Top 9 Games Similar to Stranded : Lost Island 2

Stranded 2.1
One day you receive a signal from anunknownlocation. It turns out to be from a man called Oliver. He'strappedon an island and needs your help. Will you be able to helphim getback home? That depends only on YOU!Enjoy the 40% sale that will last for the first monthafterrelease.The game was originally supposed to be taking course in realtime,but the developer is really bad at programming and can't dostufflike that yet. Please understand.Internet connection not required. There are no in-app purchasesandno ads.Please don't refund. Each cent earned by this game will be usedtoimprove game developing skills, which means better content inthefuture.Thank you for taking a look at this game and potentiallybuyingit!You are awesome!
The Lost Fountain 1.01
Explore this incredible and breathtaking island and solveitsamazing secrets
Lost Island Survival Sim Full 1.0
GBN, Llc
Premium version of "LostIslandSurvivalSimulator" includes: huge number of startresources,advancedcrafting system, unique treasures & weaponsand NOADS!Explore vast island playing Lost Island SurvivalSimulatorin3D!You are awakening on strange desert island, don’t rememberwhoyouare and how you got here! Find your way back home withLostIslandSurvival Simulator in 3D!Hunt for animals looking for food, diveunderwater,quarryresources and craft weapons as a realislandsurvivor!Explore the vast island with picturesque ocean,forestsandmountains, being stranded on this mysterious island! Yourmaingoalis to survive, although getting off the island wouldbegreat.Salvage all the tools and weapons that may help youtoexplore theisland! Use your survival skills to stay alive,avoidbattlingagainst island predators and discover the secretsofthismysterious place! Hunt for wild animal, swim the ocean,walkaroundand try to remember who you are!Survive in this lost island full of secrets anddangersbeingstranded on lost island!Watch for your character indicators - health, energy,fullness.Ifone of these drops – no chance to survive! Specialsurvivaltoolssuch as a axe or fish rod would help you to stayalive!Findtreasures, weapons and special tools exploringthismysteriousplace! It may help you to get home! Enjoy your timeonthe islandwith Lost Island Survival Simulator in 3D! Getsurvivalskills thatwill help you to stay alive on this desertisland!Predators & wild animals are close, so keepyourweaponsalert! Craft guns, axes or other and build shelters tohideplayingthis island survival!Control your character using joystick, walk around the islandorswimin the ocean to find treasures which would help youtosurvive! Butremember, ocean might be full of predators readytoattack you! Findweapons to protect yourself from wildislandpredators or even battleagainst them! Use yourexploration,battling and survival skills tostay alive at all costwith LostIsland Survival Simulator in3D!Find different survival tools such as weapons, axe, fishingrodandbe ready for this island adventure! Upgrade yoursurvivalskillspending time on a vast island – hunt for wildpredators, swimtheocean, explore everything around and try to gethome safe andsoundwith Lost Island Survival Simulator game!Lost Island Survival Simulator features:- Various survival tools – hunt predators with an axeorgofishing using a fish rod- Health, energy and fullness indicators- Huge vast island with picturesque ocean, forests andmountainstoexplore- Swim, hunt, battle and explore - do anything you wanttostayalive- Great survival simulator in 3DUpgrade your hunting, battling and exploring skillwiththissimulator and finally get home with LostIslandSurvivalSimulator!Spend time in a mysterious place with Lost IslandSurvivalSimulatorin 3D! Discover secret places with interestingItems,treasures andteleports, and thrive in this hostileenvironment –survivalisland.Version 1.6 added!What\s new:1. Updated craft system2. Ubdated and fixed animals3. Added new craft recipes4. Fixed hardness of tools and weapons5. Updated inventory6. Added mini-map7. Added boxes for loot - you can store your resources there8. Added autosaveCheck our profile onfacebook- are waiting for your comments and reviews!
