Top 25 Apps Similar to Operatör Sorgula

CIA - Caller ID & Call Blocker
CIA - Caller ID will help you identifyunknownnumbers on incoming calls. CIA also helps you block unwantedcallsand warns you about spam/scam calls based on numbers reportedbymillions of users worldwide.With CIA you can immediately see who an anonymous caller is,whetherit is a business or a personal number. Our databaseidentifiescontact data for more than 1.5 billion numbersworldwide. Blockphone numbers and add them to your own personalblacklist.Features• Real-time Caller ID: Always know who’s calling• Slide, tap, swipe: Slide the Caller ID up or down the screen,tapto minimize or swipe to dismiss during calls• Smart call actions: Mute or block calls, reject callswithpredefined text messages or set a call back reminder• Call blocker: Block calls from telemarketers and otherscam/spamcallers• Spam warning: Get warnings for more than 1 million spamnumbersworldwide• Search numbers: Identify name, address or business informationofwho’s behind a strange telephone number• Alternative businesses: If you call a company and the phonenumberis busy, CIA will suggest similar alternatives• Backup contacts: Never lose a contact’s phone number again• Contact shortcuts: Multiple ways to handle contacts on aftercallscreens• My profile: Manage the information other users see aboutyou• Integration with multiple data sources e.g. Yelp!,facebook,Tripadvisor, Google Places, White Pages and Yellow Pagesacross theworld to provide faster, more precise results.
Ücretsiz Numara Sorgula 1.0
-Operatör ve isim-soy isimolaraköğrenin.-Basit ve şık tasarımı ile numara sorgulama servisi %100doğrusonuçverir.- Bilgileriniz kayıt altında tutulmaz.- Tamamen ücretsiz arayan kimliğini - arayan ismini-bilinmeyennumarayı bulabilirsiniz.- İndir ve kullan !Learn as-Operatorandname-last name.-Simple And stylish design gives inquiry service numberis100%correct result.- Your information will not be recorded.- Completely free caller ID - the caller name - you canfindtheunknown number.- Download and use!
Arayan Kim 1.1.3
Öne Çıkan Genel Özellikleri* Telefonunuzdaki cevapsız çağrının kime ait olduğunuhızlıcaöğrenebileceksiniz.* Sizi Arayan Kişinin nerede olduğunu öğrenebileceksiniz.* Kesinlikle rehberinizdeki kayıtlı numaralar çekilmezvepaylaşılmaz.* Tanımadığınız numaralarla ilgili ücretsiz bilgisahibiolursunuz.* Gizli Arayan numaraları kendi özel veritabanımızüzerindensorgulatıp en doğru sonuçları çıkartabileceksiniz.Arayan kim?Telefonunuzdaki cevapsız çağrının kime ait olduğunuhızlıcaöğrenebileceğiniz ücretsiz bir uygulama.Arayan kişinin kim olduğunu bilmiyorsanız bu uygulama tam sizegöre.Rehberinizi paylaşmanıza gerek kalmadan sizi arayankişininkimliğini ve nerede olduğunu ücretsiz sorgulayacağınızbiruygulama. Tanımadığımız numaralardan hemen her günçağrıalabiliyoruz. Fakat kim olduklarını biliyor olsaydık işimizçokdaha kolay olmaz mıydı? Kimi geri arayacağımızıkimiaramayacağımızı biliyor olurduk. ARAYAN KİM uygulaması tam dabuihtiyaca yönelik düşülmüş bir uygulama. Rehberinizipaylaşmanızagerek kalmadan ücretsiz sorgulama yapabilirsiniz.Arayan Kim ile;Kesinlikle rehberinizdeki kayıtlı numaralar çekilmezvepaylaşılmaz.Tanımadığınız numaralarla ilgili ücretsiz bilgisahibiolursunuz.Numarasını arattığınız kişide de uygulamamız yüklüyse konumbilgiside elde edersiniz.Bulacağımız numaraları kendi özel veritabanımız üzerindensorgulatıpen doğru sonuçları çıkartırız.ARAYAN KİM ile bulamayacağınız numara kalmayacak.Her zaman kullanabileceğiniz bir uygulama.FeaturedGeneralFeatures* Learned quickly that owns the missed calls on your phone willbeable to.* You will be able to find out where the person calling.* It is absolutely intolerable and can not be shared numbersstoredin your contacts.* You do not know, you'll have free information on thenumber.* Hidden caller ID will be able to remove the most accurateresultssorgulatıp through our own private database.Who is calling?a free application that can learn quickly that owns the missedcallson your phone.According to complete this application you do not know whothecaller. an application to query the caller ID without havingtoshare your contacts and where it is free. We can get callseveryday from now we do not know the number. But if we know whotheyare, our business would not be so much easier? Who knew we'dbeback some calls will call. CALLER WHO deducted application forafull implementation of this requirement. You can freeinquirywithout having to share your contacts.Kim caller;Absolutely intolerable numbers stored in your contacts list andwillnot be shared.You will have free information on the number you donotrecognize.If the person you called the number installed in our applicationyouwill also get location information.Find numbers we will remove most accurate results sorgulatıpthroughour own private database.CALLER ID will not you will not find with application that you can use at any time.
