Top 30 Apps Similar to Gruham Admin

Inventory Management App – Zoho Inventory 1.2.25
Inventory management plays a significant role indailybusinessactivities. However, doing it manually on aspreadsheet canconsumea lot of your time and delay your otheroperations. ZohoInventoryovercomes this problem by enabling smallbusinesses toeasily andeffectively manage their inventory andnon-inventoryitems fortheir shops and warehouses. Our app has theright mix offeaturesto manage your items, contacts, payments,vendors, andorders. ZohoInventory belongs to the family of Zohoapps, which aretrusted bymore than 50 million users globally. Youcan check outour Homepage to learn more about Zoho. Feel free totake a look atour listof features to see if our inventorymanagement app is rightforyou. Dashboard: Get an overview of totalsales, purchases,itemspacked, and low stock items. Item list: AddSKUs, group items,andcreate bundles easily. Barcode scanning: Useyour phone cameratocapture barcode information from items.Tracking: Monitoritemmovements and expiration dates with serial andbatchtracking.Customers: Maintain your customer information hereandkeep trackof their names, email IDs, addresses, andcontactinformation.Sales orders: Keep a record of all yoursalestransactions withtheir associated customer and item info inoneplace. Invoices:Convert sales orders to invoices, decidepaymentterms, and startaccepting payments. Vendors: Add your vendorandorganization nameto keep supplier details handy. Purchaseorders:Select the item,vendor, and purchase order number to save arecordof the purchase.Bills: Create bills to record thepaymentinformation for apurchase. Warehousing: Monitor stock levelsineach warehouse andtrack inter-warehouse movements.Packaging:Create package slipsthat you can attach to your boxes.Shipmentlabels: Create shippinglabels for USPS, UPS and FedEx.E-commerce:Manage your Shopify,Amazon, Etsy, and eBay shoplistings. More onZoho Inventory: Weburl: Helpdoclink: to help business owners make their inventorymanagementeasy andeffortless. If you have any questions orsuggestionsrelated to ourmobile or web app, then reach out [email protected]. You can also access theZohoInventoryweb app on your laptop and desktop. To get started,youcan sign upfor a 14-day free trial.
Mobile Inventory 4.6.5 - Breithorn - pr
*Recommended for Small and Medium-sized businesses Somefreefeatures available: - Stock management - Take stock - Takestockfrom Stock management - Locations management - Import in batchoradd items one by one - Barcode / QR code scanner & Searchtoquickly identify items - Filter items by category / counted /tags/ custom fields / locations - Built-in calculator - Userdefinedtags - Operations history - Custom fields - Change productslistdisplay - Switch Barcodes / QR codes between inventoriesPremiumfeatures: - Export data to .xls / .xlsx file - NFC support-External barcode scanner support - Backup & Restore dataMobileInventory is an easy to use application that helps you tomanageyour inventory and do from time to time "take stock"operations.Why Mobile Inventory? Because it's simple, intuitive anddoes itsjob! STOCK MANAGEMENT: 1) Populate your products list It'syourdecision how to do it: add products one by one, import fromanexcel / csv list or get the products from another inventory.2)Manage stock entries Beside products, inventory managementneedsentries to be added. In a very quick manner you can addinputs,outputs and movements between locations 3) Manage inventorybylocations Your inventory could have one or more locationstomanage. That why Mobile Inventory allows you to definelocations,manage transactions and extract reports by location. 4)Get realtime stocks and navigate easily through transactions Realtimeentries mean real time stocks ... Analyze the entries byusingfriendly tools: filters, sort, quick search, etc. 5)Exportinventory - stocks and entries Transfer your work to an excelfile(locally, on drive, shared via email, etc.) TAKE STOCK 1)Getproducts from Predefined lists / Stock management or Addproductsmanually Populate products list by choosing from thealternatives:importing from a predefined Excel (.xls, .xlsx, .csv)product list,taking over from Stock management at a certain date,addingproducts manually one by one. 2) Count items Addcollectedquantities by using: barcode scan, quick search, categoryfilter,calculator, tags, counting history, batching factor. 3)Exportcounting results (excel file) Capitalize your work andexportinventory list in a .xls /.xlsx format file. The exportedlist isespecially designed for following matching processes and canbesaved locally, on drive, shared via email, etc. Fordetailedinformation visit http://mobileinventory.netand . If you have additionalquestionsabout the application, improvement suggestions or feedbackpleasecontact our support team at [email protected]
StockApp: M-POS|ORDER|SELL 427
StockApp Ltd
A Simple Cashflow Tool. Effortlessly Track Your Personal&Businesses Cashflow.
