Top 33 Apps Similar to 24 小時之內學習說各種語言 学习如何说英语,法语,德语,印度尼西亚语, 意大利语, 日语 等等

英文造句大師 1.2210.181
"English Sentence Maker" is a set of self-study courses tohelpusers practice English writing and sentence making.Throughintelligent guidance, it teaches users to write correctEnglishsentences. Suitable for learners with weak English grammarto sortout concepts from scratch and lay a solid foundation.
英文字根字群邏輯諧音記單字字典/多益/雅思/英檢/基測/學測 2023.05
Are you still memorizing English words? The best way is tolearnradical word groups, logic and homophony, and use radicalwordmeaning skills to quickly memorize English words, and you canguessthe meaning of words when you encounter unknown words inthefuture.
MeBooks英語學習館 2.5.1
The MeBooks English Learning Center satisfies your desirefordiverse English learning in the most economical and affordableway!During the subscription period, you will have all-you-can-eatgoodbooks, including ICRT Daily News English news, movies andAmericandramas.
說文字典 3.8.54
The structure of Chinese characters is beautiful. First,understandthe structure of the characters from the explanation ofthe text,try to integrate the relevant structure of the characters,andextensively refer to the explanations of various calligraphybooksand classics, so that you can learn quickly and penetratetheancient and modern characters.
汉语字典 - 汉字笔顺、新华字典 2.8.3
Chinese Dictionary is a handheld Chinese dictionary thatsupportsoffline, detailed content, free of charge, andhigh-qualitytypesetting. The Chinese dictionary contains more than20,000international (GBK) Chinese characters and more than150,000entries.
英語溝通 - 免費學英語 (Learn English fo 3.3
Learn English, Learn English Communication, 英語溝通, 學習英語,學習英語溝通,免費學英語, 英語基本
勇敢開口說英語,別怕說錯,因為老外一定聽得懂! 1.19
新华字典 | 汉语字典 23.2.9
Completely offline Chinese dictionary
檸檬樹-標準日本語每日一句 生氣吐槽篇 1.6.0
Don't misuse impolite sentences in Chinese thinking!Swearingemotions should also be combined with grammatical rules toteachyou how to use frank Japanese that is suitable for notsuppressingemotions, not caring about politeness, and self-willedvent.
Japanese Remember, JLPT N5~N1 2023.04
Japanese vocabulary app includes learning,quiz,and pronounceforJLPT N5 ~ N1
道德經(又稱老子、道德真經、五千言、老子五千文) 2.2.0
Chinese-English Translation | 1.0.23
hhll tools
A text and voice translation software that supports ChineseandEnglish
Learn Taiwanese Chinese, Chine 2.7.3
LETS Limited
Learn Essential Taiwanese Chinese& VocabularyforBeginner,Kid,Travel-LingoCards
英語脫口說(Talk to Lucy - Your AI Teacher) 1.3010.151
英語脫口說(TalktoLucy)根據學習語言的最佳「習得模式」打造,特色是創造不斷刺激與回應的環境,讓你真正的「說」英語。課程以對話互動進行,輔以音效、圖像、動畫、即時評分,提供有效的語言刺激:(1)聆聽對話 (Listen) → (2) 語音跟讀 (Repeat) → (3) 句型練習 (Drills) → (4)實境對話(Conversation)整個訓練過程,就是不斷刺激您下意识的瞬间直覺反应,讓您不經思索,自然而然脫口而出。就像訓練打乒乓球,教練變換著不同球路,不斷餵球,而你不假思索不停接球,經過大量的、有規律的反複刺激,大腦中涉及語言的新神經網絡,便能逐漸生成,而脫口說英語就變成你的直覺。對話進行當中,系統自動記錄你的學習歷程,包含四個面向:流暢度、完成度、語法、發音,讓您清楚看到努力的成果。課程由淺至深,即使基礎差也能輕鬆學,包含兒童篇、成人篇,每週持續新增內容喔!