Arayanı Bil - Kim Arıyor Bul 8.9
Bilmediğiniz numaranın kime aitolduğunusorgulayarak öğrenebileceğiniz bir numarasorgulamauygulamasıdır.!.. Uygulama Izinleri Hakkinda Önemli Bilgilendirme ..!• Kisiler : Yorum yapacak olursanız, mail adresinizialmamiçin,ve Eğer çağrı listenizde bulunan bir numarayı aratmakisterseniz,kisi listenizi listelemek için kullanilir.• Telefon : Uygulama Sonuç sayfasinda numarayi "NumarayıAra"butonuna tikladiginizda, numarayı aratabilmemiziçinkullanilir.Verdiginiz izinler ile yukaridaki islemler haricinde islemyapilmaz,Hassas verilerinize asla erisilmez.* Arayanı Bil Bir arama motoru gibi çalışır, bilinmeyennumaralarlailgili bulunan sonuçları birden fazla kaynakda veçeşitli ücretsizmobil uygulamalarda eşzamanlı aratarak sonuç bulurve numarayısorgulayan kullanıcılara gösterir. Ücretsiz kaynaklardanelde edipKullanıcıya gösterdiği sonuçlarla ilgili hiçbir sorumlulukkabuletmez.* Arayanı Bil ile bulunan sonuçlar, herhangi bir yasallıkveyaresmiyet taşımaz, kısa ad, lakap veya numarayı kullanankişi(yasalsahibinden farklı kişi) adı şeklinde bulunan sonucukullanıcıyagösterebilir ve bulunan sonucun sorgulanan numaranınyasal sahibiolacağı anlamına gelmez.The number is a numberyoudo not know who it belongs to interrogation practices you canlearnby questioning.! .. Application Permissions Important Information About ..!• People: Comment if you do it, for I received youre-mailaddress,and if you want to research a number in your call list, whichisused to list your list.• Phone: Implementation Results page number in the "NumberSearch"button you click on, our number is used foraratabilme.Permissions given by your operation can not be made except withtheabove transactions, never your sensitive data can notbeaccessed.* Know the caller works like a search engine, results fromaboutunknown numbers found by searching multiple sourceArrayandsimultaneously results in a variety of free mobile applicationsandshows the number of queries to users. whether obtained fromfreesources accepts no responsibility for the results shown totheuser.* The results found with know the caller, do not carry anylegalityor informal, short name, people using nicknames ornumber(different person from legal owners) results in the form ofnamemay indicate to the user and results from the queried numberdoesnot mean that the legal owner.