Stranded with Luna - Pro 1.16.20161014
Cubes 66
Stranded with Luna is a survival game inwhicha girl named Luna is stranded after a shipwreck on anuninhabitedisland. The island is a part of a top secret group ofislandscalled "Shadows of Cubes 66", which is used by theorganization"Cubes 66" for secret projects.The island group consists of several islands, whichofferdifferent challenges as well as numerous treasures. On theonehand, the island group offers resource-rich and habitableislandswhere life flourishes and prospers. On the other hand, theislandgroup offers resource-poor and life-threatening islands wherethebattle for survival is a daily occurrence.Many tasks are waiting for you on your journey. So you haveforexample to ensure that Luna always collects enough food tosatisfytheir basic needs of food and water. By collecting resources(forexample: wood, stones, leaves, lianas, ...) Luna canbuilddifferent objects like cottages, boats, weapons and tools.Cottagesare used to sleep and therefore recharge the energy again.Withboats Luna can visit and explore near located islands,shipwrecksand other in the water located objects. Weapons have tobe built tocapture animals (for example: fish, birds, tigers, ...).Tools arerequired for the manufacture of several objects.Furthermore youcan prove your skills in several mini-games. Cracklocks with apick lock, fish fishes in the sea, catch flying birdsnear thecoast, etc. Stranded with Luna offers you numerouspossibilities.Discover and use these possibilities and save thusLuna's lifeCompete together with Luna the adventure across thesecretislands of Cubes 66 and reach the island "Shadows of Cubes 66-District VII". At the moment this is the only hope of rescue."Stranded with Luna - Pro" offers an adventure up to a totalof15 islands.The islands around Shadow of Cubes 66:*) Hulahuhu*) Silent Desert*) Silent Desert - Pro*) Lost Oasis*) Lost Oasis - Pro*) Blue Lagoon*) Blue Lagoon - Pro*) Sunken Ship - Pro*) Dangerous Land*) Dangerous Land - Pro*) Crashed Plane - Pro*) Waterworld*) Waterworld - Pro*) Paradise Island*) Shadows of Cubes 66 - District VII
Thrive Island Survival Sim 3D 1.0
GBN, Llc
Find yourself in the middle of nowhere -onthestrange island, full of dangerous animals! You vaguerememberhowyou came here, but you should try to find it out! So,surviveat allcosts - hunt wild animals to make it your next meal,useyoursurvival skills to stay alive, avoid battle againstpredators– doyour best to save your life with Thrive IslandSurvival Sim3D!You were the expert tourist, fan of long walkingtoursatwilderness. Someday you were invited to the strange party,andyoueven can’t remember how it was ended… But now you’ve wokeuphere.Survive at this lost inhabited island and find your wayhomewithThrive Island Survival Sim 3D!Upgrade all your survival skill and keep your weaponsalert–night predators could be very dangerous! Search forwater,huntwild animals, quarry resources, find or weapons and bereadyfor amassive battle for your life! Thrive in the wildernessanddiveinto desperate atmosphere vast island with no evidenceofhumanbeings! Unravel secret and mysteries of thisstrangeisland,provide yourself with water and food and make yourlife hereascomfortable as possible. Life on picturesque tropicalislandmightbe dangerous, so be ready for ultimate adventure onlostsurvivalisland!Control your survivor with a joystick, explore lostsurvival-swim, walk, explore caves and ruins, looks for weaponsorcraftyour own ones using resources you’ve quarried. Buildshelterstohide from wild animals or sun and rain. Mind characterindicators-health, energy and fullness. If one of these drops –there’snochance to survive! Some indicators are easy to fill -there ismanysources of fresh water here. Find food is not as easy–gatherplant food, hunt wild animal or go fishinginstead.Quarryresources – wood, stone, iron or other to craftweapons andusefultools – fishing rods, hammers or axes. Use allyourhunting,battling skills and exploration trying to stayaliveplaying thistop-down island survival simulator in 3D!Thrive Island Survival Sim 3DPicturesque lost island to explore - swim, fish, hunt,battleandgatherTop-down engineAmazing 3D graphicsHealth, water and fullness indicators of your island survivorDifferent survival tools, weapons and workshops tocraftnewonesWild animals and fierce predators to hunt or to fight againstSpend your time on a mysterious island with ThriveIslandSurvivalSim 3D! Discover secret places with interestingItems ortreasures!Do your best to survive in this harsh place –huntanimal, battlepredators and craft weapons! Test your skillsandstay alive!Check our profile on facebook - are waiting for your comments and reviews!
Craft Island Survival 3D 1.08
Survive on the lost Craft Island! Hunt, gather and craftforsurvival.