Telesto: Inventory Management 3.6.4
Telesto is an easy-to-use, robust, and modern inventorymanagementsystem.
Stock Manager on Mobile and Laptop 2.4
Stock Manager on Mobile and Laptop which help inmakingbills/invoice. Shop manager is a GST Invoice bookkeepingandinventory management for Business owners. Replaces paperinvoiceand old e-billing softwares for retail or wholesale shops,expensereceipt software to versatile charging bookkeepingapplication.Shop Owners can use this Bookkeeping application toshare Inventorydetails, Customers/supplier ledger and real-timereports withco-works. *Enables Free Invoicing and Billing. Makesolicitationsin receipt group. *Manage your stock - (Stock in outapplication).*Check cost reports and track your operationalexpense. *Get DayBook, Income explanation and all GST reports toknow your businessstatus. With this bookkeeping application, Youcan likewise: •Getall GST reports and use them for GST recording.•Print and ShareInvoices with your clients on WhatsApp/SMS. •GetDay Book to checkBusiness every day salary record. •Maintains everyday deal buyrecord to create benefit and misfortune Report. •It isyour Expenseadministrator for business
Zoho Backstage for Organizers 1.7.6
An event organizer's personal assistant
nosh - Reduce food waste 2.1.10
All-in-One food inventory, expiry date, shopping, recipe andfoodwaste manager.
Rapid Inventory, Unlimited 2.8.0
Rapid Inventory - Unlimited Edition with barcode support foranunlimited number of items. Now with item categories / labels!RapidInventory was optimized for fast and smooth operation onsmartphones and tablets; particular emphasis was placed on simpleandintuitive operation. The integrated data exchange functionsallowyou to import existing stock lists or to use the collecteddata forfurther processing (Google Drive, CSV, XML). If necessary,the itemcapacity can be extended at any time. SIMPLIFIES YOURINVENTORY UseRapid Inventory for Android to simplify stocktakingand inventorymanagement tasks. Create, manage or control your itemlists,partial lists, inventory, serial numbers, supplies, CD andDVDcollections, etc. in no time The built-in barcode scanner andtheintegrated support for industry-grade Bluetooth scanners allowyouto manage your item data in as little time as possible. FEATURES◾Clearly arranged item list with search function ◾ Customfields(various datatypes, low/highres images, multiplequantities,multiple expiration date fields) ◾ Adjustable sort order◾ Tagitems with labels ◾ Data import and data export functions(CSV,XML, Google Drive) ◾ Supports Bluetooth barcode scanner(BluetoothSPP devices) ◾ Built-in camera barcode scanner ◾Optimized forsmart-phones and tablets OTHER VERSIONS To manage lessthan 100items please install the Free Edition. To manage less than500items use the Business Edition. Just search for Apps publishedbyTEC-IT to install them. SUPPORT PROBLEMS? QUESTIONS?SUGGESTIONSFOR IMPROVEMENT? Please contact [email protected](email) /TECITSupport (Skype). Don’t forget to rate the app. Wehighlyappreciate your feedback!
Smart Inventory System - Mobil
Super simple inventory app for home, small to mid businessesandhobbyist.
EZOfficeInventory 6.6
EZOfficeInventory - Cloud based asset tracking softwarewithsupportfor checkout, checkin, reservations andaudits.EZOfficeInventory isthe leading asset tracking software usedby1000s of businesses.Supports both QR Code and barcodelabelscanning. SecurityPermissions of location required forreportingasset scans on GoogleMap *Paid Subscription Required*. Tosignupvisit
Company & Warehouse Management 5.1
Invoices, quotations, warehouse management, barcode reading: allinone APP!
Rapid Inventory, Business
App for Stock-Taking, Inventory Managment and AssetTracking.Bluetooth Support!