Getcontact 6.4.0
Getverify LDA
Call Manager & Spam Blocker
Numara Sorgula 1.9
***Google Play'de tek özel izinler(rehberinizeerişim, arama kaydı vs.) istenmeyen uygulama***Biri size şaka mı yapıyor? Yoksa daha önce rehberinizde kayıtlıolanbir arkadaşınız aradığında telefonu açıp kim olduğunu sorarkenonunüzülmesini mi istemiyorsunuz? Numara Sorgula uygulamasısayesindeartık kimseyi üzmenize gerek yok. Arayan numaranın kimeait olduğunuöğrenme işlemini yapabilir ve sizi arayan kişininhaberi olmadan kimolduğunu hemen öğrenebilirsiniz.***DIKKAT***Girdiğiniz Numaraları bulmayabilir.***DIKKAT****** Singlespecialpermissions on Google Play (access to your contacts, calllog,etc.) unwanted applications ***Did somebody is doing you kidding? Or a friend who was quick toopenpreviously stored in your phone call asking when you do notwant toupset him? Thanks to the number of queries do not need topracticeno one üzme. Caller ID can be traced to the learningprocess and youcan find out immediately who is calling without theperson'sknowledge.*** ATTENTION ***You can find the number you enter.*** ATTENTION ***
NSS - Number Search Service 1.0.5
Stable Mobile
You can find out instantly your namesinothers' phonebook with Number Search Service.NSS shows you names and count of a number that is in others'phonebook.In this way you can know your nicknames that used in people youknowor not.Millions provide the opportunity to question from a phonenumber.having a reliable structure, privacy and personalinformation ofimportance that the NSS questioning unlimited rightto know. At anytime, it stands out from other competitors with abest price policy,you can query the NSS as you wish. You are notplagued with credits.Just as you wish, you can query numbers usingthe NSS in you.
Arayan Kim 1.2.5
Arayan Kim, telefonunuzda kayıtlıolmayannumaraları pratik bir şekilde sorgulamanıza ve kimolduklarıhakkında fikir sahibi olmanıza imkan sağlayan bilinmeyennumarasorgulama uygulamasıdır.• Sizi arayan yada sizin aradığınız ve kime aitolduğunubilmediğiniz numaraları tespit eder.• Gelen ve giden mesajlarınızdaki numaraların kime aitolduğunutespit eder.• İsim üzerinden sorgulama yapabilir.Önemli Not: Bu bilgiler herkese açık sosyal ağ veinternetsitelerinden temin edilmektedir.• Sorgulama yaptığınız kişileri rehberinize kaydedebilir.• Sorgulama yaptığınız kişileri daha birçok fonksiyonel özellik barındırır...Arayan Kim isteğiniz dışında rehberinizi yada kişiselbilgileriniziherhangi bir ortama kesinlikle kaydetmemektedir.________________________________________Öneri yada bize sormak istedikleriniz için aşağıdakiiletişimadreslerimizi kullanabilirsiniz.Eposta Destek - [email protected] - - Who, inyourquestion in a practical way and an unknown number ofunregisterednumbers in your phone querying application that enablesyou to havean idea about who they are.• you are looking for or looking for and detects your numbersyoudo not know who it belongs to.• The numbers of your incoming and outgoing messageswillidentify who it belongs to.• You can inquiry on the name.  Important Note: This information is obtained frompublicsocial networks and websites.• Questioning the person you can save your contacts.• You can search for the person you're questioning.  and many functional features hosts ...Who is your guide callers or personal information outside ofyourdesire is to record absolutely any environment.________________________________________You can use our following contact address you have a questionorsuggestion for us.Email Support - [email protected] IFacebook - I -
Sync.ME - Caller ID, Spam Call Blocker & Contacts 4.36.5
Sync.ME is the world’s #1 caller ID and spam blocker app. Seewhoscall you received and sync contacts photos with theirsocialnetwork profile picture. Identify spammers and blockrobocalls withthe world’s best reverse phone lookup and spamblocker app. ★Trusted by more than 20 million users worldwide! ★TechCrunch -“The App That Turns You into a God”. It has never beeneasier tosync contacts and reveal the true caller. Search phonenumbers andget the caller ID. Make a reverse phone lookup, detectrobocallsand report blacklist. Block spammers, block telemarketers,blockcallers, block robocalls, block SMS and block text messages.MainKey Features: ✓ Sync Contacts Photos – See who's call youreceivedand sync your contacts photos with their social