Top 8 Apps Similar to SEC-Arritmias

Arritmias Cardiacas 2.0
App que te ayudará a identificar los diferente tiposdearritmias,además se incluyen los diferentes tratamientos paraestapatología,ideal para estudiantes o personal sanitario.
Cardiac diagnosis-heart rate 147
Cardiac diagnosis uses a built-in camera to detect bloodcirculationin the measurement area. 1. Measurement of heart rateand heart ratevariability You can measure the exact number usingthe built-incamera sensor of your smartphone or tablet. 2.Measurement CategoryGeneral Measurement- It measures 20 heartbeatsto calculate thenumber of heartbeats per minute, and arrhythmia isdifferentiated bycalculating the heart rate variability. Precisemeasurement - Theheart rate is measured for 1 minute todifferentiate between heartrate and arrhythmia. Continuousmeasurement - Check the heartcondition by looking at the graphwhile continuously measuring. Allmeasurements are indicated ingreen for normal, yellow for caution,and red for abnormal. If redis frequently detected, it isrecommended that an electrocardiogram(EKG, ECG) test be performedat a hospital. 3. Results trackingWhen the measurement result issaved, the measurement value andscreen are saved and historymanagement is possible. "How to useand precautions" 1. In theheart-shaped view on the measurementscreen, find the rear camerawhere the measurement site is visible,place your fingertipslightly, and click the Start button. 2.Measure while your hands arewarm. -> If your hands are cold,blood circulation is notreliable and the measurement value isinaccurate. 3. Do not placeyour finger on the camera flash. [Guideto the access rightsrequired to use the heart diagnosis app] 1.Camera (required) -Required to detect blood circulation in themeasurement site.2.Storage space (required) - Required to save themeasurementresult.
ECG Interpretation 1.11
This app briefly elaborate of ECG irregularities with waveformanddescription.
ECG CALC Lite 1.3.4
IT Health
ECG CALC Lite is an app that helps health professionalsinterpretthe ECG
ACLS MegaCodes Review 2015 1.15
ACLS MegaCodes Review reflects the updated 2015AmericanHeartAdvanced Cardiovascular Life Support Guidelines andprovidesacomplete review of advanced cardiovascular lifesupport,includingthe new 2015 ICOR update. ACLS MegaCodes Reviewsimulatorlet youtest your skills in real-life situations. You canpracticemakinglife-or-death decisions and learn acute ACLSinterventions.Choosedefibrillation levels and pharmacologictreatments foreverypossible resuscitation situation. Take actualpractice testsusedfor ACLS certification. ACLS MegaCodes Reviewcoverseverythingfrom airway management and rhythms to electricaltherapy,acutecoronary syndromes, and acute stroke. ACLS MegaCodesReviewhelpsEMTs, nurses, students, and physicians successfullycompletetheAmerican Heart Association Advanced Cardiac LifeSupport(ACLS)course and certification exam. Experienced providerscanchoosemore challenging Place in Correct Order questions.
EP Mobile 2.30.3
EP Studios
Mobile tools for medical professionals who manage abnormalheartrhythms.
Arritmias-SEC 1.4
La Sección de ArritmiasyElectrofisiología(SEA) es la sección científica de laSociedadEspañola deCardiología (SEC) que desde 1980 se ocupa delritmocardiaco y desus trastornos.La aplicación SEA Coruña 2012, contiene todo lo que losasistentesala XI Reunión anual de la Sección de ElectrofisiologíayArritmiasde la SEC necesitan para acudir al evento.Durante los días 18, 19 y 20 de Abril de 2012, se llevará acaboelevento, y la aplicación SEA Coruña 2012 ofrecerálassiguientesfuncionalidades:- Programa Científico, con su esquema visual del programadelostres días. Desde el Programa se podrá buscar porCategorías,Áreasde Conocimiento, Ponentes y Fechas. Dichasbúsquedas te llevanauna vista detalle de cada mesa, con toda lainformación referenteadía/hora, sala, moderadores, ponentes yponencias.- Permite incluir las ponencias tanto en la agendadelterminalcomo en la agenda propia de la aplicación.- Permite añadir notas desde cada vista detalle, así comodesdelafunción "mi agenda".- Mapa, donde se pueden ver las dos plantas delPalaciodeCongreso. Pueden realizarse búsquedas sobre el mapa, tantodelascasas comerciales que participan como de las mesas, parasaberenqué sala se van a desarrollar.- Agenda. Lugar en el que se mostrarán las mesasguardadasdesdela vista detalle y las notas escritas durantelasponencias.- Información útil para el visitante: Palacio deCongreso,Comitéy Junta Directiva, transporte, hoteles, cena declausura,web y blogde la SEC y SEA...- Vídeos. Realizados durante la anterior Reunión del año2011,conun espacio reservado a los vídeos que se realicenduranteCoruña2012.- Casas Comerciales. Un espacio reservado a aquellas casasquehanquerido tener presencia en la Aplicación. Dependiendodelexpositor,se mostrará una información más completa, con vídeosypdf´s o semostrará la ubicación sobre el mapa del congreso.- Aplicación desarrollada por This is not Bahamas -Section ofArrhythmiaandElectrophysiology (SEA) is the scientific section oftheSpanishSociety of Cardiology (SEC) since 1980 deals with theheartrateand its disorders. Applying SEA Coruña 2012, contains everything attendeesXIAnnualMeeting on Electrophysiology and Arrhythmias SEC needtoattend theevent.On days 18, 19 and 20 April 2012, will be held the event,andtheapplication is offered Coruña 2012 the following features:- Scientific Program, with its visual scheme ofthethree-dayprogram. Since the program is able to searchbycategories,knowledge areas, speakers and dates. Such searchestakeyou to adetailed view of each table, with all theinformationregarding day/ time, room, moderators, speakersandpresentations.- Allows include presentations on the agenda of bothterminalandon the agenda of the application itself.- Adds detailed notes from each view, and fromthe"myagenda".- Map, where you can see the two floors of the PalaceofCongress.Can be searched on the map, both commercialfirmsinvolved as tables,to see which room will be developed.- Agenda. Place in which to display the tables savedfromthedetail view and the written notes during thepresentations.- Information for the visitor: Palace of Congress,CommitteeandBoard of Directors, transportation, hotels, closingdinner, webandblog of the SEC and SEA ...- Videos. Made during the previous meeting in 2011, withaspacefor the videos made during Coruña 2012.- Houses Commercials. A space reserved for those homesthathavewanted to have a presence in the Application. Dependingonthespeaker, will show a more complete, with videos andpdf'sowilldisplay the location on the map of the congress.- Application developed by This is not Bahamas -
Aritmi 2016 1.1.3
Türkiye Kardiyoloji Derneği -UlusalAritmiToplantısı 2016TurkeySocietyofCardiology - National Arrhythmia Meeting 2016