Inventory Management Premium 1.67
This application is the best way to manage your inventory (no ads)
SPOTIO | Field Sales App 2.8.1
SPOTIO is a mobile-first solution for outside salesteamstoeliminate guesswork, and focus on the highest impactactivityinthe field. The platform provides outside sales teamswiththevisibility they’ve been missing to increase salesperformanceandimprove team productivity. Integrate SPOTIO with yourCRMandprovide your outside sales team with a mobile solutionthatworksthe way they do. Capture critical sales activity data andsenditback into your system of record as it gathers businessinsightstoenable your sales team to work smarter in the field.***TARGETEDSALES PROSPECTING *** Intelligent pipelinegeneration:On-demandprospect data to keep your pipeline fullCalendarmanagement:Intuitively set, manage, & updateappointments inthe fieldFilter prospects by attributes that mattermost to yourbusiness sotime is spent with the best prospect ***SALES ACTIVITYTRACKING*** Capture critical sales activity and getclearvisibility onwhat’s happening in the field Close business onthespot within-app e-contracts Field data entry: See a full historyofeveryaccount in real-time *** SALES TEAM MANAGEMENT***Executiveinsights: robust field specific analyticsandreportingcapabilities (best times to prospect, number ofmeetingsit takesto close, etc.) Sales leaderboard: Measureperformanceofindividual sales reps, teams, or your entirefieldsalesorganization Sales rep accountability withreal-timelocationverification ***SALES TERRITORY MAPPING***Robustterritorymanagement designed to fit your business (by zipcode, byhand)Territory permissions so they right roles see therightinformationOptimize sales routes for maximum time efficiencyWhyfield salesreps love SPOTIO: Easy to Use - Spotio recognizedthatit’s datawas only valuable if it was used. The platform isdesignedwith a“3-tap” methodology so that most of its key featurescanbeachieved in 3 taps. It Just Works! - SPOTIO increasesfieldsalesrep productivity by 46% and reduces turnover by 14%Repscanoptimize their routes in the fields to make the best useoftheirtime Fill Your Pipeline - Access targeted leads in yourareaWhyfield sales managers love SPOTIO: Real Time Visibility -Seewhatyour team is doing in real time The Metrics thatMatter-understand where you need to increase training and efforttogetbetter results Market Penetration - fully saturate yourmarketwithsmart territory management Shorten Sales Cycles - easilyworkwithyour team to move deals through the pipeline fasterReduceTurnover- good reps stay when they are enabled with the toolstheyneed tobe successful **NOTE - You do not have to have a CRMasSPOTIO canoperate as a standalone solution**
Stock and Inventory Management System 1.6
Magnetic Lab
Stock and Inventory Management System is an app that managesandtracks your product stock and control inventory. This appmanagesproduct by adding product details like name, product id, buyrate,and description about product. It also manages producttransactions– in (import) /out (export). It shows low stockproducts based onlow product limit set in settings. Low stockproduct list helps youto decide what to buy to control inventory.Stock and InventoryManagement System app features : - A free,simple, and compact appthat manages product stock and inventory. -Manages product detailsby add, update and delete product details. -Manages product importand export transactions easily. - Showssummary of import, exportand in hand stock of each product. - ShowsLow stock products listbased on setting low stock warning value. -Provides QR and barcode scanner for reading product code. - ShowsPie chart report ofproduct in (import), product out (export), andin hand stock helpsyou to analyze the stock easily. - ProvidesBackup and restorefeatures for stock data - Search and filterutilities are availablefor easily search products and filtertransactions. - Exportsproduct and transaction detail reports inExcel or PDF. Thesereports can be opened, shared and deleted.