networkprofilepicture. Add full screen photos to your contacts in youraddressbook contact list. ✓ Caller ID – See who's the caller whenyoureceive incoming calls. See the true caller ID, sync unknownCallerID. ✓ Call Blocker - Block callers, telemarketers andblockrobocalls. Block unknown calls with our best call blocker.Blockspam calls and add spammers to your blacklist. ✓ ReversePhoneLookup - View the true caller ID with our best reversephonelookup. Now you can identify and block callers, block spammersandunknown numbers by adding them to your blacklist. ✓IdentifyRobocalls – Sync.ME lets you identify spam calls,telemarketers,robocalls and see whos call it is. Show thetruecaller ID and makea reverse phone lookup to block callers. Youcan block spam callsand robocalls with the best call blocker with atap of a button.✓Block Spammers - Block callers and make your ownblacklist ofrobocalls, spammers and telemarketers. Make a reversephone lookupwith the best caller ID app. See whos call on the topspammers listand add them to your blacklist. ✓Call Recorder –Record any phonecall you want to save. ✓ Text ID – Identify SMS andtext messagesof spam, telemarketers and unknown caller ID. See thetrue CallerID and blacklist phone numbers. You can make a reversephone numberlookup for any spam text message. ✓ Find Out Who Called- Copy anyphone number and Sync.ME will make a reverse phone lookupso youcan search phone numbers and identify unknown calls with atruecaller ID. Received a spam call? Quickly block spammers,blocktelemarketers and block robocalls with just one tap. ✓ CallerIDThemes - Choose your color call theme for your caller ID withtheSync.ME color call app. View color call themes with fullscreenphotos of your address book contacts from Google+,Twitter,LinkedInand VK. ✓ Merge Contacts - Find duplicate contacts andmergecontacts in your address book by combining them into one.Cleanupyour address book and quickly merge contact details ofduplicatecontacts in your address book contact list. ✓ BackupContacts -Export contacts and backup contacts file of all of yourcontacts inyour address book. Sync your contacts backup to yourGoogle Driveand automatically backup contacts with the Sync.ME Pro.✓Background Contact Sync - Always keep your contacts up-to-date24/7with latest contact profile pictures from social networks.Keepyour address book contacts synced with pictures so you can knowwhocall. Sync.ME is best used for it’s caller ID and spamcallblocker. You can identify calls with our true caller ID.Blockannoying spam calls and robocalls with our top spam blockerapp.You can always know “who called me” with Sync.ME’s showcallerreverse phone lookup features. → Website:→Facebook: → Twitter:→Support: [email protected]
WeProfile 3.0.2
Kodnet Mobile
You can view any WhatsApp registerednumber'sProfile Picture, Status, Lastseen & OnlineTracker.WeProfile can be used for an unknown numbers serviceforWhatsApp!You can query;- WhatsApp profile pictures,- Status messages,- Last seen dates,- Online presecenceswith WeProfile.Also WeProfile Premium members can use auto-querywhichautomatically queries selected numbers several times each dayandnotifies on any changes.You can view your all contacts last seen dates and statusmessageswith profile pictures on the same time.Also you can save large and high quality profile pictures toyourgallery.WeProfile is an unique application which servicesWhatsApplastseens, status messages and profile pictures on the sameplace,and notifies on changes!Why to use WeProfile:- there is no way other for tracking WhatsAppprofilepictures,- you can query profile details for any WhatsApp numbersincludingblocked ones,- there is no other app to view contact list whatsappprofiledetails on a sheet,- you can query a number without adding to your phonebook,- WeProfile is also an unknown numbers app for WhatsApp!- WeProfile is unique on its lane, and should be in necessarilylistof your common apps.Try WeProfile now!You can auto-query your contact list details for free whenyouwish!WeProfile uses your contact list only with your permission toqueryyour contact's WhatsApp profile details. To do this,WeProfileneeds to collect your contact list and uploads it toWeProfilequery servers to query profile details. This action isexecutedtotally under and after your permission, otherwiseWeProfile doesnot query/collect/upload your contact listever.
