudMore details here : creation of an account on My CookBook Online is optional andthenumber of recipes is not limited in the Androidapplication.We support more than 200 websites. If your favorite cookingwebsiteis not supported, you can submit a request or vote foralreadysubmitted requests here: CookBook , the only cooking app you need !Ads in the app may be removed by purchasing an in-app add-on orbyinstalling the paid version of My CookBook: us to translate My CookBook to other languages:https://mycookbook.oneskyapp.comKey words : cook, cooking, recipe, shopping list, recipemanager,meal planner
PetitChef, cooking and recipes
More than 100.000 recipes for free and a daily menu
Aux Petits Oignons - Mes menus 4.6.2
Quick & easy recipe ideas, menu of the week, shopping list
Relationship couple 9.1.5
Th first App that gives you advice for ahappyfamily.Check how long you have been with your lover.How long have you been with your lover?Celeberate your anniversary with your memories.sexually games positions for partnerssexual questions and answers.More than 100 questions and answers.
CuisineAZ : l’application Cuisine deréférence!Chaque jour, des idées recettes faciles et de saisonRecherche rapide parmi 50 000 recettes gourmandesEt sauvegardez vos recettes préféréesProfitez des commentaires et notations de la première communautédepassionnés de cuisine en France (3 millions d’abonnés et 760000fans) !Accédez à 50 000 recettes de cuisine savoureuses et pour touslesgoûts à portée de main (tarte facile, quiche lorraine,quichelégère, cake salé, crêpes sucrées, gratin dauphinois, gâteauauchocolat, mousse au chocolat)Qu’est-ce qu’on mange ce soir ? Trouvez l’idée ou la recettepréciseà cuisiner en partant d’un ingrédient (légume, fruit,viande,poisson, fromage,…), d’un type de plat (apéritif, entrée,plat,dessert) ou d’une jolie photo.En plus, chaque jour la rédaction sélectionne 8 menus dontunminceur pour vous donner des idées de repas gourmandsetéquilibrés, composés de fruits et légumes de saison.Gagner du temps : Votre carnet de recettes personnel estdisponiblehors connexion. Vous pouvez y accéder dans le métro ou enpleinemontagne !Repas en famille, gâteau d’anniversaire, dîner de Noël,réveillon,Pâques, barbecue ? Toutes les occasions de vous régalersont bonnespour consulter notre appli et trouver LA recette qu’ilvousfaut.Que vous soyez fan de gastronomie, grand chef ou en quêted’unecuisine rapide et pas chère, pour vous et pour vos enfants,neperdez plus de temps, téléchargez notre applicationdèsmaintenant.Mots clés : cuisine az, cuisine de A à Z, cuisineaz, recettesdecuisineCuisineAZ: thekitchenreference application!Every day, easy recipe ideas, seasonalQuick search among 50,000 recipes gourmetAnd save your favorite recipesEnjoy the comments and ratings of the first community ofpassionatecooks in France (3 million subscribers and 760,000fans)!Access 50,000 recipes tasty catering for all tastes at hand(easypie, quiche lorraine, light quiche, savory cake, sweetpancakes,scalloped potatoes, chocolate cake, chocolate mousse)What's for dinner? Find the idea or the precise cookingrecipestarting with an ingredient (vegetable, fruit, meat, fish,cheese...), a type of dish (appetizer, entree, dessert) or aprettypicture.In addition, each day writing selects 8 menus with a thin togiveyou ideas for gourmands, balanced meals consisting of fruitsandvegetables in season.Save time: Your personal recipe book is available offline. Youcanaccess it on the subway or in the mountains!Family meal, birthday cake, Christmas dinner, Christmas Eve,Easter,barbecue? Every opportunity to regale you are good toreview our appand find THE recipe for you.Whether you're a fan of fine food, great chef or looking for aquickand cheap food for you and for your children, do not wastetime,download our app now.Tags: az kitchen, cooking from scratch, cuisineaz, recipes
Frigo Magic: French cooking 5.8.5
Frigo Magic
Compose meals in 1 click with what you have in your fridgeandcupboards!
750g - Recettes de cuisine 5.9.7
Cooking recipes for your holiday menus, Christmas ... CookeoandThermomix included
menuterraneus 1.0.10
¿Qué cenamos hoy? menuterraneus es la aplicación que te planificaunmenú semanal equilibrado, siguiendo los principios de ladietamediterránea. Además, si tienes hijos, el menú serácomplementarioa su menú escolar. Puedes añadir tus propias recetasy así te lasasignaremos más a menudo. Marca tus recetas favoritas yelimina lasque no te gusten, así conseguirás un menú adaptado a losgustos detu familia. Una vez generado el menú, elabora de formaautomáticala lista de la compra en tres sencillos pasos. Además,podrásdisfrutar de cupones de descuento para los productos quetengas entu lista. menuterraneus es una app y también unaaplicación web.Puedes generar la lista de la compra desde elordenador, y luegollevarla siempre contigo en el móvil. Y tu parejapodrá irañadiendo productos a la lista mientras estés comprando, lalistase sincronizará en todo momento! Principales funcionalidades:-Menú semanal - Menú escolar de tus hijos - Cambio de plato-Listado de recetas - Añade tus propias recetas - Lista de lacompra- Cupones de descuento
Herve Cuisine 1.7
The Android App of the biggest French Youtube channel Herve Cuisine
Cardápio UFRPE 1.0
Geraldo Gomes
O Cardápio UFRPE permite um visualização rápida e simplificadadocardápio do Restaurante Universitário da UFRPE. Com oCardápioUFRPE não é necessário ter um conexão com a internet parapodervisualizar o cardápio. Basta, apenas uma atualização porsemana! Oaplicativo é aceito desde o Android 1.6. Aproveitem e Bonappétit!!