Inventory, expense tracking and order fulfillment 2.3
Simple & powerful multi user &multi-platforminventorymanagement solution. MAJOR MODULES: 1)InventoryManagement 2)Purchase Order & Sales Order Management3)Supplier &Customer Management 4) Import Data & ExportData5) ExtensiveReporting with export to Excel/CSV 6) InventoryrelatedIncome& Expense Management 7) Barcode Scanning WithInventoryPro, -People from your organization can access companyinventorydatafrom their mobile devices and desktops. - Itofferscompleteinventory management features including barcodescanning,stocktaking, stock adjustments, inventory valuation,inventorymovement,low stock alerts, graphical reports, dashboardsetc. - Youcangenerate, manage and print purchase orders and salesorders. -Youcan manage and communicate with your suppliers andcustomers. -Youcan record partial or full delivery against purchaseorder orsalesorder. - You can also manage other income and expensesofyourorganization. Noteworthy Features: - Create Purchase OrderorSalesOrder and print with your company logo, name, and addressetc.-Get email notification when any item goes into low stock.-LowStock quantity can be configured for each item separately.-Multilevel taxes, item level tax & discount can be addedtoPurchaseorder and Sales Order. HOW DOES IT WORK? With 3simplesteps youcan start using Inventory Pro for your organization.STEP1:Download Inventory Pro App and register as an administratorofyourorganization (You can also registerbyvisiting the plan as per number of users you need. We offer7daysfree trial period. STEP 3: Invite users of yourorganizationfromthe menu. They receive link in emails to join.Please notethat,the invited users don't need to subscribe. Yourplanincludesaccess for the selected number of users. [email protected] for any questions.UPGRADEFROMINSTANT INVENTORY APP: Our existing subscribersofInstantInventory App can upgrade to this enterprise editionbycontactingus at [email protected]. We will assistinmigratingtheir existing inventory data to Inventory Pro. Feelfreetocontact us via email. We have excellent support recordandnoquestions will be ignored –[email protected]: onFacebook: Follow usonGooglePlus: Proapp now & manage inventory on yourfingertips.Change Logs:Version 2.1 (March 06, 2019) - Addedprintfunctionality. Version2.0.2 (February 21, 2019) -Improvements tobarcode scanning feature.- Updated build tools.Version 2.0(January 05, 2018) - Added supportfor Android 8 andabove Version1.9.1.1 (September 11, 2017) - Minorbug fixes.Version 1.9.1(February 07, 2017) - Added support forAndroid 6 andabove.Version 1.9 (June 01, 2016) - Added inventoryimport withSellingPrice. - Minor bug fixes. Version 1.8 (April 14,2016) -AddedImport Income and Expense feature. Version 1.7 (March27,2016) -Performance & UI improvements. Version 1.6 (March1,2016) -Brand new home page for easy navigation. - OtherminorUIimprovements. Version 1.5 (Jan 29, 2016) - Now supportsAndroid6.0- Auto populate Product ID by enabling it from Settings.-AddedDelivery date in Purchase/Sale orders. Version 1.4 (Dec24,2015) -Search products while adding items in Purchase/Saleorders.- AddedShipping Cost while adding Purchase/Sale orders. -AddedSellingPrice for Inventory Items. - Can choose date forStockIn/Outtransactions. - Company admin can configure who allshouldreceivelow stock emails.
BoxHero - Inventory Management 3.12.12
The easiest inventory management service in the world.
My Customer PRO Key 4
THIS IS THE KEY TO UNLOCK THE LIMITATIONSOFTHE FREE VERSION (MAX 40 CUSTOMER)BEFORE DOWNLOAD, TRY FREE VERSION.YOU MUST HAVE INSTALLED THE FREE VERSION (MY CUSTOMER)IN PRO VERSION THERE IS NO ADVERTISING AND NO CUSTOMERNUMBERLIMITATIONSYOU DON'T NEED TO REINSTALL APPS OR COPY THE FREEVERSIONDATABASE.YOU NEED TO INSTALL THIS APP AND RESTART MY CUSTOMER APPDO NOT UNINSTALL MY CUSTOMER, ELSE YOU LOOSE ALL DATA.-----News!!!--------Now also for PC!! You can download the software (beta Version)tomanage my Customer database directly from your PC you can share our data between your mobile devices andyourPC----------------------"My Customer' comes from my experience in sales. I needed to haveonhand and easily accessible address book with the telephonenumbers,contacts name, email addresses of my customersI need also to have a vision in the map of the location ofmyCustomer to better plan my activities and visits.I had the need to include brief notes of the customerwithoutwasting too much time to enter data into CRM verycomplex.With My Customer I have on hand all of your customers, youcansort them according to distance from your location, name or dateoflast change.You can organize your customers into severalcustomizablecategories (eg customers, prospects, Large Account,etc.) and youcan easily see their location on the map. So you areunable toorganize your appointment optimizing your travel.Also on the map you can see only one kind of customersYou have so many customers and don't you want to import themoneat a time on the application?With My Customer, you can import all your clients from anExcelsheet, also when importing the application calculates theGPScoordinates directly from the address of your client byqueryingthe database of Google (if it's required). For thisfunction toread the instruction manual that are in the applicationsettings.You can always change GPS coordinates of customerlaterFor each client you can have an unlimited number of contacts,andyou can make calls and send emails directly from the apps. Whenyouenter a new contact you can choose to directly enter thephonenumber in the phone Contacts or lessMy clients also has a manual that can be viewed off-line fromtheapplication optionsor downloaded at the following link: Free version has advertising and is limited to handleamaximum of 40 clients.For any suggestions or bug send an [email protected]
Salesmate - Sales CRM 13.6.6
RapidOps Inc.