Words don’t need to be memorized, they will naturally blend intothecontext
Cangjie Dictionary - Learn to
Easy Use
Just copy any Chinese and get the "letters"
古詩三百首 7.9.5
Three hundred ancient poems
英文記單字,字根,邏輯,諧音,字典/多益/英檢/基測/學測 2023.05
Are you still memorizing English words by rote? The best way istolearn radical character groups, logic and homophonicmemorizationof words, apply the skills of phonetic meaning andcomprehensivetests to quickly memorize English words, and you willalsoencounter unrecognized words in the future. Can guess themeaningof the word
英文單字王3 EngKing - 背單字的最佳利器 3.0.17
★慶祝全系列破 500 萬下載量,英文單字王限時特惠內購升級專業版 $USD3.99!★免費版版累積下載已突破200萬,最受歡迎的學英文軟體
史記 2.3.1
執筆忘字 — 找成語/成語分類/押韻/同音異字 3.3
Donut Pond
用同音字找出相關詞語或成語 (粒突→凹凸), 用聲韻調找出近音單字或押韻詞語 成語分類 用任意兩個倉頡碼找出單字中譯英、英譯中繁體、簡體轉換
Three hundred poems of Tang poetry, detailed annotationsandphonetic, supporting full-text search
Cursive Dictionary 6.4
The Chinese Calligraphy, Cursive dictionary.
五十音輕鬆學 ! 4.1.2
Soyong Corp.
Choose the right method, and the kana syllabary can beeasilylearned! Using the memorizing formulas and associations ofthesource, shape and sound of the word, with the writingfunction,beginners can easily remember 50 sounds!
古诗词大全 - 简体中文版 3.3.1
This is a rescue literary degeneration of ancient poetry APP,tohelp you learn ancient poetry.
唐詩三百首 2.3.1
Appreciation classic poem, relive the charm of the treasuresofancient Chinese literature, ancient literature of profoundfeeling!
Lotusfire 學英文 0.4.8
Let English be everywhere
Is it difficult to learn Japanese? Through the guidance oftheauthor of this book, Mr. Kou Jin, you can inspire friends whowantto learn Japanese, quickly find the correct way to learnJapanese,and work steadily, so that your Japanese ability can beimprovedstep by step!
ChineseRd 2.0.2
ChineseRd focuses on online vocational Chinese education.Studentsinteract and learn with our professional Chinese teacherswho areall native speakers through 1-on-1 online real timeclassroom.Through the Internet, all foreigners in the world whowant to learnChinese are brought together. [Standardized Courses]ChineseRd hasa self-developed curriculum standard system, which isdeveloped bya professional teaching and research team. The systemis suitablefor all students of different nationalities, enablingstudents tofocus on not only the language learning, but also theapplicationof language in real life. [Professional Teachers]Afterhigh-standard screening, the quality of the teacheriswell-assured. The teachers of ChineseRd are all majored inTeachingChinese As Second Language (TCSL) or with overseasteachingexperiences. We guarantee the high quality of teaching,nativelanguage teachers, pure accent. [Independent OnlineEducationPlatform] The online education platform self-developed byChineseRdhas multiple products: one-to- one classes, one-to-manyclasses,live stream lessons and video lessons. Computer, tablet,mobilephone are all supported. Free choice of class times andteachers onyour own schedule , free you from time-consuming trafficon theroads and utilize your fragmented time to study efficiently!
Chinese English Translator 2.0.62
Translate text from Chinese to English, and from English to Chinese
粵韻漢典離線粵語普通話發聲中文字典 2.0.9
每日英语听力 - 提高英语听力的最佳途径 10.5.1
每日英语听力,专为英语学习者打造,精听细读,助你更好学英语。【资源丰富,每日更新】各类考试:初高中、大学四六级、考研、雅思托福、GRE等备考听力材料;经典教材:走遍美国、赖世雄、新东方等丰富教材;兴趣学习:有声读物、名人演讲、公开课、少儿英语、影视英语等丰富资源。【功能强大,操作简便】划词搜索:与《欧路词典》无缝集成,长按查词,即指即译;播放调节:8档语速调节、4种循环模式,单句精听、听写、测验,满足不同阶段的需求;收藏下载:支持批量下载,离线随时收听;听力上传:支持听众上传自己的资源,我们为您制作同步高亮字幕;跟读打分:跟读后可查看单词的发音是否准确,纠正发音问题。支持繁体中文,方便不同使用习惯。 【特色模块,辅助学习】精听党:名著原声朗读,精编版讲义讲解,配套习题测试。配音秀:提供原声听力材料的配音,秀出你的发音;听力挑战:加入听力训练计划,日积月累提高英语。 【联系我们】 软件内部:账号 -帮助与反馈 - 意见反馈 客服QQ:1047518732 客服电话:400-920-1209