Top 22 Apps Similar to Pharmacy is near:Map+Pharms

PharmAround 4.1.2
Develon Srl
All pharmacies in Italy. Quick and easy.
Faso Santé 0.9.39
Find the nearest health institution.
Trova Farmacie 3.0
Hai bisogno di una farmacia aperta?TROVA FARMACIE usa la geolocalizzazione per trovare inpochisecondila farmacia di turno più vicina al punto in cui titrovi.Scarica la nuova versione dell'app che ti consente, conunsologesto, di chiamare direttamente la farmacia che desiderieavviareil navigatore di Google Maps per raggiungerla nel piùbrevetempopossibile.Con l'opzione StreetView, puoi visualizzare le immaginiedeffettuareun tour virtuale nel luogo dove è presentelafarmacia.L'applicazione, per funzionare correttamente, necessitadiunaconnessione internet attiva e, per determinare laposizioneattualenecessita dell'utilizzo del GPS.Per abilitare la geolocalizzazione:impostazione -> posizione e protezione ->usaretiwirelessimpostazione -> posizione e protezione ->utilizzasatellitiGPSNeed apharmacyopen?FIND PHARMACIES uses geolocation to find in few secondsthedutypharmacy closest to where you are.Download the new version of the app that lets you, withasinglegesture, to directly call the pharmacy you want andstartthebrowser of Google Maps to get there in theshortestpossibletime.With the StreetView option, you can view the pictures andtakeavirtual tour in the place where there is a pharmacy.The application to function properly, requires anactiveinternetconnection, and to determine the current positionrequiresthe useof GPS.To enable the geolocation:Setting -> Location & Security ->UsewirelessnetworksSetting -> Location & Security -> GPS uses satellites
Farmacie Aperte 1.3
Computime Srl
Farmacie utilizza la funzione GPS delvostroDroid per trovare in tempo reale tutte le farmacie vicineallavostra posizione, indicandovi quali sono aperte ed irispettiviorari.Non vi capiterà più di dover rimbalzare da una farmaciaadun'altra in piena notte, alla ricerca di quella aperta, vibasteràil vostro Droid!Farmacie permette di localizzare in un qualsiasi puntodelterritorio nazionale la lista delle farmacie a voi vicine (cisono17378 farmacie censite e aggiornate giornalmente), conlapossibilità di impostare il raggio di ricerca edeventualmentecambiare il giorno e l'orario di ricerca.Cerchi la farmacia APERTA più vicina a te? Farmacie Aperte haidati aggiornati quotidianamente su tutto ilterritorionazionale..DIFFIDA DALLE IMITAZIONI!!Pharmacies uses theGPSfunction of your Droid to find in real time all pharmaciesnearyour location, indicating which are open and theirrespectivetimes.You'll never have to bounce from one pharmacy to anotheratnight, looking for the open, you can just your Droid!Pharmacies can locate anywhere in the country the listofpharmacies close to you (there are 17 378 pharmacies surveyedandupdated daily), with the ability to set the search radiusandpossibly change the day and time of search.Looking pharmacy OPEN nearest to you? Pharmacies Open hasupdateddata on a daily basis throughout nazionale..DIFFIDA OFIMITATIONS!!