Nestlé Cocina. Recetas y Menús 3.1.7
New APP Nestlé Kitchen. Recipes and Menus
INSelf 2.1.2
Attention,Les "On mange quoi ce midi au self ?" sont révolus !Et oui ! Avec la nouvelle application INSelf, vous connaitrezlemenu du self sans trop de fatigue.L'application est basée sur un algorithme quirechercheautomatiquement le menu à partir d'un serveur distant.Super!Et en bonus des modules permettant de vous SIMPLIFIER la vie auseindu campus. Encore mieux !L’application vous permet de:--> Visualiser simplement le menu de la semaine--> Voir les information du jour--> Envoyer simplement un message à vos amis--> Consulter les horaires du selfConsultez sans limite le menu du self, et tout ça danscetteapplication SIMPLE et DESIGN !Ne perdez donc pas de temps pour télécharger INSelf.By BAB Development.Warning,The "We eat anything this afternoon at the self?" are gone!And yes! With the new inself application, you will know theselfmenu without too much fatigue.The application is based on an algorithm thatautomaticallysearches the menu from a remote server. Great!And as a bonus modules to you SIMPLIFY life on campus.Evenbetter!The application allows you to:-> Show only weekly menu-> See the information of the day-> Just send a message to your friends-> Consult schedules of the selfCheck the limitless self menu, and everything in thisapplicationand SIMPLE DESIGN!So do not waste time to download inself.Development by BAB.
ShareTheMeal – Help children 4.0.3
TOGETHER WE CAN END HUNGER!ShareTheMeal is the charity app by the World Food Programmethatallows you to feed a child in need with one tap on yourphone.Every year, hunger kills more people than malaria, HIVandtuberculosis combined. But it costs only $0.50 to feed a childforone day. There are 20 times as many smartphone users ashungrychildren. If every one of us gives just a little, we can makethisworld a better place!✫ 800,000 people are already fighting hunger withShareTheMeal✫ 12 million meals have been shared✫ ShareTheMeal is part of the United Nations WorldFoodProgramme✫ Google Editor Choice and Best Apps 2016Use ShareTheMeal to:+ Share your meal with hungry children: wherever you are,wheneveryou want+ See exactly where your donation goes and who you arehelping+ Create a team and fight hunger together with your friends+ Learn more about how we can build a world without hungerYou should fight hunger with ShareTheMeal because:+ Hunger is the world’s greatest solvable problem+ The World Food Programme provides the food and monitorstheimpact+ It’s proven that helping others makes you a happierpersontoo+ Recommended by The New York Times, CNN, Wired, Buzzfeed, andmanymore.**Please say hello**We love to hear from you! Send your feedback and [email protected]**Please join ShareTheMeal**Website https://sharethemeal.orgFacebook @sharethemeal
La belle vie 1.0.0
Shop APP sts
都筑区北山田徒歩3分の美容室La belle vie ラベルヴィの専用アプリです。当日限定クーポン等のお知らせもありますので、お見逃しなく!!It is anexclusiveapplication of Beauty La belle vie Raberuvu~i thirdsTsuzuki-kuKitayamata walk. Because you can also find coupons on thedaylimited, do not miss! !
Cuisine : Recettes de cuisine 3.4.0
CCM Benchmark
Become a leader through the application Kitchen and 50,000 recipes!
وصفات الطبخ 1.1
وصفات الطبخ لتحضير وجبات شهيةتحضير الرفيسةو عدة وصفات أخرىفي الاخير نتمنى ان يكون التطبيق في المستوىCooking recipes topreparedelicious mealsPrepare AlervaishAnd several other recipesWe hope that in the final application is in level
Simple Recipe Collector 1.2G
Robert Lebel
Personal Recipe Manager, available on PC and Android - Free 30daytrial
Recipe Pal 2.0.1
Guro Labs
Recipe Pal is he ultimate application for all food lovers.Walkingaround in a grocery store and not knowing what ingredientsto buy,those days are over. With this app you will be carryingyourpersonal cookbook in your pocket. With Recipe Pal you canalsocreate shopping lists and plan your meals & menus.Application features:* Add recipes* Edit / move / delete / rename recipes* Create / delete / rename recipe categories* Add / edit / delete shopping list items* Create shopping lists from the recipes of your choice* E-mail recipes or shopping lists* Dropbox support* Menu Planner (Meal Planner)* Import recipes in cookML and recipeML format* Export recipes in cookML, recipeML and HTML format* Recipe Pal Web Server support. Browse your recipes in awebbrowser from an other device / PC (press the menu-key).* Support for recipe search and recipe search byingredient(s)* Changing the number of servings ( yield ) will rescale therecipeingredientsYour feedback is very much appreciated, so please don't hesitatetocontact us.