Top 18 Apps Similar to illico

Remote for Samsung TV 5.3.0
This cool app is a smart remote for samsung tv
Castreal Remote Control
Castreal Universal Remote Control turns your phoneintouniversalremote controller for various type of devices usingyourandroidsmart phone that comes with IR Blaster. It is able tobeused as aTV remote control, or to control media player, aircon,projector,home control, switcher, camera, karaoke andaudioamplifier. If youhave lost your old infrared remote controlthisapps probably is aworkaround to turn on your old machines.Manyusers have found thisapps useful because they finally getbacktheir remote control fortheir old devices. CastrealUniversalRemote Control is a new appsbut it comes with thousands ofIRremote infra codes available forFree except some of theairconditioner features has to be paid.The infrared remotedatabasethat comes with this apps contains IRcodes for many famousTVremote and aircon. Base on differentremote IR code sets thisremotecontrol will render the requiredbutton dynamically foreverydifferent brand and model. You wouldneed to do some setup togetthe universal remote controller workswith your device. Firstly,youneed to choose the device type andthe brand of your remotecontrolthen a list of model will be shownon the right. Choose themodeland test with your machines. Itmight takes a few tries ofdifferentmodel to match your device. Ifthe code set match yourdevice thenyou may set it into yourfavorite list. The next time youopen thisapps, you can directlyclick favorite to use your favoriteremotecontrol. Please notethat there are millions of remotecontrols outthere, the databasethat comes with this infrared remotecontrolmight not be 100%available for every of your devices but wearegradually addingmore remote codes into the database. If you haveIRremote hexcodes that you have tested and would like to share totherest ofthe world you are welcome to send your IR remote codestothepublisher. Devices that can be control are TV, SatelliteTV,CableBox, Audio CD, Radio, Amplifier, AVR, VCR, DVD,DSLR,Camera,Blu-Ray disc, Air Con (A/C), desk telephone, projector.Thisis afree application but it comes with advertisements and someofthefeatures are limited to PRO version only such as theairconfeatures. If you don't like to see the advertisementyoucanupgrade it to PRO version with one time purchase to removetheads.NOTE: Many people has given me 1 star just because theycan'tfindtheir device in the list. I will try my best to addthosemissingremote but please understand that I do not own allremotecontrolin the world. I've received many complaints thatpreviouscodesthat were working are missing since version 2.0x. Themainreason Iremove those codes is to reduce file size. Due tomanydemand, I'vedecided to put those code back in version 2.11.Pleasenote thatI've merged some of the duplicated codes, therefore,somemodelname might note be same with your device but it may works.
SFR TV : Vos programmes TV au doigt et àl’œil! Une large sélection de chaînes TV et en REPLAY (1) en HauteQualitévidéo (HQ)SFR PLAY, la VOD illimitée, pensée pour toute la famille, surtousvos écrans, partout, en streaming et en téléchargement(2)Des Pass VOD pour un accès en illimité, et des catalogues deVODpour la location(3) ou l’achat définitif à l’unité (4)Un guide TV complet sur toutes les chaines de votreabonnementDes services TV à distance comme la programmation et lalectureà distance des enregistrements TV (5)Une télécommande pour piloter votre box (6)Un media center, pour parcourir et lire les fichiersmultimédiadéposés sur LaBox (et autres sources DLNA)Des stations radios FMPour les clients box TV Fibre et RED Fibre de SFR, toutesvospassions sont au menu avec les chaines TV BY NUMERICABLE. La TV en toute liberté en 3G, 4G et en Wifi,  quel quesoitl’opérateur. (1) Pour les abonnés mobiles/tablettes SFR (option SFRTVdisponible dans les offres mobile compatibles). Chaines TVinclusesou en option pour les clients box de SFR, Fibre de SFR etRED Fibrede SFR possédant un décodeur TV actif. Pour les clientsbox de SFRsans option TV, accès à plus de 60 chaînes en direct,mais REPLAYnon disponible. RDV dans votre espace client pourvérifier si votreoffre est compatible.(2) Accès uniquement aux vidéos identifiées comme disponiblesenmulti-écrans et/ou au téléchargement. La visualisationd’unprogramme téléchargé hors ligne n’est possible que si leprogrammea été préalablement loué ou inclus dans un Pass auquelvous êtesabonné. La location / abonnement nécessite une connexionen 3G / 4Gou WIFI.(3) Pour les clients box de SFR, la VOD illimitée avec unabonnementaux Pass Kids, Pass cinéma ou Canalplay. Pour un clientbox Fibre deSFR abonnement aux Pass VOD illimitées by Numericable.Pour lesclients box de SFR, location VOD dans le Club Vidéo. Pourlesclients Fibre de SFR location de VOD dans le Vidéo ClubbyNumericable. VOD hors SFR PLAY non disponible pour les clientsREDFibre. Les actes de location et d’abonnement sont faits surlaTV.(4) Achat définitif disponible pour les clients Box Fibre deSFR.Les actes d’achat sont faits sur la TV.