Salesmate is an all in one CRM software for sales teams
Easy Inventory management offline 7.2.6
Free stock manager app is particularly intended forsmallbusinessowners aiming inventory tasks. Easily deal withyour:InventoryRecord Customers Suppliers Employees SalesPurchaseExpanse andPayments. Instant inventory reports, Stockvaluation,purchase andsales history, accounts payable andreceivableupdatedautomatically. No need of complex inventory recordkeepingandfurthermore you don't need to be professionalaccountant.Withoffline stock manager, inventory keeping is sosimpleandeffective. simple Stock manager application is producedtoenableyou to deal with your business in fully secure way. Thisisthemost versatile yet simple inventory management app youhaveeverused. Urdu Inventory application for easy stock managementisabasic android application for dealing with your stockitemsandinventory control. By using this application, you caneasilyseeyour product availability status and it gives youstocktrackingand easy inventory management. You can manageyourinventory andtransaction invoice at any time. You can insertnewinvoices, editand delete your receipts when needed. Suppliers&customersaccount management: Businesses and organisations ofallsizes mustoversee, control and track stock whenever andfromanyplace. Today,inventory administration is much more urgenttoprogress,productivity, scalability and supportability,asbusinesstransactions happen on a worldwide scale andcoverdifferent areas.Manually inventory entry, following, andcountingstock is almostoutlandish by the current business measures,yetdepending on stockadministration, inventory control, andfollowingstrategiesexclusively on a work station is never againpractical.So, We led by Muzammal Arif have designedanddeveloped bestinventory management app to make inventorydataentry, inventorysearch, and visualisation possible fromanylocation and at anytime using smartphones and tablets. Sinceextrastock is one ofretailer's most elevated costs, numerousaresearching for anyanswer for lessen them; and with the mostrecentpattern todecrease stock levels to meet requests, reservefunds canbeutilised somewhere else that would require less space.Stock isanoteworthy interest in many organisations. It firmlyimpactstheinterior adaptability of an organisation. Applicationfunctionandfeatures 1- Shop registered on mobile number 2-AddProducts(Inventory/stock status) 2- Supplier management 3-Expenserecords4- Payments In result following reportsaregeneratedautomatically. 1- Stock Report 2- Purchase history3-Sales history4- General journal entries 5- Customer Account6-Supplier Account7- Accounts Payable 8- Accounts Receivable9-Profit and Loseaccount And Many more. Our Point of Salecommonlyknown as POS canbe searched by following terms: UrduInventory toolbest inventorymanager Free Inventory app BasePlanInventorysoftware Inventoryapplication pakistan Urdu POS
Simplest Shopping List Pro 2.1.0
Simple, intuitive Shopping List app that learns new grocery itemsasyou use it
Grocery shopping list: BigBag 14.1
Shopping list, Pantry list, Recipe book, Loyalty cards All-In-One
Pepperi Sales Rep App 16.50.3 (513)
Pepperi Ltd.