Caller ID & Number Locator 8.6.3
Caller ID & Number Locator: find caller location,identifyincoming call
True Mobile Number Tracker 2.2
True Mobile Number Tracker allows you tosearchand locate true mobile caller number, fixed line or landlinephonenumbers in the world including 246 countries. True MobileNumberTracker will track the Geographic Location of an Incomingcallerlike City, State, Country and Service Providers of the phonenumberand show it on the Google Maps. True Mobile Number Trackerwill helpyou to find out the true location of a mobile caller ofincoming andoutgoing calls.Features of True Mobile Number Tracker:Track Caller Number: True Mobile Number Tracker will helps youtotrack true mobile caller numbers and fixed line or landlinenumbersfrom all over the world and show you from where you’regetting acall from like the City, State, Country and TelephoneOperator namewill be displayed on the screen and the GeographicLocation will beshown on the Google Maps. When you receive anincoming call, youwill see a popup notification by showing theCaller ID of anincoming caller and his geographic location detailsand operatordetails.Identify Caller ID and Location: Using True Mobile NumberTracker,you can easily see who is calling and identify unknownincomingcalls via the Caller ID Feature with name and locationinformation.Using this Caller ID option you can avoid UnknownCallers and adthem to blacklist. Caller ID help you to know thewhois calling youso you can take a call whether you want to attendthe call or not.As of now this application will not detectautomatically incomingSMS from which user it’s received. You canstill check those kindsof numbers from the incoming SMS by copyingthe phone number andsearch in Caller Locator option.Reverse Lookup Contacts & Call logs: By using ReverseLookupoption of Call Logs and Contacts, you can view the details ofyourcontacts like their Location of the Telecom Circle andServiceProvider/Telecom Operator Name. Using this option you cancheckyour phonebook contacts, their location offline. ReversePhonebookContacts Lookup will help you to identify your phone bookcontactslocation details. You can also see incoming caller’sdetails inCall Logs.Find ISD, STD Codes: True Mobile Number Tracker will help youtoeasily find STD Codes of 12,982 cities and 246 Countries ISD.Whenyou travel to a new place and when you wants to call somelocalnumber then it’s easy for you to refer STD, ISD Codes todialcorrect number. You can copy the STD or ISD Code to the dialerandthen type the remaining phone number to call a particularphonenumber using phone dialer.SPAM Caller Blocker: SPAM Caller Blocker allows you toidentifyunknown caller, block unwanted callers such astelemarketers, spamcallers, scam callers, fraudulent calls, blockednumber callers,unknown caller etc. You can manage Blocked listeasily. When youreceive an incoming call, if you wish to block thecall then it’seasy to add a number to Block List. You can add acaller number toblacklist. When caller added to a blacklist thenyou will neverreceive a call from blocked list user again but youcan makeoutgoing call to the blocked user. If any telemarketingguys orspam or scam callers are bothering you by calling you at oddtimesthen you can simply add them to blacklist and betensionfree.Search Details Offline: True Mobile Number Tracker will help youtofind any mobile number or a fixed line number’s location,operatorname, city name offline. You can also find STD, ISD Codesoffline.You don’t need an internet connection to search callerdetails orphone book contacts details using this optionoffline.Disclaimer: True Mobile Number Tracker will not show the exactandactual physical location/GPS location of the caller on GoogleMaps.It will show the location information is at State/Citylevelonly.
Vodafone Call+ & Message+
Vodafone Call+ & Message+ letyoucommunicate with more than just words.Vodafone Call+ brings your conversations to life! Now you can haveamore interactive and personal calling experience by addingcontenton the go. You can replace your phone button withVodafoneCall+!Discover everything that Vodafone Call+ offers:• Let your friends know why you are calling even before theyanswerby adding importance, a subject, your location and a picture,thatwill be visible when the call rings.• Share picture, location, contact card or any file while talking,without leaving the call.• Let others see through your eyes by switching to video onthemove• Leave a voice message or a text message when a call isnotanswered. This will be visible on your contact’s missedcallnotification thread.• View all the information and content shared within the callsfromyour logsDon’t miss any opportunity to start a conversation! Expressmorewith Vodafone Call+!Vodafone Message+ gathers all your messages in one inbox. Sendandreceive SMS or Chat with your friends or group of friends allfromthe same place. You can text anyone without the need to changetoother apps: your messages get through in the best way. Youcanreplace your message inbox with Vodafone Message+!Discover everything that Vodafone Message+ offers:• Text anyone and rest assured that your message will bedeliveredto any contacts regardless on the mobile or network• Get all your SMS and chat replies back in one single inbox andinone message thread per contact• Share photos, audio, videos and stickers withcontactsimmediately, even if they do not have Message+installed• Express yourself in new ways with fun stickers• Extended Message+ functions by installing Add-Ons• Chat with your Message+ friends and have as many group chatsyoulike at the same timeEnjoy a richer messaging experience with Vodafone Message+!Vodafone Call+&Message+ is exclusive forVodafonecustomers.Voice calls and SMS will be charged according to your tariffplan.Chat messages and multimedia content will use yourinternetconnection and data allowance (mobile or Wi-Fi). Call+ itis not aVoIP service and voice calls are triggered viaVodafonenetwork.Download Vodafone Call+ & Message+ for free now and get thebestof calls, SMS and chat.Please read and agree to the Vodafone Call+ & Message+ termsandconditions.
