Top 2 Apps Similar to Fear of Public Speaking

Public Speech Quotes 1.0.2
A great collection of the bestPublicSpeechquotes ever said or written by the greatest speakers .Theselectedquotes are brief and practical and embody powerfulandprovenPublic Speech concepts.A great read anytime in your day and is pleasant tosharewithyour coworkers and friends. Use the tips proposed by thequotesinyour next Public Speech to leave a great impression.Sample Public Speech Quotes Quotes:A good speech should be like a woman's skirt; long enoughtocoverthe subject and short enough to create interest.Winston Churchill99% of the population is afraid of public speaking, andoftheremaining 1%, 99% of them have nothing original andinterestingtosay.Jarod KintzIn presentations or speeches less really is more.Stephen KeagueNo audience ever complained about a presentation orspeechbeingtoo short.Stephen KeagueProper Planning and Preparation prevents Poor Performance.Stephen KeagueThe audience are likely to remember only three thingsfromyourpresentation or speech.Stephen KeagueWell-designed visuals do more than provide information;theybringorder to the conversation.Dale Ludwig and Greg Owen-BogerDuring the first few minutes of your presentation, your jobistoassure the audience members that you are not going towastetheirtime and attention.Dale Ludwig and Greg Owen-BogerI've learned that people will forget what you said,peoplewillforget what you did, but people will never forget how youmadethemfeelMaya AngelouThere is only one excuse for a speaker's asking theattentionofhis audience: he must have either truth orentertainmentforthem.Dale Carnegie, The Art of Public SpeakingA talk is a voyage. It must be charted. The speakerwhostartsnowhere, usually gets there.Dale CarnegieIf your own mind is muddled, much more will the mindsofyourhearers be confused.Dale CarnegieOnly the prepared speaker deserves to be confident.Dale CarnegieTell the audience what you're going to say, say it; thentellthemwhat you've said.Dale CarnegieSample Public Speech Quotes Quotes:Your purpose is to make your audience see what you saw,hearwhatyou heard, feel what you felt. Relevant detail, couchedinconcrete,colorful language, is the best way to recreatetheincident as ithappened and to picture it for the audience.Dale CarnegieIs enthusiasm important in selling? Yes,genuine,heartfeltenthusiasm is one of the most potent factors ofsuccess inalmostany undertaking.Dale CarnegieAn effective speaker knows that the success or failure ofhistalkis not for him to decide - it will be decided in the mindsandheartsof his hearers.Dale CarnegieSpeakers who talk about what life has taught them neverfailtokeep the attention of their listeners.Dale CarnegieThere is no such thing as presentation talent, itiscalledPresentation Skills.David JP PhillipsIt takes one hour of preparation for each minuteofpresentationtime.Wayne BurgraffA theme is a memory aid, it helps you throughthepresentationjust as it also provides the thread of continuityforyouraudience.Dave CareyNo one can remember more than three points.Philip CrosbyThe audience only pays attention as long as you know whereyouaregoing.Philip CrosbyAsk yourself, "If I had only sixty seconds on thestage,whatwould I absolutely have to say to get my messageacross."Jeff Dewar
Public Speaking Tips For You 1.4
Tina Sibley
This app is all about how to speak inpublicand your fear of it.You will learn the 3 C's of public speaking - the cornerstonesofwhat it's all about. You will learn ways to overcome fear ofanxietyof public speaking so you can present with confidence. Youwill alsobe given techniques so that you can speak to impress.For more in depth tutorials, to download a free e-book andformore information, please visit my websiteatwww.speaking4success.comTo read the PDF attached to this app, you need to downloadAdobeReader onto your phone, if you don't already have it. To dothat,go to the Android Market, Menu, Tools and insert Adobe Readerinthe search bar at the top. Select Adobe Reader and installinseconds.