**This app is only available to Pepperi customers. NotaPeppericustomer? Contact us for a demo at an enterprise-grade sales repapp, a mobile CRM tool forsalesreps and their managers designed topresent catalogs, takeorders,prepare sales reports, manage andtrack sales ordering,performin-store merchandising, routeaccounting, DSD, tradepromotions andmuch more. Pepperi equips fieldagents with the CRMtools they needto make their numbers and presenta professionalimage. Pepperi’ssales rep app offers out of the boxintegrationwith popularaccounting, ERP, and CRM systems includingSAP ERP, SAPBusinessOne, Netsuite, Salesforce, Oracle Sales Cloud,QuickBooks,Xero,MYOB, Sage and more, and fully integrates withleadingpaymentsystems. With over a thousand customers in 64countries,13languages and dozens of industries, Pepperi is the#1e-catalog,order taking and CRM sales rep app serving all sizesofbusiness.Pepperi main modules: e-Catalog that sells for you●e-Catalogincludes unlimited dynamic categories for allyourproducts ●Merchandising is easy with high resolutionphotos,multiple viewoptions and customizable fields Order taking isfast& easy ●Mobile ordering is faster than you can imaginewithPepperi ● Ordertracker lets you track past orders and set upfutureorder dates ●Order management options include flexiblediscountpolicies ●Ordering and selling are easier than ever withourflexible toolsIncrease order size with trade promotionsincludingupselling &cross-selling ● Buy X, Get Y Free ● Buy X,Get Y atZ% discount ●Buy from list X and get from list Y ● TiereddiscountsWin at theshelf with in-store merchandising ● Plan thewhichin-storeactivities are to be performed by your fieldagents,schedule storevisits, and map the routes to take ● Capturein-storeactivitiesusing mobile forms that are completelycustomizable ●Performstock-taking, picture taking, planogram auditsandcustomersatisfaction surveys Sell-through visibilitywithinventorytracking ● Pair Pepperi with a UPC barcode scannertoleveragePepperi as an in-store inventory scanner ●Gainsell-throughvisibility to minimize dead inventory at thestores,and tooptimize manufacturing ● Track sales and purchaseswithPepperi’sbarcode scanner Pepperi CRM tool integrates withPepperie-CommerceStorefront ● Pepperi integrates seamlessly withPepperie-CommerceStorefront, a self-service ordering app for retailstores● Managesales quickly and conveniently - distributors andretailersorderstraight from your website or mobile app ● Salesrepshaveimmediate visibility into self-service orders placed bytheirB2Bcustomers Enterprise-grade mobile salesforce automation(SFA) ●SFAmade easy with mobile apps that are fully andeasilyconfigurable,running on Android mobile devices. ●State-of-the-artsecurity (ISO27001 and ISAE 3402 certified) ensuresthat your datais safe andnever compromised. ● Mobile CRM designedto easilyintegrate withthe existing ERP and Accounting systems thatrun yourbusiness: ●SAP ERP ● SAP ERP Business One ● Salesforce ●NetSuite ●Oracle ●Sage ● Microsoft NAV ● QuickBooks Online ●QuickbooksDesktop ●Xero ● Many more Industry-specific demos ●Mobile CRM toolincludespre-built demos for dozens of industries ●Fully functionalfreetrial available for download with no commitmentBusinessmanagementis easier than ever with Pepperi sales rep app,whetheryou own asmall business or are a large wholesaler. CRM toolsforfieldagents, field sales, mobile ordering, ordermanagement,retailmerchandising, productivity and activitiestracking, salestrackingand more are included. Requirements: 5"screen, Android8.0, Min4GB RAM, 1080x1920 resolution for phablets,1920x1200 fortablets.