Vodafone Mobile Wi-Fi Monitor 2.1.18
The Vodafone Mobile Wi-Fi Monitor app gives an overview ofyourMobile Wi-Fi...
My Vodafone (TRNC) 3.2.4
KKTC Telsim
With My Vodafone, your online transactions are at your fingertips.
Vodafone Data Control 3.2.0
This app uses the Device Administrator permission. IMPORTANT:Thisapp requires your organisation to subscribe to the VodafoneDataControl Mobile Data Protection solution. Vodafone DataControlhelps you avoid data overages and protects your mobilenetworkagainst malicious or harmful content online. Vodafone DataControlallows you to follow your domestic and roaming data usageallowanceuntil the end of your billing cycle. Vodafone Data Controlkeepsyour device secure: • “Locate” your device on a map. •“Lock”remotely to prevent access to your misplaced device. • “Wipe”allyour company data if the device cannot be recovered. Downloadtheapp to set up your network protection and get clear visibilityofyour data usage. Note: Please note that the use ofLocationServices could impact your battery life. Vodafone DataControl hasbeen designed to secure your device efficiently tominimize thatimpact. This app uses the Device Administratorpermission.
Free Net India Tricks 11.0
MR Apps Dev
"Free internet for all and easy to connect digital world"Freeinternet method is very popular method in world. Many freeinternettricks are available in india but best tricks provided inthisapps. Today I would like to introduce the best free internettricks. Do not Worry Friends, now I have the tricks with which youcanuse 3g net without paying a rupee. So my dear friends if youwantto use free 3g internet with high speed then follow thestepsbelow- Free Net India Tricks Feature: - Airtel Free Net -VodafoneFree Net - Reliance Free Net - Tata Docomo Free Net - IdeaFree Net- BSNL Free Net - Free Facebook - Free Wifi -AirtelHandelar tricksVersion 11 Features:- -Airtel Free Internet Tricks-BSNL FreeInternet 3G Tricks -Vodafone Free Internet Tricks -AllIdea FreeInternet Tricks -Telenor Free Internet Tricks -Aircel FreeInternetTricks Feel free to download. This app does not containhackingtricks.This app contain only tips. Note: This appscontaineducational tips does not contain hacking method.Anycomplain justmail us!
Vodafone Chat+ Uganda 1.0.8
Vodafone Chat+ is a free app for yourphonethatlet you share more than just words. You can makeaudiocallsabsolutely free with anyone who has downloaded the app.Enjoyamore interactive and personal call by adding content on thego.Theapp is available as a free download in the appstore.Youcan:1. Mark your calls as important and type the reason for acall2. Personalise calls by adding your location or a photo3. Share messages, photos or videos – or switch to videochatduringa callWhen you download Chat+ app check your contacts – Chat+userswillappear in your contacts list with a status icon nexttotheirpicture. If you do not see any contact with the statusicon,theninvite your friend to start using the Chat+ app. Whentheyjoin,you will be notified instantly and they will appear asanChat+contact.Once that is done you will be able to call them for freeaswellas make free calls, conference calls, send textmessages.Opengroup chats and more. The app also work when in Wificoveragewhiletravelling abroad.So, if you you want to experience free HD qualitycallsandamazing range of features to enhance youcommunicationjustdownload Vodafone Chat+ .