Pharmacy Tech Certification 2.3
Prepare for the PharmacyTechnicianCertification exam offered by Pharmacy TechnicianCertificationBoard (PTCB) or the ExCPT Pharmacy Exam by NationalHealthAssociation (NHA). Study and prepare for the title ofCertifiedPharmacy Technician (CPT).Includes more than 1100 multiple choice quizquestions,flashcards, and a glossary with common terms anddefinitions. Withtwelve modules ranging from prescriptionabbreviations to healthinsurance learn the key information for thecertification exam.Learning Modules:Module 1: Prescription AbbreviationsModule 2: Generic and Brand DrugsModule 3: Health InsuranceModule 4: Serving the CustomerModule 5: Maintaining MedicationsModule 6: Inventory ControlModule 7: Law and EthicsModule 8: Conversions and MathModule 9: Medical SlangModule 10: Installed Community ModulesModule 12: My Custom ModulePlus:- Create your own flashcards, multiple-choice and glossary- Send multiple-choice quiz questions to friends- Track and post score to leader board- Keep up to date with latest news and articles with thePharmacy news feed
Pharmacy Tech Certification 1.0
Pharmacy Tech Certification Practice.APharmacyTech Certification Practice app with more than1110multiple choicequizzes, dictionary, test performance report...Theapp helps you tobe better prepared for Pharmacy TechCertificationexam or just gainyour pharmaceutical knowledge.Keywords: Pharmacy Tech, Pharmacist, Pharmacyjob,PharmacyCertification, drug names, drug information
Farmacia di Turno 1.5
Stai cercando la farmacia aperta più vicinaate?FARMACIA DI TURNO, sfruttando la geolocalizzazione, tiindica,inizialmente, le prime 3 farmacie di turno più vicine alpunto incui ti trovi.Con la nuova versione, potrai visualizzare fino a 10 farmacieapertevicine a te.Avviando semplicemente l'applicazione, riceverai leinformazionidelle farmacie di turno più vicine a te ( indirizzo,contatti,orari).Inoltre, con un solo gesto, puoi contattarle telefonicamenteeavviare il navigatore di Google Maps per raggiungerle nel piùbrevetempo possibile.L'applicazione, per funzionare correttamente, necessita diunaconnessione internet attiva e, per determinare la posizioneattualenecessita dell'utilizzo del GPS.Per abilitare la geolocalizzazione:impostazione -> posizione e protezione -> usaretiwirelessimpostazione -> posizione e protezione -> utilizzasatellitiGPSLooking for thenearestopen pharmacy to you?TURN OF PHARMACY, using geolocation, tells you, initially, thefirst3 duty pharmacies closest to where you are.With the new version, you can see up to 10 pharmacies closesttoyou.Simply by starting the application, you'll get the informationofduty pharmacies closest to you (address, contacts,schedules).In addition, with a single gesture, you can contact them byphoneand open the Internet browser from Google Maps to reach themin theshortest possible time.The application to function properly, it requires anactiveinternet connection, and to determine the current positionrequiresuse of the GPS.To enable the geolocation:Setting -> Location & Security -> UsewirelessnetworksSetting -> Location & Security -> GPS uses satellites
Cerca Farmacia 1.0
Cerca Farmacia è un'applicazione che ti permette ditrovarelefarmacie di turno e di zona di un comuneitaliano!L'applicazionefunziona tramite la connessione internet perricavareleinformazioni richieste.Principalicaratteristichedell'applicazione: - Ricerca tramite nomedel comuneoppure tramitecoordinate gps - Ricerca delle farmacie diturno o dizona -Visualizzazione dei risultati in lista ordinati inbasealladistanza (dal più vicino al più lontano) -Visualizzazionedelpercorso su mappa e navigatore Ogni risultatoricercato dàlapossibilità di poter: a) telefonare alla farmacia b)visualizzareidettagli relativi alla farmacia selezionata (telefono,via,oraridi apertura, ecc.) c) visualizzare tramite google mapslaposizionedella farmacia e il percorso dalla posizioneattualePerinformazioni, suggerimenti, problemi e consigli inviateunaemailallo sviluppatore.
Apteka.RU 3.2.3
Apteka.RU: Заказывайте любые препараты свашегоAndroid в течение минуты и получайте заказ в ближайшейаптеке!Мобильное приложение Apteka.RU предназначено для быстрого поискаизаказа лекарств и товаров для красоты и здоровья насайтероссийского сервиса Apteka.RU.Потратьте несколько секунд на загрузку бесплатного приложения―получите больше свободного времени и возможность сэкономить.Мобильное приложение Apteka.RU это:- Мгновенный поиск по базе более чем из 10 000 товаров для красотыиздоровья;- Доставка заказа в любую из 12000 аптек в 95 городах России;- Удобный поиск по названию средства или подействующемувеществу;- Быстрое оформление заказа ― еще проще, чем на сайте;- Никаких лишних функций;- Регулярные бесплатные обновления, которые будут делатьприложениееще удобней и функциональней.С приложением Apteka.RU вы можете найти нужные средства иоформитьзаказ в любой точке России, где есть интернет!Apteka.RU: orderanyproducts from your Android for a minute and get the order atyourlocal pharmacy!Apteka.RU mobile application is designed to quickly search andorderof medicines and beauty products and health on the site oftheRussian service Apteka.RU.Take a few seconds to download the free application - will getmorefree time and an opportunity to save.The mobile application is Apteka.RU:- Instant search the database of more than 10,000 beautyproductsand health;- Delivery of the order to any of the 12,000 pharmacies in95Russian cities;- Easily search by name or by means of the active substance;- Quick ordering - even easier than on the site;- No unnecessary functions;- Regular free updates that will make the applicationmorecomfortable and functional.With Apteka.RU application you can find the necessary funds andanorder anywhere in Russia, where there is Internet!