(5) Sous réserve d'avoir un disque dur externe ou interneaudécodeur TV. Non disponible pour les clients RED Fibre deSFR(6) Télécommande compatible seulement avec les décodeurs TV FibredeSFR et Evolution. Non disponible pour les clients RED FibredeSFR.Détails sur SFR TV: Your TVprogramsthe finger and the eye!A wide selection of TV channels and REPLAY (1) High VideoQuality(HQ)SFR PLAY, unlimited VOD, thought for the whole family, on allyourscreens everywhere in streaming and download (2)VOD Pass for unlimited access, and VOD catalogs for rental (3)orthe final buying (4)A complete TV guide on all channels of your subscriptionRemote TV services such as programming and remote playback ofTVrecordings (5)A remote to control your box (6)A media center to browse and play media files deposited on IREL(andother sources DLNA)FM radio stationsFor TV box customers and Fibre RED SFR fiber, all your passionsareon the menu with TV BY NUMERICABLE channels.TV freely on 3G, 4G and WiFi, regardless of the operator.(1) For mobile subscribers / tablets SFR (SFR TV option availableincompatible mobile offers). TV channels included or optional boxforSFR customers, SFR SFR RED fiber and fiber with active TVdecoder.For SFR customers without optional TV box, access to over60 livechannels, but REPLAY not available. RDV in your account tosee ifyour offer is compatible.(2) Access only to videos identified as available inmulti-screenand / or downloading. Viewing a downloaded programoffline ispossible only if the program was previously leased orincluded in aPass which you subscribe. Rental / subscriptionrequires aconnection over 3G / 4G or WIFI.(3) For SFR customers box, unlimited VOD with a subscription toKidsPass, Pass or Canalplay cinema. For a client box SFR FiberPasssubscription to unlimited VOD by Numericable. SFR box forguests,rental VOD in the Video Club. For customers SFR fiber VODrental inthe Video Club by Numericable. VOD off SFR not availablefor REDPLAY Fibre customers. Acts of rental and subscription aremade onTV.(4) final purchase available for customers Fibre Box SFR. Theactsof purchase are made on TV.(5) Subject to having an external or internal hard drive to theTVdecoder. Not available for customers RED SFR Fiber(6) Remote control compatible only with set-top boxes andSFREvolution fiber. Not available for customers RED SFRfiber.Details
IPTV 6.1.11
Watch IPTV from your Internet service provider or free liveTVchannels from any other source in the web. Features: ✔ M3U andXSPFplaylists support ✔ Playlists history ✔ Playing multicaststreamswith UDP proxy (proxy need to be installed in your LAN) ✔Grid,list or tile view of TV channels ✔ EPG support in XMLTV andJTVformats ✔ Internal and external video players ✔ ParentalcontrolAdditional features are available in Pro version: ✔ Ad free✔ Startapp on device boot option, useful for set-top boxes. ✔Auto-playlast channel option ✔ Extended playlists history This appdoesn'tcontain any built-in channels, you should have your playlistwithTV channels to use this app. For multicast streams it'srecommendedto use UDP proxy: * for Windows: download and installUDP-to-HTTPproxy from orcheck thecorresponding option while installing IP-TVPlayer * for Linux: installudpxy(,* the best solution wouldbe installing udpxy on your WLAN router,this can be done forDD-WRT ( and OpenWrt( * some WLAN routers have built-inudpxy in manufacturer'sfirmware Please join translations projectat if you want to add neworimprove existing translation.
Ver Tele 4.0
Te damos nuestra opinión de loscanalesdetelevisión de forma general en varios países.No pierdas la oportunidad de probar nuestraaplicación.¡Esgratis!We give ourviewTVchannels generally in several countries.Do not miss the opportunity to try our application.It'sfree!
You TV Player 1.0
You TV Player es una aplicaciónmuyespecial,gracias a la que podremos disfrutar de televisióndepeliculas decalidad en directo y gratuita, desde nuestroterminalAndroid.Las series en linea las puedes ver en la aplicacionqueseencuentra en el menu, sigue las instrucciones paradisfrutardeellas, cada dia se agrega una nueva.You TV Player es un reproductor de peliculas para Androidque,conla correcta configuración, nos permitirá disfrutar decientosdeestrenos de peliculas directamente desde nuestroterminal.Para instalar la aplicación ingresa al sitio de la app,endondepodrás descargarla directamente.Cuando abres por primera vez la aplicación te da unrecorridoporel menú para facilitar su uso, si no tienes vídeos entuteléfonoaparecerá todo en blanco.****** Información Legal******Esta aplicación solo permite ver películas que seencuentranenyoutube, NO somos los dueños de los vídeos ypelículasaquímostrados,tampoco viola la propiedad intelectual,solobrindamoslos links hacia los vídeos de las películas queseencuentran enyoutube, de esta forma nos ahorramos mucho tiempoenlabúsquedaAbrir la aplicación; en este caso, como ya la hemosprobado,nosmuetra lo ultimo y recomendado.You TV Player isaveryspecial application, thanks to which we canenjoyqualitytelevision films and live free from our Androidterminal.The online series you can see in the application that isonthemenu, follow the instructions to enjoy them, each day isaddedanew one.You TV Player is a movie player for Android that, withthecorrectsettings, allow us to enjoy hundreds of premieres offilmsdirectlyfrom our terminal.To install the application enters the site of the app,whereyoucan download it directly.When you first open the app gives you a tour of the menuforeasyuse, if you have videos on your phone will appearallwhite.****** Legal information******This application only allows watching movies found onyoutube,weare not the owners of videos and movies shown here,alsoviolatesintellectual property, just provide links to videosofmovies thatare on youtube, this way we we save a lot oftimesearchingOpen the application; in this case, as we have alreadyproved,wemuetra the latest and recommended.