Eg-Gate (Vodafone - Etisalat - 4.52
Vodafone-Etisalate-Orange-Tickets فودافون - إتصالات - أورانج-مخالفات - طوارئ
Chat+ par Vodafone Cameroon 1.0.9
Chat+ par Vodafone Cameroon vouspermetd'emettre des appels vocaux app-to-app et d‘envoyer desmessagesgratuitement a d’autres abonnes Vodafone Chat+.Gratuitementsignifie qu’il n’y aura pas de facturation de donnéestant que vousêtes un abonné avec une SIM Vodafone disposant aumoins 1 MB dedonnées. De plus, avec l’application vous pouvezprofiter desconversations personnelles et interactives en faisantdes appelsvidéos HD et en partageant des contenus tels que desphotos, vidéoset de la musique. Les appels vidéos et les donnéestransferéesseront facturés aux tarifs normaux.Vous pouvez également personnaliser l’application enajoutantvotre localisation et photo de profil.Quand vous téléchargez Chat+, dirigez-vous vers les contactsdansl’application. Les utilisateurs de Chat+ apparaitront dansvotreliste de contact avec une icône d’état près de l’image. Sivous nevoyez aucun contact avec cette icône , invitez vos amis àutiliserChat+. Une fois qu’ils vous auront rejoint, vous sereznotifiéinstantanément et ils apparaitront comme étant voscontactsChat+.Téléchargez Chat + dès aujourd'hui pour commencer à profiterdesappels app-to-app de HD de qualité et une gamme incroyabledefonctionnalités pour améliorer vos communications !Messenger byVodafoneCameroon lets you emit voice call app-to-app and send freemessagesto other subscribers Vodafone Messenger. Free means thatthere willbe no billing data as you are a subscriber with aVodafone SIM withat least 1 MB of data. Moreover, with theapplication you can enjoythe personal and interactive conversationsby making HD video callsand sharing content such as photos, videosand music. Video callsand transferred data will be charged atnormal rates.You can also customize the application by adding yourlocationand profile photo.When you download Messenger, go to the contacts intheapplication. Users of Messenger will appear in your contactlistwith a status icon next to the image. If you do not see anycontactwith this icon, invite your friends to use Messenger. Oncetheyhave joined you, you will be notified instantly and theywillappear as your Messenger contacts.Download Messenger today and start enjoying the app-to-appcallsHD quality and an incredible range of features to enhanceyourcommunications!
Komfort Cloud
Erleb mobile Freiheit! Mit DeinerKomfortCloud-App hast Du auch von unterwegs immer Zugriff aufDeineE-Mails, Fotos, Videos, Musik und wichtige Dokumente.▪ Verpass unterwegs keine wichtigen Nachrichten. Empfang undversendE-Mails, SMS, Fax- und Sprachnachrichten sicher aufDeinemSmartphone oder Tablet▪ Speicher Bilder, Videos und mehr von unterwegs online. SchauDirDeine Bilderalben unterwegs an.▪ Send Dateien aus der Komfort Cloud ganz einfach perE-Mail.Speicher E-Mail-Anhänge bequem in Deiner KomfortCloud.▪ Scann Briefe und Schriftstücke ganz einfach mit DeinemSmartphoneund archivier diese als PDF in Deiner sicheren KomfortCloud.▪ Falls du magst, kannst du in Deiner Komfort Cloud eineigenesAdressbuch pflegen. Der Vorteil: diese Kontakte stehen nichtimAdressbuch deines Smartphones und sind nur in DeinerKomfortCloud-App sichtbar. Datenhungrige Apps (z.B. InstantMessenger)können daher nicht auf diese Adressen zugreifen.▪ Mit Deiner Komfort Cloud kannst Du all Deine Dateien schnellundbequem mit Freunden und Deiner Familie teilen.Hol Dir jetzt die Komfort Cloud auf Dein Smartphone! EinfachdeineKabel E-Mail-Zugangsdaten eingeben und los geht’s. Hinweis:EinLogin mit Deinem Passwort für das MeinKabel Kundenportal istnichtmöglich.Deine Meinung ist uns wichtig. Hast Du Fragen oder Anregungen?Wirfreuen uns auf Dein Feedback. Schick uns Deine Frage einfachperE-Mail an [email protected] oder benutz das Kontaktformular inderKomfort Cloud App. Wir melden uns umgehend bei Dir zurück!Erleb mobile freedom!Withyour comfort Cloud App you have while on the go always haveaccessto your emails, photos, videos, music and importantdocuments. ▪ Verpass go any important messages. Reception and Versendemails,SMS, fax and voice messages securely on your smartphoneortablet▪ memory images, videos and more on the move online. Look atyourpicture albums on the go.▪ Send files from the comfort of cloud simply by e-mail.MemoryE-mail attachments comfortably in your comfort Cloud.▪ scan letters and documents easily with your smartphoneandarchived it as a PDF in your safe comfort Cloud.▪ If you like, you can maintain a private address in yourcomfortCloud. The advantage is that these contacts are not in theaddressbook of your smartphone and cloud app are visible only inyourcomfort. Data-hungry apps (for example, Instant Messenger) cannotaccess these addresses therefore.▪ With your comfort Cloud you can all your files quickly andeasilyshare with friends and your family. Get now the comfort Cloud on your smartphone! Just your cablee-mailaccess data typing and let's go. Note: A login with yourpasswordfor My Cable Customer Portal is not possible. Your opinion is important to us. If you have questionsorsuggestions? We are looking forward to your feedback. Send usyourquestion via e-mail to [email protected] or USER the contact inthecomfort Cloud App. We'll get back to you back!