Аптечка 2.0.2
"Kit" contains instructions for use of drugs.
Поиск лекарств по аптекам 2.7.0-0
Grach Studio
Availability and prices of drugs in pharmacies in the citiesofSverdlovsk and Tyumen regions
Справочник лекарств 1.5
Mobile medication guide, more than 3000 items
АптекаМос – поиск лекарств 2.03.16348
Особенности приложения АптекаМос:- поиск лекарств списком- история поиска лекарств- справочник лекарств с подбором замены- аналоги лекарств- инструкции к лекарствам- выбор аптек по метро, улицам, округам и городам- сравнение цен в аптеках- лекарства в ближайших аптеках- аптеки на карте: адреса, телефоны и часы работы.Внимание!Наличие нужного количества и стоимость лекарств необходимоуточнятьпо телефонам аптек.Представленная в приложении информация о лекарствах неявляетсяоснованием для самолечения.Сайт: AptekaMos.ruFeaturesAptekaMosapplications:- Search medication list- History of drug discovery- Medication Guide to the selection of a replacement- Drug analogues- Instructions to medicines- The choice of pharmacies by subway, streets, districtsandcities- Compare prices at pharmacies- Medicines at your local pharmacy- Pharmacy on the map: addresses, phone numbers and hoursofoperation.Attention!The availability of the number and cost of drugs should bespecifiedby calling pharmacies.The information presented in the application informationaboutmedicines is not a reason for self-medication.Website:
В Аптеке 1.4
В Аптеке - это поиск лекарств, консультант по товарам и ценамваптеках вашего города.Узнайте о самых выгодных предложениях товара. Найдитеближайшуюаптеку с необходимым и подходящим по ценепредложениемлекарственных и косметических средств, определите еёместоположениена карте города, адрес и телефон.В настоящий момент доступно более 50 населенных пунктов иболее700 аптек круглосуточно предоставляют свои данные.Приглашаем к сотрудничеству аптеки.+7(3952) 706-106http://vapteke.ruAtthepharmacy - a search for drugs, a consultant on goods and pricesinpharmacies in your city.Learn about the most profitable offers goods. Find alocalpharmacy with the necessary and appropriate at the offer priceofmedicines and cosmetics, specify its location on a map, addressandtelephone number.Currently available in more than 50 settlements and 700hourpharmacies provide their data.We invite to cooperation pharmacy.+7 (3952) 706-106
Доктор 1.0.17b
Приложение поможет Вам воперативномрежимевызвать скорую, полицию и МЧС (достаточно двухнажатий).Иногдаобстоятельства требуют быстрой реакции на ситуацию–приложение«Доктор» поможет Вам в этом.Данное приложение поможет Вам найти ближайшуюклинику,поликлиникуили массу других необходимых лечебныхучреждений, с ихадресами иконтактными телефонами, через поисковыйэкран или поВашейгеопозиции.Приложение поможет сориентироваться иполучитьинформациюпрактически о любом лекарственном препарате,найти егоописание иусловия применения, а также сиспользованиемгеографическогоположения найти ближайшую аптеку.Также в нашем приложении Вы найдете правила пооказаниюпервой,неотложной помощи. И это может спасти чью-тожизнь.С данным приложением, оказавшись в любом городе России –Вамбудетдоступна любая справочная информация по медицинскимуслугамимедицинским учреждениям этого города.The applicationwillhelpyou online to call an ambulance, the police and theMinistryofEmergency Situations (only two taps).Sometimescircumstancesrequire a quick response to the situation -theapplication"Doctor" will help you with this.This application helps you find the nearest clinic, ahospitalora host of other necessary medical institutions, withtheiraddressesand contact numbers through search screen oronyourgeopozitsii.The application helps you navigate and getinformationaboutalmost any drug product, find its description andconditionsofuse, as well as using geographic location to findthenearestpharmacy.Also in this appendix you will find the rules forfirst,emergencycare. And it may save someone's life.With this application, being in any city of Russia - itwillbeavailable for any reference information on healthservicesandmedical institutions of the city.