Personizer - get organized 3.5.3
Emu Run
Personizer - Add tasks or notes to any of your Contact list. Atodoand Calendar
Mobile4ERP 2.7.273
Mobile4ERP is the most advanced of its kind softwareformobiledevices and is designed for the field personnel ofcompanieswhouse the Priority ERP system. The software connectsthePrioritysystem directly to the smartphones or other mobiledevices,withoutthe need to set up interfaces. The work environmentinsmartphonesis a full native environment, that enablesintegratedonline andoffline work so that the user can continue towork evenwhen thereis no Internet communication available.Mobile4ERP'suniquetechnology allows implementors and programmerswith theknowledgein Priority generators and development tools tomakedefinitions,modifications and additions, and transmit them totheend deviceswithout any knowledge of development languagesdesignedforsmartphones. Mobile4ERP works on the device atnativeAndroidapplication and utilizes all available means inthedevice:hand-written on-screen signatures, camera, bar codereader,use ofmaps and navigation, direct phone number dialingfromtheapplication, capturing images, sending
inFlow Cloud Companion App 2021.714.10270
inFlow Cloud is used in over 90 countries to manageinventoryandorders. Our mobile app helps you stay productivefromanywhere.Create and manage orders without a computer. As longasyou haveyour phone you can check stock and finalize sales rightonthespot, or generate new POs when stock is running low. Useyourphoneas a barcode scanner. Use the built-in camera to receivenewstockas it arrives. Scan items mark them as shipped. Noextraequipmentrequired. Streamline work by assigning orders.Workhappens fasterwhen everyone knows exactly what they need todo.inFlow lets youassign orders to team members and filter listsbasedon assignee.Turn your product list into a product catalog.Addimages toproducts so that they’re easier to recognize. Theimagesshow up oninFlow’s web and Windows apps, too. Take the hassleoutofinvoicing. inFlow makes payment easier for you andyourcustomers.Generate invoices from any order and email themstraightfrom theapp. Your customers can even pay your invoicesonline (US&Canada only). Transfer and adjust stock at any time.Need toadjustinventory due to damaged goods? Sending something backtoyour mainwarehouse? inFlow makes these tasks easy and fast.Manageproduct,vendor and customer details. No need to call thebackoffice tocheck on stock. inFlow gives you full access toitemdetails andcurrent quantities. You’ll also have vendorandcustomerinformation you need to get the job done. If youhaveanyquestions, issues or requests, please [email protected]. We’re ready and happy to help!
Expired - Warranty Tracker 1.1.6
Track your product warranty, scan receipt, get notifiedbeforewarranty end.
myStore 2.0.16
Easily view the locations and details of items in the store.Toolsfor Team Members to easily create barcodes to scan. -
Purchase Order Plus 1.2.1
Billion Hands Technology
Easy-to-use Small Business App to manage purchase orders,suppliers,inventory items and much more Major Modules: 1) PurchaseOrders -includes taxes, print/email Orders 2) Manage Suppliers -Send Email/ SMS Orders from phone 3) Manage inventory items -includes BarcodeScanning 4) Sales Orders 5) Manage Customers 6)Import Data, ExportData, automatic data backup (in-app purchase)7) Extensive Reporting8) Income and Expense Management This Appprovides easy way tocreate and manage Purchase orders. App allowsyou to send purchaseorder as email or SMS to your supplier. EasySupplier managementallows you to call or message your supplierfrom app itself.Purchase Order module allows you to configurerelevant taxes foryour purchases. Very similar to purchase orders,you can very wellmanage your sales orders and customers too. Youcan manage all yourinventory items and easily track theirmovements through purchase,sale, adjustments. You can configureApp to receive low stock alertsand can store inventory photos too.App provides in-builtincome/expense management to record all yourmiscellaneous businessincomes and expenses. In short, this appempowers to run yourbusiness completely from single App. - Createpurchase orders; andemail or SMS them to suppliers instantly -Record delivery ofpurchase orders. That will increase yourinventory automatically -Create sales orders; and email or SMSthem to customers instantly -Record delivery of sales orders. Thatwill reduce your inventoryautomatically - Record your inventorydata in a minimalistic manner- Maintain stock IN / OUT movementsand get extensive reporting onthat - Receive low inventory alertsby emails or in-appnotifications - Barcode search and direct itemaddition - Runstock-taking for your inventory and get variancereporting - Export/ import your inventory data in Excel/CSV andsetupdaily/weekly/monthly auto-back up of your data (in-apppurchase) -Store the location and image of the inventory items -Know yourinventory valuation in real time, which isauto-calculated usingweighted average inventory valuation method -Get extensivereporting: Inventory valuation report, Purchase OrderReport, SalesOrder Report, Supplier /Customer report, Locationreport,Daily/Monthly/Date Range Inventory transactions, ..... -Export allreports to excel and get them in email (in-app purchase)Feel freeto contact us via email. We have excellent support recordand noquestions will be ignored – [email protected] Downloadapp now& manage your suppliers and purchase orders on yourfingertips.