La Tele 4.0
Te damos nuestra opinión de loscanalesdetelevisión de forma general en varios países.No pierdas la oportunidad de probar nuestraaplicación.¡Esgratis!We give ourviewTVchannels generally in several countries.Do not miss the opportunity to try our application.It'sfree!
Televisiones de Chile - Lista 1.5
Con esta App podrás ver la lista de todosloscanales de televisión que emiten en Chile.Todas las Teles de ChilePodrás saber los canales de ámbito nacional (Canal13,Chilevisión, Mega, UCV Televisión, etc.), regionales (MásVisión,TV+, VTV, etc.), y por supuesto todos los canales de pago(CDFBásico, CDF Premium, Bang TV!, Rec TV, HBO, etc.) y enqueplataformas emiten.Ahora cuando te muevas de un lado a otro, enseguidapodráslocalizar los canales que emiten en la TV allí donde estés.Solotendrás que encender la tele y el TDV y buscar tucanalfavorita.Además esta app es completamente gratis.Atención:Con esta app no puedes ver la televisión, no se emite ningúncanalonline ni en streaming. Simplemente se representan en unalista decanales de TV.With this app you willseethe list of all the television channels that broadcastinChile.All Teles de ChileYou can find national channels (Channel 13, Chilevisión,Mega,UCV TV, etc.), regional (More Vision + TV, VTV, etc.), andofcourse all the pay channels (Basic CDF, CDF Premium Bang TV !,RecTV, HBO, etc.) and that emit platforms.Now when you move from one side to another, can quicklylocatethe channels that broadcast in the TV wherever you are. Youonlyhave to turn the TV and TDV and find your favorite channel.Also this app is completely free.NoteWith this app you can not watch TV, no online streaming orbroadcastchannel. Simply represent a list of TV channels.
Free Soap Operas
Watch all your favorite soap operas
Watch Live Tv 3.5.1
Fastest live tv.Easiest to use.Watch Live TV ChannelsEasy to use, Fast and OnlineMobile TVLive TV
Super Tele 4.0
Te damos nuestra opinión de los canalesdetelevisión de forma general en varios países.No pierdas la oportunidad de probar nuestra aplicación.¡Esgratis!We give our viewTVchannels generally in several countries.Do not miss the opportunity to try our application.It'sfree!
Remote for LG TV 5.0.1
This app is a remote application that lets you control your LG TV.
Canales Dominicanos 7.0
Dominican Television Channels on your Android phone or tablet
Afrique Tv Direct channels 2.0
ne ratez aucune chaine TV en afrique enlivestream sur vos mobiles androidnever miss africalivestream TV channel in your android mobile
Digi Online 7.0.3-release
With Digi Online you can watch the programs of severaltelevisionsonline
IPTV Extreme 113.0
Paolo Turatti
*** PLEASE NOTE THIS APP DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY CHANNLES ******THEAPPLICATION REQUIRES A PLAYLIST TO WORK *** Please don't askmeforplaylists, I don't have / don't share / don't sellplaylists!Forthe Playlist you can search for some IPTV Forum If youusuallyuseVLC or IPTV bouquet for Dreambox to watch TV this app isforyou.You need to use your own IPTV list to watch channels Isuggesttoinstall VLC for Android or Better MX Player if thedefaultVideoPlayer is not able to Play streaming video If you wouldliketotranslate the applcation in your language please contactme!BasicFunctions Video: to "Il CIELOSULTUBO" user for the video) Features: -Integrated Player(Advanced& Light) - Chromecast Support(Beta) - Parental Control- RemoteController support - Backup /Restore Settings - M3Uplaylistssupport - Multi EPG support (TVGuide) - Auto EPG update -EPG aliasmanagement - All the EPGproviders are included - Piconssupport indifferent size - Abilityto download On Demand Programs! -Abilityto record Live Streamingwith time limit! - More than 10Themesavailables! - Time Recording- Timers Management - AutostartOn BootFunction - Set Memofunction for Events on TV Guide - SearchforSimilar Events on TVGuide - Sliding EPG time Additionalfeaturesare available in Proversion: - Ad free - A big thanks fromme Setupinstructions: *First you'll need to add a Playlist byinserting m3ulink or selecta previously saved playlist file.
Haiti En Direct TV 1.6
Best of Live Haitian and Caribbean TV Channels & Radios.New:DVRFeature Added
RTS L'Officiel 1.0.0
aCAN Group
RTS offers you its free program on your Android devices