Top 8 Apps Similar to Video Game Price Guide

Video Game Price Charts 1.20
*** IF SOMETHING BREAKS, PLEASE E-MAIL ME INSTEAD OF WRITINGAREVIEW! THANKS! *** Quickly look up current market prices forover26,600 video games from your Android device! Avoid gettingrippedoff at pricy secondhand gaming stores, or confirm that you'vedugup a diamond in the rough at a garage sale. You can even scanabarcode for a speedy lookup, no typing necessary. Pricing dataisprovided by, please visitthewebsite for even more price information. Please note that I donotwork for Video Game Price Charts, and they do not tell me whentheymake changes to their site layout. If their site layout changesandthe app starts crashing, please send me an e-mail and let meknow!
Detonados SNES
Uma seleção de detonados de jogos deSuperNintendo, especialmente RPGsFinal Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, Illusion of Gaia emuitomais...A selection of ordnanceofSuper Nintendo games, especially RPGsFinal Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, Illusion of Gaia and more ...
nintenditis - Retro Nintendo 0.6.1
Nintenditis is your App for NintendoOldSkoolGames!NES, Gameboy, SNES/Famicom, Nintendo 64 and Gameboy Color.Look up your old timey favorite games, seepicturesandscreenshots, add photos all by yourself directly in thisapp,markyour favorite games in your personal list, manageyourcollection -and much more.You can add a personal account without handing outanypersonalinformation! No personal data will be read or mined byourapp!Many features are xurrently planned, you can help to maketheAppbetter just by let us know what you miss for [email protected]
GenesisDB 1.0
Ryan Novak
A detailed database of SEGA Genesis games in the palm of your hand!
colliibo - for amiibo collecto
The ultimate companion app for all amiibo collectors.
SGC (Social Game Collection) 1.5
SGC – Social Game Collection isavideogamemanager that allows you to track yourvideogamecollection, andyour activity as a gamer. Pick thevideogames youown, want, havecompleted…Plus SGC – Social Game Collection is underneath a sociallayer,whichallows you to see which videogames are the mostpopular,bestrated... SGC is the only videogame manager with socialsupport.---------------------------------------------------------FEATURESSGC – Social Game Collection, your videogame manager,allowsyouto:Manage your entire videogame collection.Add your games directly from your Steam, PlayStationNetworkorXbox Live account.Join and be aware of gaming tendencies. Which is thebestratedvideogame of the year or the most played game right nowarejust afew examples.Material design!! We dropped our previous retro pixelart,andnow we’re cooler than never. Kinda ofSee recent releases. New and upcoming games were nevereasiertofindJoin the console warz!! Mario or Sonic? XboxorPlayStation?Leave your opinion on the polls, and seewhatpeoplethink.See all your activity as a gamer, thanks to a Journalthattracksall your changes. When did you add a videogame, howmuchtime passedsince you completed it...Gamer stats: compete and compare against other users. Doyouhavemore videogames than the average gamer? Is yourcompletionpercentagehigher or lower than others? Which videogameplatformsare the mostpopular?Tablet mode. SGC is designed with tablets in mind.Properlayoutsfor proper devices…Cloud saving: Data is stored in the cloud, so you canaccessyourvideogame library data anywhere. Just login in anotherdeviceandyou’re ready to check or modify your data.Largest videogame collection. Thankstothegamesdb( you’ll have access to thelargestvideogameinformation. Games for Sony PlayStation 4, PC,MicrosoftXbox One,Nintendo Wii…older like PlayStation 2, SNES,Nintendo DSorDreamcast…or even further, like NeoGeo, NintendoGameBoy orAmiga!!More than 20.000 videogames data available andgrowingeachday!