Vodafone Torino 0.1
Con questa App puoi rimanere in contattoconloStore di Corso Potenza 103fWith this App youcanstayin touch with the Store Course 103f Power
Mobile Number Locator 4.1
Mobile Number Locator tracking is awonderfulapplication that traces the mobile number and even thelocation ofthat specified number from which you are receivingcalls. MobileNumber Locator tracking basically locates or track thename andlocation of caller. It can track the location of callerduring thecall and even tracks those number and their locationwhich are notsaved in your phonebook. The main advantage of thisapplication isthat you can use this application even you don’t haveany internetaccess and you are on offline mode you can getadvantage from thisapplication and track the number and location ofcaller.Why the user need to install Mobile NumberLocatorapplication?Mobile Number Locator tracking application is very beneficialforthose who wants to keep themselves save from scammers and whodon’twant to let strangers tease them. It is helpful for parents tokeepa check on their children and to get info about theirchildren.Parents can get info about their children about theirsafety,whether they are at safe place or not.. Also it helps theparentsto check whether their children are speaking truth or notwhen theyare at a place and they don’t want to disclose the placename totheir parents. This is very helpful for those who wants totracktheir close ones’ location. People need security fromstrangers tooso that they might not be scammed in daily lifecommunication andinteraction with stranger. This application helpthem get protectedfrom such frauds or scammers.
Chat+ 1.0.22
Vodafone Chat+ allows you to make truly FREEHDquality app-to-app voice calls and send FREE messages tootherVodafone Chat+ customers. Truly FREE means that there will benodata charges as long as you are a Vodafone SIM customer withDATAbalance of at least 1 MB.In addition with the App you can enjoy more interactive andpersonalconversations by making HD video calls and sharing contentsuch aspictures, video clips and music on the go. Video calls andcontenttransfer will be charged at normal Data rates.You can also personalize the app by adding your location andprofilepicture.When you download Chat+ go to Contacts within the App - Chat+userswill appear in your contacts list with a status icon next totheirpicture. If you do not see any contact with the status icon,inviteyour friends to start using Chat+. Once they join, you willbenotified instantly and they will appear as Chat+ contacts.Download Chat+ today to start experiencing truly FREE HDqualityapp-to-app calls and an amazing range of features to enhanceyourcommunication!
Whos call? - Caller ID Tracker 1.5
Dev Alan Ben
Remember the days of phonebooks?Whereeverynumber was listed in the white pages, and peoplecouldeasilyconnect with others? The mobile environment changedtheconcept ofphonebooks, making it more difficult to identifyunknowncallersand reconnect with those whose information you'vemisplaced.Andthat, is precisely what mobile number locator aims toachieve.Is The Internet's First Free And Real Caller IdService.IfSomebody Called You And You're Trying To Find Out WhoOwnsTheNumber, Use Our App To Quickly Do A "Reverse Lookup"AndDetermineWho Called You. Mobile Caller True Locator Can AssistYouToDiscover Mobile Caller, Phone Line CallersIdentity,Location,Caller Id, Mobile Network Name Etc And Show YouTheseDetailsWhereas You Receiving Calls.---------Features--------- Truecaller-Caller PRO identification of unknown callers- Truecaller-Caller PRO identification via internetsearchandtelephone directory- Customize Your Very Name Calling Advertiser.- Caller Location Tracker app is completely offline.- View list of your Call Logs with Area and operator name.- Caller ID - Helps you identify who’scallingbeforeanswering.- Simple and Best Caller Location app on your Android device.- Easily Track Caller Location with this app.- Enable / Disable Incoming Sender Name Only.- Change Snooze Announcements.- Choose Delay Time Between Ads.- Turn Announce While Silent Option Is Available.Phones numbers are operated through GSM (Global SystemforMobileCommunications) these GSM are capable of sending signalstoanysignal station that is within reach. Mobile Caller TrueLocatorCanNotice All Mobile Networks Calls And Show You TheResultsHoweverIt'll Not Notice Calls From Social Media AndAlternativeApp To AppCalls.