Лекарства 1.4.0
Приложение Спутник Лекарства помогаетнаходитьвыгодные цены на лекарства и их аналоги в аптекахвашегогорода.По каждому лекарству в базе можно посмотреть егополноеописание.Также лекарства можно добавлять в Аптечку, чтобы описаниявсегдабыли под рукой.Чтобы вы не пропускали приемы лекарств мы сделали Напоминанияоприеме, в которых можно указать дозировку, частоту идлительностьприма.Функции- напоминания о приеме лекарств- найти аптеки рядом с вами- сравнить цены на лекарства в аптеках вашего города- поиск аналогов лекарств по названию илидействующемувеществу- найти лекарства в ближайших аптеках- узнать о наличии лекарства в аптеке- прочитать описание лекарства- узнать о способах применения и дозировке лекарства- получить информацию о противопоказаниях и побочныхдействиях- посмотреть расположение аптек на карте- позвонить по контактному телефону аптеки- построить маршрут до аптеки с помощью одного изустановленныхнавигаторов- поделиться найденной информацией- поддержка smart часовВАЖНО!Данные о наличии и стоимости лекарств могут обновлятьсясзадержкой.AppendixSatelliteMedication helps you find the best prices on medicines andtheircounterparts in the pharmacies of your city.For each drug in the database, you can view itsfulldescription.Also, medications can be added in the medicine cabinet todescribewere always at hand.Lest you missed medication techniques we did Remindersreception,where you can specify the dose, frequency and duration oftonic. functions- Reminders about medication- To find a pharmacy near you- To compare the prices of medicines in pharmacies ofyourcity- Search by name drug analogs or active substance- To find a cure to the nearest pharmacy- Inquire about the availability of medicines in pharmacies- Read the description of the drug- Learn about how to use and dosage of drugs- Obtain information on contraindications and side effects- See location map pharmacies- To call on my contact phone pharmacies- Build a route to the pharmacy via one of theinstallednavigators- Share information found- Support for smart watchesIMPORTANT!Data on the availability and cost of drugs can be updated withadelay. | Лекарства и врачи 2.7.1
ARTOX apps
Search for medicines, Medical card, medical centers 6.7.0
The official application of the service
Pharmawizard 2015 1.6.1
Ukrainian Pharmacies 1.1.4
Finding the nearest open pharmacy hasneverbeen so easy! With the “Ukrainian Pharmacies” app you’llgetinstant access to locations, opening hours and contact detailsofany pharmacy or drugstore in Ukraine, as well as searchformedicines (in this version - chain of pharmacies in the citiesofKiev, Lviv, Vinnytsia, Mykolaiv, Kherson and Sevastopol).By installing the app, you can find all the pharmacieslocatednearby (with GPS enabled), or you can run a search withinthepharmacies of any Ukrainian city.“Ukrainian pharmacies” features:- browse pharmacies located nearby (in a range of 1-10 km)- get directions to the pharmacy- search pharmacy by location (using Google maps)- make a quick call to the pharmacy (if its phone numberisprovided)- search for medicines (pharmacies in Kiev, Lviv,Vinnytsia,Mykolaiv, Kherson, Sevastopol so far)Every user can easily improve the app: if you have found thatoneof the pharmacies is not there any more, or if you would liketo adda pharmacy that is not listed in the app, please inform us!Help uskeep the app updated and accurate!Disclaimer: the app uses information published by theStateAdministration of Ukraine on the Medicinal Productswebsite( The developer isnotresponsible for the accuracy of data collected fromthewebsite.There is brief information about the mediсines represented intheapp (form of the medicine, information about its availabilityandpricing pharmacy chains in Kiev, Lviv, Vinnytsia, Mykolaiv,Kherson,Sevastopol). There is no information about the warningsandprecautions, side effects, or instructions of use.Information about the availability and pricing is provided bythe"Biokon", “Market Universal ltd”, "Konex", "AViK","MedPreparaty"companies, and is updated daily.Pharmacies, drugstores, search for medicines, pharmaciesnearby,medicines, Kiev, Lviv, Kherson, Vynnitsia,Mykolaiv,Sevastopol. Поиск лекарств 1.1
Gentle droids
С этим приложением вам не придется долгоискатьлекарства в аптеках вашего города! Быстрый и удобный поисквассортименте сотен аптек в десятках городовКемеровской,Новосибирской областей и Алтая всегда у вас под рукой.Будьте вкурсе акций, проходящих в аптеках вашего города.With this applicationyouwill not have long to find drugs in pharmacies of your city!Quickand easy search in the range of hundreds of pharmacies indozens ofcities of Kemerovo, Novosibirsk and Altai regions arealways atyour fingertips. Be aware of the shares held in thepharmacies ofyour city.