Stranded with Luna 1.16.20161014
Cubes 66
Stranded with Luna is a survival game inwhicha girl named Luna is stranded after a shipwreck on anuninhabitedisland. The island is a part of a top secret group ofislandscalled "Shadows of Cubes 66", which is used by theorganization"Cubes 66" for secret projects.The island group consists of several islands, whichofferdifferent challenges as well as numerous treasures. On theonehand, the island group offers resource-rich and habitableislandswhere life flourishes and prospers. On the other hand, theislandgroup offers resource-poor and life-threatening islands wherethebattle for survival is a daily occurrence.Many tasks are waiting for you on your journey. So you haveforexample to ensure that Luna always collects enough food tosatisfytheir basic needs of food and water. By collecting resources(forexample: wood, stones, leaves, lianas, ...) Luna canbuilddifferent objects like cottages, boats, weapons and tools.Cottagesare used to sleep and therefore recharge the energy again.Withboats Luna can visit and explore near located islands,shipwrecksand other in the water located objects. Weapons have tobe built tocapture animals (for example: fish, birds, tigers, ...).Tools arerequired for the manufacture of several objects.Furthermore youcan prove your skills in several mini-games. Cracklocks with apick lock, fish fishes in the sea, catch flying birdsnear thecoast, etc. Stranded with Luna offers you numerouspossibilities.Discover and use these possibilities and save thusLuna's lifeCompete together with Luna the adventure across thesecretislands of Cubes 66 and reach the island "Shadows of Cubes 66-District VII". At the moment this is the only hope of rescue.The free version of Stranded with Luna offers an adventure uptoa total of 8 islands.The islands around Shadow of Cubes 66:*) Hulahuhu*) Silent Desert*) Silent Desert - Pro (only in the Pro version of thegameplayable)*) Lost Oasis*) Lost Oasis - Pro (only in the Pro version of thegameplayable)*) Blue Lagoon*) Blue Lagoon - Pro (only in the Pro version of thegameplayable)*) Sunken Ship - Pro (only in the Pro version of thegameplayable)*) Dangerous Land*) Dangerous Land - Pro (only in the Pro version of thegameplayable)*) Crashed Plane - Pro (only in the Pro version of thegameplayable)*) Waterworld*) Waterworld - Pro (only in the Pro version of thegameplayable)*) Paradise Island*) Shadows of Cubes 66 - District VII
Lost Island VR 1.0
Stroll through this mysteriousislandparadise,exploring every corner and finding secrets.Developed toenjoy thesensations that manages to convey the VirtualRealityandroiddevices with a HMD (Head Mounted Display) display astherecentCardboard of Google, free and very easy to create.Exclusive to Android devices.RECOMMENDED MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS:Processor quadcore 1.3 ghz1 gb RAMGiroscopioVisor HMD (Google's Cardboard, Durovis Dive,Vrase,3Deva,LakentoMVR...Gamepad
Top Down Cube Island Survival 1.0
Choose your character and becomeasurvivaliston a lost desert island full of wild animals andotherdangers!Provide yourself with food and water, fightagainstpredators andtry to survive at all costs playing Top DownCubeIsland Survivalin 3D!Something strange occurred, and six ordinarypeoplefoundthemselves on this strange and unfriendly island! Theyshoulduseall their survival skills to stay alive in this harshplace…Butmost of them don’t know how to do it! You must help themwithit!Choose one of the characters, and provide its survival! Feelasareal survivalist with Top Down Cube Island Survival gamein3D!Cubical ocean, jungles, and mountains look nice, soexplorethisvast land with this awesome survival simulator!Salvagesurvivaltools and weapons, to protect yourself, hunt orfightagainst wildanimals. Walk around that hostile and unfriendlyislandtrying tofind something that could help you to get out ofthisuninhabitedplace! Enter the wilderness, face dangers, meetwildanimals, hunt,fish and gather to stay alive playing Top DownCubeIslandSurvival!Mind indicators - health, energy, water and fullness. Ifoneofthese drops – no chance to survive in wild harshconditions!Somesurvivor’s indicators are easy to fill - forexample, therearemany sources of fresh water here. Find food is notas easy asitseems – you need to gather plant food or evenbattleagainstanimals to kill them! Build shelters to hidefrompredators’attack, find or craft weapons, hunt, gather or fishtoprovideyourself with wood. Earn experience points andupgradeanexploration, battling and survival skills of yourcharactertoprove your worth as a real survivor playing Top DownCubeIslandSurvival!It’s easy to control character playing Top DownCubeIslandSurvival! Use the joystick to walk around the islandandpress«attack» to hunt or battle against wild animals. Keepyourweaponsalert - this pixel island is full of dangers! Findorcraftdifferent survival tools and weapons such an axe, thefishingrodthat could help you to protect yourself from predatorsandprovidewith food. Quarry resourses such as wood and stonetobuildshelters and try to find the way out from thisstrangeplace!Top Down Cube Island Survival features:Varies survival tools to find or craftDifferent characters to play – check all of them!Unusual pixel and cubical environmentAmazing crafting systemAwesome island survival simulator in 3DSpend time on uninhabited pixel island and fight foryourlifeliving in harsh conditions! Raise up your hunting,battlingandexploring skills playing Top Down Cube Island Survival!Findorcraft weapons and tools, build shelters to hide from thesunandaggressive predators and hunt other animals to get food.Diveintothe atmosphere of survival adventure and try to find yourwayhome!Thrive in this hostile environment – lost cubicalisland!Like us on Facebook -