Guía PokeCoach para Pokémon Go 0.78
La Guía PokeCoach Counter & StatsparaPokémon Go te ayudará a elegir los Pokémons más adecuados paracadabatalla, a tu compañero y a tomar muchas decisiones más.NOVEDAD! Ya incluímos la SEGUNDA GENERACIÓN! algunos datos delasnuevas criaturas aún no están disponibles, pero losiremosactualizando a medida que los vayamos conociendo.Detalles:Podrás ver las estadísticas, fortalezas, debilidades, ataquesyevoluciones de cada Pokémon.Counter:Una de las principales funcionalidades de la Guía PokeCoachCounter& Stats para Pokémon Go es el cálculo de Counters.Sabías quede acuerdo al tipo ataque y a las resistencias, cadaluchadorrecibe multiplicadores que aumentan o disminuyen su daño,llegandoa tener bonus de hasta el 95%? Siguiendo esta guía yutilizandointeligentemente tus ataques, puedes realizar en algunoscasoshasta casi el doble de daño!!! Utiliza esta herramienta ydominatodos los gimnasios de tu ciudad!Evolución:Averigua cuál es la siguiente evolución y aproximadamentecuántosPuntos de Combate (PC) tendrán luego de evolucionar, susposiblesataques, fortalezas y debilidades. Utiliza esta herramientaparaoptimizar tus recursos y darle el mejor uso a loscaramelosconseguidos de cada especie.Huevos:Conoce tus chances de obtener un Pokémon dentro de un huevo apartirde los km necesarios para su eclosión y accede a suinformación.Aumenta tus chances de obtener los ejemplares quenecesitas.Compañero:En el juego original puedes elegir un Compañero (Buddy) quecaminarácontigo, encontrando caramelos durante tu aventura. Cadaespecierequiere de una caminata de una determinada cantidad dekilómetrospara encontrar caramelos. Utiliza esta guía paraaveriguar loskilómetros necesarios para cada uno y elige alcompañero que te darámayores beneficios!Aclaración:Pokémon, Pokémon Go y los nombres de los personajes sonmarcasregistradas de Nintendo y Niantic. Otras marcas comercialessonpropiedad de sus respectivos dueños. Esta aplicaciónesdesarrollada y mantenida por 8bits Games y no pertenece niestáasociada de ninguna manera a Nintendo, Niantic, the PokemonCompanyni ninguna otra.The PokeCoachCounter& Stats Pokemon Go Guide will help you choose the mostsuitablePokémon for each battle, your partner and to make manydecisionsmore.NOVELTY! Now we include the second generation! some newcreaturesdata are not yet available, but will update as youleaveknowing.Details:You will see the statistics, strengths, weaknesses, attacksandevolutions of each Pokémon.counter:One of the main features of the Guide PokeCoach PokemonStatsCounter & Go is the calculation of Counters. Did you knowthataccording to the attack type and the resistors, eachwrestlerreceives multipliers that increase or decrease theirdamage,getting to have bonus of up to 95%? Following this guideandintelligently using your attacks, you can in some casesnearlydouble the damage !!! Use this tool and dominates all thegyms inyour city!Evolution:Find out what is the next evolution and approximately how manyCpts(PC) will evolve after its possible attacks, strengthsandweaknesses. Use this tool to optimize your resources and makethebest use to those achieved candies each species.eggs:Know your chances of getting a Pokémon inside an egg from thekmrequired for hatching and access your information. Increaseyourchances of getting the copies you need.Companion:In the original game you can choose a partner (Buddy) who willwalkwith you, finding candy during your adventure. Eachspeciesrequires a walk of a certain number of kilometers to findcandy.Use this guide to find the necessary for each kilometer andchoosethe partner that will give more benefits!Clarification:Pokémon, Pokémon Go and character names are registered trademarksofNintendo and Niantic. Other trademarks are property oftheirrespective owners. This application is developed andmaintained by8bit Games and does not belong and is not associatedin any waywith Nintendo, Niantic, the Pokemon Company nor anyother.
Manual Leecher 1.6
Manual Leecher is a gigantic archive ofGameManuals. Have you rented a game with no instructions? Bought ausedgame later to find out your missing a manual. Have a ROMbackupwith no manual? This app may be for you! HQ PDF Scans oftheoriginal Game Manuals plus extras like maps,advertisements,international versions and more! Buy it today!Included game manuals are:Amiga CD 32Atari 5200Atari 7800GameboyGameboy ColorGameboy AdvanceMagnavox OdysseyMattel IntellivisionNintendo(NES)Nintendo 64Nintendo GamecubeNintendo IQueNintendo Virtual BoySuper Nintendo(SNES)Phillips-Magnavox CD-iPlaystation(PSX)REAL 3DOSega Dreamcast(SEGA)Sega CDSega Game GearSega Master SystemSega SaturnMore are being added frequently! If there is a game manualsyouwant, request it via e-mail!Benefits:- Updated Frequently- Unlimited Use- Request Manuals+ Tons of Extras!